cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [f4ce452531]:

To Artifact [05c1f2d6b4]:

   684    684   	local function getSpanRenderers(procs)
   685    685   		local tag, elt, catenate = procs.tag, procs.elt, procs.catenate
   686    686   		local span_renderers = {}
   687    687   		local plainrdr = getBaseRenderers(tagproc.toTXT, span_renderers)
   688    688   		local htmlSpan = getBaseRenderers(procs, span_renderers).htmlSpan
   689    689   
   690    690   		function span_renderers.format(sp,...)
   691         -			local tags = { strong = 'strong', emph = 'em', strike = 'del', insert = 'ins', literal = 'code', variable = 'var'}
          691  +			local tags = {
          692  +				strong = 'strong';
          693  +				emph = 'em';
          694  +				strike = 'del';
          695  +				insert = 'ins';
          696  +				literal = 'code';
          697  +				variable = 'var';
          698  +				super = 'sup';
          699  +				sub = 'sub';
          700  +				underline = 'u';
          701  +			}
   692    702   			if == 'literal' and not opts['fossil-uv'] then
   693    703   				addStyle 'code'
   694    704   			elseif == 'strike' or == 'insert' then
   695    705   				addStyle 'editors_markup'
   696    706   			elseif == 'variable' then
   697    707   				addStyle 'var'
   698    708   			end
   764    774   				ct.parse_span(m.macro, b.origin), b,s)
   765    775   			local r = b.origin:ref(macroname)
   766    776   			if type(r) ~= 'string' then
   767    777   				b.origin:fail('%s is an object, not a reference',
   768    778   			end
   769    779   			local mctx = b.origin:clone()
   770    780   			mctx.invocation = m
   771         -			return htmlSpan(ct.parse_span(r, mctx),b,s)
          781  +			local ir = ct.parse_span(r, mctx)
          782  +			-- even though this happens at render time, it really shouldn't;
          783  +			-- we pretend this is happening as part of the document job
          784  +			local j = b.origin.doc.docjob
          785  +			for fn, ext, state in j:each('hook', 'doc_macro_expand_span') do
          786  +				local r = fn(j:delegate(ext), ir, b)
          787  +				if r then ir = r end
          788  +			end
          789  +			return htmlSpan(ir, b, s)
   772    790   		end
   773    791   		function span_renderers.math(m,b,s)
   774    792   			addStyle 'math'
   775    793   			local spans = {}
   776    794   			local function fmt(sp, target)
   777    795   				for i,v in ipairs(sp) do
   778    796   					if type(v) == 'string' then