util  Check-in [5e680bdd13]

Comment:add clipserv
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SHA3-256: 5e680bdd135eea1f3007b2e0bbb400fbac6eaee6ad07499e78c0bfde77e4c91a
User & Date: lexi on 2019-07-21 06:15:31
Other Links: manifest | tags
add clipserv check-in: 6a5d1f9f67 user: lexi tags: trunk
add clipserv check-in: 5e680bdd13 user: lexi tags: trunk
udpate xpriv to use sysv shmem by default; give iaia an option to generate its own types, and allow selecting between 7-bit and 8-bit encodings for ascii (defaulting to 8-bit); update mkpw to work with new iaia; update ord to add flag controlling byte length (7 or 8) for iaia's ascii mode check-in: 6a14de1811 user: lexi tags: trunk

Added clipserv/ansi.b version [96ef78cae7].

            1  +; [ʞ] ansi.b
            2  +;  ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
            3  +;  © AGPLv3
            4  +;  ? a terminal text formatter for boron
            5  +;  > do read/text %ansi.b
            6  +;  @ vim: ft=rebol
            7  +
            8  +stdin:  open 0
            9  +stdout: open 1
           10  +stderr: open 2
           11  +
           12  +fmt-code-stack: []
           13  +
           14  +in-list: func [i lst] [ either (find lst i) [true] [false] ]
           15  +
           16  +ansi: context [
           17  +	escape: to-string #{1B5B}
           18  +	fmt: "m" with: ";"
           19  +	style: context [
           20  +		hl: "1" ul: "4" rv: "7" sl: "3" dim: "2" 
           21  +	]
           22  +	color: context [
           23  +		red: "1"    green: "2"
           24  +		yellow: "3" blue: "4"
           25  +		purple: "5" cyan: "6"
           26  +		white: "7" black: "0"
           27  +	]
           28  +	fg: color   bg: color
           29  +
           30  +	frame: context [
           31  +		kind: none
           32  +		value: none
           33  +	]
           34  +]
           35  +
           36  +fmt-push: func[k v] [ any [
           37  +	all [
           38  +		f-kind: in ansi k
           39  +		f-val: in (do f-kind) v
           40  +		
           41  +		frame: make ansi/frame [
           42  +			kind: f-kind
           43  +			value: f-val
           44  +		]
           45  +
           46  +		append fmt-code-stack frame
           47  +	] throw 'bad-argument
           48  +]]
           49  +
           50  +fmt-pop: does [ pop fmt-code-stack ]
           51  +
           52  +fmt-seq: func[/local] [
           53  +	active-styles: []
           54  +	active-colors: context [
           55  +		fg: none
           56  +		bg: none
           57  +	]
           58  +
           59  +	foreach frame fmt-code-stack [
           60  +		either eq? frame/kind 'style [
           61  +			ifn in-list frame/value active-styles [
           62  +				append active-styles frame/value
           63  +			] 
           64  +		] /* or */ [
           65  +			ck: in active-colors (unbind frame/kind)
           66  +			set ck frame/value
           67  +		]
           68  +	]
           69  +
           70  +	style-string: rejoin (map i active-styles [join ";" (do i)])
           71  +
           72  +	key: context [
           73  +		plain: context [ fg: "3" bg: "4" ]
           74  +		bright: context [ fg: "9" bg: "10" ]
           75  +	]
           76  +	foreach i [fg bg] [
           77  +		code: do (in key/plain i)
           78  +		color: do (in active-colors i)
           79  +		if color [
           80  +			style-string: join style-string rejoin
           81  +				[";" code do color]
           82  +		]
           83  +	]
           84  +
           85  +	free active-styles
           86  +
           87  +	rejoin [ ansi/escape style-string ansi/fmt ]
           88  +]
           89  +
           90  +fmt: func [lst] [
           91  +	depth: 0
           92  +	evaluated: map term (join lst fmt-seq) [
           93  +		case [
           94  +			paren? term [
           95  +				fmt-push (first term) (second term)
           96  +				++ depth fmt-seq
           97  +			]
           98  +			word? term [ do term ]
           99  +			block? term [ fmt term ]
          100  +			string? term [ term ]
          101  +		]
          102  +	]
          103  +	loop depth [fmt-pop]
          104  +	rejoin evaluated
          105  +]

Added clipserv/clip.b version [589ffdd50a].

            1  +#!/usr/bin/env -S boron -sp
            2  +; [ʞ] clipserv.b 
            3  +;  ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
            4  +;  # boron
            5  +;  @ vim: ft=rebol
            6  +;  ? a tool for transmitting clipboard from one
            7  +;    host to another over the network. WARNING:
            8  +;    simple nonce authentication is used but the
            9  +;    clipboard is sent IN THE CLEAR 
           10  +
           11  +do read/text %ansi.b
           12  +
           13  +verbose: no
           14  +readonly: no
           15  +port: "42069"
           16  +key: #{981A7879}
           17  +
           18  +proto: context [
           19  +	writecb: #{3E}
           20  +	readcb: #{C5}
           21  +]
           22  +
           23  +debug: func [x] [
           24  +	if verbose [
           25  +		x: either block? x [rejoin x] [x]
           26  +
           27  +		write stderr fmt [
           28  +			[(fg red) "["] [(style hl) "debug"] " " x [(fg red) "]"] "^/"
           29  +		]
           30  +	]
           31  +]
           32  +
           33  +entropy-sink: open %/dev/urandom
           34  +rand-block: func[sz] [ read/part entropy-sink sz ]
           35  +key-hash: func[k z /local] [
           36  +	cksum: checksum join k z
           37  +	slice cksum 0,4
           38  +]
           39  +
           40  +debug "parsing arguments"
           41  +
           42  +usage: does [
           43  +	write stderr fmt [[(style hl)"usage:"]
           44  +		" ./clip.b get <hostname> | send <hostname>" ]
           45  +]
           46  +
           47  +flag: func [f /extern verbose readonly] [
           48  +	debug ["found flag " i]
           49  +	do select [
           50  +		"-v" [ verbose: yes ]
           51  +		"-q" [ verbose: no ]
           52  +		"-r" [ readonly: yes ]
           53  +	] f
           54  +]
           55  +
           56  +set-clipboard: func[c] [ execute/in "xsel -bi" c ]
           57  +
           58  +get-clipboard: func[/local] [ 
           59  +	clip-out: ""
           60  +	execute/out "xsel -bo" clip-out
           61  +	clip-out
           62  +]
           63  +
           64  +start-server: func[/local] [
           65  +	debug ["serving clipboard from " hostname none ]
           66  +	sock: open join "tcp://:" port
           67  +	forever [
           68  +		connection: read wait sock
           69  +		nonce: rand-block 4
           70  +		expect-key: (key-hash nonce key)
           71  +		write connection nonce
           72  +		debug [ "sent nonce " nonce ";"
           73  +			"expecting password " expect-key ";"]
           74  +
           75  +		client-message: read wait connection
           76  +		client-key: slice client-message 0,4
           77  +		client-command: slice client-message 4,1
           78  +		client-body: slice client-message 5,-1
           79  +
           80  +		debug [ "received pw " client-key ]
           81  +		either eq? client-key expect-key [
           82  +			debug [ "admitted access" ]
           83  +			debug [ "got command " client-command ]
           84  +			case [
           85  +				eq? client-command proto/readcb [
           86  +					debug {sending clipboard to client}
           87  +					write connection get-clipboard
           88  +				]
           89  +				eq? client-command proto/writecb [
           90  +					new-clipboard: to-string client-body
           91  +					debug ["got cb " new-clipboard]
           92  +					set-clipboard new-clipboard
           93  +				]
           94  +				true [ write connection "bad command" ]
           95  +			]
           96  +		] [
           97  +			debug "denied access"
           98  +			write connection "access denied"
           99  +		]
          100  +		close connection
          101  +		debug [ "closed connection" ]
          102  +	]
          103  +]
          104  +
          105  +send-clip: func[host] [
          106  +	debug ["sending clipboard to " host ]
          107  +	sock: open rejoin ["tcp://" host ":" port]
          108  +	nonce: read wait sock
          109  +	debug [ "got nonce " nonce ]
          110  +	client-key: key-hash nonce key
          111  +	debug [ "sending password " client-key ]
          112  +	msg: rejoin [
          113  +		client-key
          114  +		proto/writecb
          115  +		get-clipboard #{00}
          116  +	]
          117  +	write sock msg
          118  +]
          119  +get-clip: func[host] [
          120  +	debug ["getting clipboard from " host ]
          121  +	sock: open rejoin ["tcp://" host ":" port]
          122  +	nonce: read wait sock
          123  +	debug [ "got nonce " nonce ]
          124  +	client-key: key-hash nonce key
          125  +	debug [ "sending password " client-key ]
          126  +	msg: rejoin [ client-key proto/readcb ]
          127  +	write sock msg
          128  +	clipboard: read wait sock
          129  +	print ["server response: " to-string clipboard]
          130  +]
          131  +
          132  +main: func [argv checked-flags] [
          133  +	case [
          134  +		none? argv [ usage ]
          135  +		parse argv ["get"  host: string!] [ get-clip  host ]
          136  +		parse argv ["send" host: string!] [ send-clip host ]
          137  +		parse argv ["serve"] [ start-server ]
          138  +		not checked-flags [
          139  +			new-args: []
          140  +			foreach i argv [
          141  +				either eq? first i '-' [ flag i ] [
          142  +					new-args: join new-args i ] ]
          143  +			main new-args yes
          144  +		]
          145  +		true [ usage ]
          146  +	]
          147  +]
          148  +
          149  +main args no