cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [8f6ee343ec]:

To Artifact [1f16b393f5]:

   156    156   					exp = '<' .. state.tbls[p] ..'>'
   157    157   					done = true
   158    158   				else
   159    159   					state.tbls[p] = path and string.format('%s.%s', path, k) or k
   160    160   				end
   161    161   			end
   162    162   			if not done then
   163         -				local function dodump() return dump(
          163  +				local function dodump() return ss.dump(
   164    164   					p, state,
   165    165   					path and string.format("%s.%s", path, k) or k,
   166    166   					depth + 1
   167    167   				) end
   168    168   				-- boy this is ugly
   169    169   				if type(p) ~= 'table' or
   170    170   					getmetatable(p) == nil or
   364    364   	if mm.__name == 'class' then
   365    365   		return g
   366    366   	else
   367    367   		return nil
   368    368   	end
   369    369   end
   370    370   
          371  +function ss.walk(o, key, ...)
          372  +	if o[key] then
          373  +		if select('#', ...) == 0 then
          374  +			return o[key]
          375  +		else
          376  +			return ss.walk(o[key], ...)
          377  +		end
          378  +	end
          379  +	return nil
          380  +end
          381  +
          382  +function ss.coalesce(x, ...)
          383  +	if x ~= nil then
          384  +		return x
          385  +	elseif select('#', ...) == 0 then
          386  +		return nil
          387  +	else
          388  +		return ss.coalesce(...)
          389  +	end
          390  +end