util  Diff

Differences From Artifact [af37224306]:

To Artifact [3480abaab0]:

     6      6   --  < Commission for Defense Communication >
     7      7   --    +WCO   Worlds Culture Overdirectorate
     8      8   --      SSD  Social Sciences Directorate
     9      9   --       ELS External Linguistics Subdirectorate
    10     10   --    +WSO   Worlds Security Overdirectorate
    11     11   --      EID  External Influence Directorate ]
    12     12   
           13  +--# parvan
           14  +--
           15  +--## orthographies
           16  +-- parvan supports encoding words using multiple
           17  +-- orthographies. every database has a "primary"
           18  +-- orthography, which must be Unicode- or ASCII-
           19  +-- compatible, and which is used as the basis of the
           20  +-- uniform object paths. other orthographies can be
           21  +-- managed with the [$script] command, which can set
           22  +-- how they are displayed to the user. every word
           23  +-- can have zero or more representations mapped to a
           24  +-- particular orthography.
           25  +--
           26  +--## file format
           27  +-- parvan defines two separate file formats, both
           28  +-- representations of a dictionary. one, the "working
           29  +-- format", is binary; the other, the "exchange format"
           30  +-- is comprised of UTF8 codepoint sequences and can be
           31  +-- (to some degree) written and read by human beings,
           32  +-- tho its primary purpose is as a line-based format
           33  +-- that allows parvan dictionaries to be managed with
           34  +-- conventional source control solutions like fossil
           35  +-- or git
           36  +--
           37  +--## magic numbers
           38  +-- all parvan files share the same 4-byte header. it
           39  +-- is comprised of the sequence
           40  +--   [$ 0x50 0x56 $VERS $SUBTYPE ]
           41  +-- where [$$VERS] is a byte that is altered whenever a
           42  +-- breaking change is made to the format. [$$SUBTYPE]
           43  +-- indicates whether the file is binary- or text-based.
           44  +-- the byte 0x20 indicates an exchange file, while
           45  +-- 0x02 indicates a binary database.
           46  +--
           47  +--## extensions
           48  +-- parvan recommends the use of the extension [$*.pv]
           49  +-- for its binary databases, and [$*.pvx] for the
           50  +-- exchange format.
           51  +--
           52  +--## styled text
           53  +-- text in parvan documents should be written using
           54  +-- cortav syntax. at some future time this will
           55  +-- hopefully be used to generate styled output where
           56  +-- possible
           57  +
    13     58   local function implies(a,b) return a==b or not(a) end
    14     59   
    15     60   local function map(lst,fn)
    16     61   	local new = {}
    17     62   	for k,v in pairs(lst) do
    18     63   		local nv, nk = fn(v,k)
    19     64   		new[nk or k] = nv
    50     95   		if src == nil then return end
    51     96   		local sc = #src
    52     97   		for j=1,sc do dest[i+j] = src[j] end
    53     98   		i = i + sc
    54     99   		iter(...)
    55    100   	end
    56    101   	iter(...)
          102  +end
          103  +local function mergeD(dest, tbl, ...)
          104  +	if tbl == nil then return dest end
          105  +	for k,v in pairs(tbl) do dest[k] = v end
          106  +	return mergeD(dest, ...)
          107  +end
          108  +local function merge(...)
          109  +	local t = {}
          110  +	return mergeD(t, ...)
          111  +end
          112  +local function copy(t,...)
          113  +	return merge(t), copy(...)
    57    114   end
    58    115   local function fastDelete(table,idx)
    59    116   -- delete without preserving table order
    60    117   	local l = #table
    61    118   	table[idx] = table[l]
    62    119   	table[l] = nil
    63    120   	return table
    64    121   end
    65    122   local function tcat(...)
    66    123   	local new = {}
    67    124   	tcatD(new, ...)
    68    125   	return new
    69    126   end
          127  +local function iota(n,m)
          128  +	if not m then return iota(1,n) end
          129  +	if n == m then return n end
          130  +	return n, iota(n+1,m)
          131  +end
          132  +local function keys(m)
          133  +	local i,ks = 1,{}
          134  +	for k in next, m do
          135  +		ks[i] = k
          136  +		i = i + 1
          137  +	end
          138  +	return ks
          139  +end
          140  +
    70    141   local ansi = {
    71    142   	levels = {
    72    143   		plain = 0;
    73    144   		ansi = 1;
    74    145   		color = 2;
    75    146   		color8b = 3;
    76    147   		color24b = 4;
   112    183   	local id = function(...) return ... end
   113    184   	local esc = '\27'
   114    185   	local f = {}
   115    186   	for k,v in pairs(ansi.seqs) do
   116    187   		local lvl, on, off = table.unpack(v)
   117    188   		if lvl <= cl then
   118    189   			f[k] = function(s)
   119         -				return esc..on .. s .. esc..off
          190  +				return (esc..on) .. s .. (esc..off)
   120    191   			end
   121    192   		else f[k] = id end
   122    193   	end
   123    194   	local function ftoi(r,g,b)
   124    195   		return math.ceil(r*0xff),
   125    196   		       math.ceil(g*0xff),
   126    197   		       math.ceil(b*0xff)
   127    198   	end
   128    199   	local reset = "\27[39m"
   129         -	function f.color(str, n, br)
   130         -		return string.format("\27[%s%cm",
   131         -			(bg and 4 or 3) +
   132         -			(br and 6 or 0), 0x30+n)
   133         -			.. str .. reset
          200  +	function f.color(str, n, bright)
          201  +		if n<=15 then
          202  +			return string.format("\27[%s%cm",
          203  +				(bg and 4 or 3) +
          204  +				(br and 6 or 0), 0x30+n)
          205  +				.. str .. reset
          206  +		else
          207  +			return string.format("\27[%c8;5;%sm",
          208  +				(bg and 0x34 or 0x33), n)
          209  +				.. str .. reset
          210  +		end
   134    211   	end
   135    212   	function f.resetLine()
   136    213   		return '\27[1K\13'
   137    214   	end
   138    215   	if cl == ansi.levels.color24b then
   139    216   		function f.rgb(str, r,g,b, bg)
   140    217   			return string.format("\27[%c8;2;%u;%u;%um", bg and 0x34 or 0x33,
   295    372   			for i=1,n do
   296    373   				table.insert(vals, parse(t, s))
   297    374   			end
   298    375   			return vals
   299    376   		end;
   300    377   	}
   301    378   end
          379  +
          380  +fmt.any = function(struct)
          381  +	local map, keylist = {},{}
          382  +	for i,v in ipairs(struct) do
          383  +		if type(v) ~= 'string' then
          384  +			map[v[1]] = v[2]
          385  +			v = v[1]
          386  +		else
          387  +			map[v] = true
          388  +		end
          389  +		table.insert(keylist, v)
          390  +	end
          391  +	local tdisc = fmt.enum(table.unpack(keylist))
          392  +	return {
          393  +		encode = function(a)
          394  +			if type(a) == 'string' and map[a] == true then
          395  +				return marshal(tdisc, a)
          396  +			else
          397  +				local tname, obj = table.unpack(a)
          398  +				assert(map[tname] ~= true, '`any` enumeration '..tostring(tname)..' has no associated struct')
          399  +				return marshal(tdisc, tname) ..
          400  +					marshal(map[tname], obj)
          401  +			end
          402  +		end;
          403  +		decode = function(s)
          404  +			local tname = parse(tdisc, s)
          405  +			if map[tname] ~= true then
          406  +				local obj = parse(map[tname], s)
          407  +				return {tname,obj}
          408  +			else return tname end
          409  +		end;
          410  +	}
          411  +end
   302    412   
   303    413   fmt.map = function(from,to,ity)
   304    414   	local ent = fmt.list({
   305    415   		{'key', from},
   306    416   		{'val', to}
   307    417   	}, ity)
   308    418   	return {
   315    425   		end;
   316    426   		decode = function(s)
   317    427   			local lst = ent.decode(s)
   318    428   			local m = {}
   319    429   			for _,p in pairs(lst) do m[p.key] = p.val end
   320    430   			return m
   321    431   		end;
          432  +		null = function() return {} end;
   322    433   	}
   323    434   end
   324    435   
   325    436   fmt.enum = function(...)
   326    437   	local vals,rmap = {...},{}
   327    438   	for k,v in pairs(vals) do rmap[v] = k-1 end
   328    439   	local ty = fmt.u8
   338    449   			if (n+1) > #vals then error(string.format('enum "%s" does not have %u members', table.concat(vals,'","'),n),3) end
   339    450   			return vals[n+1]
   340    451   		end;
   341    452   	}
   342    453   end
   343    454   
   344    455   fmt.uid = fmt.u32
          456  +fmt.blob = fmt.string
   345    457   
   346    458   fmt.relatable = function(ty)
   347    459   	return tcat(ty,{
   348    460   		{'rels',fmt.list(fmt.uid,fmt.u16)};
   349    461   	})
   350    462   end
   351    463   
   365    477   	{'notes', fmt.list(fmt.note,fmt.u8)};
   366    478   }
   367    479   
   368    480   fmt.phrase = fmt.relatable {
   369    481   	{'str',fmt.label};
   370    482   	{'means',fmt.list(fmt.meaning,fmt.u8)};
   371    483   }
          484  +
          485  +fmt.ortho = fmt.map(fmt.uid, fmt.blob, fmt.u8)
          486  +-- UID <0> is always the UTF-8 representation of the primary ortho
          487  +
          488  +fmt.writing = {
          489  +	{'enc',fmt.ortho}; -- if empty, print the morphs in sequence
          490  +	{'info',fmt.label};
          491  +	{'morphs',fmt.list(fmt.uid,fmt.u16)};
          492  +}
   372    493   
   373    494   fmt.def = fmt.relatable {
          495  +	{'writings', fmt.list(fmt.writing,fmt.u8)};
          496  +	-- for japanese-like languages where words that are
          497  +	-- pronounced/written the same under the indexing
          498  +	-- orthography have alternate writings that are
          499  +	-- definition-specific. e.g. words よう and さま
          500  +	-- would both have a definition written as 様
          501  +	-- ordinary languages will have only 1 writing
   374    502   	{'part', fmt.u8};
   375    503   	{'branch', fmt.list(fmt.label,fmt.u8)};
   376    504   	{'means', fmt.list(fmt.meaning,fmt.u8)};
   377    505   	{'forms', fmt.map(fmt.u16,fmt.label,fmt.u16)};
   378    506   	{'phrases', fmt.list(fmt.phrase,fmt.u16)};
   379    507   }
   380    508   
   381    509   fmt.word = fmt.relatable {
   382    510   	{'defs', fmt.list(fmt.def,fmt.u8)};
          511  +	-- store secondary encodings of this word
          512  +	{'enc', fmt.ortho};
          513  +}
          514  +
          515  +fmt.orthography = {
          516  +	{'uid', fmt.uid};
          517  +	{'name', fmt.tag};
          518  +	{'repr', fmt.any{
          519  +		 'utf8'; -- display as utf-8 compatible text
          520  +		 'opaque'; -- do not display at all; used only by other tools
          521  +		 'bytes'; -- display as raw hexadecimal bytes
          522  +		{'int',fmt.u8}; -- display as a series of integers (n=byte len)
          523  +		{'glyphs',{ -- map to a palette of custom glyphs.
          524  +			-- treated as 'opaque' in text-only environments
          525  +			{'glyphs', fmt.list {
          526  +				{'image',fmt.blob};
          527  +				{'name',fmt.tag};
          528  +			}};
          529  +			{'encoding', fmt.u8}; -- number of bytes per codepoint
          530  +			{'format',fmt.enum('svg','bmp','png')};
          531  +		}};
          532  +	}};
   383    533   }
   384    534   
   385    535   fmt.dictHeader = {
   386    536   	{'lang', fmt.tag};
   387    537   	{'meta', fmt.string};
   388    538   	{'partsOfSpeech', fmt.list(fmt.tag,fmt.u16)};
   389    539   	{'inflectionForms', fmt.list({
   390    540   		{'name', fmt.tag};
   391    541   		{'abbrev', fmt.tag};
   392    542   		{'desc', fmt.string};
   393    543   		{'parts', fmt.list(fmt.tag,fmt.u8)};
   394    544   		-- which parts of speech does this form apply to?
   395    545   		-- leave empty if not relevant
   396    546   	},fmt.u16)};
          547  +	{'orthographies', fmt.list(fmt.orthography,fmt.u8)}
   397    548   }
   398    549   
   399    550   fmt.relSet = {
   400    551   	{'uid', fmt.uid};
   401    552   		-- IDs are persistent random values so they can be used
   402    553   		-- as reliable identifiers even when merging exports in
   403    554   		-- a parvan-unaware VCS
   404    555   	{'kind', fmt.enum('syn','ant','met')};
   405    556   	-- membership is stored in individual objects, using a field
   406    557   	-- attached by the 'relatable' template
   407    558   }
          559  +
          560  +fmt.pair = function(k,v) return {
          561  +	{'key',k or fmt.tag};
          562  +	{'val', v or fmt.blob};
          563  +} end
          564  +
          565  +fmt.morph = {
          566  +	{'name',fmt.tag};
          567  +	{'enc', fmt.ortho};
          568  +	{'meta', fmt.list(fmt.pair(nil,fmt.string),fmt.u16)};
          569  +	{'rads', fmt.list(fmt.uid,fmt.u16)};
          570  +}
   408    571   
   409    572   fmt.dict = {
   410    573   	{'header', fmt.dictHeader};
   411    574   	{'words', fmt.map(fmt.string,fmt.word)};
   412    575   	{'relsets', fmt.list(fmt.relSet)};
          576  +	{'morphs', fmt.map(fmt.uid,fmt.morph)};
   413    577   }
   414    578   
   415         -function marshal(ty, val)
          579  +function marshal(ty, val, pvers)
          580  +	pvers = pvers or 0
   416    581   	if ty.encode then
   417    582   		return ty.encode(val)
   418    583   	end
   419    584   	local ac = {}
   420    585   
   421    586   	for idx,fld in ipairs(ty) do
   422         -		local name, fty = table.unpack(fld)
   423         -		table.insert(ac, marshal(fty,
   424         -			assert(val[name],
   425         -				string.format('marshalling error: missing field %s', name)
   426         -			)
   427         -		))
          587  +		local name, fty, vers = table.unpack(fld)
          588  +		vers = vers or 0
          589  +		if pvers >= vers then
          590  +			table.insert(ac, marshal(fty,
          591  +				assert(val[name],
          592  +					string.format('marshalling error: missing field %s', name)
          593  +				),
          594  +			pvers))
          595  +		end
   428    596   	end
   429    597   
   430    598   	return table.concat(ac)
   431    599   end
   432    600   
   433         -function parse(ty, stream)
          601  +function parse(ty, stream, pvers)
          602  +	pvers = pvers or 0
   434    603   	if ty.decode then
   435    604   		return ty.decode(stream)
   436    605   	end
   437    606   
   438    607   	local obj = {}
   439    608   	for idx,fld in ipairs(ty) do
   440         -		local name, fty = table.unpack(fld)
   441         -		obj[name] = parse(fty, stream)
          609  +		local name, fty, vers, dflt = table.unpack(fld)
          610  +		vers = vers or 0
          611  +		if pvers >= vers then
          612  +			obj[name] = parse(fty, stream, pvers)
          613  +		else
          614  +			obj[name] = dflt
          615  +		end
   442    616   	end
   443    617   	return obj
   444    618   end
   445    619   
   446    620   local function
   447    621   atomizer()
   448    622   	local map = {}
   505    679   	return 'PV0\2'..marshal(fmt.dict, d)
   506    680   end
   507    681   
   508    682   local function
   509    683   readDict(file)
   510    684   	local s = stream(file)
   511    685   	local magic = s:next 'c4'
   512         -	if magic ~= 'PV0\2' then
   513         -		id10t 'not a parvan file'
          686  +	if magic == 'PV0 ' then
          687  +		id10t 'text-based dictionaries must be translated to binary using the `import` command before they can be used'
          688  +	elseif magic ~= 'PV0\2' then
          689  +		id10t 'not a parvan0 file'
   514    690   	end
   515    691   	local d = parse(fmt.dict, s)
   516    692   	-- handle atoms
   517    693   	for lit,w in pairs(d.words) do
   518    694   		for j,def in ipairs(w.defs) do
   519    695   			def.part = d.header.partsOfSpeech[def.part]
   520    696   		end
   524    700   	-- enable faster lookup that would otherwise require
   525    701   	-- expensive scans
   526    702   	rebuildRelationCache(d)
   527    703   	return d
   528    704   end
   529    705   
   530    706   
   531         -local function strwords(str) -- here be dragons
          707  +local function strwords(str,maxwords) -- here be dragons
   532    708   	local wds = {}
   533    709   	local w = {}
   534    710   	local state, d, quo, dquo = 0,0
   535    711   	local function flush(n,final)
   536    712   		if next(w) or state ~= 0 and state < 10 then
   537    713   			table.insert(wds, utf8.char(table.unpack(w)))
   538    714   			w = {}
   539    715   		elseif final and state > 10 then
   540    716   			table.insert(wds, '\\')
   541    717   		end
   542    718   		state = n
   543    719   		quo = nil
   544    720   		dquo = nil
   545    721   		d = 0
          722  +		if #wds == maxwords then
          723  +			state = 100
          724  +		end
   546    725   	end
   547    726   	local function isws(c)
   548    727   		return c == 0x20 or c == 0x09 or c == 0x0a
   549    728   	end
   550    729   	for p,cp in utf8.codes(str) do
   551    730   		if state == 0 then -- begin
   552    731   			if not(isws(cp)) then
   594    773   			-- 12 = quote escape, 11 = raw escape
   595    774   			if cp == 0x63 then --n
   596    775   				table.insert(w,0x0a)
   597    776   			else
   598    777   				table.insert(w,cp)
   599    778   			end
   600    779   			state = state - 10
          780  +		elseif state == 100 then -- word limit reached
          781  +			-- triggered from flush
          782  +			table.insert(wds, string.sub(str, p))
          783  +			return wds
   601    784   		end
   602    785   	end
   603    786   	flush(nil,true)
   604    787   	return wds
   605    788   end
          789  +
          790  +local function strsan(str)
          791  +	local d,m = 0,0
          792  +	local r = {}
          793  +	local unclosed = {}
          794  +	local i = 1
          795  +	for bytepos,cp in utf8.codes(str) do
          796  +		-- insert backslashes for characters that would
          797  +		-- disrupt strwords() parsing
          798  +		if cp == 0x0a then
          799  +			table.insert(r, 0x5c)
          800  +			table.insert(r, 0x6e) i=i+2
          801  +		else
          802  +			if cp == 0x5b then
          803  +				d = d + 1
          804  +				table.insert(unclosed,i)
          805  +			elseif cp == 0x5d then
          806  +				if d >= 1 then
          807  +					d = d - 1
          808  +					unclosed[rawlen(unclosed)] = nil
          809  +				else
          810  +					table.insert(r, 0x5c) i=i+1
          811  +				end
          812  +			end
          813  +			table.insert(r, cp) i=i+1
          814  +		end
          815  +	end
          816  +	for j=#unclosed,1,-1 do
          817  +		table.insert(r,unclosed[j],0x5c)
          818  +	end
          819  +	return '[' .. utf8.char(table.unpack(r)) .. ']'
          820  +end
   606    821   
   607    822   local predicates
   608    823   local function parsefilter(str)
   609    824   	local f = strwords(str)
   610    825   	if #f == 1 then return function(e) return predicates.lit.fn(e,f[1]) end end
   611         -	if not predicates[f[1]] then
          826  +	if not next(f) then
          827  +		-- null predicate matches all
          828  +		return function() return true end
          829  +	elseif not predicates[f[1]] then
   612    830   		id10t('no such predicate %s',f[1])
   613    831   	else
   614    832   		local p = predicates[f[1]].fn
   615    833   		return function(e)
   616    834   			return p(e, table.unpack(f,2))
   617    835   		end
   618    836   	end
   633    851   	end;
   634    852   	local function p_none(e,pred,...)
   635    853   		if pred == nil then return true end
   636    854   		pred = parsefilter(pred)
   637    855   		if pred(e) then return false end
   638    856   		return p_none(e,...)
   639    857   	end;
   640         -	local function p_some(e,count,pred,...)
   641         -		if count == 0 then return true end
   642         -		if pred == nil then return false end
   643         -		pred = parsefilter(pred)
   644         -		if pred(e) then
   645         -			count = count-1
          858  +	local function p_some(e,cmp,count,...)
          859  +		local cfn = {
          860  +			eq = function(a,b) return a == b end;
          861  +			ne = function(a,b) return a ~= b end;
          862  +			lt = function(a,b) return a < b end;
          863  +			gt = function(a,b) return a > b end;
          864  +		}
          865  +		if not cfn[cmp] then
          866  +			id10t('[some %s]: invalid comparator', cmp)
   646    867   		end
   647         -		return p_some(e,count,...)
          868  +		count = tonumber(count)
          869  +		local function rec(n,pred,...)
          870  +			if pred == nil then
          871  +				return cfn[cmp](n,count)
          872  +			end
          873  +			pred = parsefilter(pred)
          874  +			if pred(e) then
          875  +				n=n+1
          876  +			end
          877  +			return rec(n,...)
          878  +		end
          879  +		return rec(0,...)
   648    880   	end;
   649    881   
   650    882   	local function prepScan(...)
   651    883   		local map = {}
   652    884   		local tgt = select('#',...)
   653    885   		for _,v in pairs{...} do map[v] = true end
   654    886   		return map,tgt
   655    887   	end
   656    888   	predicates = {
   657    889   		all = {
   658    890   			fn = p_all;
   659    891   			syntax = '<pred>…';
   660         -			help = 'every sub-<pred> matches'
          892  +			help = 'every sub-<pred> matches';
   661    893   		};
   662    894   		any = {
   663    895   			fn = p_any;
   664    896   			syntax = '<pred>…';
   665         -			help = 'any sub-<pred> matches'
          897  +			help = 'any sub-<pred> matches';
   666    898   		};
   667    899   		none = {
   668    900   			fn = p_none;
   669    901   			syntax = '<pred>…';
   670         -			help = 'no sub-<pred> matches'
          902  +			help = 'no sub-<pred> matches (also useful to force evaluation for side effects without creates matches)';
   671    903   		};
   672    904   		some = {
   673    905   			fn = p_some;
   674         -			syntax = '<count> <pred>…';
   675         -			help = '<count> or more sub-<pred>s match'
          906  +			syntax = '(eq|ne|lt|gt) <count> <pred>…';
          907  +			help = '<count> [or more/less] sub-<pred>s match';
          908  +		};
          909  +		seq = {
          910  +			syntax = "<wrap> '[' <arg>… ']' <pred>…";
          911  +			help = 'reuse the same stack of arguments';
          912  +			fn = function(e,wrap,args,...)
          913  +				local lst = {}
          914  +				local function eval(pred,...)
          915  +					if not pred then return end
          916  +					table.insert(lst, pred .. ' ' .. args)
          917  +					eval(...)
          918  +				end
          919  +				eval(...)
          920  +				local filter = wrap .. ' ' ..table.concat(map(lst, strsan), ' ')
          921  +				return parsefilter(filter)(e)
          922  +			end;
          923  +		};
          924  +		mark = {
          925  +			syntax = '<mark> [<pred>]';
          926  +			help = 'apply <mark> to the words that match <pred>, or all the words that are tested if no <pred> is supplied. use to visually indicate the reason that a given term matched the query';
          927  +			fn = function(e, val, pred)
          928  +				if pred == nil or parsefilter(pred)(e) then
          929  +					e.mark = e.mark or {}
          930  +					for k,v in pairs(e.mark) do
          931  +						if v==val then return true end
          932  +					end
          933  +					table.insert(e.mark, val)
          934  +					return true
          935  +				end
          936  +			end;
          937  +		};
          938  +		clear = {
          939  +			syntax = '<mark> [<pred>]';
          940  +			help = 'like [mark] but clears marks instead of setting them';
          941  +			fn = function(e, val, pred)
          942  +				if pred == nil or parsefilter(pred)(e) then
          943  +					e.mark = e.mark or {}
          944  +					for k,v in pairs(e.mark) do
          945  +						if v==val then
          946  +							table.remove(e.mark,k)
          947  +							return true
          948  +						end
          949  +					end
          950  +					return true
          951  +				end
          952  +			end;
          953  +		};
          954  +		marked = {
          955  +			syntax = '(by <mark> [pred]|in <pred>)';
          956  +			help = 'tests for an existing <mark> on the result';
          957  +			fn = function(e, mode, val, pred)
          958  +				if     mode == 'in' then
          959  +					pred = val val = nil
          960  +					if pred == nil then
          961  +						id10t '[marked in <pred>] requires a predicate'
          962  +					end
          963  +				elseif mode == 'by' then
          964  +					if val == nil then
          965  +						id10t '[marked by <mark>] requires a mark'
          966  +					end
          967  +				else id10t('invalid form [marked %s]', mode) end
          968  +
          969  +				if pred == nil or parsefilter(pred)(e) then
          970  +					if e.mark == nil or not next(e.mark)
          971  +						then return false end
          972  +					if val then
          973  +						for k,v in pairs(e.mark) do
          974  +							if v==val then return true end
          975  +						end
          976  +					else return true end
          977  +				end
          978  +			end;
   676    979   		};
   677    980   		def = {
   678    981   			help = 'word has at least one definition that contains all <keyword>s';
   679    982   			syntax = '<keyword>…';
   680    983   			fn = function(e,...)
   681    984   				local kw = {...}
   682    985   				for i,d in ipairs(e.word.defs) do
   690    993   						::notfound::
   691    994   					end
   692    995   				end
   693    996   				return false
   694    997   			end;
   695    998   		};
   696    999   		lit = {
   697         -			help = 'word is, begins with, or ends with <word>';
   698         -			syntax = '<word> [(pfx|sfx)]';
   699         -			fn = function(e,val,op)
         1000  +			help = 'word is, begins with, matches, or ends with <search> in <script> or the primary orthography ("also" enables searching the primary as well as the listed scripts)';
         1001  +			syntax = '<search> [(pfx|sfx|match)] [any|(in|also) <script>…]';
         1002  +			fn = function(e,val,...)
         1003  +				local opts,oc = {...},1
         1004  +				local scripts, op = {0}
         1005  +				if opts[oc] == 'pfx' or opts[oc] == 'sfx' or opts[oc] == 'match' then
         1006  +					op = opts[oc]
         1007  +					oc = oc + 1
         1008  +				end
         1009  +				if opts[oc] then
         1010  +					if opts[oc] == 'any' then
         1011  +						scripts = nil
         1012  +					else
         1013  +						if opts[oc] == 'in' then
         1014  +							scripts = {}
         1015  +						elseif opts[oc] ~= 'also' then
         1016  +							id10t('[lit … %s]: invalid spec', opts[oc])
         1017  +						end
         1018  +						if #opts < oc+1 then
         1019  +							id10t('[lit … %s]: missing argument', opts[oc])
         1020  +						end
         1021  +						for i=oc+1,#opts do
         1022  +							table.insert(scripts, opts[oc])
         1023  +						end
         1024  +					end
         1025  +				end
   700   1026   				if not op then
   701   1027   					return e.lit == val
   702   1028   				elseif op == 'pfx' then
   703   1029   					return val == string.sub(e.lit,1,#val)
   704   1030   				elseif op == 'sfx' then
   705   1031   					return val == string.sub(e.lit,(#e.lit) - #val + 1)
         1032  +				elseif op == 'match' then
         1033  +					return string.find(e.lit, val) ~= nil
   706   1034   				else
   707         -					id10t('[lit %s %s] is not a valid filter, “%s” should be either “pfx” or “sfx”',val,op,op)
         1035  +					id10t('[lit %s %s] is not a valid filter, “%s” should be “pfx”, “sfx”, or “match”',val,op,op)
   708   1036   				end
   709   1037   			end;
   710   1038   		};
         1039  +		morph = {
         1040  +			help = 'find words with specific morphs';
         1041  +			syntax = "(any|all|only) <script> [seq] ((lit|rec) <repr>|rad '[' <repr>… ']')…";
         1042  +		};
   711   1043   		form = {
   712   1044   			help = 'match against word\'s inflected forms';
   713         -			syntax = '(<inflect> | <form> (set | is <inflect> | (pfx|sfx|match) <affix>))';
   714         -			fn = function(e, k, op, v)
         1045  +			syntax = '(<inflect> | (of <form>|has) [any] ([un]set | is <inflect> | (pfx|sfx|sub) <affix>)…)';
         1046  +			fn = function(e, k, mode, ...)
         1047  +				if k == nil then -- eq [form has set]
         1048  +					for _,d in pairs(e.word.defs) do
         1049  +						if next(d.forms) then return true end
         1050  +					end
         1051  +				elseif mode == 'of' or mode == 'has' then
         1052  +					local match,mc = {...},1
         1053  +					if not next(match) then
         1054  +						id10t('[form %s]: missing spec',mode)
         1055  +					end
         1056  +
         1057  +					local any = match[1]=='any'
         1058  +					local eval = function()return true end;
         1059  +					if any then
         1060  +						nc = 2
         1061  +						eval = function()return false end;
         1062  +					end
         1063  +
         1064  +					local ok = false
         1065  +					local fns = {
         1066  +						set   = function(a) return a~=nil end;
         1067  +						unset = function(a) return a==nil end;
         1068  +						is  = function(a,b)return a and a==b   end;
         1069  +						pfx = function(a,b)return a and string.sub(a,1,#b) == b end;
         1070  +						sfx = function(a,b)return a and string.sub(a,0-#b) == b end;
         1071  +						sub = function(a,b)return a and string.find(a,b) ~= nil end;
         1072  +					}
         1073  +					repeat local n, op, arg = 1, table.unpack(match,mc)
         1074  +						print(op,arg)
         1075  +						if not op then id10t "missing argument for [form]" end
         1076  +						if not fns[op] then
         1077  +							id10t('[form … %s] is not a valid filter', op)
         1078  +						end
         1079  +						if op ~= "set" and op ~= 'unset' then
         1080  +							n = 2
         1081  +							if not arg then
         1082  +								id10t('[form … %s]: missing argument', op)
         1083  +							end
         1084  +						end
         1085  +						local oe = eval
         1086  +						eval = any and function(a,b)
         1087  +							return fns[op](a,b) or oe(a,b)
         1088  +						end or function(a,b)
         1089  +							return fns[op](a,b) and oe(a,b)
         1090  +						end
         1091  +						ok = true
         1092  +					mc = mc + n until mc > #match
         1093  +					if not ok then
         1094  +						id10t '[form]: incomplete spec'
         1095  +					end
         1096  +
         1097  +					for _,d in pairs(e.word.defs) do
         1098  +						if mode=='has' then
         1099  +							for cat,infd in pairs(d.forms) do
         1100  +								if eval(infd) then return true end
         1101  +							end
         1102  +						else
         1103  +							if eval(d.forms[k]) then return true end
         1104  +						end
         1105  +					end
         1106  +				elseif mode ~= nil then
         1107  +					id10t('[form %s]: invalid mode', mode)
         1108  +				else
         1109  +					for _,d in pairs(e.word.defs) do
         1110  +						for _,v in pairs(d.forms) do
         1111  +							if v == k then return true end
         1112  +						end
         1113  +					end
         1114  +				end
         1115  +				return false
   715   1116   			end;
   716   1117   		};
   717   1118   		part = {
   718   1119   			help = 'word has definitions for every <part> of speech';
   719   1120   			syntax = '<part>…';
   720   1121   			fn = function(e,...)
   721   1122   				local map, tgt = prepScan(...)
   723   1124   				for i,d in ipairs(e.word.defs) do
   724   1125   					if map[d.part] then matches = matches + 1 end
   725   1126   				end
   726   1127   				return matches == tgt
   727   1128   			end
   728   1129   		};
   729   1130   		root = {
   730         -			help = 'match a word that derives from every <word>';
         1131  +			help = 'match an entry that derives from every <word>';
   731   1132   			syntax = '<word>…';
   732   1133   			fn = function(e,...)
   733   1134   				local map, tgt = prepScan(...)
   734   1135   				for i,d in ipairs(e.word.defs) do
   735   1136   					local matches = 0
   736   1137   					for j,r in ipairs(d.branch) do
   737   1138   						if map[r] then matches = matches + 1 end
   738   1139   					end
   739   1140   					if matches == tgt then return true end
   740   1141   				end
   741   1142   			end
   742   1143   		};
         1144  +		phrase = {
         1145  +			syntax = '<pred>…';
         1146  +			help = 'match only words with phrases';
         1147  +		};
         1148  +		ex = {
         1149  +			syntax= '[by <source>] [(any|all) <term>…]';
         1150  +			help = 'entry has an example by <source> with any/all of <term>s';
         1151  +			fn = function() end;
         1152  +		};
   743   1153   		note = {
   744         -			help = 'word has a matching note';
         1154  +			help = 'entry has a matching note';
   745   1155   			syntax = '([kind <kind> [<term>]] | term <term> | (min|max|count) <n>)';
   746   1156   			fn = function(e, op, k, t)
   747   1157   				if op == 'kind' or op == 'term' then
   748   1158   					if op == 'term' and t then
   749   1159   						id10t('too many arguments for [note term <term>]')
   750   1160   					end
   751   1161   					for _,d in ipairs(e.word.defs) do
   784   1194   		if not fd then error(userError("cannot open file " .. file),2) end
   785   1195   		return fd
   786   1196   	else
   787   1197   		return file
   788   1198   	end
   789   1199   end
   790   1200   
   791         -local function copy(tab)
   792         -	local new = {}
   793         -	for k,v in pairs(tab) do new[k] = v end
   794         -	return new
   795         -end
   796         -
   797   1201   local function pathParse(p)
   798   1202   -- this is cursed, rewrite without regex pls TODO
   799   1203   	if p == '.' then return {} end
   800   1204   	local function comp(pfx)
   801   1205   		return pfx .. '([0-9]+)'
   802   1206   	end
   803   1207   	local function mtry(...)
   824   1228   			end
   825   1229   			if w then break end
   826   1230   		end
   827   1231   	end
   828   1232   	if not w then w=p:match('^(.-)%.?$') end
   829   1233   	return {w = w, dn = tonumber(dn), mn = tonumber(mn), pn=tonumber(pn); nn = tonumber(nn), xn = tonumber(xn)}
   830   1234   end
   831         -local function pathString(p,styler)
         1235  +local function pathString(p,styler,display)
   832   1236   	local function s(s, st, ...)
   833   1237   		if styler then
   834   1238   			return styler[st](tostring(s),...)
   835   1239   		else return s end
   836   1240   	end
   837   1241   
   838   1242   	local function comp(c,n,...)
   842   1246   	local t = {}
   843   1247   	if p.w then t[1] = s(p.w,'ul') else return '.' end
   844   1248   	if p.dn then t[2] = string.format(".%s", s(p.dn,'br')) end
   845   1249   	if p.pn then t[#t+1] = comp('p',p.pn,4,true) end
   846   1250   	if p.mn then t[#t+1] = comp('m',p.mn,5,true) end
   847   1251   	if p.xn then t[#t+1] = comp('x',p.xn,6,true)
   848   1252   	elseif p.nn then t[#t+1] = comp('n',p.nn,4) end
   849         -	if t[2] == nil then
         1253  +	if t[2] == nil and not display then
   850   1254   		return p.w .. '.' --make sure paths are always valid
   851   1255   	end
   852   1256   	return s(table.concat(t),'em')
   853   1257   end
   854   1258   local function pathMatch(a,b)
   855   1259   	return a.w  == b.w
   856   1260   		and a.dn == b.dn
   874   1278   	if not a.dn then return res end
   875   1279   
   876   1280   	res.def = lookup('definition', res.word.defs, a.dn)
   877   1281   	if (not a.pn) and (not a.mn) then return res end
   878   1282   
   879   1283   	local m if a.pn then
   880   1284   		res.phrase = lookup('phrase', res.def.phrases, a.pn)
   881         -		res.meaning = lookup('meaning', res.phrase.means, a.mn)
         1285  +		if a.mn then
         1286  +			res.meaning = lookup('meaning', res.phrase.means, a.mn)
         1287  +		else return res end
   882   1288   	else
   883   1289   		res.meaning = lookup('meaning', res.def.means, a.mn)
   884   1290   	end
   885   1291   
   886   1292   	if a.xn then
   887   1293   		res.ex = lookup('example',res.meaning.examples,a.xn)
   888   1294   	elseif a.nn then
   919   1325   	elseif super.nn then
   920   1326   		if sub.xn then return false end
   921   1327   		if sub.nn ~= super.nn then return false end
   922   1328   	end
   923   1329   
   924   1330   	return true
   925   1331   end
         1332  +
         1333  +function ansi.formatMarkup(text, sty)
         1334  +	return (string.gsub(text, '(.?)(%b[])', function(esc,seg)
         1335  +		if esc == '\\' then return seg end
         1336  +		local mode, text = seg:match('^%[(.)%s*(.-)%]$')
         1337  +		local r
         1338  +		if mode == '\\' then
         1339  +			r = text
         1340  +		elseif mode == '*' then
         1341  +			r = sty.br(ansi.formatMarkup(text,sty))
         1342  +		elseif mode == '!' then
         1343  +			r = sty.em(ansi.formatMarkup(text,sty))
         1344  +		elseif mode == '_' then
         1345  +			r = sty.ul(ansi.formatMarkup(text,sty))
         1346  +		elseif mode == '$' then
         1347  +			r = sty.color(ansi.formatMarkup(text,sty),6,true)
         1348  +		elseif mode == '>' then
         1349  +			r = pathString(pathParse(text),sty,true)
         1350  +		else return seg end
         1351  +		return esc..r
         1352  +	end))
         1353  +end
   926   1354   
   927   1355   local cmds = {
   928   1356   	create = {
   929   1357   		help = "initialize a new dictionary file";
   930   1358   		syntax = "<lang>";
   931   1359   		raw = true;
   932   1360   		exec = function(ctx, lang)
   936   1364   			local fd = safeopen(ctx.file,"wb")
   937   1365   			local new = {
   938   1366   				header = {
   939   1367   					lang = lang;
   940   1368   					meta = "";
   941   1369   					partsOfSpeech = {};
   942   1370   					inflectionForms = {};
         1371  +					orthographies = {};
   943   1372   				};
   944   1373   				words = {};
   945   1374   				relsets = {};
         1375  +				morphs = {};
   946   1376   			}
   947   1377   			local o = writeDict(new);
   948   1378   			fd:write(o)
   949   1379   			fd:close()
   950   1380   		end;
   951   1381   	};
   952   1382   	coin = {
   953   1383   		help = "add a new word";
   954   1384   		syntax = "<word>";
   955   1385   		write = true;
   956   1386   		exec = function(ctx,word)
   957   1387   			if ctx.dict.words[word] then
   958   1388   				id10t "word already coined"
   959   1389   			end
   960         -			ctx.dict.words[word] = {defs={},rels={}}
         1390  +			ctx.dict.words[word] = {defs={},rels={},enc={}}
   961   1391   		end;
   962   1392   	};
   963   1393   	def = {
   964   1394   		help = "define a word";
   965   1395   		syntax = "<word> <part-of-speech> [<meaning> [<root>…]]";
   966   1396   		write = true;
   967   1397   		exec = function(ctx,word,part,means,...)
   968   1398   			local etym = {...}
   969   1399   			if (not word) or not part then
   970   1400   				id10t 'bad definition'
   971   1401   			end
   972   1402   			if not ctx.dict.words[word] then
   973         -				ctx.dict.words[word] = {defs={},rels={}}
         1403  +				ctx.dict.words[word] = {defs={},rels={},enc={}}
   974   1404   			end
   975   1405   			local n = #(ctx.dict.words[word].defs)+1
   976   1406   			ctx.dict.words[word].defs[n] = {
   977   1407   				part = part;
         1408  +				writings = {};
   978   1409   				branch = etym;
   979   1410   				means = {means and {
   980   1411   					lit=means;
   981   1412   					examples={};
   982   1413   					notes={};
   983   1414   					rels={};
   984   1415   				} or nil};
   990   1421   		end;
   991   1422   	};
   992   1423   	mean = {
   993   1424   		help = "add a meaning to a definition";
   994   1425   		syntax = "<word> <def#> <meaning>";
   995   1426   		write = true;
   996   1427   		exec = function(ctx,word,dn,m)
   997         -			local t = pathResolve(ctx,{w=word,dn=dn})
   998         -			table.insert(t.d.means, {lit=m,notes={}})
         1428  +			local t = pathResolve(ctx,{w=word,dn=tonumber(dn)})
         1429  +			table.insert(t.def.means, {lit=m,notes={},examples={},rels={}})
   999   1430   		end;
  1000   1431   	};
  1001   1432   	rel = {
  1002   1433   		help = "manage groups of related words";
  1003   1434   		syntax = {
  1004   1435   			"(show|purge) <path> [<kind>]";
  1005   1436   			"(link|drop) <word> <group#> <path>…";
  1130   1561   				end
  1131   1562   			end
  1132   1563   		end;
  1133   1564   	};
  1134   1565   	mod = {
  1135   1566   		help = "move, merge, split, or delete words or definitions";
  1136   1567   		syntax = {
  1137         -			"<path> (drop | [move|merge|clobber] <path> | out [<part> [<root>…]])";
  1138         -			"path ::= <word>[(@<def#>[/<meaning#>[:<note#>]]|.)]";
         1568  +			"<path> (drop | [(to|move)|merge|clobber] <path>)";
         1569  +			"path ::= <word>[.[<def#>[/p<phrase#>][/m<meaning#>[(/n<note#>|/x<example#>)]]]]";
  1139   1570   		};
  1140   1571   		write = true;
         1572  +	};
         1573  +	morph = {
         1574  +		help = "manage and attach morphs (morphemes/composable glyphs)";
         1575  +		syntax = {
         1576  +			"(<ls>|<define>|<mod>)";
         1577  +			"define ::= def (id <name>|as) [<form>]… [from <morph>…]";
         1578  +			"ls ::= ls (<morph>|meta <key> <value>|has <key>)…";
         1579  +			"mod ::= <morph> (drop|[un]link <path>|meta <key> [<value>]|inc [<morph>])";
         1580  +			"morph ::= (id <name>|enc <form>)";
         1581  +			"form ::= [<script>]=<repr>";
         1582  +		};
  1141   1583   	};
  1142   1584   	note = {
  1143   1585   		help = "add a note to a definition or a paragraph to a note";
  1144   1586   		syntax = {"(<m-path> (add|for) <kind> | <m-path>:<note#>) <para>…";
  1145         -			"m-path ::= <word>@<def#>/<meaning#>"};
         1587  +			"m-path ::= <word>.<def#>[/p<phrase#]/m<meaning#>"};
  1146   1588   		write = true;
  1147   1589   		exec = function(ctx,path,...)
  1148   1590   			local paras, mng
  1149   1591   			local dest = pathParse(path)
  1150   1592   			local t = pathResolve(ctx,path)
  1151   1593   			if dest.nn then
  1152   1594   				paras = {...}
  1226   1668   		end
  1227   1669   	end
  1228   1670   end
  1229   1671   
  1230   1672   function cmds.ls.exec(ctx,...)
  1231   1673   	local filter = nil
  1232   1674   	local out = {}
  1233         -	for i,f in ipairs{...} do
         1675  +	local args = {...}
         1676  +	for i=#args,1,-1 do local f <const> = args[i]
  1234   1677   		local fn = parsefilter(f)
  1235   1678   		local of = filter or function() return false end
  1236   1679   		filter = function(e)
  1237   1680   			return fn(e) or of(e)
  1238   1681   		end
  1239   1682   	end
  1240   1683   	for lit,w in pairs(ctx.dict.words) do
  1241         -		local e = {lit=lit, word=w}
         1684  +		local e = {lit=lit, word=w, dict=ctx.dict}
  1242   1685   		if filter == nil or filter(e) then
  1243   1686   			table.insert(out, e)
  1244   1687   		end
  1245   1688   	end
  1246   1689   	table.sort(out, function(a,b) return a.lit < b.lit end)
  1247   1690   	local fo = ctx.sty[io.stdout]
  1248   1691   
  1285   1728   		return {
  1286   1729   			syn = flatten(synonymSets);
  1287   1730   			ant = flatten(antonymSets);
  1288   1731   			met = flatten(metonymSets);
  1289   1732   		}
  1290   1733   	end
  1291   1734   
  1292         -	local function formatRels(rls, padlen)
         1735  +	local function formatRels(lines, rls, padlen)
  1293   1736   		-- optimize for the common case
  1294   1737   		if next(rls.syn) == nil and
  1295   1738   		   next(rls.ant) == nil and
  1296   1739   			next(rls.met) == nil then return {} end
  1297   1740   		local pad = string.rep(' ',padlen)
  1298   1741   		local function format(label, set)
  1299   1742   			local each = map(set, function(e)
  1301   1744               local str = fo.ul(e.w)
  1302   1745   				if ed then str = string.format('%s(%s)',str,ed.part) end
  1303   1746   				if e.mn then str = string.format('%s§%u',str,e.mn) end
  1304   1747   				return str
  1305   1748   			end)
  1306   1749   			return fo.em(string.format("%s%s %s",pad,label,table.concat(each,', ')))
  1307   1750   		end
  1308         -		local lines = {}
  1309   1751   		local function add(l,c,lst)
  1310   1752   			table.insert(lines, format(fo.color(l,c,true),lst))
  1311   1753   		end
  1312   1754   		if next(rls.syn) then add('synonyms:',2,rls.syn) end
  1313   1755   		if next(rls.ant) then add('antonyms:',1,rls.ant) end
  1314   1756   		if next(rls.met) then add('metonyms:',4,rls.met) end
  1315   1757   		return lines
  1316   1758   	end
  1317   1759   
  1318         -	local function meanings(w,d,md,n)
  1319         -		local start = md and 2 or 1
  1320         -		local part = string.format('(%s)', d.part)
  1321         -		local pad = md and string.rep(' ', #part) or ''
  1322         -		local function note(n,insert)
         1760  +	local function formatMeaning(m, obj, path, indent) -- m = dest tbl
         1761  +		local pad = string.rep(' ', indent)
         1762  +		local function note(j,n,markup)
  1323   1763   			if not next(n.paras) then return end
  1324   1764   			local pad = string.rep(' ',#(n.kind) + 9)
  1325         -			insert('      ' .. fo.hl(' ' .. n.kind .. ' ') .. ' ' .. n.paras[1])
         1765  +
         1766  +			local nid = ''
         1767  +			if ctx.flags.ident then
         1768  +				nid='‹'..pathString(merge(path,{nn=j}), fo)..'›'
         1769  +			end
         1770  +			table.insert(m, nid..'      ' .. fo.hl(' ' .. n.kind .. ' ') .. ' ' .. markup(n.paras[1]))
  1326   1771   			for i=2,#n.paras do
  1327         -				insert(pad..n.paras[2])
  1328         -			end
  1329         -		end
  1330         -		local m = { (function()
  1331         -			if d.means[1] then
  1332         -				if md then
  1333         -					local id = ''
  1334         -					if ctx.flags.ident then
  1335         -						id=' ['..pathString({w=w.lit,dn=n,mn=1}, fo)..']'
  1336         -					end
  1337         -					return string.format(" %s %s 1. %s", id, fo.em(part), d.means[1].lit)
  1338         -				end
  1339         -			else return
  1340         -				fo.em(string.format('  %s [empty definition #%u]', part,n))
  1341         -			end
  1342         -		end)() }
  1343         -		tcatD(m, formatRels(gatherRelSets{w=w.lit,dn=n,mn=1}, 6))
  1344         -		for i=start,#d.means do local v = d.means[i]
  1345         -			local id = ''
  1346         -			if ctx.flags.ident then id='['..pathString({w=w.lit,dn=n,mn=n}, fo)..']' end
  1347         -			table.insert(m, string.format('  %s%s %u. %s', pad, id, i, v.lit))
  1348         -			tcatD(m, formatRels(gatherRelSets{w=w.lit,dn=n,mn=i}, 6))
  1349         -			for j,n in ipairs(v.notes) do
  1350         -				note(n, function(v) table.insert(m, v) end)
  1351         -			end
  1352         -		end
  1353         -		return table.concat(m,'\n')
  1354         -	end
  1355         -	local function autobreak(str)
  1356         -		if str ~= '' then return str..'\n' else return str end
  1357         -	end
         1772  +				table.insert(m, pad..markup(n.paras[2]))
         1773  +			end
         1774  +		end
         1775  +		local id = ''
         1776  +		if ctx.flags.ident then id='‹'..pathString(path, fo)..'›' end
         1777  +		table.insert(m, string.format('%s%s %u. %s', pad, id, path.mn, ansi.formatMarkup(obj.lit,fo)))
         1778  +		formatRels(m,gatherRelSets(path), 6)
         1779  +		for j,n in ipairs(obj.notes) do
         1780  +			note(j,n, function(v) return ansi.formatMarkup(v,fo) end)
         1781  +		end
         1782  +	end
         1783  +
         1784  +	local function defnMeanings(m, w,def,path,indent)
         1785  +		local part = ''
         1786  +		for i=1,#def.means do local v = def.means[i]
         1787  +			formatMeaning(m, v, merge(path,{mn=i}),indent)
         1788  +		end
         1789  +	end
         1790  +	local function parthead(def)
         1791  +		local str = string.format('(%s)', def.part)
         1792  +		return fo.color(fo.em(str), 199), #str
         1793  +	end
         1794  +	local markcolor, markcolors, markmap = 0, {
         1795  +		117, 75, 203, 48, 200, 190, 26, 48, 226, 198
         1796  +	}, {}
  1358   1797   	for i, w in ipairs(out) do
  1359         -		local d = fo.ul(fo.br(w.lit))
  1360         -		local wordrels = autobreak(table.concat(
  1361         -				formatRels(gatherRelSets{w=w.lit}, 2),
  1362         -				'\n'
  1363         -			))
  1364         -		if #w.word.defs == 1 then
  1365         -			d=d .. ' '
  1366         -			    .. fo.rgb(fo.em('('..(w.word.defs[1].part)..')'),.8,.5,1) .. '\n'
  1367         -			    .. meanings(w,w.word.defs[1],false,1) .. '\n'
  1368         -			    .. autobreak(table.concat(formatRels(gatherRelSets{w=w.lit,dn=1}, 4), '\n'))
  1369         -				 .. wordrels .. '\n'
  1370         -		else
  1371         -			for j, def in ipairs(w.word.defs) do
  1372         -				local syn if wsc and wsc[j] then syn = wsc[j] end
  1373         -				d=d .. '\n'
  1374         -				    .. meanings(w,syn,def,true,j) .. '\n'
  1375         -				    .. autobreak(table.concat(
  1376         -						 formatRels(gatherRelSets{w=w.lit,dn=j}, 4),
  1377         -						 '\n'
  1378         -					 ))
  1379         -			end
  1380         -			d=d .. wordrels .. '\n'
  1381         -		end
  1382         -		io.stdout:write(d)
         1798  +		local lines = { fo.ul(fo.br(w.lit)) }
         1799  +		local pad = 4
         1800  +		local ndefs = #w.word.defs
         1801  +		if ndefs == 1 then
         1802  +			local header = parthead(w.word.defs[1])
         1803  +			lines[1] = lines[1] .. ' ' .. header
         1804  +		end
         1805  +		local mark
         1806  +		local markline
         1807  +		if w.mark then
         1808  +			local marks = {}
         1809  +			for _,m in pairs(w.mark) do
         1810  +				if not markmap[m] then
         1811  +					markmap[m] = markcolors[markcolor+1]
         1812  +					markcolor = (markcolor+1)%#markcolors
         1813  +				end
         1814  +				local c = markmap[m]
         1815  +				table.insert(marks, fo.hl(fo.color(string.format(' %s ',m),c)))
         1816  +			end
         1817  +			mark = table.concat(marks, ' ')
         1818  +			markline = #lines
         1819  +		end
         1820  +
         1821  +		for j, d in ipairs(w.word.defs) do
         1822  +			local top = #lines -- :/
         1823  +			local header, hdln = parthead(d)
         1824  +			defnMeanings(lines, w, d, {w=w.lit, dn=j}, ndefs==1 and 0 or hdln+1)
         1825  +			if ctx.flags.rels then
         1826  +				 formatRels(lines, gatherRelSets{w=w.lit,dn=j}, 0)
         1827  +			end
         1828  +			if ndefs > 1 then
         1829  +				lines[top+1] = ' ' .. header .. string.sub(lines[top+1],hdln+2)
         1830  +			end
         1831  +		end
         1832  +		if ctx.flags.rels then
         1833  +			formatRels(lines,gatherRelSets{w=w.lit}, 2)
         1834  +		end
         1835  +		if markline then
         1836  +			lines[markline] = mark .. ' ' .. lines[markline]
         1837  +		end
         1838  +		io.stdout:write(table.concat(lines,'\n')..'\n')
  1383   1839   	end
  1384   1840   end
  1385   1841   
  1386   1842   function cmds.import.exec(ctx,file)
  1387   1843   	local ifd = io.stdin
  1388   1844   	if file then
  1389   1845   		ifd = safeopen(file,'r')
  1391   1847   
  1392   1848   	local new = {
  1393   1849   		header = {
  1394   1850   			lang = lang;
  1395   1851   			meta = "";
  1396   1852   			partsOfSpeech = {};
  1397   1853   			inflectionForms = {};
         1854  +			orthographies = {};
  1398   1855   		};
  1399   1856   		words = {};
  1400   1857   		relsets = {};
         1858  +		morphs = {};
  1401   1859   	}
  1402   1860   
  1403   1861   	local state = 0
  1404   1862   	local relsets = {}
  1405   1863   	local path = {}
  1406   1864   	local inflmap, lastinfl = {}
         1865  +	local orthoIDs, lastOrtho = {}
         1866  +	local morphIDs, lastMorph = {}
         1867  +	local lastWriting
  1407   1868   	for l in ifd:lines() do
  1408   1869   		local words = strwords(l)
  1409   1870   		local c = words[1]
  1410   1871   		local function syn(mn,mx)
  1411   1872   			local nw = #words - 1
  1412   1873   			if nw < mn or (mx ~= nil and nw > mx) then
  1413   1874   				if mx ~= nil then
  1414   1875   					id10t('command %s needs between %u~%u words',c,mn,mx)
  1415   1876   				else
  1416   1877   					id10t('command %s needs at least %u words',c,mn)
  1417   1878   				end
  1418   1879   			end
         1880  +		end
         1881  +		local function getuid(tbl, uid)
         1882  +			if tonumber(uid,16) == nil then
         1883  +				if not tbl[uid] then
         1884  +					tbl[uid] = math.random(0,0xffffFFFF)
         1885  +				end
         1886  +				return tbl[uid]
         1887  +			end
         1888  +			return tonumber(uid,16)
  1419   1889   		end
  1420   1890   		if c ~= '*' and c~='meta' then -- comments
  1421   1891   			if state == 0 then
  1422         -				if c ~= 'pv0' then
         1892  +				if c ~= 'PV0' then
  1423   1893   					id10t "not a parvan export"
  1424   1894   				end
  1425   1895   				new.header.lang = words[2]
  1426   1896   				new.header.meta = words[3]
  1427   1897   				state = 1
  1428   1898   			else
  1429   1899   				local T = pathResolve({dict=new}, path)
  1430   1900   				local W,D,P,M,N,X =
  1431   1901   					T.word,
  1432   1902   					T.def,
  1433   1903   					T.phrase,
  1434   1904   					T.meaning,
  1435   1905   					T.note,
  1436   1906   					T.ex
  1437         -				if c == 'w' then syn(1) state = 2
         1907  +				if c == 'w' then syn(1) state = 10
  1438   1908   					path = {w=words[2]}
  1439         -					new.words[words[2]] = {defs={},rels={}}
         1909  +					new.words[words[2]] = {defs={},rels={},enc={}}
         1910  +					lastMorph = nil
  1440   1911   				elseif c == 'f' then syn(1)
  1441   1912   					local nf = {
  1442   1913   						name = words[2];
  1443   1914   						abbrev = words[3] or "";
  1444   1915   						desc = words[4] or "";
  1445   1916   						parts = {};
  1446   1917   					}
  1450   1921   				elseif c == 'fp' then syn(1)
  1451   1922   					if not lastinfl then
  1452   1923   						id10t 'fp can only be used after f' end
  1453   1924   					table.insert(lastinfl.parts,words[2])
  1454   1925   				elseif c == 's' then syn(2)
  1455   1926   					relsets[words[3]] = relsets[words[3]] or {}
  1456   1927   					relsets[words[3]].kind = words[2]
  1457         -					relsets[words[3]].uid = tonumber(words[3])
         1928  +					relsets[words[3]].uid = tonumber(words[3],16)
  1458   1929   					relsets[words[3]].members = relsets[words[3]].members or {}
  1459         -				elseif state >= 2 and c == 'r' then syn(1)
         1930  +				elseif c == 'mo' then syn(1)
         1931  +					local uid,name = table.unpack(words,2)
         1932  +					uid = getuid(morphIDs, uid)
         1933  +					new.morphs[uid] = {
         1934  +						name = name or '';
         1935  +						enc = {};
         1936  +						meta = {};
         1937  +						rads = {};
         1938  +					}
         1939  +					lastMorph = new.morphs[uid]
         1940  +				elseif lastMorph and state < 10 and c == 'M' then syn(2)
         1941  +					local key, val = table.unpack(words,2)
         1942  +					table.insert(lastMorph.meta, {key=key,val=val})
         1943  +				elseif lastMorph and state < 10 and c == 'r' then syn(1)
         1944  +					local r = getuid(morphIDs, words[2])
         1945  +					table.insert(lastMorph.rads, r)
         1946  +				elseif c == 'e' then syn(2)
         1947  +					local scr, blob = table.unpack(words,2)
         1948  +					scr = getuid(orthoIDs, scr)
         1949  +					if state <= 10 and lastMorph then
         1950  +						lastMorph.enc[scr] = blob
         1951  +					elseif state == 10 then
         1952  +						W.enc[scr] = blob
         1953  +					elseif state >= 11 and lastWriting then
         1954  +						lastWriting.enc[scr] = blob
         1955  +					else
         1956  +						id10t('encoding “%s” declared at bad position', blob)
         1957  +					end
         1958  +				elseif c == 'o' then syn(3)
         1959  +					local uid, name, repr = table.unpack(words,2)
         1960  +					repr = strwords(repr)
         1961  +					uid = getuid(orthoIDs, uid)
         1962  +					if #repr > 1 then
         1963  +						local kind, p1,p2 = table.unpack(repr)
         1964  +						repr = {kind,{}}
         1965  +						if kind == 'glyphs' then
         1966  +							repr[2].format = p1
         1967  +							repr[2].glyphs = {}
         1968  +							repr[2].encoding = p2
         1969  +						elseif kind == 'int' then
         1970  +							repr[2] = tonumber(p1,16)
         1971  +						end
         1972  +					else repr=repr[1] end
         1973  +					table.insert(new.header.orthographies, {
         1974  +						uid = uid;
         1975  +						name = name;
         1976  +						repr = repr;
         1977  +					})
         1978  +					lastOrtho = new.header.orthographies[#(new.header.orthographies)]
         1979  +				elseif c == 'og' then syn(2)
         1980  +					if not lastOrtho then
         1981  +						id10t '`og` must follow an orthography declaration'
         1982  +					elseif lastOrtho.repr[1] ~= 'glyphs' then
         1983  +						id10t('orthography declares %s representation', lastOrtho.repr[1])
         1984  +					end
         1985  +					local name, data = table.unpack(words,2)
         1986  +					table.insert(lastOrtho.repr[2].glyphs, {
         1987  +						-- TODO decode base?? data for binary encodings
         1988  +						name = name, image = data
         1989  +					})
         1990  +				elseif state >= 10 and c == 'r' or c == 'rh' then syn(1)
  1460   1991   					local rt
  1461         -					if state == 2 then
         1992  +					if state == 10 then
  1462   1993   						rt = W.rels
  1463         -					elseif state == 3 then
         1994  +					elseif state == 11 then
  1464   1995   						rt = D.rels
  1465         -					elseif state == 4 then
         1996  +					elseif state == 12 then
  1466   1997   						rt = D.rels
  1467   1998   					elseif state == 14 then
  1468   1999   						rt = P.rels
  1469   2000   					end
  1470   2001   					relsets[words[2]] = relsets[words[2]] or {
  1471         -						uid = tonumber(words[2]) or math.random(0,0xffffFFFF);
         2002  +						uid = tonumber(words[2],16) or math.random(0,0xffffFFFF);
  1472   2003   						members={};
  1473   2004   					}
  1474         -					table.insert(relsets[words[2]].members, path)
  1475         -				elseif state >= 2 and c == 'd' then syn(1) state = 3
         2005  +					local mems = relsets[words[2]].members
         2006  +					if c == 'rh' and next(mems) then
         2007  +						mems[#mems+1] = mems[1]
         2008  +						mems[1] = path
         2009  +					else
         2010  +						table.insert(mems,path)
         2011  +					end
         2012  +				elseif state >= 10 and c == 'd' then syn(1) state = 11
  1476   2013   					table.insert(W.defs, {
  1477   2014   						part = words[2];
         2015  +						writings = {};
  1478   2016   						branch = {};
  1479   2017   						means = {};
  1480   2018   						forms = {};
  1481   2019   						phrases = {};
  1482   2020   						rels = {};
  1483   2021   					})
  1484   2022   					path = {w = path.w, dn = #(W.defs)}
  1485         -				elseif state >= 3 and c == 'dr' then syn(1)
         2023  +				elseif state >= 11 and c == 'dr' then syn(1)
  1486   2024   					table.insert(D.branch, words[2])
  1487         -				elseif state >= 3 and c == 'df' then syn(2)
         2025  +				elseif state >= 11 and c == 'df' then syn(2)
  1488   2026   					if not inflmap[words[2]] then
  1489   2027   						id10t('no inflection form %s defined', words[2])
  1490   2028   					end
  1491   2029   					D.forms[inflmap[words[2]]] = words[3]
  1492         -				elseif state >= 3 and c == 'p' then syn(1) state = 14
         2030  +				elseif state >= 11 and c == 'p' then syn(1) state = 12
  1493   2031   					table.insert(D.phrases, {
  1494   2032   						str = words[2];
  1495   2033   						means = {};
  1496   2034   						rels = {};
  1497   2035   					})
  1498   2036   					path = {w = path.w, dn = path.dn, pn = #(D.phrases)}
  1499         -				elseif state >= 3 and c == 'm' then syn(1) state = 4
  1500         -					table.insert(D.means, {
         2037  +				elseif state >= 11 and c == 'm' then syn(1) state = 13
         2038  +					table.insert((P or D).means, {
  1501   2039   						lit = words[2];
  1502   2040   						notes = {};
  1503   2041   						examples = {};
  1504   2042   						rels = {};
  1505   2043   					});
  1506         -					path = {w = path.w, dn = path.dn, pn=path.pn, mn = #(D.means)}
  1507         -				elseif state >= 4 and c == 'n' then syn(1) state = 5
         2044  +					path = {w = path.w, dn = path.dn, pn=path.pn, mn = #((P or D).means)}
         2045  +				elseif state >= 11 and c == 'W' then
         2046  +					table.insert(D.writings, {
         2047  +						info = words[2] or '';
         2048  +						enc = {};
         2049  +						morphs = {};
         2050  +					})
         2051  +					lastWriting = D.writings[#(D.writings)]
         2052  +				elseif state >= 11 and lastWriting and c == 'Wmo' then syn(1)
         2053  +					local morph = getuid(morphIDs, words[2])
         2054  +					table.insert(lastWriting.morphs, morph)
         2055  +				elseif state >= 13 and c == 'x' then syn(1)
         2056  +					table.insert(M.examples, {
         2057  +						quote = words[2];
         2058  +						src = words[3] or '';
         2059  +					})
         2060  +				elseif state >= 13 and c == 'n' then syn(1) state = 14
  1508   2061   					table.insert(M.notes, {kind=words[2], paras={}})
  1509   2062   					path = {w = path.w, dn = path.dn, pn = path.pn, mn = path.mn, nn = #(M.notes)};
  1510         -				elseif state >= 5 and c == 'np' then syn(1)
         2063  +				elseif state >= 14 and c == 'np' then syn(1)
  1511   2064   					table.insert(N.paras, words[2])
  1512   2065   				end
  1513   2066   				-- we ignore invalid ctls, for sake of forward-compat
  1514   2067   			end
  1515   2068   		end
  1516   2069   	end
  1517   2070   
  1532   2085   	ofd:write(o)
  1533   2086   	ofd:close()
  1534   2087   end
  1535   2088   
  1536   2089   function cmds.export.exec(ctx,file)
  1537   2090   	local ofd = io.stdout
  1538   2091   	if file then ofd = safeopen(file, 'w+') end
  1539         -	local function san(str)
  1540         -		local d = 0
  1541         -		local r = {}
  1542         -		for i,cp in utf8.codes(str) do
  1543         -			-- insert backslashes for characters that would
  1544         -			-- disrupt strwords() parsing
  1545         -			if cp == 0x0a then
  1546         -				table.insert(r, 0x5c)
  1547         -				table.insert(r, 0x6e)
  1548         -			else
  1549         -				if cp == 0x5b then
  1550         -					d = d + 1
  1551         -				elseif cp == 0x5d then
  1552         -					if d >= 1 then
  1553         -						d = d - 1
  1554         -					else
  1555         -						table.insert(r, 0x5c)
  1556         -					end
  1557         -				end
  1558         -				table.insert(r, cp)
  1559         -			end
  1560         -		end
  1561         -		return '[' .. utf8.char(table.unpack(r)) .. ']'
  1562         -	end
         2092  +	local san = strsan
  1563   2093   	local function o(lvl,...)
  1564   2094   		local pfx = ''
  1565   2095   		if ctx.flags.human and lvl > 0 then
  1566   2096   			pfx = string.rep('\t', lvl)
  1567   2097   		end
  1568   2098   		ofd:write(pfx..string.format(...)..'\n')
  1569   2099   	end
  1570   2100   	local d = ctx.dict
  1571         -	o(0,'pv0 %s %s', san(d.header.lang), san(d.header.meta))
         2101  +	o(0,'PV0 %s %s', san(d.header.lang), san(d.header.meta))
  1572   2102   	local function checksyn(obj,lvl)
  1573   2103   		for k,v in pairs(obj.rels) do
  1574         -			o(lvl,'r %u',s.uid)
         2104  +			if d._relCache[v].mems[1].obj == obj
         2105  +				then o(lvl,'rh %x',v)
         2106  +				else o(lvl,'r %x',v)
         2107  +			end
  1575   2108   		end
  1576   2109   	end
  1577   2110   	for i,f in pairs(d.header.inflectionForms) do
  1578   2111   		o(0,'f %s %s %s', san(f.name), san(f.abbrev), san(f.desc))
  1579   2112   		for j,p in pairs(f.parts) do
  1580   2113   			o(1,'fp %s', san(p))
  1581   2114   		end
  1582   2115   	end
  1583         -	local function scanMeans(tbl,path,lvl)
  1584         -		for j,m in ipairs(def.means) do
         2116  +	for i,s in pairs(d.header.orthographies) do
         2117  +		local repr
         2118  +		if type(s.repr) == 'string'
         2119  +			then repr = s.repr
         2120  +			else repr = s.repr[1] end
         2121  +		if repr == 'int' then
         2122  +			repr = repr .. ' ' .. tostring(s.repr[2])
         2123  +		elseif repr == 'glyphs' then
         2124  +			repr = repr .. ' ' .. s.repr[2].format .. ' ' .. tostring(s.repr[2].encoding)
         2125  +		end
         2126  +		o(0, 'o %x %s %s', s.uid, san(s.name), san(repr))
         2127  +		if s.repr[1] == 'glyphs' then
         2128  +			for _,g in ipairs(s.repr[2].glyphs) do
         2129  +				o(1, 'og %s %s', san(g.name), san(g.image))
         2130  +			end
         2131  +		end
         2132  +	end
         2133  +	local function scanMeans(tbl,lvl)
         2134  +		for j,m in ipairs(tbl) do
  1585   2135   			o(lvl,'m %s', san(m.lit))
  1586         -			local lp = copy(path)
  1587         -			lp.mn = j
  1588         -			checksyn(m,lp,lvl+1)
         2136  +			checksyn(m,lvl+1)
         2137  +			for k,x in ipairs(m.examples) do
         2138  +				o(lvl+1,'x %s %s', san(x.quote,x.src))
         2139  +			end
  1589   2140   			for k,n in ipairs(m.notes) do
  1590   2141   				o(lvl+1,'n %s', san(n.kind))
  1591   2142   				for a,p in ipairs(n.paras) do
  1592   2143   					o(lvl+2,'np %s', san(p))
  1593   2144   				end
  1594   2145   			end
  1595   2146   		end
         2147  +	end
         2148  +	local function scanMeta(n, meta)
         2149  +		for i,m in ipairs(meta) do
         2150  +			o(n, 'M %s %s', san(m.key), san(m.val)) end
         2151  +	end
         2152  +	local function scanEnc(n, tbl)
         2153  +		for uid,enc in pairs(tbl)
         2154  +			do o(n, 'e %x %s',uid,san(enc)) end
         2155  +	end
         2156  +	for uid, m in pairs(d.morphs) do
         2157  +		o(0, 'mo %x %s', uid, san(m.name))
         2158  +		scanMeta(1, m.meta)
         2159  +		scanEnc(1, m.enc)
  1596   2160   	end
  1597   2161   	for lit, w in pairs(d.words) do
  1598   2162   		o(0,'w %s',san(lit))
  1599         -		checksyn(w,{w=lit},1)
         2163  +		checksyn(w,1)
         2164  +		scanEnc(1, w.enc)
  1600   2165   		for i,def in ipairs(w.defs) do
  1601   2166   			o(1,'d %s',san(def.part))
  1602         -			checksyn(def,{w=lit,dn=i},2)
         2167  +			for _, writ in ipairs(def.writings) do
         2168  +				if writ.info == '' then o(2,'W') else
         2169  +					o(2,'W %s',san(writ.info)) end
         2170  +				for mid,uid in pairs(writ.morphs) do
         2171  +					o(3, 'Wmo %x', uid) end
         2172  +				for uid,enc in pairs(writ.enc)
         2173  +					do o(3, 'e %x %s',uid,san(enc)) end
         2174  +			end
         2175  +			checksyn(def,2)
  1603   2176   			for j,r in ipairs(def.branch) do
  1604   2177   				o(2,'dr %s',san(r))
  1605   2178   			end
         2179  +			scanMeans(def.means, 2)
  1606   2180   			for j,p in ipairs(def.phrases) do
  1607   2181   				o(2,'p %s',san(p.str))
  1608         -				scanMeans(p.means, {w=lit,dn=i,pn=j}, 3)
         2182  +				scanMeans(p.means, 3)
  1609   2183   			end
  1610         -			scanMeans(def.means, {w=lit,dn=i}, 2)
  1611   2184   		end
  1612   2185   	end
  1613         -	for _,s in ipairs(d.relsets) do o(0,'s %s %u', s.kind, s.uid) end
         2186  +	for _,s in ipairs(d.relsets) do o(0,'s %s %x', s.kind, s.uid) end
  1614   2187   end
  1615   2188   
  1616   2189   local function filterD(lst, fn)
  1617   2190   -- cheap algorithm to destructively filter a list
  1618   2191   -- DOES NOT preserve order!!
  1619   2192   	local top = #lst
  1620   2193   	for i=top,1,-1 do local m = lst[i]
  1624   2197   			top = top - 1
  1625   2198   		end
  1626   2199   	end
  1627   2200   	return lst
  1628   2201   end
  1629   2202   
  1630   2203   function cmds.mod.exec(ctx, orig, oper, dest, ...)
         2204  +	local ops = {
         2205  +		word = {
         2206  +			mask = {
         2207  +				word = {move=true,merge=true,clobber=true};
         2208  +			};
         2209  +			move = function(from,to) end;
         2210  +			merge = function(from,to) end;
         2211  +			clobber = function(from,to) end;
         2212  +		};
         2213  +		def = {
         2214  +			mask = {
         2215  +				word = {move=true};
         2216  +				def = {merge=true,clobber=true};
         2217  +			};
         2218  +			move = function(from,to) end;
         2219  +			merge = function(from,to) end;
         2220  +			clobber = function(from,to) end;
         2221  +		};
         2222  +		phrase = {
         2223  +			mask = {
         2224  +				def = {move=true};
         2225  +				phrase = {clobber=true};
         2226  +			};
         2227  +			move = function(from,to) end;
         2228  +			clobber = function(from,to) end;
         2229  +		};
         2230  +		meaning = {
         2231  +			mask = {
         2232  +				def = {move=true};
         2233  +				phrase = {move=true};
         2234  +				meaning = {merge=true,clobber=true};
         2235  +			};
         2236  +			move = function(from,to) end;
         2237  +			merge = function(from,to) end;
         2238  +			clobber = function(from,to) end;
         2239  +		};
         2240  +		example = {
         2241  +			mask = {
         2242  +				meaning={move=true};
         2243  +				example={merge=true,clobber=true};
         2244  +			};
         2245  +			move = function(from,to) end;
         2246  +			merge = function(from,to) end;
         2247  +			clobber = function(from,to) end;
         2248  +		};
         2249  +		note = {
         2250  +			mask = {
         2251  +				meaning={move=true};
         2252  +				note={merge=true,clobber=true};
         2253  +			};
         2254  +			move = function(from,to) end;
         2255  +			merge = function(from,to) end;
         2256  +			clobber = function(from,to) end;
         2257  +		};
         2258  +	}
  1631   2259   	rebuildRelationCache(ctx.dict)
  1632   2260   end
  1633   2261   
  1634   2262   local function fileLegible(file)
  1635   2263   	-- check if we can access the file
  1636   2264   	local fd = io.open(file,"rb")
  1637   2265   	local ret = false
  1759   2387   			showHelp(ctx, cmd, c)
  1760   2388   		end
  1761   2389   	end
  1762   2390   end
  1763   2391   
  1764   2392   local globalFlags <const> = {
  1765   2393   	human = {'h','human','enable human-readable exports'};
  1766         -	ident = {'i','ident','show identifier paths for all items'}
         2394  +	ident = {'i','ident','show identifier paths for all items'};
         2395  +	rels  = {'r','rels', 'show relationships between words'};
  1767   2396   }
  1768   2397   
  1769   2398   local function
  1770   2399   usage(me,ctx)
  1771   2400   	local ln = 0
  1772   2401   	local ct = {}
  1773   2402   	local fe = ctx.sty[io.stderr]
  1793   2422   		showHelp(ctx,k,v)
  1794   2423   	end
  1795   2424   	return 64
  1796   2425   end
  1797   2426   
  1798   2427   local function
  1799   2428   dispatch(argv, ctx)
         2429  +	local loglevel = 2
  1800   2430   	local ferr = ctx.sty[io.stderr]
  1801   2431   	local args = {}
  1802   2432   	local flags = {}
  1803   2433   	local i = 1 while i <= #argv do
  1804   2434   		local a = argv[i]
  1805   2435   		if a == '--' then i=i+1 break
  1806   2436   		elseif a:sub(1,2) == '--' then
  1815   2445   					if v[1] == c then flags[k] = true break end
  1816   2446   				end
  1817   2447   			end
  1818   2448   		else table.insert(args, a) end
  1819   2449   	i = i + 1 end
  1820   2450   	for j=i,#argv do table.insert(args,argv[j]) end
  1821   2451   
         2452  +
         2453  +	do local ll = os.getenv('parvan_log')
         2454  +		if ll then loglevel = tonumber(ll) end
         2455  +		if flags[quiet] then loglevel=0
         2456  +		elseif flags[debug] then loglevel=4 end
         2457  +	end
         2458  +
  1822   2459   	local file, cmd = table.unpack(args)
  1823   2460   	if cmd and cmds[cmd] then
  1824   2461   		local c,fd,dict = cmds[cmd]
  1825   2462   		if (not c.raw) and not c.nofile then
  1826   2463   			fd = safeopen(file, "rb")
  1827   2464   			dict = readDict(fd:read 'a')
  1828   2465   			fd:close()
  1829   2466   			-- lua io has no truncate method, so we must
  1830   2467   			-- rely on the clobbering behavior of the open()
  1831   2468   			-- call instead :(
  1832   2469   		end
  1833   2470   
         2471  +		local function log(lvl,...)
         2472  +			local loglevels = {
         2473  +				fatal = 1,
         2474  +				warn = 2,
         2475  +				info = 3,
         2476  +				debug = 4
         2477  +			}
         2478  +			if loglevels[lvl] <= loglevel then
         2479  +				ctx.log(lvl,...)
         2480  +			end
         2481  +		end
  1834   2482   		cmds[cmd].exec({
  1835   2483   			sty = ctx.sty;
  1836   2484   			try = ctx.try;
  1837         -			log = ctx.log;
         2485  +			log = log;
  1838   2486   
  1839   2487   			flags = flags;
  1840   2488   			file = file;
  1841   2489   			fd = fd;
  1842   2490   			dict = dict;
  1843   2491   		}, table.unpack(args,3))
  1844   2492