cortav  Diff

Differences From Artifact [1a665df7bf]:

To Artifact [af24dd1316]:

    97     97   ** [`~~~ language] (markdown-style shorthand syntax)
    98     98   ** [`~~~ \[language\] ~~~] (cortav syntax)
    99     99   ** [`~~~ \[language\] #id ~~~]
   100    100   ** [`~~~ title ~~~]
   101    101   ** [`~~~ title \[language\] ~~~]
   102    102   ** [`~~~ \[language\] title ~~~]
   103    103   ** [`~~~ title \[language\] #id ~~~]
   104         -*[*definition] ([^def-ex tab]): a line [^def-tab-enc beginning with a tab] is a multipurpose metadata syntax. the tab may be followed by an identifier, a colon, and a value string, in which case it opens a new definition; alternatively, a second tab character turns the line into a [*definition continuation], adding the remaining characters as a new line to the definition value on the previous line.  when a new definition is opened on a line immediately following certain kinds of objects, such as resource, it attaches key-value metadata to that object. when a definition is not preceded by such an object, an independent [*reference] is created instad.
   105         -** a [*reference] is a general mechanism for out-of-line metadata, and references are used in many different ways -- e.g. to specify link destinations, footnote contents, abbreviations, or macros. to ensure that a definition is interpreted as a reference, rather than as metadata for an object, precede it with a blank line.
          104  +*[*definition] ([^def-ex tab]): a line [^def-tab-enc beginning with a tab] is a multipurpose metadata syntax. the tab may be followed by an identifier, a colon, and a value string, in which case it opens a new definition; alternatively, a second tab character turns the line into a [*definition continuation], adding the remaining characters as a new line to the definition value on the previous line.  when a new definition is opened on a line immediately following certain kinds of objects, such as resources, embeds, or multiline macro expansions, it attaches key-value metadata to that object. when a definition is not preceded by such an object, an independent [*reference] is created instad.
          105  +** a [*reference] is a general mechanism for out-of-line metadata, and references are used in many different ways -- e.g. to specify link destinations, footnote contents, abbreviations, or macro bodies. to ensure that a definition is interpreted as a reference, rather than as metadata for an object, precede it with a blank line.
   106    106   	def-tab-enc: in encodings without tab characters, a definition is opened by a line beginning with two blanks, and continued by a line beginning with four blanks.
   107    107   	def-ex: [*open a new reference]: [`[!\\t][$key]: [$value]]
   108    108   		[*continue a reference]: [`[!\\t\\t][$value]]
   109    109   * [*quotation] ([`<]): a line of the form [`<[$name]> [$quote]] denotes an utterance by [$name].
   110    110   * [*blockquote] ([`>]): alternate blockquote syntax. can be nested by repeating the [`>] character.
   111    111   * [*subtitle/caption] ([`\--]): attaches a subtitle to the previous header, or caption to the previous object
   112         -* [*embed] ([`&]): embeds a referenced object. can be used to show images or repeat previously defined objects like lists or tables, optionally with a caption.
   113         -** [`$[$macro] [$arg1]|[$arg2]|[$argn]…] invokes a block-level macro with the supplied arguments
   114         -*** [`$mymacro arg 1|arg 2|arg 3]
          112  +* [*embed] ([`&]): embeds a referenced object. can be used to show images or repeat previously defined objects like lists or tables, optionally with a caption. an embed line can be followed immediately by a sequence of [*definitions] in the same way that resource definitions can, to override resource properties on a per-instance basis. note that only presentation-related properties like [$desc] can be meaningful overridden, as embed does not trigger a re-render of the parse tree; if you want to override e.g. context variables, use a multiline macro invocation instead.
   115    113   ** [`&[$image]] embeds an image or other block-level object. [!image] can be a reference with a url or file path, or it can be an embed section (e.g. for SVG files)
   116    114   ***[`&myimg All that remained of the unfortunate blood magic pageant contestants and audience (police photo)]
   117    115   ** [`&-[$ident] [$styled-text]] embeds a closed disclosure element containing the text of the named object (a nonprinting section or cortav resource should usually be used to store the content; it can also name an image or video, of course). in interactive outputs, this will display as a block which can be clicked on to view the full contents of the referenced object [$ident]; if [$styled-text] is present, it overrides the title of the section you are embedding (if any). in static outputs, the disclosure object will display as an enclosed box with [$styled-text] as the title text
   118    116   *** [`&-ex-a Prosecution Exhibit A (GRAPHIC CONTENT)]
   119    117   ** [`&+[$section] [$styled-text]] is like the above, but the disclosure element is open by default
          118  +* [`$[$macro] [$arg1]|[$arg2]|[$argn]…] invokes a block-level macro with the supplied arguments, and can be followed by a property override definition list the same way embed and resource lines can. note that while both [`$[$id]] and [`&[$id]] can be used to instantiate resources of type [`text/x.cortav], there is a critical difference: [`$[$id]] renders out the sub-document separately each time it is named, allowing for parameter expansion and for context variables to be overridden for each invocation. by contrast, [`&[$id]] can only insert copies of the same render; no parameters can be passed and context variables will be expanded to their value at the time the resource was defined.
          119  +** [`$mymacro arg 1|arg 2|arg 3]
   120    120   * [*horizontal rule] ([`\---]): inserts a horizontal rule or other context break; does not end the section. must be followed by newline. underlines can also be used in place of dashes ([`___], [`-_-], [`__-__-__] etc), as can horizontal unicode box drawing characters ([`─ ━ ┈] etc).
   121    121   * [*page break] ([`\^^]): for formats that support pagination, like EPUB or HTML (when printed), indicates that the rest of the current page should be blank. for formats that do not, extra margins will be inserted. does not create a new section
   122    122   * [*page rule] ([`\^-^]): inserts a page break for formats that support them, and a horizontal rule for formats that do not. does not create a new section. comprised of any number of horizontal rule characters surrounded by a pair of carets (e.g. [`^-^] [`^_^] [`^----^] [`^__--^] [`^┈┈┈┈┈^])
   123    123   * [*table cells] ([`+ |]): see [> table examples].
   124    124   * [*equations] ([`=]): block-level equations can be inserted with the [`=] sequence
   125    125   * [*cross-references] ([`=>] [`⇒]): inserts a block-level link. uses the same syntax as span links ([`⇒[$ident] [$styled-text]]). can be followed by a caption to add a longer descriptive text. especially useful for gemtext output. ident can be omitted to cross-reference, for example, a physical book.
   126    126   * [*empty lines] (that is, lines consisting of nothing but whitespace) constitute a [!break], which terminates multiline objects that do not have a dedicated termination sequence, for example lists and asides.
   368    368   *** [`image/*] (graphical outputs only)
   369    369   *** [`video/*] (interactive outputs only)
   370    370   *** [`image/svg+xml] is handled specially for HTML files, and may or may not be compatible with other renderer backends.
   371    371   *** [`font/*] can be used with the HTML backend to reference a web font
   372    372   *** [`font/woff2] can be used with the HTML backend to reference a web font
   373    373   *** [`text/plain] (will be inserted as a preformatted text block)
   374    374   *** [`text/css] (can be used when producing HTML files to link in an extra stylesheet, either by embedding it or referencing it from the header)
   375         -*** [`text/x.cortav] (will be parsed and inserted as a formatted text block; context variables can be passed to the file by setting [`ctx.[$var]] parameters on the resource, e.g. [`ctx.recipient-name: Mr. Winthrop])
          375  +*** [`text/x.cortav] (will be parsed and inserted as a formatted text block; context variables can be passed to the file by setting [`.[$var]] properties on the resource, e.g. [`.recipient-name: Mr. Winthrop])
   376    376   *** [`application/x-troff] can be used to supply sections of text written in raw [`groff] syntax. these are ignored by other renderers.
   377    377   *** [`text/html] can be used to supply sections of text written in raw HTML. these are ignored by non-HTML outputs.
   378    378   *** any MIME-type that matches the type of file being generated by the renderer can be used to include a block of data that will be passed directly to the renderer.
   379    379   ** URI types: additional URI types can be added by extensions or different implementations, but every compliant implementation must support these URIs.
   380    380   *** [`http], [`https]/[`http+tls]: accesses resources over HTTP. add a [`file] fallback if possible for the benefit of renderers/viewers that do not have internet access abilities.
   381    381   *** [`file]: references local files. (the meaning of "local" varies depending on the translation format.) absolute paths should begin [`file:/]; the slash should be omitted for relative paths. note that this doesn't have quite the same meaning as in HTML -- [`file] can (and usually should be) used with HTML outputs to refer to resources that reside on the same server. a cortav URI of [`file:/etc/passwd] will actually result in the link [`/etc/passwd], not [`file:///etc/passwd] when converted to HTML. generally, you only should use [`http] when you're referring to a resource that exists on a different domain. on systems where text and binary files are handled differently, the URIs [`file+txt:] and [`file+bin:] can be used to specify an opening mode.
   382    382   *** [`asset]: identical to file [`file], except that paths are interpreted relative to the asset base (the parent directory of the source file if not otherwise defined), rather than the current working directory of the [`cortav] translator process.
   607    607   	zombo:
   608    608   	any: anything you want
   609    609   ~~~
   610    610   
   611    611   ~~~ macros #mac [cortav] ~~~
   612    612   the ranuir word {gloss cor|writing}…
   613    613   	gloss: [*[#1]] “[#2]”
          614  +
          615  +$def sur|n|socialism
          616  +$def par|n|speech
          617  +	def: * [*[#1]] [!([#2])]
          618  +		** [#3]
          619  +
          620  +%% equivalent to
          621  +
          622  +@def {
          623  +	* [*[#1]] [!([#2])]
          624  +	** [#3]
          625  +}
          626  +$def sur|n|socialism
          627  +$def par|n|speech
          628  +
          629  +%% we could even do the same thing abusing context variables
          630  +
          631  +@def {
          632  +	* [*[#word]] [!([#pos])]
          633  +	** [#meaning]
          634  +}
          635  +
          636  +$def
          637  +	.word: sur
          638  +	.pos: n
          639  +	.meaning: socialism
          640  +$def
          641  +	.word: par
          642  +	.pos: n
          643  +	.meaning: speech
          644  +
          645  +%% context variables are useful because they inherit from the enclosing context
          646  +%% thus, we can exploit resource syntax to create templates with default values
          647  +
          648  +@agent {
          649  +	+ CODENAME :| [#1]
          650  +	+ CIVILIAN IDENTITY :| [#civil]
          651  +	+ RULES of ENGAGEMENT :| [#roe]
          652  +	+ DANGER LEVEL :| [#danger]
          653  +}
          654  +	.civil: (unknown)
          655  +	.roe: Monitor; do not engage
          656  +	.danger: (unknown)
          657  +
          658  +$agent ZUCCHINI PARABLE
          659  +	.civil: Zephram "Rolodex" Goldberg
          660  +	.danger: Category Scarlet
          661  +$agent RHADAMANTH EXQUISITE
          662  +	.roe: Eliminate with extreme prejudice; CBRN deployment authorized
          663  +	.danger: [*Unquantifiable]
   614    664   ~~~
   615    665   
   616    666   ~~~ tables #tab [cortav] ~~~
   617    667   here is a glossary table.
   618    668   
   619    669   + english :+ ranuir + zia ţai  + thaliste        +
   620    670   | honor   :| tef    | pang     | mbecheve        |