cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [e178fd542c]:

To Artifact [7d5a564158]:

   737    737   			-- return string.format("&#%u;", code)
   738    738   		end
   739    739   
   740    740   		function span_renderers.deref(t,b,s)
   741    741   			local r = b.origin:ref(t.ref)
   742    742   			local name = t.ref
   743    743   			if name:find'%.' then name = name:match '^[^.]*%.(.+)$' end
          744  +
   744    745   			if type(r) == 'string' then
   745    746   				addStyle 'abbr'
   746         -				return tag('abbr',{title=r},next(t.spans) and htmlSpan(t.spans,b,s) or name)
          747  +				r = ct.parse_span(r, b.origin)
          748  +				return tag('abbr',{title=htmlentities(plainrdr.htmlSpan(r))}, next(t.spans) and htmlSpan(t.spans,b,s) or name)
   747    749   			end
   748    750   			if r.kind == 'resource' then
   749    751   				local rid = getSafeID(r, 'res-')
   750    752   				if r.class == 'image' then
   751    753   					if not cssRulesFor[r] then
   752    754   						local css = prepcss(string.format([[
   753    755   							section p > .%s {