util  Diff

Differences From Artifact [f964acde37]:

To Artifact [626b8aa1f6]:

   184    184   
   185    185   		let calc (pt: timepoint) : date =
   186    186   			let adj = pt - zero in
   187    187   			let span = Span.calc adj in
   188    188   				{years = span.years; days = span.days; }
   189    189   
   190    190   		let fmt (d: date) : string =
   191         -			((strify d.years)^"ᵉ and "^(strify d.days)^" days")
          191  +			((strify d.years)^"ᵉ + "^(strify d.days)^" days")
   192    192   	end
   193    193   end
   194    194   
   195    195   module League = struct
   196    196   	module Span = struct
   197    197   		let days = 300
   198    198   		let earth_days_in_year = 388