cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [1d4d9e0a4b]:

To Artifact [a950584594]:

   854    854   	local styles = {}
   855    855   	if opts.width then
   856    856   		table.insert(styles, string.format([[body {padding:0 1em;margin:auto;max-width:%s}]], opts.width))
   857    857   	end
   858    858   	if opts.accent then
   859    859   		table.insert(styles, string.format(':root {--accent:%s}', opts.accent))
   860    860   	end
   861         -	if opts.accent or (not opts['dark-on-light']) then
          861  +	if opts.accent or (not opts['dark-on-light']) and (not opts['fossil-uv']) then
   862    862   		stylesNeeded.accent = true
   863    863   	end
   864    864   
   865    865   
   866    866   	for k in pairs(stylesNeeded) do
   867    867   		if not stylesets[k] then ct.exns.unimpl('styleset %s not implemented (!)',  k):throw() end
   868    868   		table.insert(styles, prepcss(stylesets[k]))