sorcery  Diff

Differences From Artifact [a570130d91]:

  • File wands.lua — part of check-in [72eebac4bc] at 2020-09-26 18:49:51 on branch trunk — add writing stand for editing codexes; add scissors, ink, erasure fluid, pens; touch up codex UI; add many recipe notes; add craft divination type for crafttools; defuckulate fucktarded crafttool impl; enhance table library with missing features like lua's table.unpack; many bug fixes and enhancements; blood for the blood god (user: lexi, size: 24418) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

To Artifact [2dc21e25ed]:

  • File wands.lua — part of check-in [3f6a913e4e] at 2020-09-29 12:40:28 on branch trunk — * remove former hacky registration system, replace with consistent and flexible API; rewrite metal/gem generation to take advantage of this new API; tweaks to init system to enable world-local tweaks to lore and sorcery behavior * initial documentation commit * initial steps towards calendar - add default date format, astrolabe; prepare infra for division/melding/transmutation spells, various tweaks and fixes (user: lexi, size: 24782) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

    32     32   			};
    33     33   		};
    34     34   		core = {
    35     35   			obsidian = {
    36     36   				item = 'default:obsidian_shard';
    37     37   				sturdiness = 1.5;
    38     38   			};
           39  +			diamond = {
           40  +				item = 'sorcery:shard_diamond';
           41  +				sturdiness = 1.7;
           42  +				reliability = 0.75;
           43  +			};
           44  +			mese = {
           45  +				item = 'default:mese_fragment';
           46  +				generate = 2;
           47  +			};
    39     48   			cobalt = {
    40     49   				item = 'sorcery:powder_cobalt';
    41     50   				power = 1.4;
    42     51   			};
    43     52   			iridium = {
    44     53   				item = 'sorcery:powder_iridium';
    45     54   				sturdiness = 1.25;
   368    377   				after_dig_node = function(pos,node,meta,digger)
   369    378   					local stack = meta.inventory.wand[1]
   370    379   					if stack and not stack:is_empty() then
   371    380   						-- luv 2 defensive coding
   372    381   						minetest.add_item(pos, stack)
   373    382   					end
   374    383   				end;
          384  +				groups = {
          385  +					not_in_creative_inventory = 1;
          386  +					sorcery_wand_stand = 1;
          387  +					choppy = 2;
          388  +					oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2;
          389  +				};
   375    390   				on_rightclick = function(pos,node,user,stack)
   376    391   					local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
   377    392   					local stand = meta:get_inventory()
   378    393   					local wand = stand:get_stack('wand',1)
   379    394   					if stack:is_empty() then
   380    395   						stack = wand
   381    396   					else
   698    713   		"default_aspen_wood.png";
   699    714   		"sorcery_wandworking_station_side.png";
   700    715   	}
   701    716   	local base = {
   702    717   		description = "Wandworking Station";
   703    718   		groups = {
   704    719   			choppy = 2;
          720  +			not_in_creative_inventory = water and 1 or nil;
   705    721   		};
   706    722   		paramtype2 = 'facedir';
   707    723   		on_construct = function(pos)
   708    724   			local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
   709    725   			local inv = meta:get_inventory()
   710    726   			inv:set_size('tank',4)
   711    727   			inv:set_size('input',1)