util  rosshil.ml at [ff13f110ee]

File rosshil.ml artifact 1155e40476 part of check-in ff13f110ee

(* [ʞ] rosshil.ml - tasshila semes sirvos
 *  ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
 *  $ ocamlopt.opt rosshil.ml -o rosshil
 *  © AGPL

(* basic units *)
type timespan  = int (* earth seconds are current tick unit *)
type timepoint = int
type quantity = int
type proportion = float

type runopt = NoOpt | NoANSI | ASCII
let optstrs = [
	NoANSI, "noansi";
	ASCII, "ascii";
let is_opt str = List.exists (fun (_,s) -> ("-"^s) = str) optstrs
let opt_of_str str = let (opt,_) = List.find
	(fun (_,s) -> ("-"^s) = str) optstrs in opt;

type name             = { short: string; long: string; }
let nmpair short long = { short = short; long = long   };

type timeunit = {
	name   : string;
	expr   : timespan -> string;
	span   : timespan;

let span (start: timepoint) (stop: timepoint) : timespan = stop - start
	(* because im a dyscalculic idiot *)

type epoch = {
	(* an epoch delineates discrete eras in a calendar system,
	 * such as which empress is reigning *)
	title : name;
	start : timepoint;
let inepoch (e: epoch) (date: timepoint) = date > e.start

type era = {
	(* an era is a period of time that may be attached to
	 * galactic history or to a single calendar *)
	title : name;
	start : timepoint;
	stop  : timepoint;
let eraspan (e: era) : timespan = span e.start e.stop

let history : era list = [] (* in DESCENDING order!! *)
let galacticzero : timepoint = 0

type date = { years : quantity; days : quantity }

let strify = string_of_int

exception Bad_dimension
let bad_dim _ = raise Bad_dimension

module Gregorian = struct
	module Span = struct
		let sec  : timespan =   1
		let min  : timespan =  60 * sec
		let hour : timespan =  60 * min
		let day  : timespan =  24 * hour
		let days : quantity = 365
		let year : timespan = days * day

		let equiv (d: date): timespan =
			(year * d.years) + (day * d.days)

		let day_equiv calendar_days earth_equiv = int_of_float
			(float day *. (float earth_equiv /. float calendar_days))

		let calc (span: timespan) : date =
			let ctdays = span / day in
			let ctyears = ctdays / days in
			let rem = ctdays mod days in
				{ years = ctyears; days = rem; }

		let fmt (d: date) : string = (
			(strify d.years) ^ " Gregorian years and " ^
			(strify d.days) ^ " days"

module Society = struct
	module Span = struct
		let days = 256
		let earth_days_in_year = 414
		let day = Gregorian.Span.day_equiv days earth_days_in_year
		let rantis = day / 64
		let year = day * days

		let equiv (d: date): timespan =
			(year * d.years) + (day * d.days)

		let calc (span: timespan) : date =
			let ctdays = span / day in
			let ctyears = ctdays / days in
			let rem = ctdays mod days in
				{years = ctyears; days = rem}

		let fmt (d : date) : string =
			("Sh." ^ (strify d.years) ^ "/" ^ (strify d.days))

	module Cal = struct
		let zero = galacticzero + (0 * Span.year)

		let equiv (d: date): timepoint =
			zero + (Span.year * d.years) + (Span.day * d.days)

		let calc (pt: timepoint) : date =
			let adj = pt - zero in
			let span = Span.calc adj in
				{years = span.years; days = span.days; }

		let fmt (d: date) : string =
			("R" ^ (strify d.years) ^ "/" ^ (strify d.days))

module Empire = struct
	module Span = struct
		let days = 376
		let earth_days_in_year = 394
		let day = Gregorian.Span.day_equiv days earth_days_in_year
		let year = day * days

		let equiv (d: date): timespan =
			(year * d.years) + (day * d.days)

		let calc (span: timespan) : date =
			let ctdays = span / day in
			let ctyears = ctdays / days in
			let rem = ctdays mod days in
				{years = ctyears; days = rem}

		let fmt (d : date) : string =
			((strify d.years)^" Old Carnelian orbital years, "^(strify d.days)^" days")

	module Cal = struct
		let zero = Society.Cal.zero + (524 * Span.year)

		let equiv (d: date): timepoint =
			zero + (Span.year * d.years) + (Span.day * d.days)

		let calc (pt: timepoint) : date =
			let adj = pt - zero in
			let span = Span.calc adj in
				{years = span.years; days = span.days; }

		let fmt (d: date) : string =
			((strify d.years)^"ᵉ and "^(strify d.days)^" days")

module League = struct
	module Span = struct
		let days = 300
		let earth_days_in_year = 388
		let day = Gregorian.Span.day_equiv days earth_days_in_year
		let year = day * days

		let equiv (d: date): timespan =
			(year * d.years) + (day * d.days)

		let calc (span: timespan) : date =
			let ctdays = span / day in
			let ctyears = ctdays / days in
			let rem = ctdays mod days in
				{years = ctyears; days = rem}

		let fmt (d : date) : string =
			((strify d.years)^" Topaz orbital years, "^(strify d.days)^" days")

	module Cal = struct
		let zero = Society.Cal.zero + (928 * Society.Span.year)

		let equiv (d: date): timepoint =
			zero + (Span.year * d.years) + (Span.day * d.days)

		let calc (pt: timepoint) : date =
			let adj = pt - zero in
			let span = Span.calc adj in
				{years = span.years; days = span.days; }

		let fmt (d: date) : string =
			("L."^(strify d.years)^"."^(strify d.days))

let test () = let time : timepoint = Empire.Cal.equiv {years=953; days=38} in
	let span : timespan = time - galacticzero in
	List.iter print_string [
		"\x1b[1m"^ Gregorian.Span.(fmt(calc time)) ^" from Creation\x1b[0m\n";
		Society.Span.(fmt(calc span)) ^" from Creation →\n\t";
		Society.Cal.(fmt(calc time)) ^"\n";
		Empire.Span.(fmt(calc span)) ^" from Creation →\n\t";
		Empire.Cal.(fmt(calc time)) ^"\n";
		League.Span.(fmt(calc span)) ^" from Creation →\n\t";
		League.Cal.(fmt(calc time)) ^"\n";

let usage arrow ansi hl bin = 
	let heading = "usage: " in
	let syntax = [
		"<faction> [year <year>] [day <day>] to <faction>",
			"convert a calendar date";
		"<number> <faction> (days | years [<days> days]) to <faction>",
			"convert a span of time";
	] in
	let spacing = String.make (String.length heading) ' ' in
	let mkrow (s,d) = bin ^ " " ^ (ansi "96" s) ^"\n" ^
		spacing ^ ((ansi "3;95" ("  "^arrow^" " ^ d))^"\n") in
	let space s = spacing ^ (mkrow s) in
	let fst = (hl heading) ^ (mkrow (List.hd syntax)) in
	let rst = List.map space (List.tl syntax) in
		List.fold_left (^) fst rst;;

type funcset = {
	calc : int -> date;
	fmt : date -> string;
	equiv : date -> int;

type funcrow = {
	names : string list;
	fmt : string;
	span : funcset;
	cal : funcset;

let funcs : funcrow list = [
	(* Society *) {
		names=["society"; "shil"; "ranshil"; "rs"];
		span = {
		cal = {
	(* Empire *) {
		names=["empire"; "ziapha"; "zp"; "imperial"];
		span = {
			calc =Empire.Span.calc;
			fmt  =Empire.Span.fmt;
		cal = {
			calc   =Empire.Cal.calc;
			fmt    =Empire.Cal.fmt;
			equiv  =Empire.Cal.equiv;
	(* League *) {
		names=["league"; "ly"];
		span = {
			calc =League.Span.calc;
			fmt  =League.Span.fmt;
		cal = {
			calc   =League.Cal.calc;
			fmt    =League.Cal.fmt;
			equiv  =League.Cal.equiv;
	(* Gregorian *) {
		names=["gregorian"; "terrestrial"; "earth"; "gy"];
		span = {
			calc  = Gregorian.Span.calc;
			fmt   = Gregorian.Span.fmt;
			equiv = Gregorian.Span.equiv;
		cal = {
			(* gregorian dates do not reference the same
			 * spacetime continuum that Spirals dates do,
			 * so any attempt to convert between calendars
			 * needs to raise an exception *)
			calc  = bad_dim;
			fmt   = bad_dim;
			equiv = bad_dim;

let contains ar v : bool = List.exists (fun a -> a = v) ar

let getfuncs (tag: string) : funcrow = List.find
	(* pred *) (fun (a:funcrow) -> contains a.names tag)
	(* from array *) funcs

type convkind = Calendar | Timespan

let conv (kind: convkind) tagfrom tagto years days =
	let choosefuncs system = match kind with
		| Calendar -> system.cal
		| Timespan -> system.span in
	let from_funcs = getfuncs tagfrom in
	let to_funcs = getfuncs tagto in
	let from_sys = choosefuncs from_funcs in
	let to_sys = choosefuncs to_funcs in
	let indate = {years = years; days = days} in
	let time = from_sys.equiv indate in
	let outdate = to_sys.calc time in
	let instr = from_sys.fmt indate in
	let outstr = to_sys.fmt outdate in
		(from_funcs.fmt, instr, to_funcs.fmt, outstr)

let rec parse (opts: runopt list) (args: string list) (bin: string) = let
	has_opt o = List.exists (fun a -> a = o) opts in
	let switch o a b = if has_opt o then a else b in

	let ansi (fmt: string) (str: string) = switch NoANSI str
		("\x1b["^fmt^"m"^str^"\x1b[m") in
	let hl txt = switch NoANSI txt
		("\x1b[1m" ^ txt ^ "\x1b[21m") in

	let res_fmt (inf,ind,outf,outd) =
		(ansi inf ind) ^ (switch ASCII " -> " " → ") ^ (ansi outf (hl outd)) in

	match args with
	| opt :: rst when is_opt opt -> let o = opt_of_str opt in
		(* (print_string ("running conv with flag "^opt^"!\n")); *)
		parse (o :: opts) rst bin
	| [fromcal; "to"; calendar] ->
		(res_fmt (conv Timespan fromcal calendar 1 0))^"\n" ^
		(res_fmt (conv Timespan fromcal calendar 0 1))^"\n"
	| [fromcal; "date"; date; "to"; calendar]
	| [fromcal; "year"; date; "to"; calendar] ->
		(res_fmt (conv Calendar fromcal calendar (int_of_string date) 0))^"\n"
	| [fromcal; "year"; years; "day"; days; "to"; calendar] ->
		(res_fmt (conv Calendar fromcal calendar
			(int_of_string years)
			(int_of_string days)))^"\n"
	| [count; from; "years"; "to"; system] ->
		(res_fmt (conv Timespan from system (int_of_string count) 0))^"\n"
	| [count; from; "days"; "to"; system] ->
		(res_fmt (conv Timespan from system 0 (int_of_string count)))^"\n"
	| [years; from; "years"; days; "days"; "to"; system] ->
		(res_fmt (conv Timespan from system
			(int_of_string years)
			(int_of_string days)))^"\n"
	| _ -> (usage (switch ASCII "->" "→") ansi hl bin);;

let () = print_string (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
	| bin :: rst -> parse [] rst bin
	| _ -> "buddy ya fucked up BAD");;