cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [c52f4282f5]:

To Artifact [18c311a386]:

   113    113   			ct.exns.tx(msg, self.src.file, self.line or 0, ...):throw()
   114    114   		end;
   115    115   		insert = function(self, block)
   116    116   			block.origin = self:clone()
   117    117   			table.insert(self.sec.blocks,block)
   118    118   			return block
   119    119   		end;
          120  +		init = function(ctx, doc, src)
          121  +			ctx.line = 0
          122  +			ctx.doc = doc
          123  +			ctx.doc.src = src
          124  +			ctx.sec = doc:mksec() -- toplevel section
          125  +			ctx.sec.origin = ctx:clone()
          126  +		end;
   120    127   		ref = function(self,id)
   121    128   			if not id:find'%.' then
   122    129   				local rid = self.sec.refs[id]
   123    130   				if self.sec.refs[id] then
   124    131   					return self.sec.refs[id], id, self.sec
   125    132   				else self:fail("no such ref %s in current section", id or '') end
   126    133   			else
   184    191   			end
   185    192   			return ct.ext.loaded[name].default
   186    193   		end;
   187    194   		context_var = function(self, var, ctx, test)
   188    195   			local fail = function(...)
   189    196   				if test then return false end
   190    197   				ctx:fail(...)
          198  +			end
          199  +			local scanParents = function(k)
          200  +				for k,p in pairs(self.parents) do
          201  +					local v = p:context_var(k, ctx, true)
          202  +					if v ~= false then return v end
          203  +				end
   191    204   			end
   192    205   			if startswith(var, 'cortav.') then
   193    206   				local v = var:sub(8)
   194    207   				if v == 'page' then
   195    208   					if then return tostring(
   196    209   						else return '(unpaged)' end
   197    210   				elseif v == 'renderer' then
   217    230   				local val = os.getenv(v)
   218    231   				if not val then
   219    232   					return fail('undefined environment variable %s', v)
   220    233   				end
   221    234   			elseif self.stage.kind == 'render' and startswith(var, self.stage.format..'.') then
   222    235   				-- TODO query the renderer somehow
   223    236   				return fail('renderer %s does not implement variable %s', self.stage.format, var)
          237  +			elseif startswith(var, 'super.') then
          238  +				local sp = scanParents(var:sub(8))
          239  +				if sp == nil then
          240  +					if test then return false else return '' end
          241  +				else
          242  +					return sp
          243  +				end
   224    244   			elseif self.vars[var] then
   225    245   				return self.vars[var]
   226    246   			else
          247  +				local sp = scanParents(var)
          248  +				if sp then return sp end
   227    249   				if test then return false end
   228    250   				return '' -- is this desirable behavior?
   229    251   			end
   230    252   		end;
   231    253   		job = function(self, name, pred, ...) -- convenience func
   232    254   			return self.docjob:fork(name, pred, ...)
   233         -		end
          255  +		end;
          256  +		sub = function(self, ctx)
          257  +			-- convenience function for single-inheritance structure
          258  +			-- sets up a doc/ctx pair for a subdocument embedded in the source
          259  +			-- of a gretaer document, pointing subdoc props to global tables/values
          260  +			local newdoc =
          261  +			newdoc.meta = self.meta
          262  +			newdoc.ext = self.ext
          263  +			newdoc.enc = self.enc
          264  +			newdoc.stage = self.stage
          265  +			-- vars are handled through proper recursion across all parents and
          266  +			-- are intentionally excluded here; subdocs can have their own vars
          267  +			-- without losing access to parent vars
          268  +			local nctx = ctx:clone()
          269  +			nctx:init(newdoc, ctx.src)
          270  +			nctx.line = ctx.line
          271  +			return newdoc, nctx
          272  +		end;
   234    273   	};
   235         -	mk = function() return {
          274  +	mk = function(...) return {
   236    275   		sections = {};
   237    276   		secorder = {};
   238    277   		embed = {};
   239    278   		meta = {};
   240    279   		vars = {};
          280  +		parents = {...};
   241    281   		ext = {
   242    282   			inhibit = {};
   243    283   			need = {};
   244    284   			use = {};
   245    285   		};
   246    286   		enc = ss.str.enc.utf8;
   247    287   	} end;
   594    634   				cmd = cmd;
   595    635   				args = args;
   596    636   				crit = crit;
   597    637   				failthru = failthru;
   598    638   				spans = spans;
   599    639   			}
   600    640   		end
          641  +	end
          642  +	local function rawcode(s, c) -- raw
          643  +		local o = c:clone();
          644  +		local str = ''
          645  +		for c, p in ss.str.each(c.doc.enc, s) do
          646  +			local q = p:esc()
          647  +			if q then
          648  +				str = str ..  q
          649  + = + #q
          650  +			else
          651  +				str = str .. c
          652  +			end
          653  +		end
          654  +		return {
          655  +			kind = 'format';
          656  +			style = 'literal';
          657  +			spans = {{
          658  +				kind = 'raw';
          659  +				spans = {str};
          660  +				origin = o;
          661  +			}};
          662  +			origin = o;
          663  +		}
   601    664   	end
   602    665   	ct.spanctls = {
   603    666   		{seq = '!', parse = formatter 'emph'};
   604    667   		{seq = '*', parse = formatter 'strong'};
   605    668   		{seq = '~', parse = formatter 'strike'};
   606    669   		{seq = '+', parse = formatter 'insert'};
          670  +		{seq = '`\\', parse = rawcode};
          671  +		{seq = '\\\\', parse = rawcode};
   607    672   		{seq = '\\', parse = function(s, c) -- raw
   608    673   			return {
   609    674   				kind = 'raw';
   610    675   				spans = {s};
   611    676   				origin = c:clone();
   612    677   			}
   613         -		end};
   614         -		{seq = '`\\', parse = function(s, c) -- raw
   615         -			local o = c:clone();
   616         -			local str = ''
   617         -			for c, p in ss.str.each(c.doc.enc, s) do
   618         -				local q = p:esc()
   619         -				if q then
   620         -					str = str ..  q
   621         - = + #q
   622         -				else
   623         -					str = str .. c
   624         -				end
   625         -			end
   626         -			return {
   627         -				kind = 'format';
   628         -				style = 'literal';
   629         -				spans = {{
   630         -					kind = 'raw';
   631         -					spans = {str};
   632         -					origin = o;
   633         -				}};
   634         -				origin = o;
   635         -			}
   636    678   		end};
   637    679   		{seq = '`', parse = formatter 'literal'};
   638    680   		{seq = '$', parse = formatter 'variable'};
   639    681   		{seq = '^', parse = function(s,c) --footnotes
   640    682   			local r, t = s:match '^([^%s]+)%s*(.-)$'
   641    683   			return {
   642    684   				kind = 'footnote';
   984   1026   			local sp = ct.parse_span(txt, c)
   985   1027   			c.doc.docjob:hook('meddle_span', sp, last)
   986   1028   			table.insert(last.lines, sp)
   987   1029   			j:hook('block_aside_attach', c, last, sp, l)
   988   1030   			j:hook('block_aside_line_insert', c, last, sp, l)
   989   1031   		end
   990   1032   	end};
   991         -	{pred = function(s,c) return s:match'^[*:]' end, fn = blockwrap(function(l,c) -- list
         1033  +	{pred = function(s,c) return s:match'^[*:]' end,
         1034  +	 fn   = blockwrap(function(l,c) -- list
   992   1035   		local stars = l:match '^([*:]+)'
   993   1036   		local depth = utf8.len(stars)
   994   1037   		local id, txt = l:sub(#stars+1):match '^(.-)%s*(.-)$'
   995   1038   		local ordered = stars:sub(#stars) == ':'
   996   1039   		if id == '' then id = nil end
   997   1040   		return {
   998   1041   			kind = 'list-item';
  1073   1116   					c:fail('extension %s does not support critical directive %s', cmd, topcmd)
  1074   1117   				end
  1075   1118   			end
  1076   1119   		elseif crit == '!' then
  1077   1120   			c:fail('critical directive %s not supported',cmd)
  1078   1121   		end
  1079   1122   	end;};
         1123  +	{pred = function(s) return s:match '^(>+)([^%s]*)%s*(.*)$' end,
         1124  +	 fn   = function(l,c,j,d)
         1125  +		local lvl,id,txt = l:match '^(>+)([^%s]*)%s*(.*)$'
         1126  +		lvl = utf8.len(lvl)
         1127  +		local last = d[#d]
         1128  +		local node
         1129  +		local ctx
         1130  +		if last and last.kind == 'quote' and (id == nil or id == '' or id == then
         1131  +			node = last
         1132  +			ctx = node.ctx
         1133  +			ctx.line = c.line -- is this enough??
         1134  +		else
         1135  +			local doc
         1136  +			doc, ctx = c.doc:sub(c)
         1137  +			node = { kind = 'quote', doc = doc, ctx = ctx, id = id }
         1138  +			j:hook('block_insert', c, node, l)
         1139  +			table.insert(d, node)
         1140  +		end
         1141  +
         1142  +		ct.parse_line(txt, ctx, ctx.sec.blocks)
         1143  +	end};
  1080   1144   	{seq = '~~~', fn = blockwrap(function(l,c,j)
  1081   1145   		local extract = function(ptn, str)
  1082   1146   			local start, stop = str:find(ptn)
  1083   1147   			if not start then return nil, str end
  1084   1148   			local ex = str:sub(start,stop)
  1085   1149   			local n = str:sub(1,start-1) .. str:sub(stop+1)
  1086   1150   			return ex, n
  1167   1231   				if ctx.mode.expand
  1168   1232   					then newline = ct.parse_span(l, ctx)
  1169   1233   					else newline = {l}
  1170   1234   				end
  1171   1235   				table.insert(ctx.mode.listing.lines, newline)
  1172   1236   				job:hook('block_listing_newline',ctx,ctx.mode.listing,newline)
  1173   1237   			end
  1174         -	  else
         1238  +		elseif ctx.mode.kind == 'quote' then
         1239  +		else
  1175   1240   			local mf = job:proc('modes', ctx.mode.kind)
  1176   1241   			if not mf then
  1177   1242   				ctx:fail('unimplemented syntax mode %s', ctx.mode.kind)
  1178   1243   			end
  1179   1244   			mf(job, ctx, l, dest) --NOTE: you are responsible for triggering the appropriate hooks if you insert anything!
  1180   1245   		end
  1181   1246   	else
  1190   1255   				end
  1191   1256   				return false
  1192   1257   			end
  1193   1258   
  1194   1259   			if not tryseqs(ct.ctlseqs) then
  1195   1260   				local found = false
  1196   1261   
  1197         -				for eb, ext, state in job:each('blocks') do
         1262  +				for eb, ext, state in job:each 'blocks' do
  1198   1263   					if tryseqs(eb, state) then found = true break end
  1199   1264   				end
  1200   1265   
  1201   1266   				if not found then
  1202   1267   					ctx:fail 'incomprehensible input line'
  1203   1268   				end
  1204   1269   			end
  1214   1279   end
  1215   1280   
  1216   1281   function ct.parse(file, src, mode, setup)
  1217   1282   	-- this object is threaded down through the parse tree
  1218   1283   	-- and copied to store information like the origin of the
  1219   1284   	-- element in the source code
  1220   1285   	local ctx =
  1221         -	ctx.line = 0
  1222         -	ctx.doc =
  1223         -	ctx.doc.src = src
  1224         -	ctx.sec = ctx.doc:mksec() -- toplevel section
  1225         -	ctx.sec.origin = ctx:clone()
         1286  +	ctx:init(, src)
  1226   1287   	ctx.lang = mode['meta:lang']
  1227   1288   	if mode['parse:enc'] then
  1228   1289   		local e = ss.str.enc[mode['parse:enc']]
  1229   1290   		if not e then
  1230   1291   			ct.exns.enc('requested encoding not supported',mode['parse:enc']):throw()
  1231   1292   		end
  1232   1293   		ctx.doc.enc = e