Differences From
Artifact [e432fc7b5e]:
- File
— part of check-in
2020-09-26 18:49:51
on branch trunk
— add writing stand for editing codexes; add scissors, ink, erasure fluid, pens; touch up codex UI; add many recipe notes; add craft divination type for crafttools; defuckulate fucktarded crafttool impl; enhance table library with missing features like lua's table.unpack; many bug fixes and enhancements; blood for the blood god
size: 11980)
[check-ins using]
345 345 local id = 'sorcery:mill_grindhead_' .. name
346 346 minetest.register_tool(id,{
347 347 description = sorcery.lib.str.capitalize(name) .. ' Grinding Head';
348 348 inventory_image = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_mill_grindhead.png'):multiply(sorcery.lib.color(metal.tone)):render();
349 349 groups = { sorcery_mill_grindhead = 1, sorcery_metallurgy = 1 };
350 350 _proto = {
351 351 metal = name;
352 + };
353 + _sorcery = {
354 + recipe = {
355 + note = 'Needed by mills in order to operate. The stronger the metal, the longer the head lasts, the harder the materials it can pulverize, and the faster it grinds.';
356 + };
352 357 };
353 358 });
354 359 minetest.register_craft {
355 360 output = id;
356 361 recipe = {
357 362 {f,i,f};
358 363 {i,'',i};