cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [778a76ed09]:

To Artifact [39c7338664]:

   671    671   	local function getBlockRenderers(procs, sr)
   672    672   		local tag, elt, catenate = procs.tag, procs.elt, procs.catenate
   673    673   		local null = function() return catenate{} end
   674    674   
   675    675   		local block_renderers = {
   676    676   			anchor = function(b,s)
   677    677   				return tag('a',{id = getSafeID(b)},null())
          678  +			end;
          679  +			['horiz-rule'] = function(b,s)
          680  +				return elt'hr'
   678    681   			end;
   679    682   			paragraph = function(b,s)
   680    683   				addStyle 'paragraph'
   681    684   				return tag('p', nil, sr.htmlSpan(b.spans, b, s), b)
   682    685   			end;
   683    686   			directive = function(b,s)
   684    687   				-- deal with renderer directives