util  Check-in [9259bf507d]

Comment:add fabulist collaborative interaction fiction server (keeping it here until it gets its own repo)
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SHA3-256: 9259bf507d2a7f9c10105e20a6c118244c88c20317af19a24f854d585ce3f925
User & Date: lexi on 2019-07-28 12:40:46
Other Links: manifest | tags
updates check-in: e82124aeb7 user: lexi tags: trunk
add fabulist collaborative interaction fiction server (keeping it here until it gets its own repo) check-in: 9259bf507d user: lexi tags: trunk
fix make instructions check-in: 352d72f9c6 user: lexi tags: trunk

Added fabulist.scm version [e734573397].

            1  +; [ʞ] fabulist.scm - write your own adventure server
            2  +;  ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
            3  +
            4  +(import (chicken tcp)
            5  +		(chicken pretty-print)
            6  +		(chicken io)
            7  +		(chicken string)
            8  +		(chicken bitwise)
            9  +		(chicken random))
           10  +
           11  +(tcp-read-timeout 300)
           12  +
           13  +(define-record db (setter stories) (setter pages))
           14  +(define-record story title genre
           15  +			   desc key start)
           16  +(define-record page link story body choices)
           17  +(define *database* (make-db '() '()))
           18  +(define (serialize-story s)
           19  +  `((title . ,(story-title s))
           20  +	(genre . ,(story-genre s))
           21  +	(desc . ,(story-desc s))
           22  +	(key . ,(story-key s))
           23  +	(start . ,(story-start s))))
           24  +
           25  +(define (fill ct fn)
           26  +  (if (= 0 ct) '()
           27  +	  (cons (fn) (fill (- ct 1) fn))))
           28  +
           29  +(define (generate-key len)
           30  +  (define (random-char)
           31  +	(let* ([r (pseudo-random-integer 36)]
           32  +		   [cv (+ #x30 (if (>= r 10) (+ r 39) r))])
           33  +	  (integer->char cv)))
           34  +  (apply string (fill len random-char)))
           35  +		 
           36  +(define (string-last s x)
           37  +  (substring s (max 0 (- (string-length s) x))
           38  +			 (string-length s)))
           39  +(define (hex-sum str)
           40  +  (define (loop val p)
           41  +	(if (equal? "" p) val
           42  +		(let* ([ch (string-ref p 0)]
           43  +			   [chv (char->integer ch)]
           44  +			   [num (cond [(and (>= chv #x30)
           45  +								(<= chv #x39)) (- chv #x30)]
           46  +						  [(and (>= chv #x41)
           47  +								(<= chv #x46)) (+ 10 (- chv #x41))]
           48  +						  [(and (>= chv #x61)
           49  +								(<= chv #x66)) (+ 10 (- chv #x61))]
           50  +						  [else #f])])
           51  +		  (if (eq? #f num) #f
           52  +			  (loop (+ num (* 16 val))
           53  +					(substring p 1))))))
           54  +  (if (string? str) (loop 0 str)
           55  +	  #f))
           56  +
           57  +(define (url-decode field)
           58  +  (define (loop acc str)
           59  +	(if (equal? str "") acc
           60  +		(let ([hd (string-ref str 0)])
           61  +		  (case hd
           62  +			[(#\+) (loop (string-append acc " ")
           63  +						 (substring str 1))]
           64  +			[(#\%) (let* ([num (if (< (string-length str) 3) #f
           65  +								   (substring str 1 3))]
           66  +						  [sum (hex-sum num)])
           67  +					 (if (or (eq? #f num) (eq? #f sum) (= sum 0))
           68  +						 (loop (string-append acc "%")
           69  +							   (substring str 1))
           70  +						 (loop (string-append acc 
           71  +											  (string (integer->char sum)))
           72  +							   (substring str (min (string-length str) 3)))))]
           73  +
           74  +			[else (loop (string-append acc (string hd))
           75  +						(substring str 1))]
           76  +			))))
           77  +  (loop "" field))
           78  +
           79  +(define-record netstr sz val rest)
           80  +(define-record netreq body method path
           81  +			   query origin accept
           82  +			   ref ua)
           83  +
           84  +(define (netreq-post-params req) (map (cut string-split <> "=")
           85  +								 (string-split (netreq-body req) "&")))
           86  +(define (post-field arr p) (let ((v (assoc p arr)))
           87  +							 (if (eq? #f v) "" (url-decode (cadr v)))))
           88  +(define (alist->netreq al body)
           89  +  (define (method->symbol m) (cond [(equal? m "GET") 'get]
           90  +								   [(equal? m "POST") 'post]
           91  +								   [(equal? m "PUT") 'put]
           92  +								   [else 'unknown]))
           93  +  (define (field key) 
           94  +	(let ((result (assoc key al)))
           95  +	  (if (eq? result #f) #f
           96  +		  (cdr result))))
           97  +
           98  +  (make-netreq body
           99  +			   (method->symbol (field "method"))
          100  +			   (string-split (field "docuri") "/")
          101  +			   (field "query")
          102  +			   (field "remote")
          103  +			   (field "HTTP_ACCEPT")
          104  +			   (field "HTTP_REFERER")
          105  +			   (field "HTTP_USER_AGENT")))
          106  +
          107  +(define-record netresp
          108  +			   status ; error symbol, later resolved to int
          109  +			   headers ; alist of string pairs
          110  +			   body) ; raw text to return
          111  +
          112  +(define (netresp->string resp)
          113  +  (define (netstatus->string sym)
          114  +	(case sym
          115  +	  ['ok "200 OK"]
          116  +	  ['redir "302 Found"]
          117  +	  ['nofile "404 Not Found"]
          118  +	  ['badreq "400 Bad Request"]
          119  +	  ['noauth "401 Unauthorized"]
          120  +	  ['forbidden "403 Forbidden"]
          121  +	  ['badmeth "405 Method Not Allowed"]
          122  +	  ['noaccept "406 Not Acceptable"]
          123  +	  ['error "500 Internal Server Error"]))
          124  +  (define (http-header pair)
          125  +	(string-append (car pair) ": " (cdr pair) "\r\n"))
          126  +  (string-append 
          127  +	"HTTP/1.1 " (netstatus->string (netresp-status resp)) "\r\n"
          128  +	(foldl string-append "" (map http-header (netresp-headers resp)))
          129  +	"\r\n"
          130  +	(netresp-body resp)))
          131  +
          132  +(define mime-types
          133  +  '((html . "text/html")
          134  +	(text . "text/plain")))
          135  +
          136  +(define (search-list pred lst)
          137  +  (cond [(null? lst) #f]
          138  +		[(pred (car lst)) (car lst)]
          139  +		[else (search-list pred (cdr lst))]))
          140  +
          141  +(define (alist-val-search pred val lst)
          142  +  (search-list (lambda (x) (pred (cdr x) val)) lst))
          143  +
          144  +(define (determine-response-kind accept ua)
          145  +  (define (split-type t) (string-split t ";"))
          146  +  (define (mime->symbol m) (car (alist-val-search equal? m mime-types)))
          147  +  (define (symbol->mime m) (cdr (assq m mime-types)))
          148  +  (let* ([fmts (string-split accept ",")]
          149  +		 [fmt-pairs (map split-type fmts)]
          150  +		 [fmt-map (map (lambda(x) (alist-val-search equal? (car x) mime-types)) fmt-pairs)]
          151  +		 [fmt-comp (compress fmt-map fmt-map)])
          152  +	(if (null? fmt-comp) '(html . "text/html")
          153  +		(car fmt-comp))))
          154  +
          155  +(define (emit-para kind text)
          156  +  (case kind
          157  +	('html (string-append "<p>" text "</p>\n"))
          158  +	('text (string-append text "\n\n"))))
          159  +
          160  +(define (emit-inline-link kind l)
          161  +  (case kind
          162  +	('html (string-append "<a href=\"" (cdr l) "\">" (eval-text kind (car l)) "</a>"))
          163  +	('text (string-append " [" (eval-text kind (car l)) "](" (cdr l) ")"))))
          164  +
          165  +(define (emit-list-link kind l)
          166  +  (case kind
          167  +	('html (string-append "<li><a href=\"" (cdr l) "\">" (eval-text kind (car l)) "</a></li>\n"))
          168  +	('text (string-append " * " (eval-text kind (car l)) " → " (cdr l) "\n"))))
          169  +
          170  +(define (emit-form kind f)
          171  +  (let ([method (list-ref f 0)]
          172  +		[dest (list-ref f 1)]
          173  +		[body (foldl string-append ""
          174  +					 (map (cut eval-text kind <>) (list-tail f 2)))])
          175  +	(case kind
          176  +	  ('html (string-append "<form method=\"" method "\" action=\"" dest "\">\n" body "<div><input type=\"submit\" value=\"commit\"></div>\n</form>\n"))
          177  +	  ('text body))))
          178  +
          179  +(define (emit-form-field kind f)
          180  +  (let ([label (list-ref f 0)]
          181  +		[name (list-ref f 1)]
          182  +		[type (list-ref f 2)])
          183  +	(case kind
          184  +	  ('html (cond
          185  +			   ((equal? "textarea" type)
          186  +				( string-append
          187  +				  "<div><label for=\"" name "\">" (eval-text kind label) "</label></div>\n"
          188  +				  "<div><textarea  name=\"" name "\"></textarea></div>\n"))
          189  +			   (else (string-append
          190  +					   "<div><label for=\"" name "\">" (eval-text kind label) ":</label> <input type=\"" type "\" name=\"" name "\"></div>\n"))))
          191  +	  ('text "<FORM>\n"))))
          192  +
          193  +(define (emit-inline-tag tag kind text)
          194  +  (case kind
          195  +	('html (string-append "<"tag">" text "</"tag">"))
          196  +	('text (string-append "*" text "*"))))
          197  +
          198  +(define (eval-text kind body)
          199  +  (define (eval-node n)
          200  +	(if (null? n) ""
          201  +		(let ()
          202  +		  (define (get-inner)
          203  +			(foldl string-append "" (map (cut eval-text kind <>) (cdr n))))
          204  +		  (case (car n)
          205  +			('p (emit-para kind (get-inner)))
          206  +			('text (get-inner))
          207  +			('b (emit-inline-tag "strong" kind (get-inner)))
          208  +			('i (emit-inline-tag "em" kind (get-inner)))
          209  +			('tt (emit-inline-tag "code" kind (get-inner)))
          210  +			('a (emit-inline-link kind (cdr n)))
          211  +			('field (emit-form-field kind (cdr n)))
          212  +			('form (emit-form kind (cdr n)))
          213  +			(else (error "unrecognized text node" (car n)))))))
          214  +  (cond [(string? body) body]
          215  +		[(pair? body) (eval-node body)]
          216  +		[else (error "unparseable text object")]))
          217  +
          218  +(define (redirect dest)
          219  +  (make-netresp 'redir
          220  +				(list '("Server" . "fabulist")
          221  +					  (cons "Location" dest)) ""))
          222  +
          223  +(define (respond req code user-header text links)
          224  +  (let* ([kind-pair (determine-response-kind (netreq-accept req)
          225  +											 (netreq-ua req))]
          226  +		 [kind (car kind-pair)]
          227  +		 [mime (cdr kind-pair)]
          228  +		 [header (string-append (if (equal? user-header "") ""
          229  +									 " :: ") user-header)])
          230  +	(define (open)
          231  +	  (case kind
          232  +		('html (string-append
          233  +				 "<!doctype html>\n<head>\n<title>fabulist" header "</title>\n"
          234  +				 "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/style\" type=\"text/css\">"
          235  +				 "</head>\n<body>\n<h1>								<a href=\"/\">fabulist</a>" header "</h1>\n"))
          236  +		('text (string-append "# " header "\n\n"))))
          237  +	(define (close)
          238  +	  (case kind
          239  +		('html (string-append "</body>\n</html>\n"))
          240  +		('text "")))
          241  +	(let* ([opener (open)]
          242  +		   [closer (close)]
          243  +		   [body-text (map (cut eval-text kind <>) text)]
          244  +		   [choices (map (cut emit-list-link kind <>) links)]
          245  +		   [final-text (string-append opener
          246  +									  (foldl string-append "" body-text)
          247  +									  "<ol>\n"
          248  +									  (foldl string-append "" choices)
          249  +									  "</ol>\n"
          250  +									  closer)]
          251  +		   [content-length (number->string(string-length final-text))]
          252  +		   [response (make-netresp code
          253  +								   (list (cons "Server" "fabulist")
          254  +										 (cons "Content-Type" mime)
          255  +										 (cons "Content-Length" content-length))
          256  +								   final-text)])
          257  +	  response)))
          258  +
          259  +
          260  +(define (get-new-story req) 0)
          261  +
          262  +(define (get-stylesheet req)
          263  +  (define style #<<_END_
          264  +	body {
          265  +	background: #370017;
          266  +	color: #FFE1ED;
          267  +	max-width: 35em;
          268  +	padding: 1em;
          269  +	margin: auto;
          270  +	font-family: Alegreya, Junicode, GaramondNo8, "Garamond Premier Pro", "Adobe Garamond", Garamond, serif;
          271  +	font-size: 15pt;
          272  +	}
          273  +	input, textarea {
          274  +	font-family: Alegreya, Junicode, GaramondNo8, "Garamond Premier Pro", "Adobe Garamond", Garamond, serif;
          275  +	font-size: 14pt;
          276  +	border: 1px solid #FF4C96;
          277  +	background: #610028;
          278  +	color: white;
          279  +	padding: 0.3em;
          280  +	flex-grow: 2;
          281  +	text-shadow: 0 0 10px #E84B8C;
          282  +	}
          283  +	code {
          284  +	font-family: Inconsolata, Monaco, monocode;
          285  +	padding: 0.2em 0.3em;
          286  +	background: #740C38;
          287  +	border: 1px solid #260010;
          288  +	}
          289  +	textarea {
          290  +	height: 6em;
          291  +	}
          292  +	input[type=submit] {
          293  +	position: absolute;
          294  +	flex-grow: 0;
          295  +	width: 30%;
          296  +	right: 0;
          297  +	top: 1em;
          298  +	text-shadow: 0 0 10px #E84B8C;
          299  +	}
          300  +	form > div {
          301  +	position: relative;
          302  +	display: flex;
          303  +	width: 100%;
          304  +	align-items: center;
          305  +	}
          306  +	form label {
          307  +	margin-right: 0.5em;
          308  +	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
          309  +	margin-top: 0.5em;
          310  +	font-weight: bold;
          311  +	}
          312  +	a[href] {
          313  +	color: #FF2E84;
          314  +	}
          315  +	h1 {
          316  +		font-weight: 100;
          317  +		margin-bottom: 0.0em;
          318  +	}
          319  +	h1 a[href] {
          320  +	color: #FF7AB1;
          321  +	text-decoration: none;
          322  +	}
          323  +_END_
          324  +	)
          325  +  (make-netresp 'ok (list (cons "Server" "")
          326  +						  (cons "Content-Type" "text/css")
          327  +						  (cons "Content-Length" (number->string
          328  +												   (string-length style))))
          329  +				style))
          330  +
          331  +(define (get-new-chapter req)
          332  +  (let* ([path (netreq-path req)]
          333  +		 [place (follow-path (cdr path))]
          334  +		 [params (netreq-post-params req)])
          335  +	(if (eq? #f place) (error-not-found req)
          336  +		(let* ([story-key (text-path-story-key place)]
          337  +			   [story (text-path-story-rec place)]
          338  +			   [chapter-key (text-path-chapter-key place)])
          339  +		  (new-chapter-page req story-key story chapter-key)))))
          340  +
          341  +(define (get-flag-chapter req) 0)
          342  +(define (post-flag-chapter req) 0)
          343  +
          344  +(define (error-not-found req)
          345  +  (respond req 'nofile "error"
          346  +		   '((p "the path you have entered is not meaningful."))
          347  +		   '(("start over" . "/"))))
          348  +
          349  +(define (display-index-page req)
          350  +  (respond req 'ok ""
          351  +		   '((p "welcome to this " (b "fabulist" ) " instance.")
          352  +			 (p "fabulist is a server for hosting collaborative interactive fiction." )
          353  +			 (p "select one of the links below."))
          354  +		   '(("start a new story" . "/init")
          355  +			 ("play an existing story" . "/find")
          356  +			 ("start a random story" . "/rand"))))
          357  +
          358  +(define (new-chapter-page req key story last-page)
          359  +  (let ([new-url (string-append "/new/" key (if (eq? #f last-page) ""
          360  +												(string-append "/" last-page)))])
          361  +	(respond req 'ok (string-append (story-title story) " :: new chapter")
          362  +		   (list
          363  +			 '(p "write your chapter and hit " (b "commit") " to add it to the story")
          364  +			 `(form "POST" ,new-url
          365  +					,(if (eq? #f last-page) '(text "")
          366  +						(list 'field "choice that leads here" "choice-link" "text"))
          367  +					(field "chapter body" "chapter-body" "textarea")))
          368  +			 (if (eq? last-page #f) '()
          369  +			   (list
          370  +				 (cons "abandon chapter"
          371  +					   (string-append "/p/" key "/" last-page))
          372  +				 (cons "link to existing chapter"
          373  +					   (string-append "/link/" key "/" last-page)))))))
          374  +
          375  +(define-record text-path
          376  +			   story-key story-rec chapter-key)
          377  +
          378  +(define (follow-path path)
          379  +  (let* ([pathlen (length path)])
          380  +	(cond [(or (< pathlen 1)
          381  +			   (> pathlen 2)) #f]
          382  +		  [else (let* ([story-key (car path)]
          383  +					   [story-ent (alist-ref story-key
          384  +											 (db-stories *database*)
          385  +											 equal?)]
          386  +					   [chapter-key (cond [(= pathlen 2) (cadr path)]
          387  +										  [(eq? #f story-ent) #f]
          388  +										  [else (story-start story-ent)])])
          389  +				  (make-text-path story-key story-ent chapter-key))])))
          390  +  
          391  +(define (format-user-text str)
          392  +  (map (cut list 'p <>)
          393  +	   (string-split str "\n")))
          394  +
          395  +(define (post-new-chapter req)
          396  +  (define (save-chapter key ch)
          397  +	(set! (db-pages *database*)
          398  +	  (alist-update key ch (db-pages *database*))))
          399  +  (define (save-to-start story chap)
          400  +	(story-start-set! story chap))
          401  +  (define (add-to-page story-key dest new-key)
          402  +	(let* ([destkey (string-append story-key "." dest)]
          403  +		   [dest-pg (alist-ref destkey (db-pages *database*) equal?)]
          404  +		   [old-choices (page-choices dest-pg)])
          405  +	  (page-choices-set! dest-pg (append old-choices (list new-key)))))
          406  +	  
          407  +  (let* ([path (netreq-path req)]
          408  +		 [place (follow-path (cdr path))]
          409  +		 [params (netreq-post-params req)])
          410  +	(if (eq? #f place) (error-not-found req)
          411  +		(let* ([story-key (text-path-story-key place)]
          412  +			   [story (text-path-story-rec place)]
          413  +			   [chapter-key (text-path-chapter-key place)]
          414  +			   [choice-link (post-field params "choice-link")]
          415  +			   [chapter-body (post-field params "chapter-body")])
          416  +			  (let* ([new-key (generate-key 4)]
          417  +					 [full-key (string-append story-key "." new-key)]
          418  +					 [new-page
          419  +					   (make-page choice-link
          420  +								  story-key
          421  +								  (format-user-text chapter-body)
          422  +								  '())])
          423  +				(if (= (length path) 2)
          424  +					(if (eq? #f (story-start story))
          425  +						(begin (save-chapter full-key new-page)
          426  +							   (save-to-start story new-key)
          427  +							   (redirect (string-append "/p/" story-key "/" new-key)))
          428  +						(error-not-found req))
          429  +					; FIXME: insert error checking to make sure [chapter-key]
          430  +					; really exists; right now this will crash the program!
          431  +					(begin (save-chapter full-key new-page)
          432  +						   (add-to-page story-key chapter-key new-key)
          433  +						   (redirect (string-append "/p/" story-key "/" chapter-key))))
          434  +
          435  +		  )))))
          436  +
          437  +
          438  +(define (get-story-chapter req)
          439  +  (define (render-chapter story-key story chapter)
          440  +	(define (lookup-chapter ch) (alist-ref (string-append story-key "." ch)
          441  +										   (db-pages *database*) equal?))
          442  +	(define (format-choice ch)
          443  +	  (let ([dest (lookup-chapter ch)])
          444  +		(cons (page-link dest)
          445  +			  (string-append "/p/" story-key "/" ch))))
          446  +
          447  +	(let ([chap (lookup-chapter chapter)])
          448  +	  (if (eq? #f chap) (error-not-found req)
          449  +		  (respond req 'ok (story-title story)
          450  +					(page-body chap)
          451  +					(append
          452  +					  (map format-choice (page-choices chap))
          453  +					  (list (cons '(i "[branch]")
          454  +								  (string-append
          455  +									"/new/" story-key
          456  +									"/" chapter))))))))
          457  +
          458  +  (let* ([path (netreq-path req)]
          459  +		 [place (follow-path (cdr path))])
          460  +	(if (eq? #f place) (error-not-found req)
          461  +		(let* ([story-key (text-path-story-key place)]
          462  +			   [story-ent (text-path-story-rec place)]
          463  +			   [chapter-key (text-path-chapter-key place)])
          464  +
          465  +		  (cond [(eq? #f story-ent) (error-not-found req)]
          466  +				[(and (= (length path) 2) ; no chkey passed
          467  +					  (eq? chapter-key #f)) ; and start is empty
          468  +				 (new-chapter-page req story-key story-ent #f)]
          469  +				[else (render-chapter story-key story-ent chapter-key)])))))
          470  +
          471  +(define (get-init-story req)
          472  +  (respond req 'ok "new story"
          473  +		   '((p "what kind of story do you want to create?")
          474  +			 (form "POST" "/init"
          475  +				   (field "name" "story-name" "text")
          476  +				   (field "genre" "story-genre" "text")
          477  +				   (field "synopsis" "story-desc" "textarea")))
          478  +		   '(("never mind" . "/"))))
          479  +
          480  +(define (post-init-story req)
          481  +  (define (try msg expr) (if (eq? expr #f) #f msg))
          482  +  (let* ([params (netreq-post-params req)]
          483  +		 [name (post-field params "story-name")]
          484  +		 [genre (post-field params "story-genre")]
          485  +		 [desc (post-field params "story-desc")]
          486  +		 [story-key (generate-key 4)]
          487  +		 [author-key (generate-key 8)]
          488  +		 [failure (or (try "name" (< (string-length name) 4))
          489  +					  (try "genre" (< (string-length genre) 4))
          490  +					  (try "synopsis" (< (string-length desc) 16)))]
          491  +		 [body (cond [(string? failure)
          492  +					  (list
          493  +						(list 'p (string-append
          494  +								   "the " failure " you entered isn't long enough!")))]
          495  +					 [else (list 
          496  +							 (list 'p "your story has been created!")
          497  +							 (list 'p (list 'text
          498  +											"your author key is " (list 'tt author-key) "; make sure to copy it down somewhere if you want to be able to exercise editorial control.")))])]
          499  +		 [link (cond [(eq? failure #f)
          500  +					  (list (cons (list 'text "starting writing " (list 'b name))
          501  +								  (string-append "/p/" story-key)))]
          502  +					 [else (list '("try again" . "/init")
          503  +								 '("give up" . "/"))])])
          504  +
          505  +	(unless (string? failure) (begin
          506  +								(let* ([new-story (make-story name genre desc author-key #f)]
          507  +									   [db-entry (cons story-key new-story)])
          508  +								  (set! (db-stories *database*)
          509  +									(cons db-entry (db-stories *database*))))))
          510  +	(respond req 'ok "new story" body link)))
          511  +
          512  +(define route-table (list
          513  +					  (cons '(get  . ("style"))  get-stylesheet)
          514  +
          515  +					  (cons '(get  . ("p"))   get-story-chapter)
          516  +
          517  +					  (cons '(get  . ("init"))  get-init-story)
          518  +					  (cons '(post . ("init"))  post-init-story)
          519  +
          520  +					  (cons '(get  . ("new"))  get-new-chapter)
          521  +					  (cons '(post . ("new"))  post-new-chapter)
          522  +
          523  +					  (cons '(get  . ("flag")) get-flag-chapter)
          524  +					  (cons '(post . ("flag")) post-flag-chapter)))
          525  +
          526  +(define (find-route method path)
          527  +  (define (search table path)
          528  +	(cond [(null? table) #f]
          529  +		  [(equal? (cons method path) (caar table)) (cdar table)]
          530  +		  [else (search (cdr table) path)]))
          531  +  (if (null? path) #f
          532  +	  (let ((rs (search route-table path)))
          533  +		(if (not (eq? rs #f)) rs
          534  +			(find-route method (butlast path))))))
          535  +
          536  +(define (route req)
          537  +  (let* ([path   (netreq-path req)]
          538  +		 [method (netreq-method req)]
          539  +		 [pagefn (if (null? path) display-index-page
          540  +					 (or (find-route method path)
          541  +						 error-not-found))])
          542  +	(pagefn req)))
          543  +
          544  +(define (read-ahead skip ct . args)
          545  +  (define (loop buf skip ct)
          546  +	(if (eq? ct 0) buf
          547  +		(let ([nextchar (apply read-char args)])
          548  +		  (if (eq? #!eof nextchar) buf
          549  +			  (loop (if (> skip 0) buf
          550  +						(string-append buf (string nextchar)))
          551  +					(max 0 (- skip 1))
          552  +					(- ct 1))))))
          553  +  (loop "" skip (+ skip ct)))
          554  +
          555  +(define (characterize input)
          556  +  (define (loop len ptr)
          557  +	(if (equal? "" ptr) (if (> 0 len) 'invalid 'incomplete)
          558  +		(let* ([char (string-ref ptr 0)]
          559  +			   [val (char->integer char)])
          560  +		  (cond [(and (>= val #x30) ;is ascii digit?
          561  +					  (<= val #x39))
          562  +				 (loop (+ (- val #x30) (* len 10))
          563  +					   (substring ptr 1))]
          564  +				[(eqv? char #\:) (if (< (string-length ptr) len) 'incomplete
          565  +									 (make-netstr len
          566  +												  (substring ptr 1 len)
          567  +												  (substring ptr len)))]
          568  +				[else 'invalid]))))
          569  +  (loop 0 input))
          570  +
          571  +(define (parse-header str)
          572  +  (define (pairup a b . rst)
          573  +	(let ([p (cons a b)])
          574  +	  (if (null? rst) (cons p '())
          575  +		  (cons p (apply pairup rst)))))
          576  +  (let ([lst (string-split str "\x00" #t)])
          577  +	(apply pairup lst)))
          578  +
          579  +(define (connect in out)
          580  +  (define (shutdown)
          581  +	(close-input-port in)
          582  +	(close-output-port out))
          583  +  (define (accumulate buf)
          584  +	(let ([state (characterize buf)])
          585  +	  (cond
          586  +		[(eq? state 'invalid) #f]
          587  +		[(eq? state 'incomplete) (accumulate
          588  +								   (string-append buf (string (read-char in))))]
          589  +		[else state])))
          590  +  (let ([req (accumulate "")])
          591  +	(if (not (netstr? req)) (write-string "bad scgi request" #f out)
          592  +
          593  +		(let* ([header (parse-header (netstr-val req))]
          594  +			   [bodysz (string->number
          595  +						 (cdr (assoc "CONTENT_LENGTH" header)))]
          596  +			   [body (string-append
          597  +					   (netstr-rest req)
          598  +					   (read-ahead 2 bodysz in))])
          599  +		  ; pass the structured data on to the router function, which
          600  +		  ; will generate the appropriate page text for the request
          601  +		  ; and pass it back as a netresp struct
          602  +		  (write-string 
          603  +			(netresp->string
          604  +			  (route (alist->netreq header body))) #f out)
          605  +		  ))
          606  +	(shutdown)))
          607  +
          608  +
          609  +(define (serve port)
          610  +  (define (await-connections s)
          611  +	(let-values ([{in out} (tcp-accept s)])
          612  +	  (connect in out)
          613  +	  #;(condition-case (connect in out)
          614  +	  (v () (v)))
          615  +	(await-connections s)))
          616  +(let ([server (tcp-listen port 100 "")])
          617  +  (await-connections server)
          618  +  (tcp-close server)))
          619  +
          620  +(serve 4056)
          621  +#;(cond-expand
          622  +  (chicken-script )
          623  +  (else))

Modified sexpc/sexpc.scm from [46b6c9a575] to [7c5e1b9792].

    18     18   ;      _Bool (((*(*const (((v)[])))(char, unsigned
    19     19   ;                                  __int128_t)))[5])
    20     20   ;    (as i'm sure you immediately guessed)
    21     21   ;    
    22     22   ;  → no dependencies besides the lisp-macro.scm file
    23     23   ;    bundled with it, and the chicken stdlib.
    24     24   
    25         -(import (chicken process-context))
    26         -(import (chicken condition))
    27         -(import (chicken pretty-print))
    28         -(import (chicken io))
           25  +(import (chicken process-context)
           26  +        (chicken condition)
           27  +        (chicken pretty-print)
           28  +        (chicken io))
    29     29   (include "../scmlib/lisp-macro.scm")
    30     30   
    31     31   (define (first fst . lst) fst)
    32     32   
    33     33   (: string-reduce (list --> string))
    34     34   (: words->string (list --> string))
    35     35   (: separate (string list --> string))