/* [ʞ] xpriv.c <c.hale.su/lexi/util>
* ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
* $ cc -Ofast xpriv.c -lrt -lutil -lX11 -oxpriv
* © affero general public license
* xpriv.c is a tool for a very specific use case i have.
* for security's sake, i don't tie my ssh keys to my
* login session. when i intend to use them, i spawn a
* special terminal and load the keys into memory, then
* exit that terminal when i'm done using them. however,
* i often lose track of or accidentally kill that win-
* dow, despite adding a visual cue to its prompt.
* safekill.c was one half of my attempt to address this
* problem; this is the other.
* xpriv performs several different tasks to accomplish a
* single purpose: i can hit a single keystroke that
* will either conjure up a new privileged session, or
* switch to one that's already active if it exists. it
* does this by first checking for the existence of a
* shared memory segment. if it doesn't find it, it
* starts a new session; if it *does* find it, it
* retrieves the X11 window ID from that shared memory
* and sends a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW client message to the
* root X window. the window manager interprets the
* message, activating the window.
* the flag -k can also be passed, in which case the
* utility instructs the running process to liquidate its
* subprocesses and exit itself.
* if the shared memory does not exist, xpriv creates a
* new instance of urxvt. this instance is told to run
* the command “xpriv -a” instead of the user’s normal
* shell. the -a flag instructs xpriv to get the terminal
* window’s ID from the $WINDOWID environment variable
* which urxvt sets. after this, a ssh-agent process is
* launched. xpriv waits until it has opened a socket and
* then runs ssh-add without parameters to add the user's
* default keys to the session.
* after a success key-add has been confirmed, xpriv
* marks the window as “vital” by setting the X property
* “_k_vital” on the window. if the login fails or does
* not complete, safekill.c will still terminate it at
* any time. the vital flag is removed as soon as the
* controlling shell terminates; it does *not* remain for
* the lifetime of the window, so a "temporary" session
* can be created in the current terminal by calling
* `xpriv -a` directly.
* xpriv does its best to clean up after itself,
* killing all sensitive processes and their children and
* removing the shmem segment when it is no longer in
* use, even if exits somewhat abnormally. if you have to
* kill -9 xpriv at any point tho, you can make it work
* again (on linux) with
* rm /dev/shm/k.xpriv:(xpriv binary basename)
* you can have multiple xpriv sessions by creating soft-
* links to the binary with a different name for each.
TODO send signal to urxvtd directly instead of launching
urxvtc as a separate process
TODO make shell & commands performed configurable, with
flags to control or supplant ssh-agent
TODO add a randomizer call that works on BSD
TODO document flags
TODO implement/remove lock flag
TODO add flag to bring window to current desktop
TODO rewrite using sysv shmem */
#include <pwd.h>
#include <pty.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/random.h>
# include <sys/syscall.h>
# define getrandom(a,b,c) syscall(SYS_getrandom,a,b,c)
/* this is necessary on certain platforms due to
* certainly ungodly libc issues, i think. */
#ifdef _SHM_LINUX
/* xpriv was originally written with linux shared
* memory in mind, because i'm an idiot. i've since
* redesigned it to use the superior old sysv shm
* api that works on every other unix, not just
* linux, but if for some ungodly reason you want
* to use the linux one, then just pass -D_SHM_LINUX */
# define shmem_prefix "/k.xpriv:"
# define shmlinux(...) __VA_ARGS__
# define shmsysv(...)
# define shmlinux(...)
# define shmsysv(...) __VA_ARGS__
enum /* constants */ {
false = 0, true = 1,
shmsysv(shmem_key = 0x53373EC3,) /* ye olde magique numbre */
typedef _Bool bool;
enum mode { mode_usage, mode_go, mode_register,
mode_kill, mode_lock };
enum res { ok, fail_parse, fail_arg, fail_opt, fail_shm,
fail_mem, fail_pty, fail_nop, fail_win,
fail_wid, fail_x11};
enum res bad(enum res code) {
if (code == ok) return ok;
write(1,"\e[1m|e|\e[0m ",12);
const char* msg; uint8_t len;
switch(code) {
#define say(x) { msg = (x "\n"); len = (sizeof x) + 1; break; }
case fail_parse: say("could not parse command-line options; pass -u for usage");
case fail_arg : say("invalid argument provided");
case fail_opt : say("no such option");
case fail_shm : say("instance already running");
case fail_mem : say("could not map memory");
case fail_pty : say("could not alloc pty");
case fail_nop : say("no instance running");
case fail_win : say("cannot open display");
case fail_wid : say("WINDOWID not defined");
case fail_x11 : say("X server refuses to handle request");
#undef say
write(1, msg, len);
return code;
struct signal {
Window wid;
pid_t pid;
pid_t agent;
enum mode op;
char* itoa(unsigned long i, char* buf, size_t bufsz) {
char* cur = buf + bufsz;
while (cur >= buf) {
*--cur='0' + i % 10;
if (i < 10) break; else i /= 10;
return cur;
bool run;
struct termios initial_state;
void sigusr(int a) { if (global -> op == mode_kill) run = false; }
void sigterm(int a) { run = false; }
void spawn(pid_t ssha, const char* const sockn) {
if (ssha = fork()) {
char pid_s_buf[16];
char* pid_s = itoa(ssha, pid_s_buf, sizeof(pid_s_buf));
while (access(sockn, F_OK)); // avoid nasty race condition
setenv("SSH_AGENT_PID", pid_s, true);
setenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK", sockn, true);
global -> agent = ssha;
} else {
close(1); close(0);
enum res register_window(shmlinux(const char* const id,) bool weak, const char* name) {
// the id field denotes the path to the shared memory
// in use, and allows the user to have multiple
// contexts by creating aliases to the binary
struct signal* s;
shmlinux ({
int fd = shm_open(id, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, 0600);
ftruncate(fd, sizeof(struct signal));
if (fd == -1) return fail_shm;
s = mmap(0, sizeof(struct signal),
if(s == MAP_FAILED) return fail_mem;
else global = s;
}) shmsysv (int shmem;
shmem = shmget(shmem_key, sizeof (struct signal), IPC_CREAT | 0777);
if (shmem == -1) return fail_shm;
s = shmat(shmem, 0,0);
if (s == (void*)-1) return fail_mem;
else global = s;
Display* xdpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Atom xvital;
/* x11 */ {
if (xdpy == NULL) return fail_win;
Window win;
const char* winid_s;
if (!(winid_s = getenv("WINDOWID"))) return fail_wid;
if(weak == false) xvital = XInternAtom(xdpy,"_k_vital",false);
s -> wid = win;
pid_t child;
if(child = fork()) {
s -> pid = child;
sigset_t mask, oldmask;
sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &oldmask);
signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr);
signal(SIGTERM, sigterm);
signal(SIGCHLD, sigterm);
signal(SIGHUP, sigterm);
run = true;
while(run == true) {
if(s -> op == mode_kill) {
kill(s -> pid, SIGTERM);
kill(s -> agent, SIGTERM);
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
struct shmid_ds bleh; /* ?? */
shmctl(shmem, IPC_RMID, &bleh);
if (!weak) {
XDeleteProperty(xdpy,s -> wid,xvital);
} else {
// now we start ssh-agent and set the proper environment
// variables
pid_t ssha;
if (name == NULL) {
/* messy part */
const char* tmp; //tmpdir defined?
if (!(tmp = getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")))
if (!(tmp = getenv("TMPDIR"))) tmp = "/tmp";
size_t tmpsz = strlen(tmp);
char* sockn = malloc(tmpsz + 1 + sizeof "ssh." + 11);
strcpy(sockn, tmp);
sockn[tmpsz] = '/';
// first, gen a random identifier so we have the ability
// to know where the socket winds up
uint8_t* rndid = sockn+tmpsz+1+4;
getrandom(rndid, 11, 0);
// assuming ascii…
for(uint8_t*i=rndid;i<rndid+11;++i) {
*i = '0' + (*i % (25 * 2 + 10));
if (*i > '9') *i += 7;
if (*i > 'Z') *i += ('a' - 'Z');
name = sockn;
spawn(ssha, name);
pid_t sad;
int p;
if (sad = fork()) {
int added;
waitpid(sad, &added, 0);
if (added == 0) {
if (weak == false) {
XChangeProperty(xdpy,s -> wid,xvital,xvital,8,PropModeReplace,"\01", 1);
} else {
return ok;
enum res kill_window(shmlinux(const char* id)) {
struct signal* s;
int fd = shm_open(id, O_RDWR, 0600);
if (fd == -1) return fail_nop;
s = mmap(0, sizeof(struct signal),
if(s == MAP_FAILED) return fail_mem;
}) shmsysv (int shmem; {
shmem = shmget(shmem_key, sizeof(struct signal), 0);
if (shmem == -1) return fail_nop;
s = shmat(shmem,0,0);
if (s == (void*)-1) return fail_mem;
struct shmid_ds bleh; /* ?? */
shmctl(shmem, IPC_RMID, &bleh);
s -> op = mode_kill;
kill(s -> pid, SIGUSR1);
return ok;
enum res activate_window(Window w) {
Display* dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
long mask = SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask;
XEvent ev = {
.xclient.type = ClientMessage,
.xclient.serial = 0,
.xclient.send_event = True,
.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", False),
.xclient.display = dpy,
.xclient.window = w,
.xclient.format = 32,
.xclient.data.l[0] = 2,
.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime,
.xclient.data.l[2] = 0,
if(!XSendEvent(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), False, mask, &ev)) return fail_x11;
return ok;
int main(int sz, char** argv) {
char* binname = "xpriv";
if(sz > 0) binname = argv[0];
enum mode op = mode_go;
bool init_weak = false;
const char* init_named = NULL;
for(int i = 1; i<sz; ++i) {
char* v = argv[i];
if (*v != '-') return bad(fail_arg);
char* opt = v + 1;
bool seen_string_arg = false;
switch(*opt) {
case 'a': op = mode_register; break;
case 'k': op = mode_kill; break;
case 'l': op = mode_lock; break;
case 'h': op = mode_usage; break;
case 'w': init_weak = true; break;
case 'n': if (i == sz -1 || seen_string_arg)
return bad(fail_arg);
init_named = argv[i+1];
seen_string_arg = true;
++ i; break;
default: return bad(fail_opt);
if(opt[1] != 0) { ++opt; goto read_opt; }
size_t nsz;
const char* basename = argv[0], *p;
for (p = binname; *p!=0; ++p) {
if(*p == '/') basename = p + 1;
nsz = p - basename;
char shid[nsz + sizeof shmem_prefix];
strncpy(shid,shmem_prefix,sizeof shmem_prefix);
strncpy(shid + sizeof shmem_prefix - 1, basename, nsz);
shid[nsz + sizeof shmem_prefix - 1] = 0;
) shmsysv ({
/* TODO: implement ability to have multiple
* keys based on the name of the binary */
tryagain: if (op == mode_go) {
int shm;
if ((shm = shmlinux(
shm_open(shid, O_RDWR, 0600)
) shmsysv (
shmget(shmem_key,sizeof (struct signal),0)
)) == -1) {
const char* args[] = {
"urxvtc", "-bg", "[90]#4b0024",
"-e", argv[0],
(init_weak?"-aw":"-a"), 0, 0, 0};
const uint8_t argsz = sizeof args/sizeof(const char*);
if (init_named != NULL) {
args[argsz - 3] = "-n"; // im sorry
args[argsz - 2] = init_named;
execvp("urxvtc", (char* const*)args);
} else {
struct shmid_ds stat;
shmctl(shm, IPC_STAT, &stat);
if (stat.shm_nattch == 0) {
/* if the shm segment is not attached to any
* process, it's a relic that needs to be
* cleaned up before we do anything else. on
* a sane OS, there would be built-in non-
* persistence mechanisms for shared mem, but
* alas, as you already know, POSIX */
shmctl(shm, IPC_RMID, &stat);
goto tryagain;
struct signal*s = shmlinux(
mmap(0, sizeof(struct signal), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm, 0)
) shmsysv (
shmat(shm, 0, 0)
if (s == shmlinux(MAP_FAILED) shmsysv((void*)-1))
return bad(fail_mem);
return bad(activate_window(s->wid));
} else if (op == mode_register)
return bad(register_window(shmlinux(shid,) init_weak,init_named));
else if (op == mode_kill)
return bad(kill_window(shmlinux(shid)));
else if (op == mode_usage) {
write(1,"\e[1musage:\e[0m ",15);
write(1, argv[0], strlen(argv[0]));
write(1, " [-aklw [arg]]\n",16);
return fail_parse;