cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [70cf5fbd0d]:

To Artifact [7d896a453b]:

     8      8   local startswith = ss.str.begins
     9      9   local eachcode = ss.str.enc.utf8.each
    10     10   local dump = ss.dump
    11     11   local declare = ss.declare
    12     12   
    13     13   -- make this module available to require() when linked into a lua bytecode program with luac
    14     14   local ct = ss.namespace 'cortav'
           15 = {
           16  +	version = ss.version {0,1; 'devel'};
           17  +	package_name = 'cortav';
           18  +	contributors = {
           19  +		{ name = 'lexi hale', handle = 'velartrill';
           20  +		  mail = '', homepage = '' };
           21  +	};
           22  +	ident_string = function(i)
           23  +		return string.format('%s %s', i.package_name, i.version)
           24  +	end;
           25  +	credits = function(i)
           26  +		local all = ss.copy(i.contributors)
           27  +		for i,who in pairs(all) do
           28  +			who.role = who.role or 'core functionality'
           29  +		end
           30  +		for name,ext in pairs(ct.ext.loaded) do
           31  +			if ext.contributors then
           32  +				for _,c in pairs(ext.contributors) do
           33  +					local ofs, ref = ss.find(all, function(a)
           34  +						return a.handle == c.handle
           35  +					end)
           36  +					if ofs then
           37  +						ref.role = string.format('%s; %s extension', ref.role, name)
           38  +					else
           39  +						local c = ss.clone(
           40  +						c.role = name .. ' extension'
           41  +					end
           42  +				end
           43  +			end
           44  +		end
           45  +		return all
           46  +	end;
           47  +	credits_ascii = function(contributors)
           48  +		local body = ''
           49  +		for _, c in pairs(contributors) do
           50  +			local str
           51  +			if c.handle then
           52  +				str = string.format('%s ā€œ%sā€ <%s>',, c.handle, c.mail)
           53  +			else
           54  +				str = string.format('%s <%s>',, c.mail)
           55  +			end
           56  +			if c.homepage then
           57  +				str = string.format('%s (%s)', str, c.homepage)
           58  +			end
           59  +			if c.role then
           60  +				str = string.format('%s: %s', str, c.role)
           61  +			end
           62  +			body = body .. string.format(' ~ %s\n', str)
           63  +		end
           64  +		return body
           65  +	end;
           66  +	about = function(i)
           67  +		return i:ident_string() .. '\n' ..
           68  +		       i.credits_ascii(i:credits())
           69  +	end;
           70  +}
           71  +
           72  +
    15     73   ct.render = {}
    16     74   
    17     75   ct.exns = {
    18     76   	tx = ss.exnkind('translation error', function(msg,...)
    19     77   		return string.format("(%s:%u) "..msg, ...)
    20     78   	end);
    21     79   	io = ss.exnkind('IO error', function(msg, ...)