util  Check-in [05677edf7f]

Comment:update readme with reference to newer projects
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SHA3-256: 05677edf7f92fea9c15f5c2c1340581bc39b87a537ef9932b737a923f615a9ea
User & Date: lexi on 2019-11-05 16:41:45
Other Links: manifest | tags
fix newtab to keep userscript sockets/fifos from tripping it up check-in: 4cecd72436 user: lexi tags: trunk
update readme with reference to newer projects check-in: 05677edf7f user: lexi tags: trunk
nitpick check-in: 2a975fabe3 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified readme.md from [dd56c0b568] to [855194b85a].

     1      1   # util
     2      2   various odds and ends. all code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL unless otherwise noted.
     3      3   
            4  +* **ord.c**: no-bullshit command-line base converter
            5  +* **nkvd.c**: an LD_PRELOAD library to force counterrevolutionary programs to obey the XDG spec (currently only with respect to config dirs)
            6  +* **tenki**: a versatile, lightweight Dark Sky client designed for use with polybar
            7  +* **sexpc.scm**: a scheme tool that enables AST-rewriting macros in C code
     4      8   * **safekill.c**: utility to help keep from accidentally killing important windows; compile with `cc -Ofast safekill.c -lX11 -lc -osafekill`
            9  +* **newtab.c**: a "open a new tab if there's already an instance running or launch a new instance otherwise" utility for qutebrowser
           10  +* **fabulist.scm**: a work-in-progress communal fiction server
     5     11   * **bgrd.c**: it’s… a long story. just read the header.
           12  +* **mkpw.c** an extremely fast mass random password generator
     6     13   * **kpw**: an extremely simple, lightweight, secure password manager for POSIX OSes written in C. depends on libsodium for crypto primitives. compile with `make kpw`.
           14  +* **rosshil.ml**: tool to convert between the various calendars of the [Spirals](https://ʞ.cc/fic/spirals/) setting