cortav  Check-in [0ef3dd0c77]

Comment:defuck xref structure
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SHA3-256: 0ef3dd0c77ac205fcaa5d82701bfcf9cde21debf43cfb885e181c99a3e4f5a4b
User & Date: lexi on 2022-09-10 03:16:42
Other Links: manifest | tags
better footnotes, update syntax def, delete broken old span check-in: a8358d587d user: lexi tags: trunk
defuck xref structure check-in: 0ef3dd0c77 user: lexi tags: trunk
add xref blocks, minor refactors check-in: 76fe4885f4 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified render/html.lua from [8ab06e9795] to [4a60de4c59].

   832    832   				local href
   833    833   				if b.uri then
   834    834   					href = htmlURI(b.uri)
   835    835   				elseif b.ref then
   836    836   					href = idLink(b.ref, b)
   837    837   				end
   838    838   				local sp = sr.htmlSpan(b.spans, b, s)
   839         -				return tag('div', {},
   840         -					catenate{tag('a',{class='link', href=href},sp)})
          839  +				return tag('a',{class='link', href=href},
          840  +					catenate{tag('div', {}, sp)})
   841    841   			end;
   842    842   			table = function(b,s)
   843    843   				local tb = {}
   844    844   				for i, r in ipairs(b.rows) do
   845    845   					local row = {}
   846    846   					for i, c in ipairs(r) do
   847    847   						table.insert(row, tag(c.header and 'th' or 'td',