util  alg.janet at [908662f1b1]

File ostinata/alg.janet artifact ca434a4824 part of check-in 908662f1b1

# [ʞ] alg.janet
#  ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
#  🄯 AGPLv3
#  ? basic algorithms inexplicably missing from std

(defn vect ``
	vectorize primitive operations

		`(vect + [1 2 3] [3 2 1]) #→ [4 4 4]`

		`(vect * [1 2  ] [2 2 5]) #→ [2 4 5]`
	`` [op & vecs]

	(def a @[])
	(var col 0)
		# theoretically this should be as simple as ;(map idx v)
		# but we want to handle missing columns sanely, which is
		# more complicated.
		(def args
			(mapcat (fn [v]
						(if (>= col (length v)) []
							[(get v col)]))
		(when (empty? args) (break))
		(put a col (apply op args))
		(++ col))
	(freeze a))

(defn clamp [v &opt m x]
	(min (or x 1) (max (or m 0) v)))

(defn xlerp [t a b]
	  (+ (* a (- 1 t))
		 (* b      t)))

(defn lerp [t a b]
	(xlerp (clamp t) a b))

(defn sel "return a record filtered by a key predicate"
	[rec p]
	(def r @{})
	(eachp (k v) rec
		(when (p k) (put r k v)))
	(if (table? rec) r (freeze r)))

(defn qrec "query a record by key names, returning a matching sub-record"
	[rec & ks]
	(def r @{})
	(each k ks
		(put r k (get rec k)))
	(if (table? rec) r (freeze r)))

(defn llut "get the lerp halves for a linear lookup table"
	[t lut]
	(def t (clamp t))
	(case t
		0 [0 (first lut) (first lut)]
		1 [1 (last  lut) (last  lut)]
		(do (def q (- (length lut) 1))
			(def n (* q t))
			(def idx (math/trunc n))
			(def frac (- n idx))
			 (lut      idx)
			 (lut (+ 1 idx))])))

(defn ilut "interpolate a linear lookup table"
	[t lut]
	(lerp ;(llut t lut)))

(defn vlut "interpolate a linear vector lookup table"
	[t lut]
	(def [fac a b] (llut t lut))
	(vect |(lerp fac ;$&) a b))

(defn lut-bake "bake a lut from a function"
	[res f]
	(def t (array/ensure @[] res 1))
	(loop [i :range [0 res] :let [fac (/ i res)]]
		(put t i (f fac)))