cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [9ea6c48a8b]:

To Artifact [fbd94cf6db]:

    94     94   
    95     95   $(build)/cortav.html: cortav.ct $(build)/$(executable) | $(build)/
    96     96   	$(build)/$(executable) $< -o $@ -m render:format html -y html:fossil-uv
    97     97   
    98     98   .PHONY: syncdoc
    99     99   syncdoc: $(build)/cortav.html
   100    100   	fossil uv add $< --as cortav.html
   101         -	fossil uv sync
          101  +	fossil uv sync --all
   102    102   
   103    103   # clean is written in overly cautious fashion to minimize damage,
   104    104   # just in case it ever gets invoked in a bad way
   105    105   .PHONY: clean
   106    106   clean:
   107    107   	rm -f $(build)/*.{html,lc,sh,txt,desktop} \
   108    108   	      $(build)/$(executable){,.bin}