cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [e689cbb41c]:

To Artifact [e178fd542c]:

   259    259   		subtitle = [[
   260    260   			.subtitle {
   261    261   				color: @tone(0.3 20); 
   262    262   				font-size: 1.2em;
   263    263   				font-style: italic;
   264    264   				margin-left: 1em;
   265    265   			}
   266         -			blockquote + .subtitle {
   267         -				&::before {
   268         -					content: "— ";
   269         -				}
   270         -			}
   271    266   		]];
   272    267   		accent = [[
   273    268   			@media screen {
   274    269   				body { background: @bg; color: @fg }
   275    270   				a[href] {
   276    271   					color: @tone(0.7 30);
   277    272   					text-decoration-color: @tone/0.4(0.7 30);
   313    308   			}
   314    309   			section > aside p:first-child {
   315    310   				margin: 0;
   316    311   			}
   317    312            section aside + aside {
   318    313   				margin-top: 0.5em;
   319    314   			}
   320         -      ]];
          315  +		]];
          316  +		quoteCaption = [[
          317  +			blockquote > div.caption {
          318  +				text-align: right;
          319  +				font-style: italic;
          320  +				&::before {
          321  +					content: "— ";
          322  +				}
          323  +			}
          324  +		]];
   321    325   		code = [[
   322    326   			code {
   323    327   				display: inline-block;
   324    328   				background: @tone(-1);
   325    329   				color: @tone(0.7);
   326    330   				font-family: monospace;
   327    331   				font-size: 90%;
  1021   1025   					return htmlURI(s.uri)
  1022   1026   				elseif s.mode == 'embed' then
  1023   1027   					local mime = s.mime:clone()
  1024   1028   					mime.opts = {}
  1025   1029   					return string.format('data:%s;base64,%s', mime, ss.str.b64e(s.raw))
  1026   1030   				end
  1027   1031   			end
  1028         -			--figure out how to embed the given object
  1029   1032   			local function P(p) -- get prop
  1030   1033   				if b.props and b.props[p] then
  1031   1034   					return b.props[p]
  1032   1035   				end
  1033   1036   				return obj.props[p]
  1034   1037   			end
         1038  +
         1039  +			local cap = b.cap or P'desc' or P'detail'
         1040  +			local capIR = '';
         1041  +			if b.label_node then
         1042  +				local ln = b.label_node
         1043  +				capIR = sr.htmlSpan(ln.spans, ln, s)
         1044  +			elseif cap then
         1045  +				 -- the block here should really be the relevant
         1046  +				 -- ref definition if an override caption isn't
         1047  +				 -- specified, but oh well
         1048  +				capIR = sr.htmlSpan(spanparse(
         1049  +					cap, b.origin
         1050  +				), b, s)
         1051  +			end
         1052  +
         1053  +			--figure out how to embed the given object
  1035   1054   			local embedActs = {
  1036   1055   				{ss.mime'image/*',       function(s,ctr)
  1037   1056   					if s == nil then
  1038   1057   						return {tag = "picture", nodes = {}}
  1039   1058   					else
  1040   1059   						local uri = uriForSource(s)
  1041   1060   						local fbimg, idx
  1139   1158   						goto compatFound
  1140   1159   					end
  1141   1160   				end
  1142   1161   			end
  1143   1162   			-- nothing found; install fallback link
  1144   1163   				if fallback then
  1145   1164   					local lnk = htmlURI(fallback.uri)
  1146         -					return tag('a', {href=lnk},
  1147         -								  tag('div',{class=xref},
  1148         -										string.format("→ %s [%s]", b.cap or '', tostring(fallback.mime))))
         1165  +					return tag('a', {href=lnk}, catenate {
         1166  +							  tag('div',{class=xref}, catenate {
         1167  +								  '→ '; capIR;
         1168  +								  string.format(" [%s]", tostring(fallback.mime));
         1169  +							  })})
  1149   1170   				else
  1150   1171   					addStyle 'docmeta'
  1151   1172   					return tag('div',{class="render-warn"},
  1152   1173   								  'could not embed object type ' .. tostring(obj.srcs.mime))
  1153   1174   				end
  1154   1175   
  1155   1176   			::compatFound::
  1156   1177   			local top = rtype[2]() -- create container
  1157   1178   			for n, src in ipairs(obj.srcs) do
  1158   1179   				if rtype[1] < src.mime then
  1159   1180   					rtype[2](src, top)
  1160   1181   				end
  1161   1182   			end
  1162   1183   			local ft = flatten(top)
  1163         -			local cap = b.cap or P'desc' or P'detail'
  1164   1184   			if b.mode == 'inline' then
  1165   1185   				-- TODO insert caption
  1166   1186   				return ft
  1167   1187   			else
  1168   1188   				local prop = {}
  1169   1189   				if b.mode == 'open' then
  1170   1190 = true
  1171   1191   				end
  1172   1192   				return tag('details', prop, catenate {
  1173         -					tag('summary', {},
  1174         -						 cap and (
  1175         -							 -- the block here should really be the relevant
  1176         -							 -- ref definition if an override caption isn't
  1177         -							 -- specified, but oh well
  1178         -							 sr.htmlSpan(spanparse(
  1179         -								 cap, b.origin
  1180         -							 ), b, s)
  1181         -						) or '');
         1193  +					tag('summary', {}, capIR);
  1182   1194   					ft;
  1183   1195   				})
  1184   1196   			end
  1185   1197   		end
  1186   1198   
  1187   1199   		function block_renderers.macro(b,s)
  1188   1200   			local all = renderSubdoc(b.doc)
  1189   1201   			local cat = catenate(,all))
  1190   1202   			return tag(nil, {}, cat)
  1191   1203   		end
  1192   1204   
  1193   1205   		function block_renderers.quote(b,s)
  1194   1206   			local ir = renderSubdoc(b.doc)
         1207  +			if b.label_node then
         1208  +				addStyle 'quoteCaption'
         1209  +				table.insert(ir, tag('div', {class='caption'},
         1210  +					sr.htmlSpan(b.label_node.spans, b.label_node, s)))
         1211  +			end
  1195   1212   			return tag('blockquote', and {id=getSafeID(b)} or {}, catenate(,ir)))
  1196   1213   		end
  1197   1214   
  1198   1215   		return block_renderers
  1199   1216   	end
  1200   1217   
  1201   1218   	local function getRenderers(procs)