util  Check-in [c29fe4718a]

Comment:reorganize dumbass directory structure
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SHA3-256: c29fe4718a357d9f274e13ae740ed9686c12a68215587764a70651fb38cf8a69
User & Date: lexi on 2019-10-17 20:03:22
Other Links: manifest | tags
add newtab check-in: 6b40270f28 user: lexi tags: trunk
reorganize dumbass directory structure check-in: c29fe4718a user: lexi tags: trunk
fix bug caused by unintuitive behavior of strncmp check-in: a49d93061d user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified bgrd.c from [930615166d] to [d3537d80bd].

    88     88    * the `surf`  developers had  a couple of  options. they
    89     89    * could  have simply  broken out  the POSIX  headers and
    90     90    * sent the X  id to stdout with a call  to write(2), the
    91     91    * correct thing to do. they  could have thrown in a call
    92     92    * to setvbuf(3) to explicitly  pick a buffering strategy
    93     93    * compatible  with  their  usecase, the  sensibly  wrong
    94     94    * thing to do. they could have explicitly flushed stdout
    95         - * after printf(3)'ing  to it,  the dumb  and error-pront
           95  + * after printf(3)'ing  to it,  the dumb  and error-prone
    96     96    * thing to do.
    97     97    *
    98     98    * instead, they did *nothing.*
    99     99    *
   100    100    * so  if  you run  `surf  -x`  from a  terminal,  great!
   101    101    * you'll  see it  print  the x  window  id first  thing.
   102    102    * you'll  then  try to  capture  it  via any  number  of

Name change from kpw.d/db.md to kpw/db.md.

whitespace changes only

Name change from kpw.d/errtab to kpw/errtab.

whitespace changes only

Name change from kpw.d/errtab.awk to kpw/errtab.awk.

whitespace changes only

Name change from kpw.d/kpw.c to kpw/kpw.c.

whitespace changes only

Modified kpw/makefile from [0ee772709b] to [722d1b1415].

     1      1   include ../makerules
     2      2   
     3      3   cdeps = compose.c iaia.c tbl.c
     4      4   cpaths = $(cdeps:%=$(root)/clib/%)
     5      5   
     6         -$(root)/kpw: kpw.c opt.inc err.inc $(cpaths)
            6  +$(root)/kpw.bin: kpw.c opt.inc err.inc $(cpaths)
     7      7   	$(cc) -I$(root) $< -lsodium -o $@ $(flags) $(cc-post)
     8      8   
     9      9   tab = cat $< | awk -v emit=$1 -F'\t+' -f $<.awk >> $@
    10     10   
    11     11   opt.inc: optab optab.awk
    12     12   	:>$@
    13     13   	$(call tab,cond)

Name change from kpw.d/optab to kpw/optab.

whitespace changes only

Name change from kpw.d/optab.awk to kpw/optab.awk.

whitespace changes only

Modified makefile from [6fa77053ea] to [69ff088193].

    25     25   
    26     26   safekill: safekill.c
    27     27   	$(cc) $< -lX11 -o$@ $(cc-post)
    28     28   
    29     29   xpriv: xpriv.c
    30     30   	$(cc) $< -lrt -lutil -lX11 -o $@ $(cc-post)
    31     31   
    32         -kpw: kpw.d/makefile
    33         -	$(MAKE) root=$(realpath .) flags=$(kpw-flags) -C kpw.d $(realpath .)/$@
           32  +kpw.bin: kpw/makefile
           33  +	$(MAKE) root=$(realpath .) flags=$(kpw-flags) -C kpw $(realpath .)/$@
    34     34   
    35     35   .PHONY: kpw