util  readme.md at trunk

File readme.md artifact c96b12f79a on branch trunk


various odds and ends. all code in this repository is licensed under the EUPL v1.2 unless otherwise noted. see legal directory for the binding text of the licenses.

  • ord.c: no-bullshit command-line base converter
  • nkvd.c: an LD_PRELOAD library to force counterrevolutionary programs to obey the XDG spec (currently only with respect to config dirs)
  • tenki: a versatile, lightweight Dark Sky client designed for use with polybar
  • sexpc.scm: a scheme tool that enables AST-rewriting macros in C code
  • safekill.c: utility to help keep from accidentally killing important windows; compile with cc -Ofast safekill.c -lX11 -lc -osafekill
  • newtab.c: a "open a new tab if there's already an instance running or launch a new instance otherwise" utility for qutebrowser
  • fabulist.scm: a work-in-progress communal fiction server
  • bgrd.c: it’s… a long story. just read the header.
  • mkpw.c an extremely fast mass random password generator
  • kpw: an extremely simple, lightweight, secure password manager for POSIX OSes written in C. depends on libsodium for crypto primitives. compile with make kpw.
  • rosshil.ml: tool to convert between the various calendars of the Spirals setting
  • parvan.lua: a script for creating and querying dictionaries, intended as a conlanging tool. no dependencies, just run it with lua