sorcery  Check-in [f9d8ede806]

Comment:really unbreak imbue this time, also fix dumb rune bug
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SHA3-256: f9d8ede806d69389f4c0c7f841d61941594896327e359c787785c32d221443de
User & Date: lexi on 2021-07-05 03:24:04
Other Links: manifest | tags
add new god, add idol crafting recipes, fix bugs check-in: 6e7b450ec7 user: lexi tags: trunk
really unbreak imbue this time, also fix dumb rune bug check-in: f9d8ede806 user: lexi tags: trunk
bug fixes, add spellshatter visuals, maybe finally defuckulate imbuement effect? check-in: b24c5f49c7 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified data/runes.lua from [6661143040] to [829a9ad70b].

  1118   1118   								-- end
  1119   1119   								minetest.get_meta(npos):from_table(origmeta)
  1120   1120   								return npos, true
  1121   1121   							else
  1122   1122   								local nstack = ItemStack(ty)
  1123   1123   								nstack:get_meta():from_table(origmeta)
  1124   1124   								local leftover = ctx.caster:get_inventory():add_item('main',nstack)
  1125         -								if leftover and not leftover.is_empty() then
         1125  +								if leftover and not leftover:is_empty() then
  1126   1126   									minetest.add_item(ctx.caster:get_pos(), leftover)
  1127   1127   								end
  1128   1128   							end
  1129   1129   						end
  1130   1130   					else
  1131   1131   						return false
  1132   1132   					end

Modified vfx.lua from [d83b2a6c69] to [659d5f0d60].

   134    134   		local ppos = vector.add(po,tpos)
   135    135   		local dir = vector.direction(ppos,scenter)
   136    136   		local vel = math.random() * 0.8 + 0.4
   137    137   		local col if type(color) == 'function'
   138    138   			then col = color(i, {high = high, far = far, dir = dir, vel = vel, pos = po})
   139    139   			else col = color
   140    140   		end
          141  +		local et = math.floor((far/vel)*10)*.1
   141    142   		minetest.add_particle {
   142    143   			pos = ppos;
   143    144   			velocity = vector.multiply(dir,vel);
   144         -			expirationtime = far / vel;
          145  +			expirationtime = 0.4;
   145    146   			size = math.random()*2.4 + 0.6;
   146    147   			texture = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_sputter.png'):glow(col):render();
   147    148   			glow = 14;
   148    149   			animation = {
   149         -				type = 'vertical_frames', length = math.floor((far/vel)*10)*.10;
          150  +				type = 'vertical_frames', length = 0.4;
   150    151   				aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16
   151    152   			};
   152    153   		}
   153    154   	end
   154    155   end
   155    156   
   156    157   function sorcery.vfx.drip(liquid, noz, amt, time, exp)