cortav  Check-in [4409bfef8b]

Comment:idr fam im tired
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SHA3-256: 4409bfef8bebd4a655a50e1ca2fb7fdceb1b538dad9b6f0580ddc44dc110c2d1
User & Date: lexi on 2022-12-14 10:22:18
Other Links: manifest | tags
fix css check-in: cf42cc180c user: lexi tags: trunk
idr fam im tired check-in: 4409bfef8b user: lexi tags: trunk
add namespace/source commentary sections; get scope directives working check-in: b5a3802b71 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified cortav.ct from [e74ca97d6f] to [996aa283a7].

   557    557   you should always give your styles semantic names where practicable, instead of simply describing their graphical characteristics. this is good practice in general, but especially because your document will be renderable to different formats with different characteristics, and what makes text look important on a manpage in the terminal may be quite different from how it looks in a webpage or PDF.
   558    558   
   559    559   ##dir directives
   560    560   	d: [`%[*[##1]]]
   561    561   	dd: [`%[*[##1]] [#2]]
   562    562   * {d author} encodes document authorship. multiple author directives can be issued to add additional coauthors
   563    563   * {d cols} specifies the number of columns the next object should be rendered with
   564         -* {d include} transcludes another file
   565         -* {d import} reads in the contents of another file as an embeddable section
          564  +* {d include} transcludes another file (but see also [>rsrc])
          565  +* {d with} imports symbols from another scope:
          566  +** {dd with|[$section]} imports all symbols in [$section]
          567  +** {dd with|[$section].[$object]} imports [$object] from [$section]
          568  +** {dd with|[$name]=[$section]} creates a local alias [$name] for [$section]
          569  +** {dd with|[$name]=[$section].[$object]} imports [$object] from [$section] under the name [$name]
          570  +* {d global} exports all symbols in the current section so they can be used unprefixed from any other section
          571  +** {dd global|[$section]} exports all symbols in [$section]
          572  +** {dd global|[$section].[$object]} exports [$object] from [$section]
          573  +** {dd global|[$name]=[$section]} creates a global alias [$name] for [$section]
          574  +** {dd global|[$name]=[$section].[$object]} exports [$object] from [$section] under the name [$name]
   566    575   * {d quote} transcludes another file, without expanding the text except for paragraphs 
   567         -* {d embed}, where possible, embeds another file as an object within the current one. in HTML this could be accomplished with e.g. an iframe.
   568    576   * {d expand} causes the next object (usually a code block) to be fully expanded when it would otherwise not be
   569    577   * {d font} controls the font stack, for outputs that support changing fonts. see [>fonts fonts] for more information.
   570    578   * {d lang} changes the current language, which is used by extensions to e.g. control typographical conventions, and may be encoded into the output by certain renderers (e.g. HTML). note that quotes and blockquotes can be set to a separate language with a simpler syntax. the language should be notated using IETF language tags
   571         -** {d lang is x-ranuir-Cent-CR8} sets the current language to Ranuir as spoken in the Central Worlds, written in Corran and encoded using C6B+U8L (which can also be interpreted as UTF-8, albeit with some lost semantics). this might be used at the top of a document to set its primary language.
   572         -** {d lang push gsw-u-sd-chzh} temporarily switches to Zürich German, e.g. to quote a German passage in an otherwise Ranuir document
   573         -** {d lang sec en-US} switches to American English for the duration of a section. does not affect the language stack.
          579  +** {dd lang is|x-ranuir-Cent-CR8} sets the current language to Ranuir as spoken in the Central Worlds, written in Corran and encoded using C6B+U8L (which can also be interpreted as UTF-8, albeit with some lost semantics). this might be used at the top of a document to set its primary language.
          580  +** {dd lang push|gsw-u-sd-chzh} temporarily switches to Zürich German, e.g. to quote a German passage in an otherwise Ranuir document
          581  +** {dd lang sec|en-US} switches to American English for the duration of a section. does not affect the language stack.
   574    582   ** {d lang pop} drops the current language off the language stack, returning to whatever was pushed or set before it. this would be used, for instance, at the end of a passage
   575    583   * {d pragma} supplies semantic data about author intent, the kind of information the document contains and hints about how it should be displayed to the user. think of them like offhand remarks to the renderer -- there's no guarantee that it'll pay any attention, but if it does, your document will look better. pragmas have no scope; they affect the entire document. the pragma function exists primarily as a means to allow parameters that would normally need to be specified on e.g. the command line to be encoded in the document instead in a way that multiple implementations can understand. a few standard pragmas are defined.
   576    584   ** {d pragma layout} gives a hint on how the document should be layed out. the first hint that is understood will be applied; all others will be discarded. standard hints include:
   577    585   *** [`essay]
   578    586   *** [`narrative]
   579    587   *** [`screenplay]: uses asides to denote actions, quotes for dialogue
   580    588   *** [`stageplay]: uses asides to denote actions, quotes for dialogue

Modified cortav.lua from [06fed19c69] to [8866cd9ea2].

  1757   1757   	end
  1758   1758   	if v.raw then
  1759   1759   		return val, true
  1760   1760   	else
  1761   1761   		return ct.parse_span(val, v.origin), false
  1762   1762   	end
  1763   1763   end
         1764  +
         1765  +function ct.linkspans(link)
         1766  +	if link.spans and next(link.spans) then return link.spans end
         1767  +
         1768  +	local o, id, s = link.origin:ref(link.ref)
         1769  +	if o then --TODO
         1770  +		if type(o) == 'table' then
         1771  +		end
         1772  +		return {id}
         1773  +	else -- it's a section link
         1774  +		if s.heading_node then
         1775  +			return s.heading_node.spans
         1776  +		end
         1777  +	end
         1778  +
         1779  +	-- give up; the renderer decides how to represent this link
         1780  +end

Modified makefile from [a11f003028] to [53dba558cc].

    57     57   lua-standalone = $(if $(lua-lib-prefix),$(lua-lib-prefix)/liblua.a,-llua)
    58     58   lua-bindeps = -lm -ldl
    59     59   
    60     60   ifneq ($(filter net,$(binds-names)),)
    61     61       lua-bindeps += -lcurl
    62     62   endif
    63     63   
    64         -ifneq (luac-broken,)
           64  +ifneq ($(luac-broken),)
    65     65       comp-lua = $(if $(debug),,env strip=1) $(lua) tool/luac.lua $1 $(if $2,>$2)
    66     66   else
    67     67       comp-lua = $(luac) $(if $(debug),,-s) -o $(if $2,$2,-) $1
    68     68   endif
    69     69   
    70     70   # by default, we fetch and parse information about encodings we
    71     71   # support so that cortav can do fancy things like format math

Modified render/html.lua from [e9754e6e72] to [2e06151bbc].

   762    762   
   763    763   		function span_renderers.raw(v,b,s)
   764    764   			return htmlSpan(v.spans, b, s)
   765    765   		end
   766    766   
   767    767   		function,b,s)
   768    768   			local href = idLink(sp.ref,b)
   769         -			return tag('a',{href=href}, next(sp.spans) and htmlSpan(sp.spans,b,s) or href)
          769  +			local lsp = ct.linkspans(sp)
          770  +			return tag('a',{href=href}, lsp and htmlSpan(lsp,b,s) or href)
   770    771   		end
   771    772   
   772    773   		span_renderers['line-break'] = function(sp,b,s)
   773    774   			return elt('br')
   774    775   		end
   775    776   
   776    777   		function span_renderers.macro(m,b,s)