cortav  Check-in [b4009ca1bd]

Comment:unbreak build (oops sorry about that)
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SHA3-256: b4009ca1bd19bcf34e0e7553cfa1ac47b490975b0994ab320fd74aa1728bb188
User & Date: lexi on 2024-05-07 19:25:37
Other Links: manifest | tags
add missing subtitle support check-in: 362f9a6647 user: lexi tags: trunk
unbreak build (oops sorry about that) check-in: b4009ca1bd user: lexi tags: trunk
fix incorrect plural check-in: 3f5d6b4b81 user: lexi tags: trunk

Added bind/bind.h version [9c4f9e0a4b].

            1  +#pragma once
            2  +
            3  +#include <lua.h>
            4  +#include <lauxlib.h>
            5  +
            6  +#include <stddef.h>
            7  +#include <stdbool.h>
            8  +#include <stdint.h>
            9  +
           10  +#define _luafn(name) static int LX_##name (lua_State* l)
           11  +#define _export(name) lua_pushcfunction(l, LX_##name), lua_setfield(l, -2, #name);
           12  +
           13  +#define _luaret_bool(b) {lua_pushboolean(l, b); return 1;}
           14  +#define _luaAPI(mod, ...) int luaopen_bind_##mod (lua_State* l) { \
           15  +	lua_newtable(l); \
           16  +	__VA_ARGS__; \
           17  +	return 1; \
           18  +}
           19  +
           20  +/* this comment serves only to unfuck a GCC bug */

Added bind/net.c version [c79d47efa1].

            1  +#include "bind.h"
            2  +
            3  +#include <curl/curl.h>
            4  +
            5  +#define _str(...) #__VA_ARGS__
            6  +#define _e_tag "(native-bind " __FILE__ ":" _str(__LINE__) ") "
            7  +
            8  +static size_t
            9  +buffer_string
           10  +(	char*  ptr,
           11  +	size_t size,
           12  +	size_t nmemb,
           13  +	void*  dest
           14  +) {
           15  +	luaL_Buffer* const data = dest;
           16  +	luaL_addlstring(data, ptr, size*nmemb);
           17  +	return size*nmemb;
           18  +}
           19  +
           20  +_luafn(fetchURI) {
           21  +	const char* p_uri = luaL_checkstring(l,1);
           22  +
           23  +	CURL* h = curl_easy_init();
           24  +	if (!h) {
           25  +		lua_pushstring(l, _e_tag "libcurl failed to init");
           26  +		lua_error(l);
           27  +	}
           28  +
           29  +// 	int unwind = lua_gettop(l);
           30  +	luaL_Buffer download;
           31  +	luaL_buffinit(l, &download);
           32  +
           33  +	char ebuf [CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
           34  +	curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_URL,           p_uri);
           35  +	curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, buffer_string);
           36  +	curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA,     &download);
           37  +	curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,true);
           38  +	curl_easy_setopt(h, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER,   ebuf);
           39  +
           40  +	CURLcode e = curl_easy_perform(h);
           41  +	if (e == 0) {
           42  +		curl_easy_cleanup(h);
           43  +		luaL_pushresult(&download);
           44  +		return 1;
           45  +	} else {
           46  +// 		lua_settop(l,unwind);
           47  +		lua_pushnil(l);
           48  +		lua_pushstring(l, ebuf);
           49  +		return 2;
           50  +	}
           51  +}
           52  +
           53  +_luaAPI(net,
           54  +  _export(fetchURI));

Added bind/posix.c version [68a13b3104].

            1  +#include "bind.h"
            2  +
            3  +#include <unistd.h>
            4  +#include <stdio.h>
            5  +#include <assert.h>
            6  +
            7  +_luafn(getcwd) { /* getcwd() */
            8  +	size_t bufsz = 256;
            9  +	/* VLA resize hack */ for (;;) {
           10  +		char cwd [bufsz];
           11  +		if (getcwd(cwd, bufsz) == NULL) {
           12  +			assert(bufsz < (2 * 1024*1024)); /* sanity check */
           13  +			bufsz = bufsz * 2;
           14  +			continue;
           15  +		}
           16  +		lua_pushstring(l, cwd);
           17  +		return 1;
           18  +	}
           19  +}
           20  +
           21  +_luafn(isatty) { /* isatty(stream) */
           22  +	luaL_Stream* stream = lua_touserdata(l, 1);
           23  +	if (stream == NULL) return 0;
           24  +	int fd = fileno(stream -> f);
           25  +	_luaret_bool(isatty(fd));
           26  +}
           27  +
           28  +_luaAPI(posix,
           29  +	_export(getcwd);
           30  +	_export(isatty));

Added bind/strutils.c version [9bbacd41f1].

            1  +#include "bind.h"
            2  +
            3  +_luafn(rangematch) {
            4  +	luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
            5  +	luaL_checknumber(l, 2);
            6  +	luaL_checkstring(l, 3);
            7  +
            8  +	size_t strl = 0, matl = 0, start = lua_tointeger(l, 2)-1;
            9  +	const char* str = lua_tolstring(l, 1, &strl);
           10  +	const char* mat = lua_tolstring(l, 3, &matl);
           11  +	size_t to;
           12  +	if (start > strl || (to = start + matl) > strl) {
           13  +		_luaret_bool(false);
           14  +	}
           15  +	for (size_t i = start; i<to; ++i) {
           16  +		if (str[i] != mat[i - start]) _luaret_bool(false);
           17  +	}
           18  +	_luaret_bool(true);
           19  +}
           20  +
           21  +_luaAPI(strutils, _export(rangematch));

Added shell.nix version [0124789a13].

            1  +{pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, ...}:
            2  +
            3  +let debuggable = d: d.overrideAttrs(o: rec {
            4  +	dontStrip = true;
            5  +});
            6  +
            7  +in pkgs.mkShell {
            8  +	buildInputs = with pkgs; [
            9  +		lua5_4
           10  +		curl
           11  +	];
           12  +	shellHook = ''
           13  +		exec fish
           14  +	'';
           15  +	NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY = false;
           16  +}