cortav  Check-in [c30f235b93]

Comment:fix typo
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SHA3-256: c30f235b931d1814d0ecdb7774ae18cf2470547401e55d334f16572a67c6ca3e
User & Date: lexi on 2022-09-05 20:46:49
Other Links: manifest | tags
progress on resources + block macros; fix toc bug; add uri, fetch scaffolding, and b64e to sirsem check-in: 3ee2195d4f user: lexi tags: trunk
fix typo check-in: c30f235b93 user: lexi tags: trunk
cleanup check-in: e551f71321 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified cortav.ct from [1f89ec5932] to [99aafd4711].

   764    764   + build | [`build] |  the directory where generated objects will be placed; useful for out-of-tree builds
   765    765   + bin-prefix | [`[$$prefix]/bin] | directory to install the executables to"
   766    766   + default-format-flags | [`-m html:width 35em] | a list of flags that will be passed by the viewer script to [`cortav] when generating a html fille
   767    767   
   768    768   the following targets are supplied to automate the build:
   769    769   * [`install] builds everything, installs the bytecode-executable and the viewer script to [$$bin_prefix], and registers the viewer script with XDG
   770    770   * [`install-bin] is like [`install] but installs the binary version instead of the bytecode one
   771         -* [`excise] deletes everything installed and deregisters the file handlers (note that the same variables must be passed to [`exicse] as were passed to [`install]!)
          771  +* [`excise] deletes everything installed and deregisters the file handlers (note that the same variables must be passed to [`excise] as were passed to [`install]!)
   772    772   * [`clean] deletes build artifacts from the [$$build] directory like it was never there
   773    773   * [`wipe] is equivalent to [`$ make excise && make clean]
   774    774   
   775    775   if you don't want to install [`cortav], you can just run [`$ make] without arguments to build the executable.
   776    776   
   777    777   there are two different ways of building the driver. one is to generate a bytecode file that can be executed directly as a script. this is the most straightforward method, and requires only [`lua] and [`luac]. however, it has several substantial downsides: because it's only a bytecode file, it requires the [`lua] interpreter to run -- and in some environments, the security characteristics of the [`lua] interpreter may make this undesirable. it also must hardcode the path to the lua interpreter (though admittedly this is easy enough to fix if you copy it to another machine of the same architecture). [`lua] is not an entirely predictable environment, as it is controlled by environment variables and may hypothetically do things like load default libraries or alter paths in ways that disrupt the workings of [`cortav]. finally, because the bytecode file is not a binary executable, it cannot directly be given enhanced capabilities on unix-like systems through filesystem metadata -- SUID and caps will be ignored by the kernel. while this is of no importance in ordinary operation, there are niche cases where this could be troublesome.
   778    778