97 97 <div style="background:#65FCFF;color:#327E7F;height:1.5em;border:1px inset #47B0B2">P</div>
98 98 </div>
99 99 <div>
100 100 <div style="background:#D1FEFF;color:#327E7F;padding:0.3em"><strong>[P]</strong> Pulp</div>
101 101 </div>
102 102 </div>
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104 -this method can also be used to make paper with a higher yield: by milling papyrus instead of crafting it directly into paper, you'll get enough pulp to make slightly more paper than you would have with papyrus alone.
104 +this method can also be used to make paper with a higher yield: by milling papyrus instead of crafting it directly into paper, you'll get enough pulp to make slightly more paper than you would have with papyrus alone. (the same trick works for grains.)