cortav  Check-in [83a68319da]

Comment:defuckered the cli driver so syntax errors will display instead of triggering a panic in the binary wrapper
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SHA3-256: 83a68319da617be49d31e65a001ad0d9257d6edef5bff1911c272defbf5ba6bf
User & Date: lexi on 2021-12-27 05:52:01
Other Links: manifest | tags
add hue spread check-in: 560e69cc54 user: lexi tags: trunk
defuckered the cli driver so syntax errors will display instead of triggering a panic in the binary wrapper check-in: 83a68319da user: lexi tags: trunk
more tweaks, fixes, and additions than i can keep track of. major additions to documentation. spiffed up html renderer's footnotes and TOC dramatically check-in: e51980e07a user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified cli.lua from [ad6ab18d31] to [9f14981767].

   216    216 = file
   217    217   		input.src.file = args[1]
   218    218   	end
   219    219   
   220    220   	return main(input, outp, log, mode, suggestions, vars, extrule)
   221    221   end
   222    222   
   223         --- local ok, e = pcall(entry_cli)
   224         -local ok, e = true, entry_cli()
          223  +local ok, e = pcall(entry_cli)
          224  +-- local ok, e = true, entry_cli()
   225    225   if not ok then
   226    226   	local str = 'translation failure'
   227    227   	if then
   228    228   		str = e.kind.desc
   229    229   	end
   230    230   	local color = false
   231    231   	if log:seek() == nil then