sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [a738b55bd0]:

To Artifact [26201c3a3e]:

            1  +local cast_sparkle = function(ctx,color,strength,duration)
            2  +	minetest.add_particlespawner {
            3  +		amount = 70 * strength;
            4  +		time = duration or 1.5;
            5  +		attached = ctx.caster;
            6  +		texture = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_spark.png'):multiply(color):render();
            7  +		minpos = { x = -0.1, z =  0.5, y =  1.2}; 
            8  +		maxpos = { x =  0.1, z =  0.3, y =  1.6}; 
            9  +		minvel = { x = -0.5, z = -0.5, y = -0.5};
           10  +		maxvel = { x =  0.5, z =  0.5, y =  0.5};
           11  +		minacc = { x =  0.0, z =  0.0, y =  0.5};
           12  +		maxacc = { x =  0.0, z =  0.0, y =  0.5};
           13  +		minsize = 0.4, maxsize = 0.8;
           14  +		minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 1;
           15  +		glow = 14;
           16  +		animation = {
           17  +			type = 'vertical_frames';
           18  +			aspect_w = 16;
           19  +			aspect_h = 16;
           20  +			length = 1.1;
           21  +		};
           22  +	}
           23  +end
     1     24   local enchantment_sparkle = function(ctx,color)
           25  +	local minvel, maxvel
           26  +	if minetest.get_node(vector.add(,{y=1,z=0,x=0})).name == 'air' then
           27  +		minvel = {x=0,z=0,y= 0.3}  maxvel = {x=0,z=0,y= 1.5};
           28  +	else
           29  +		local dir = vector.subtract(,
           30  +		minvel = vector.multiply(dir, 0.3)
           31  +		maxvel = vector.multiply(dir, 1.2)
           32  +	end
     2     33   	return minetest.add_particlespawner {
     3     34   		amount = 50;
     4     35   		time = 0.5;
     5     36   		minpos = vector.subtract(, 0.5);
     6     37   		maxpos = vector.add(, 0.5);
     7         -		minvel = {x=0,z=0,y= 0.3}, maxvel = {x=0,z=0,y= 1.5};
     8         -		minacc = {x=-0.2,z=-0.2,y=-0.1}, maxacc = {x=0.2,z=0.2,y=-0.2};
           38  +		minvel = minvel, maxvel = maxvel;
     9     39   		minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 2;
    10     40   		minsize = 0.5, maxsize = 2;
    11     41   		texture = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_spark.png'):multiply(color):render();
    12     42   		animation = {
    13     43   			type = 'vertical_frames';
    14     44   			aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16;
    15     45   			length = 2;
   232    262   		affinity = {'apple','silent'};
   233    263   		uses = 128;
   234    264   		desc = 'Reveal the strength and affinities of the local leyline';
   235    265   		cast = function(ctx)
   236    266   			local color = ctx.base.gem == 'sapphire';
   237    267   			local duration = (ctx.base.gem == 'amethyst' and 4) or 2;
   238    268   			local ley = sorcery.ley.estimate(ctx.caster:get_pos())
   239         -			local emit = function(color,strength)
   240         -				minetest.add_particlespawner {
   241         -					amount = 70 * strength;
   242         -					time = duration * strength;
   243         -					attached = ctx.caster;
   244         -					texture = sorcery.lib.image('sorcery_spark.png'):
   245         -						multiply(color:brighten(1.3)):render();
   246         -					minpos = { x = -0.1, z =  0.5, y =  1.2}; 
   247         -					maxpos = { x =  0.1, z =  0.3, y =  1.6}; 
   248         -					minvel = { x = -0.5, z = -0.5, y = -0.5};
   249         -					maxvel = { x =  0.5, z =  0.5, y =  0.5};
   250         -					minacc = { x =  0.0, z =  0.0, y =  0.5};
   251         -					maxacc = { x =  0.0, z =  0.0, y =  0.5};
   252         -					minsize = 0.4, maxsize = 0.8;
   253         -					minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 1;
   254         -					glow = 14;
   255         -					animation = {
   256         -						type = 'vertical_frames';
   257         -						aspect_w = 16;
   258         -						aspect_h = 16;
   259         -						length = 1.1;
   260         -					};
   261         -				}
   262         -			end
   263    269   
   264    270   			local strength = ley.force
   265    271   			if color then
   266    272   				strength = strength / #ley.aff
   267    273   				for _,a in pairs(ley.aff) do
   268         -					emit(sorcery.lib.color([a].color), strength)
          274  +					cast_sparkle(ctx,sorcery.lib.color([a].color):brighten(1.3), strength, duration * strength)
   269    275   				end
   270    276   			else
   271         -				emit(sorcery.lib.color(250,255,185), strength)
          277  +				cast_sparkle(ctx,sorcery.lib.color(250,255,185), strength, duration*strength)
   272    278   			end
   273    279   
   274    280   		end;
   275    281   	};
   276    282   	dowse = {
   277    283   		name = 'dowsing';
   278    284   		leytype = 'cognic';
   308    314   	attune = {
   309    315   		name = 'attunement';
   310    316   		uses = 38;
   311    317   		color = {255,65,207};
   312    318   		leytype = 'syncretic';
   313    319   		affinity = {'pine','verdant','dark'};
   314    320   		desc = 'Establish a connection between mystic mechanisms, like connecting two sides of a portal or impressing targets onto a dowsing wand in an enchanter';
          321  +		cast = function(ctx)
          322  +			if not ( and == 'node') then
          323  +				ctx.meta:set_string('source','')
          324  +				cast_sparkle(ctx, sorcery.lib.color(234,45,100), 0.3)
          325  +				return true
          326  +			end
          327  +			local n = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(]
          328  +			if not (n and n._sorcery and n._sorcery.attune) then
          329  +				return false end -- just in case anyone casts on an undefined node
          330  +			local m = sorcery.lib.marshal
          331  +			local encpos, decpos = m.transcoder {
          332  +				x = m.t.s32, y = m.t.s32, z = m.t.s32;
          333  +				id = m.t.str;
          334  +			}
          335  +			local props = n._sorcery.attune
          336  +
          337  +			local rec = ctx.meta:get_string('source')
          338  +			local src
          339  +			if rec then
          340  +				local data = decpos(sorcery.lib.str.meta_dearmor(rec,true))
          341  +				local srcpos = {x=data.x,y=data.y,z=data.z}
          342  +				local srcnode = minetest.get_node(srcpos)
          343  +				local srcdef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
          344  +				if srcdef and srcdef._sorcery and srcdef._sorcery.attune then
          345  +					if sorcery.attunement.nodeid(srcpos) == then
          346  +						-- check for ink
          347  +						src = { 
          348  +							pos = srcpos;
          349  +							props = srcdef._sorcery.attune;
          350  +						}
          351  +					end
          352  +				end
          353  +			end
          354  +
          355  +			local color
          356  +			if src and src.props.source and
          357  +			   src.props.class == props.accepts and and
          358  +			   (not vector.equals(src.pos, then
          359  +				sorcery.attunement.pair(src.props.reciprocal or true, src.pos,
          360  +				ctx.meta:set_string('source','')
          361  +				color = sorcery.lib.color(255,130,75)
          362  +			elseif props.source then
          363  +				ctx.meta:set_string('source', sorcery.lib.str.meta_armor(encpos {
          364  +					x =;
          365  +					y =;
          366  +					z =;
          367  +					id = sorcery.attunement.nodeid(;
          368  +				},true))
          369  +				color = sorcery.lib.color(128,75,255)
          370  +			end
          371  +
          372  +			if color then enchantment_sparkle(ctx,color)
          373  +				else return false end
          374  +		end;
   315    375   	};
   316    376   	meld = {
   317    377   		name = 'melding';
   318    378   		uses = 48;
   319    379   		leytype = 'syncretic';
   320    380   		color = {172,65,255};
   321    381   		affinity = {'apple','verdant'};
   364    424   	disjoin = {
   365    425   		name = 'disjunction';
   366    426   		uses = 32;
   367    427   		color = {17,6,212};
   368    428   		leytype = 'occlutic';
   369    429   		affinity = {'jungle','silent'};
   370    430   		desc = 'With an enchanter, disjoin the anchor holding a spell into an object so a new spell can instead be bound in';
          431  +	};
          432  +	divine = {
          433  +		name = 'divining';
          434  +		desc = 'Steal away the secrets of the cosmos';
          435  +		uses = 16;
          436  +		color= {97,97,255};
          437  +		sound = 'xdecor:enchanting';
          438  +		leytype = 'cognic';
          439  +		affinity = {'pine','shimmering','dark','verdant'};
          440  +		cast = function(ctx)
          441  +			local inks = {'black','red','white','violet','blue','green'}
          442  +			local getcolor = function(stack)
          443  +				 if stack:is_empty() then return nil end
          444  +				 if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'dye') == 0 then return nil end
          445  +				 for _,ink in pairs(inks) do
          446  +					 if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), 'color_' ~= 0
          447  +						 then print('found',ink,'ink') return ink end
          448  +				 end
          449  +			end
          450  +			if not or ~= 'node' then return false end
          451  +			local tgt = minetest.get_node(
          452  +			if == 'sorcery:enchanter' then
          453  +				local meta = minetest.get_meta(
          454  +				local inv = meta:get_inventory()
          455  +				if inv:get_stack('item',1):get_name() == 'default:paper'
          456  +					and inv:get_stack('item',1):get_count() == 1
          457  +					and not inv:is_empty('foci') then
          458  +				   local ink1 = getcolor(inv:get_stack('foci',2))
          459  +				   local ink2 = getcolor(inv:get_stack('foci',3))
          460  +				   local restrict, kind, mod = {} do
          461  +					   local ms = inv:get_stack('foci',1)
          462  +					   if not ms:is_empty() then mod = ms:get_name() end
          463  +				   end
          464  +				   print(ink1,ink2,mod)
          465  +				   if ink1 == 'black' and ink2 == 'black' then kind = 'craft'
          466  +					   if mod then
          467  +						   if mod == then
          468  + = 'sorcery_magitech'
          469  +						   elseif mod == then
          470  + = 'sorcery_ley_device'
          471  +						   elseif mod == then
          472  + = 'sorcery_metallurgy'
          473  +						   elseif mod == then
          474  + = 'sorcery_enchanting_lens'
          475  +						   elseif mod == then
          476  + = 'sorcery_worship'
          477  +						   elseif mod == then
          478  + = 'sorcery_grease'
          479  +						   elseif mod == then
          480  + = 'sorcery_oil'
          481  +						   elseif mod == then
          482  + = 'sorcery_extract'
          483  +						   elseif mod == 'farming:sugar' then
          484  +							   restrict.mod = 'farming'
          485  +						   else return false end
          486  +					   end
          487  +				   elseif ink1 == 'black' and ink2 == 'white' then kind = 'infuse'
          488  +					   if mod then
          489  +						   if mod == then
          490  +							   restrict.mod = 'sorcery_draught'
          491  +						   elseif mod == then
          492  +							   restrict.mod = 'sorcery_philter'
          493  +						   elseif mod == then
          494  +							   restrict.mod = 'sorcery_elixirs'
          495  +						   else return false end
          496  +					   end
          497  +				   elseif ink1 == 'blue' and ink2 == 'violet' then kind = 'enchant'
          498  +					   if mod then
          499  +						   if mod == then
          500  +							   restrict.aff = 'praxic'
          501  +						   elseif mod == then
          502  +							   restrict.aff = 'counterpraxic'
          503  +						   elseif mod == then
          504  +							   restrict.aff = 'syncretic'
          505  +						   elseif mod == then
          506  +							   -- restrict.aff = 'mandatic' -- no enchants yet, will cause infinite loop
          507  +						   elseif mod == then
          508  +							   restrict.aff = 'entropic'
          509  +						   elseif mod == then
          510  +							   restrict.aff = 'cognic'
          511  +						   elseif mod == then
          512  +							   -- restrict.aff = 'occlutic'
          513  +						   elseif mod == then
          514  +							   -- restrict.aff = 'imperic'
          515  +						   else return false end
          516  +					   end
          517  +				   elseif ink1 == 'red' and ink2 == 'yellow' then kind = 'cook';
          518  +				   -- elseif ink1 == 'red' and ink2 == 'orange' then kind = 'smelt';
          519  +				   end
          520  +				   print('result',kind,dump(restrict))
          521  +				   if kind then
          522  +					   print('found kind')
          523  +					   local rec = ItemStack('sorcery:recipe')
          524  +					   local m = rec:get_meta()
          525  +					   if ctx.base.gem == 'diamond' then
          526  +						   -- make recipe for thing in slot 1
          527  +					   else
          528  +						   sorcery.cookbook.setrecipe(rec,kind,nil,restrict)
          529  +					   end
          530  +					   inv:set_stack('item',1,rec)
          531  +					   for i=1,inv:get_size('foci') do
          532  +						   local f = inv:get_stack('foci',i)
          533  +						   f:take_item(1)
          534  +						   inv:set_stack('foci',i,f)
          535  +					   end
          536  +					   enchantment_sparkle(ctx,sorcery.lib.color(97,97,255))
          537  +					   return
          538  +				   end
          539  +				end
          540  +			end
          541  +			return false
          542  +		end;
   371    543   	};
   372    544   	luminate = {
   373    545   		name = 'lumination';
   374    546   		desc = 'Banish darkness all about you for a few moments';
   375    547   		uses = 40;
   376    548   		color = {244,255,157};
   377    549   		affinity = {'acacia','shimmering','blazing'};