util  Diff

Differences From Artifact [1155e40476]:

To Artifact [6ac01952d6]:

     1      1   (* [ʞ] rosshil.ml - tasshila semes sirvos
     2      2    *  ~ lexi hale <lexi@hale.su>
     3      3    *  $ ocamlopt.opt rosshil.ml -o rosshil
     4         - *  © AGPL
            4  + *  © GNU GPLv3
            5  + *  ? rosshil is a tool for transforming various dates in the
            6  + *    calendar systems of Spirals into other representations.
            7  + *    feel free to copy it and use it for your own settings
            8  + *    if you're as much of a perfectionist dweeb as me; just
            9  + *    make sure you change the name of the utility so it's
           10  + *    not in Ranuir
     5     11    *)
     6     12   
     7     13   (* basic units *)
     8     14   type timespan  = int (* earth seconds are current tick unit *)
     9     15   type timepoint = int
    10     16   type quantity = int
    11     17   type proportion = float
    12     18   
    13         -type runopt = NoOpt | NoANSI | ASCII
           19  +type runopt = NoOpt | NoANSI | ASCII | Debug | OutOnly
    14     20   let optstrs = [
    15         -	NoANSI, "noansi";
    16         -	ASCII, "ascii";
           21  +	NoANSI, "-plain";
           22  +	NoANSI, "p";
           23  +
           24  +	ASCII, "-ascii";
           25  +	ASCII, "a";
           26  +
           27  +    Debug, "-verbose";
           28  +    Debug, "v";
           29  +
           30  +    OutOnly, "-out";
           31  +    OutOnly, "o";
    17     32   ]
    18     33   let is_opt str = List.exists (fun (_,s) -> ("-"^s) = str) optstrs
    19     34   let opt_of_str str = let (opt,_) = List.find
    20     35   	(fun (_,s) -> ("-"^s) = str) optstrs in opt;
    21     36   
    22     37   type name             = { short: string; long: string; }
    23     38   let nmpair short long = { short = short; long = long   };
   205    220   		Empire.Span.(fmt(calc span)) ^" from Creation →\n\t";
   206    221   		Empire.Cal.(fmt(calc time)) ^"\n";
   207    222   		League.Span.(fmt(calc span)) ^" from Creation →\n\t";
   208    223   		League.Cal.(fmt(calc time)) ^"\n";
   209    224   	]
   210    225   *)
   211    226   
   212         -let usage arrow ansi hl bin = 
   213         -	let heading = "usage: " in
   214         -	let syntax = [
   215         -		"<faction> [year <year>] [day <day>] to <faction>",
   216         -			"convert a calendar date";
   217         -		"<number> <faction> (days | years [<days> days]) to <faction>",
   218         -			"convert a span of time";
   219         -	] in
   220         -	let spacing = String.make (String.length heading) ' ' in
   221         -	let mkrow (s,d) = bin ^ " " ^ (ansi "96" s) ^"\n" ^
   222         -		spacing ^ ((ansi "3;95" ("  "^arrow^" " ^ d))^"\n") in
   223         -	let space s = spacing ^ (mkrow s) in
   224         -	let fst = (hl heading) ^ (mkrow (List.hd syntax)) in
   225         -	let rst = List.map space (List.tl syntax) in
   226         -		List.fold_left (^) fst rst;;
   227         -
   228    227   type funcset = {
   229    228   	calc : int -> date;
   230    229   	fmt : date -> string;
   231    230   	equiv : date -> int;
   232    231   }
   233    232   
   234    233   type funcrow = {
   237    236   	span : funcset;
   238    237   	cal : funcset;
   239    238   }
   240    239   
   241    240   
   242    241   let funcs : funcrow list = [
   243    242   	(* Society *) {
   244         -		names=["society"; "shil"; "ranshil"; "rs"];
          243  +        names=["Society of Worlds"; "society"; "shil"; "ranshil"; "rs"];
   245    244   		fmt="92";
   246    245   		span = {
   247    246   			calc=Society.Span.calc;
   248    247   			fmt=Society.Span.fmt;
   249    248   			equiv=Society.Span.equiv;
   250    249   		};
   251    250   		cal = {
   252    251   			calc=Society.Cal.calc;
   253    252   			fmt=Society.Cal.fmt;
   254    253   			equiv=Society.Cal.equiv;
   255    254   		};
   256    255   	};
   257    256   	(* Empire *) {
   258         -		names=["empire"; "ziapha"; "zp"; "imperial"];
          257  +        names=["Heavenly Empire of a Thousand Suns"; "empire"; "imperial";"ziapha"; "zp"];
   259    258   		fmt="91";
   260    259   		span = {
   261    260   			calc =Empire.Span.calc;
   262    261   			fmt  =Empire.Span.fmt;
   263    262   			equiv=Empire.Span.equiv;
   264    263   		};
   265    264   		cal = {
   266    265   			calc   =Empire.Cal.calc;
   267    266   			fmt    =Empire.Cal.fmt;
   268    267   			equiv  =Empire.Cal.equiv;
   269    268   		};
   270    269   	};
   271    270   	(* League *) {
   272         -		names=["league"; "ly"];
          271  +        names=["Socialist League"; "league"; "ly"];
   273    272   		fmt="96";
   274    273   		span = {
   275    274   			calc =League.Span.calc;
   276    275   			fmt  =League.Span.fmt;
   277    276   			equiv=League.Span.equiv;
   278    277   		};
   279    278   		cal = {
   280    279   			calc   =League.Cal.calc;
   281    280   			fmt    =League.Cal.fmt;
   282    281   			equiv  =League.Cal.equiv;
   283    282   		};
   284    283   	};
   285    284   	(* Gregorian *) {
   286         -		names=["gregorian"; "terrestrial"; "earth"; "gy"];
          285  +        names=["Gregorian calendar"; "gregorian"; "terrestrial"; "earth"; "gy"; "ce";];
   287    286   		fmt="95";
   288    287   		span = {
   289    288   			calc  = Gregorian.Span.calc;
   290    289   			fmt   = Gregorian.Span.fmt;
   291    290   			equiv = Gregorian.Span.equiv;
   292    291   		};
   293    292   		cal = {
   297    296   			 * needs to raise an exception *)
   298    297   			calc  = bad_dim;
   299    298   			fmt   = bad_dim;
   300    299   			equiv = bad_dim;
   301    300   		};
   302    301   	};
   303    302   ]
          303  +
          304  +
          305  +let usage arrow ansi hl bin = 
          306  +    let caltext = (
          307  +        let heading = "calendars: " in
          308  +        let desc (cal: funcrow) : string =(
          309  +            let name = List.hd cal.names in
          310  +            let aliases = List.tl cal.names in
          311  +            let append a b = if a = "" then b else (a^", "^b) in
          312  +            let fmt = cal.fmt in
          313  +                (ansi fmt (hl name)) ^
          314  +                (ansi fmt (" [" ^ (List.fold_left append "" aliases) ^"]") ^"\n"))
          315  +        in let spacing = String.make (String.length heading) ' ' in
          316  +        let space s = spacing ^ (desc s) in
          317  +        let fst = (hl heading) ^ (desc (List.hd funcs)) in
          318  +        let rst = List.map space (List.tl funcs) in
          319  +            (List.fold_left (^) fst rst)
          320  +    ) in
          321  +
          322  +	let heading = "usage: " in
          323  +    let opts = " [options] " in
          324  +	let syntax = [
          325  +		"<faction> [year <year>] [day <day>] to <faction>",
          326  +			"convert a calendar date";
          327  +		"<number> <faction> (days | years [<days> days]) to <faction>",
          328  +			"convert a span of time";
          329  +        "<faction> ticks <years> years <days> days",
          330  +            "count temporal ticks corresponding to a timespan";
          331  +        "<faction> epoch <year> day <day>",
          332  +            "get the Spirals epoch for a particular date";
          333  +        "epoch <epoch> to <system>",
          334  +            "convert a Spirals epoch to a calendar date";
          335  +        "<number> ticks to <system>",
          336  +            "convert a tick count to a span of time in a given calendar";
          337  +	] in
          338  +	let spacing = String.make (String.length heading) ' ' in
          339  +	let mkrow (s,d) = bin ^ opts ^ (ansi "94" s) ^"\n" ^
          340  +		spacing ^ ((ansi "3;95" ("  "^arrow^" " ^ d))^"\n") in
          341  +	let space s = spacing ^ (mkrow s) in
          342  +    let opt_heading = "options: " in
          343  +    let optdesc = [
          344  +        "o","out", "only print what the date is converted into";
          345  +        "p","plain", "do not format output with ansi escape codes";
          346  +        "v","verbose", "output extra debugging information";
          347  +        "a","ascii", "use only ASCII in output (instead of UTF-8)";
          348  +    ] in
          349  +	let opt_spacing = String.make (String.length opt_heading) ' ' in
          350  +	let mkopt (s,l,d) = "-"^s^" "^(ansi "94" ("(--"^l^")"))^": "^(ansi "95" d)^"\n" in
          351  +	let spaceopt s = opt_spacing ^ (mkopt s) in
          352  +
          353  +	let fst_opt = (hl opt_heading) ^ (mkopt (List.hd optdesc)) in
          354  +	let rst_opt = List.map spaceopt (List.tl optdesc) in
          355  +	let opt_body = List.fold_left (^) fst_opt rst_opt in
          356  +
          357  +	let fst = (hl heading) ^ (mkrow (List.hd syntax)) in
          358  +	let rst = List.map space (List.tl syntax) in
          359  +        (List.fold_left (^) fst rst) ^"\n"^ opt_body ^"\n" ^ caltext;;
          360  +
   304    361   
   305    362   let contains ar v : bool = List.exists (fun a -> a = v) ar
   306    363   
   307    364   let getfuncs (tag: string) : funcrow = List.find
   308    365   	(* pred *) (fun (a:funcrow) -> contains a.names tag)
   309    366   	(* from array *) funcs
   310    367   
   319    376   	let from_sys = choosefuncs from_funcs in
   320    377   	let to_sys = choosefuncs to_funcs in
   321    378   	let indate = {years = years; days = days} in
   322    379   	let time = from_sys.equiv indate in
   323    380   	let outdate = to_sys.calc time in
   324    381   	let instr = from_sys.fmt indate in
   325    382   	let outstr = to_sys.fmt outdate in
   326         -		(from_funcs.fmt, instr, to_funcs.fmt, outstr)
          383  +		(from_funcs.fmt, instr, to_funcs.fmt, outstr, time)
   327    384   
   328    385   
   329    386   let rec parse (opts: runopt list) (args: string list) (bin: string) = let
   330    387   	has_opt o = List.exists (fun a -> a = o) opts in
   331    388   	let switch o a b = if has_opt o then a else b in
   332    389   
   333    390   	let ansi (fmt: string) (str: string) = switch NoANSI str
   334    391   		("\x1b["^fmt^"m"^str^"\x1b[m") in
   335    392   	let hl txt = switch NoANSI txt
   336    393   		("\x1b[1m" ^ txt ^ "\x1b[21m") in
          394  +    let arrow = (switch ASCII "->" "→") in
          395  +    let dbg msg : unit = (if has_opt Debug then print_string
          396  +        (ansi "35;3" ((hl " -- ") ^ msg ^ "\n")) else ()) in
          397  +    let op msg o = dbg msg; o in
   337    398   
   338         -	let res_fmt (inf,ind,outf,outd) =
   339         -		(ansi inf ind) ^ (switch ASCII " -> " " → ") ^ (ansi outf (hl outd)) in
          399  +	let res_fmt (inf,ind,outf,outd,_) =
          400  +		(switch OutOnly "" ((ansi inf ind) ^" "^ arrow ^" "))^ (ansi outf (hl outd)) in
          401  +    let epoch (_,_,_,_,time) = time in
   340    402   
   341    403   	match args with
   342    404   	| opt :: rst when is_opt opt -> let o = opt_of_str opt in
   343         -		(* (print_string ("running conv with flag "^opt^"!\n")); *)
   344         -		parse (o :: opts) rst bin
   345         -	| [fromcal; "to"; calendar] ->
   346         -		(res_fmt (conv Timespan fromcal calendar 1 0))^"\n" ^
   347         -		(res_fmt (conv Timespan fromcal calendar 0 1))^"\n"
          405  +        (op ("saw flag " ^opt^ ", adding to option set and restarting parse")
          406  +            parse (o :: opts) rst bin)
          407  +
          408  +    (* convert timepoints between different calendars *)
   348    409   	| [fromcal; "date"; date; "to"; calendar]
   349    410   	| [fromcal; "year"; date; "to"; calendar] ->
   350    411   		(res_fmt (conv Calendar fromcal calendar (int_of_string date) 0))^"\n"
   351    412   	| [fromcal; "year"; years; "day"; days; "to"; calendar] ->
   352    413   		(res_fmt (conv Calendar fromcal calendar
   353    414   			(int_of_string years)
   354    415   			(int_of_string days)))^"\n"
          416  +
          417  +    (* absolute values - maybe useful for scripting, e.g.
          418  +     * comparing or sorting lists of dates in different
          419  +     * systems. *)
          420  +    | [cal; "epoch"; years; "day"; days;] ->
          421  +        (string_of_int (epoch (conv Calendar cal cal
          422  +            (int_of_string years)
          423  +			(int_of_string days))))^"\n"
          424  +    | [cal; "ticks"; years; "years"; days; "days"] ->
          425  +        (string_of_int (epoch (conv Timespan cal cal
          426  +            (int_of_string years)
          427  +			(int_of_string days))))^"\n"
          428  +
          429  +    (* absolute values - convert timepoints/spans to dates *)
          430  +    | ["epoch"; epoch; "to"; system;] ->
          431  +        let fns = getfuncs system in
          432  +        (res_fmt ("3", "EPOCH "^epoch, fns.fmt,
          433  +            (fns.cal.fmt (fns.cal.calc (int_of_string epoch))), 0))^"\n"
          434  +    | [ticks; "ticks"; "to"; system;] ->
          435  +        let fns = getfuncs system in
          436  +        (res_fmt ("3", ticks^" TICKS", fns.fmt,
          437  +            (fns.span.fmt (fns.span.calc (int_of_string ticks))), 0))^"\n"
          438  +
          439  +    (* get conversion factors between different days & years *)
          440  +	| [fromcal; "to"; calendar] ->
          441  +		(res_fmt (conv Timespan fromcal calendar 1 0))^"\n" ^
          442  +		(res_fmt (conv Timespan fromcal calendar 0 1))^"\n"
          443  +
          444  +    (* convert timespans of one calendar system to another *) 
   355    445   	| [count; from; "years"; "to"; system] ->
   356    446   		(res_fmt (conv Timespan from system (int_of_string count) 0))^"\n"
   357    447   	| [count; from; "days"; "to"; system] ->
   358    448   		(res_fmt (conv Timespan from system 0 (int_of_string count)))^"\n"
   359    449   	| [years; from; "years"; days; "days"; "to"; system] ->
   360    450   		(res_fmt (conv Timespan from system
   361    451   			(int_of_string years)
   362    452   			(int_of_string days)))^"\n"
   363         -	| _ -> (usage (switch ASCII "->" "→") ansi hl bin);;
          453  +	| _ -> (usage arrow ansi hl bin);;
   364    454   
   365    455   let () = print_string (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
   366    456   	| bin :: rst -> parse [] rst bin
   367    457   	| _ -> "buddy ya fucked up BAD");;