cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [f159ef53c2]:

To Artifact [78b49cf252]:

   611    611   		end
   612    612   
   613    613   		function span_renderers.raw(v,b,s)
   614    614   			return htmlSpan(v.spans, b, s)
   615    615   		end
   616    616   
   617    617   		function,b,s)
          618  +			local dest_o, _, dest_s = b.origin:ref(sp.ref)
   618    619   			local href
   619         -			if b.origin.doc.sections[sp.ref] then
   620         -				href = '#' .. getSafeID(sp)
          620  +			if dest_o == nil then
          621  +				-- link is to the section itself
          622  +				href = '#' .. getSafeID(dest_s)
   621    623   			else
   622         -				if sp.addr then href = sp.addr else
   623         -					local r = b.origin:ref(sp.ref)
   624         -					if type(r) == 'table' then
   625         -						href = '#' .. getSafeID(r)
   626         -					else href = r end
          624  +-- 				if sp.addr then href = sp.addr else
          625  +				if type(dest_o) == 'table' then
          626  +					href = '#' .. getSafeID(dest_o)
          627  +				else -- URI in reference
          628  +					local uri = ss.uri(dest_o)
          629  +					if uri.class[1] == 'file'
          630  +					or uri.class[1] == 'asset' then
          631  +						if uri.namespace == 'localhost' then
          632  +							-- emit an actual file url
          633  +							href = 'file://' .. uri:construct('path','frag')
          634  +						elseif uri.namespace == nil then
          635  +							-- this is gonna be tricky. first we establish the location
          636  +							-- of the CWD/asset base relative to the output file (if any;
          637  +							-- assume equivalent otherwise) then express the difference
          638  +							-- as a directory prefix.
          639  +							-- jk tho for now we just emit the path+frag sadlol TODO
          640  +							href = uri:construct('path','frag')
          641  +						else
          642  +							b.origin:fail('file: URI namespace must be empty or “localhost” for HTML links; others are not meaningful (offending URI: “%s”)', dest_o)
          643  +						end
          644  +					elseif uri:canfetch() == 'http' then
          645  +						local sc = 'http'
          646  +						if uri.class[1] == 'https' or uri.class[2] == 'tls' then
          647  +							sc = 'https'
          648  +						end
          649  +						if uri.namespace == nil and uri.auth == nil and uri.svc == nil then
          650  +							-- omit the scheme so we can use a relative path
          651  +							href = uri:construct('path','query','frag')
          652  +						else
          653  +							uri.class = {sc}
          654  +							href = tostring(uri)
          655  +						end
          656  +					else href = tostring(uri) end
   627    657   				end
   628    658   			end
   629    659   			return tag('a',{href=href},next(sp.spans) and htmlSpan(sp.spans,b,s) or href)
   630    660   		end
   631    661   
   632    662   		span_renderers['line-break'] = function(sp,b,s)
   633    663   			return elt('br')