cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [fcb217abd6]:

To Artifact [96194d0b88]:

   222    222   <A> …oh, [!fuck].
   223    223   (signal lost)
   224    224   ~~~
   225    225   
   226    226   # reference implementation
   227    227   the cortav standard is implemented in [$cortav.lua], found in this repository. only the way [$cortav.lua] interprets the cortav language is defined as a reference implementation; other behaviors are simply how [$cortav.lua] implements the specification and may be copied, ignored, tweaked, violently assaulted, or used as inspiration by a compliant parser.
   228    228   
   229         -## invocation
   230         -[$cortav.lua] is operated from the command line, either with the command [$lua cortav.lua] or by first compiling it to bytecode; a makefile for producing a "bytecode binary" that can be executed like a normal executable is included in the repository. henceforth it will be assumed you are using the compiled form; if you are instead running [$cortav.lua] directly as an interpreted script, just replace [$$ cortav] with [$$ lua cortav.lua] in incantations.
          229  +the reference implementation can be used both as a lua library and from the command line. [$cortav.lua] contains the parser and renderers, [$ext/*] contain various extensions, [$sirsem.lua] contains utility functions, and [$cli.lua] contains the CLI driver.
          230  +
          231  +## lua library
          232  +there are various ways to use cortav from a lua script; the simplest however is probably to precompile your script with luac and link in the necessary components of the implementation. for instance, say we have the following program
          233  +
          234  +~~~ stdin2html.lua [lua] ~~~
          235  +local ct = require 'cortav'
          236  +local mode = {}
          237  +local doc = ct.parse(io.stdin, {file = '(stdin)'}, mode)
          238  +doc.stage = {
          239  +	kind = 'render';
          240  +	format = 'html';
          241  +	mode = mode;
          242  +}
          243  +output:write(ct.render.html(doc, {accent = '320'}))
          244  +~~~
          245  +
          246  +and the only extension we need is the table-of-contents extension. our script can be translated into a self-contained lua bytecode blob with the following command
          247  +
          248  +~~~
          249  +$ luac -s -o $cortav_repo/{sirsem,cortav,ext/toc}.lua stdin2html.lua
          250  +~~~
          251  +
          252  +and can then be operated with the command [$lua], with no further need for the cortav repository files. note that the order of the [$luac] command is important! [$sirsem.lua] must come first, followed by [$cortav.lua], followed by any extensions. your driver script (i.e. the script with the entry point into the application) should always come last.
          253  +
          254  +## command line driver
          255  +the [$cortav.lua] command line driver can be run from the repository directory with the command [$lua ./cli.lua], or by first compiling it into a bytecode form that links in all its dependencies. this is the preferred method for installation, as it produces a self-contained executable which loads more quickly, but running the driver in script form may be desirable for development or debugging.
          256  +
          257  +the repository contains a GNU makefile to automate compilation of the reference implementation on unix-like OSes. simply run [$$ make cortav] or [$$ gmake cortav] from the repository root to produce a self-contained bytecode executable that can be installed anywhere on your filesystem, with no dependencies other than the lua interpreter.
          258  +
          259  +! note that the makefile strips debugging symbols to save space, so running [$cli.lua] directly as a script may be helpful if you encounter errors and need stacktraces or other debugging information.
          260  +
          261  +henceforth it will be assumed that you have produced the [$cortav] executable and placed it somewhere in your [$$PATH]; if you are instead running [$cortav.lua] directly as an interpreted script, you'll need to replace [$$ cortav] with [$$ lua ./cli.lua] in incantations.
   231    262   
   232    263   when run without commands, [$cortav.lua] will read input from standard input and write to standard output. alternately, a source file can be given as an argument. to write to a specific file instead of the standard output stream, use the [$-o [!file]] flag.
   233    264   
   234    265   ~~~
   235    266   $ cortav readme.ct -o readme.html
   236    267   	# reads from readme.ct, writes to readme.html
   237    268   $ cortav -o readme.html