util  Diff

Differences From Artifact [d1e6e704c3]:

To Artifact [58a4c1a3bf]:

    78     78   * {m.n status-fail}: the data requested could not be retrieved
    79     79   * {m.n status-ignore}: the request was not understood and was ignored
    80     80   * {m.n status-data}: the request was understood, and metadata is being returned
    81     81   if the reply is {m.n status-data}, the code must be followed by a [!byte-sequence<16>]. the meaning of this sequence is hint-dependent.
    82     82   
    83     83   
    84     84   ## widgets
    85         -the special notation [!tail] refers to the remainder of entry data body, which is wrapped in a sequence header, so the final element does not need an explicit length or termination marker. [!tail<T>] indicates a type [$T] modified such that any length marker for the final value is removed; for instance [!tail<bitmap>] means ([!int<16>:[$pxl-width]] [!tail:[$map]]).
    86         -* {m.n w-paragraph} = [`0x00] [!tail] / shows a block of text
    87         -* {m.n w-section} =  [`0x02] [!tail] / inserts a heading
    88         -* {m.n w-rule} = [`0x07] / inserts a horizontal line that stretches across the screen
    89         -* {m.n w-define} = [`0x03] [!string:[$name]] [!tail:[$val]] / shows a definition (e.g. [`[*Name]: Value]); sequential definitions may be arranged into a table
    90         -* {m.n w-pbar} = [`0x04] [!int<8>:[$progress]] / shows a progress bar; [`0] means empty, [`255] means full
    91         -* {m.n w-bitmap} = [`0x05] [!tail<bitmap>] / shows an image
    92         -* {m.n wi-bitmap} = [`0x06] [!link] [!string] [!tail<bitmap>] / shows an image that can be activated as an option, along with caption that may be displayed in vertical layout or as a substitute for the image in text-only displays
    93         -* {m.n wi-choice} = [`0x01] [!link:[$target]] [!tail:[$label]] / adds an option that can be selected from the menu, causing the client for query for [$target].
           85  +* {m.n w-section} =  [`0x00] [!string] / inserts a heading
           86  +* {m.n w-paragraph} = [`0x02] [!text] / shows a block of text
           87  +* {m.n w-rule} = [`0x03] / inserts a horizontal line that stretches across the screen
           88  +* {m.n w-define} = [`0x04] [!string:[$name]] [!text:[$val]] / shows a definition (e.g. [`[*Name]: Value]); sequential definitions may be arranged into a table
           89  +* {m.n w-bitmap} = [`0x05] [!bitmap] / shows an image
           90  +* {m.n w-bitdef} = [`0x06] [!string:[$name]] [!text:[$val]] [!bitmap] / like {m.n w-define}, but the value is characterized by an image rather than the [$name] string where possible
           91  +* {m.n w-pbar} = [`0x07] [!int<8>:[$progress]] / shows a progress bar; [`0] means empty, [`255] means full
           92  +* {m.n wi-bitmap} = [`0x08] [!link] [!string] [!bitmap] / shows an image that can be activated as an option, along with caption that may be displayed as a substitute for the image in text-only displays
           93  +* {m.n wi-bitmap-l} = [`0x09] [!link] [!string] [!bitmap] / like {m.n wi-bitmap} except the label is not omitted on devices with image support
           94  +* {m.n wi-choice} = [`0x01] [!link:[$target]] [!string:[$label]] / adds an option that can be selected from the menu, causing the client for query for [$target].
    94     95   * {m.n wl-horiz} = [`0x80] [!int<8>:[$N]] / the next [$N] widgets will be arranged horizontally into a grid if possible
    95     96   
    96     97   ## roles
    97     98   a role is a small piece of metadata that alters the appearance of an object, for example by changing color or applying an icon. defined roles consist of:
    98     99   : generic
    99    100   : accept
   100    101   : abort