cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [4b83863e2a]:

To Artifact [7452348c5b]:

  1070   1070   * [*html]: emit HTML and CSS code to typeset the document. [!in progress]
  1071   1071   * [*svg]: emit SVG, taking advantage of its precise layout features to produce a nicely formatted and paginated document. pagination can perhaps be accomplished through emitting multiple files (somewhat problematic) or by assigning one layer to each page. [!long term]
  1072   1072   * [*groff]: the most important output backend, rivalling [*html]. will allow the document to be typeset in a wide variety of formats, including PDF and manpage. [!in progress]
  1073   1073   * [*gemtext]: essentially a downrezzing of cortav to make it readable to Gemini clients
  1074   1074   * [*ast]: produces a human- and/or machine-readable dump of the document's syntax tree, to aid in debugging or for interoperation with systems that do not support `cortav` direcly. mode [`ast:repr] wil allow selecting formats for the dump. [`ast:rel] can be [`tree] (the default) to emit a hierarchical representation, or [`flat] to emit an array of nodes that convey hierarchy [^flatdoc by naming one another], rather than being placed inside one another. [`tree] is easier for humans to parse; [`flat] is easier for computers. origin information can be included for each node with the flag [`ast:debug-syms], but be aware this will greatly increase file size.
  1075   1075   ** [`tabtree] [!(default)]: a hierarchical tree view, with the number of tabs preceding an item showing its depth in the tree
  1076   1076   ** [`sexp]
  1077         -** [`binary]: emit a raw binary format that is easier for programs to read. maybe an lmdb or cdb file?
         1077  +** [`binary]: emit a raw binary format that is easier for programs to read. maybe a msgpack file?
  1078   1078   ** [`json]: obligatory, alas
  1079   1079   
  1080   1080   	flatdoc: ~~~flat sexp example output [scheme]~~~
  1081   1081   		(nodes
  1082   1082   			(section (id . "section1")
  1083   1083   				(anchor "introduction")
  1084   1084   				(kind . "ordinary")