cortav  makefile at [d1b7d2fd5f]

File makefile artifact ac8c1379b3 part of check-in d1b7d2fd5f

# [ʞ] makefile
#  ~ lexi hale <>
#  🄯 AGPLv3
#  ? this script performs the tasks necessary to produce a mostly
#    standalone cortav executable from the source files in the
#    repository. it assumes the presence of the following tools
#    in $SHELL or in $PATH:
#     * which    * cat
#     * mkdir    * echo
#     * install  * lua
#     * luac     * sh
#    if any are not present, the build will fail, although a missing
#    `which` can be worked around by specifying the paths to lua, luac,
#    and `sh` directly
#    eventually you will be able to set a "standalone" variable to
#    create a truly standalone binary, by embedding the binary in a
#    C program and statically linking it to lua.

lua != which lua
luac != which luac
sh != which sh

extens = $(wildcard ext/*.lua)
extens-names ?= $(basename $(notdir $(extens)))
rendrs = $(wildcard render/*.lua)
rendrs-names ?= $(basename $(notdir $(rendrs)))

build = build
executable = cortav
default-format-flags = -m html:width 40em

prefix = $(HOME)/.local
bin-prefix = $(prefix)/bin
share-prefix = $(prefix)/share/$(executable)

# by default, we fetch and parse information about encodings we
# support so that cortav can do fancy things like format math
# equations by character class (e.g. italicizing variables)
# this is not necessary for parsing the format, and can be
# disabled by blanking the encoding-data list when building
# ($ make encoding-data=)
encoding-data  = ucstbls
encoding-files = $(patsubst %,$(build)/,$(encoding-data))
encoding-data-ucs =

$(build)/$(executable): sirsem.lua $(encoding-files) cortav.lua $(rendrs) $(extens) cli.lua | $(build)/
	@echo ' » building with extensions $(extens-names)'
	@echo ' » building with renderers $(rendrs-names)'
	echo '#!$(lua)' > $@
	luac -o - $^ >> $@
	chmod +x $@

$(build)/cortav.html: cortav.ct $(build)/$(executable) | $(build)/
	$(build)/$(executable) $< -o $@ -m render:format html -y html:fossil-uv

.PHONY: syncdoc
syncdoc: $(build)/cortav.html
	fossil uv add $< --as cortav.html
	fossil uv sync

.PHONY: clean
	rm -f $(build)/cortav $(build)/cortav.html $(build)/velartrill-cortav-view.desktop $(build)/

$(build)/ desk/
	echo >$@ "#!$(sh)"
	echo >>$@ 'cortav_exec="$(bin-prefix)/$(executable)"'
	echo >>$@ 'cortav_flags="$${ct_format_flags-$(default-format-flags)}"'
	cat $< >> $@
	chmod +x $@

$(build)/velartrill-cortav-view.desktop: desk/cortav-view.desktop
	cp $< $@
	echo "Exec=$(bin-prefix)/" >>$@

	mkdir -p $@

$(build)/unicode.txt: | $(build)/
	curl $(encoding-data-ucs) > $@
$(build)/ $(build)/unicode.txt tools/ucs.lua | $(build)/
	$(lua) tools/ucs.lua $< | $(luac) -o $@ -

.PHONY: install
install: $(build)/cortav $(build)/ $(build)/velartrill-cortav-view.desktop | $(bin-prefix)/
	install $(build)/$(executable)  $(bin-prefix)
	install $(build)/ $(bin-prefix)
	xdg-mime         install desk/velartrill-cortav.xml
	xdg-desktop-menu install $(build)/velartrill-cortav-view.desktop
	xdg-mime         default velartrill-cortav-view.desktop text/x-cortav

.PHONY: excise
excise: $(build)/velartrill-cortav-view.desktop
	xdg-mime         uninstall desk/velartrill-cortav.xml
	xdg-desktop-menu uninstall $(build)/velartrill-cortav-view.desktop
	rm $(bin-prefix)/$(executable)
	rm $(bin-prefix)/

.PHONY: wipe
wipe: excise clean