sorcery  Check-in [b9235d8bfa]

Comment:fug bixes
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SHA3-256: b9235d8bfad1098890a07e9d6908f25e60be8a5a858484235d71f0f9a727046a
User & Date: lexi on 2021-07-07 13:08:36
Other Links: manifest | tags
add mounted keg for shelving units, fix altar visuals check-in: aba5ad057a user: lexi tags: trunk
fug bixes check-in: b9235d8bfa user: lexi tags: trunk
moretrees compat check-in: 641c891754 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified liquid.lua from [b7e36caf54] to [1c87060d5d].

   105    105   	for i = 1*f,M*f do
   106    106   		local top = L.image('sorcery_trough_top_overlay.png')
   107    107   		if liq then top = top:blit( 
   108    108   			L.image('sorcery_node_liquid.png'):multiply(L.color(liq.color))
   109    109   		) else top=top:blit(
   110    110   			L.image('sorcery_trough_bottom.png')
   111    111   		) end
   112         -		local ttlc = function(liq) return
          112  +		local ttlc = function(liq,i) return
   113    113   			liq and string.format('%s Trough', L.str.capitalize(,
   114    114   			liq and string.format('%s of %s', liq.measure(i * Q),
   115    115   		end
   116         -		local trough_title, trough_content = ttlc(liq)
          116  +		local trough_title, trough_content = ttlc(liq,i)
   117    117   		local function trough_caption(pos,i,l) 
   118         -			local trough_title, trough_content = ttlc(l or liq)
          118  +			local trough_title, trough_content = ttlc(l or liq,i)
   119    119   			minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string('infotext', i > 0 and string.format(
   120    120   				'%s\n(%s)', trough_title, trough_content
   121    121   			) or 'Empty Trough')
   122    122   		end
   123    123,lid(0))
   124    124   		minetest.register_node(':'..lid(i), {
   125    125   			description = liq and L.ui.tooltip {