sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [569141ccf4]:

To Artifact [68741b438c]:

  • File crafttools.lua — part of check-in [72eebac4bc] at 2020-09-26 18:49:51 on branch trunk — add writing stand for editing codexes; add scissors, ink, erasure fluid, pens; touch up codex UI; add many recipe notes; add craft divination type for crafttools; defuckulate fucktarded crafttool impl; enhance table library with missing features like lua's table.unpack; many bug fixes and enhancements; blood for the blood god (user: lexi, size: 1100) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

     1      1   minetest.register_on_craft(function(stack,crafter,recipe,grid)
     2         -	local ctoolclass = {
     3         -		[1] = 200;
     4         -		[2] = 100;
     5         -		[3] = 50;
     6         -		[4] = 10;
     7         -		[5] = 5;
     8         -	}
     9      2   	for i=1,grid:get_size('craft') do
    10      3   		local s = grid:get_stack('craft',i)
    11      4   		local v = minetest.get_item_group(s:get_name(),'crafttool')
    12      5   		if v ~= 0 then
    13         -			local dmg = 65536 / ctoolclass[v]
            6  +			local dmg = 65536 / v
    14      7   			local tool = recipe[i] 
    15      8   			tool:add_wear(dmg)
    16      9   			grid:set_stack('craft',i,tool)
    17     10   		end
    18     11   	end
    19     12   	return nil
    20     13   end)
    21     14   
    22         -if minetest.get_modpath('xdecor') then
    23         -	local og = minetest.registered_tools['xdecor:hammer'].groups
    24         -	og.crafttool = 2
    25         -	minetest.override_item('xdecor:hammer', {groups = og})
           15  +local mod_override = function(mod,name,val)
           16  +	if minetest.get_modpath(mod) then
           17  +		local id = mod..':'
           18  +		local og = minetest.registered_tools[id].groups
           19  +		og.crafttool = val
           20  +		minetest.override_item(id, {groups = og})
           21  +	end
    26     22   end
           23  +
           24  +mod_override('xdecor',     'hammer',     70)
           25  +mod_override('screwdriver','screwdriver',40)
    27     26   
    28     27   minetest.register_tool('sorcery:vice', {
    29     28   	description = 'Vice';
    30     29   	inventory_image = 'sorcery_vice.png';
    31         -	group = { crafttool = 3; }
           30  +	group = { crafttool = 100; }
    32     31   })
    33     32   minetest.register_craft {
    34     33   	output = 'sorcery:vice';
    35     34   	recipe = {
    36     35   		{'default:steel_ingot','sorcery:screw_steel','default:steel_ingot'};
    37     36   		{'default:bronze_ingot','sorcery:screw_steel','default:bronze_ingot'};
    38     37   		{'default:tin_ingot','default:tin_ingot','default:tin_ingot'};
    39     38   	};
    40     39   }
    41     40   -- chisel