cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [3985289eae]:

To Artifact [e689cbb41c]:

   251    251   				margin: 0.7em 0;
   252    252   				text-align: justify;
   253    253   			}
   254    254   			section {
   255    255   				margin: 1.2em 0;
   256    256   			}
   257    257   			section:first-child { margin-top: 0; }
          258  +		]];
          259  +		subtitle = [[
          260  +			.subtitle {
          261  +				color: @tone(0.3 20); 
          262  +				font-size: 1.2em;
          263  +				font-style: italic;
          264  +				margin-left: 1em;
          265  +			}
          266  +			blockquote + .subtitle {
          267  +				&::before {
          268  +					content: "ā€” ";
          269  +				}
          270  +			}
   258    271   		]];
   259    272   		accent = [[
   260    273   			@media screen {
   261    274   				body { background: @bg; color: @fg }
   262    275   				a[href] {
   263    276   					color: @tone(0.7 30);
   264    277   					text-decoration-color: @tone/0.4(0.7 30);
   868    881   			['horiz-rule'] = function(b,s)
   869    882   				return elt'hr'
   870    883   			end;
   871    884   			paragraph = function(b,s)
   872    885   				addStyle 'paragraph'
   873    886   				return tag('p', nil, sr.htmlSpan(b.spans, b, s), b)
   874    887   			end;
          888  +			subtitle = function(b,s)
          889  +				addStyle 'subtitle'
          890  +				return tag('div', {class='subtitle'}, sr.htmlSpan(b.spans, b, s), b)
          891  +			end;
   875    892   			directive = function(b,s)
   876    893   				-- deal with renderer directives
   877    894   				local _, cmd, args = b.words(2)
   878    895   				if cmd == 'page-title' then
   879    896   					if not opts.title then doctitle = args end
   880    897   				elseif b.critical then
   881    898   					b.origin:fail('critical HTML renderer directive ā€œ%sā€ not supported', cmd)