util  Diff

Differences From Artifact [855194b85a]:

To Artifact [b037845c63]:

     8      8   * **safekill.c**: utility to help keep from accidentally killing important windows; compile with `cc -Ofast safekill.c -lX11 -lc -osafekill`
     9      9   * **newtab.c**: a "open a new tab if there's already an instance running or launch a new instance otherwise" utility for qutebrowser
    10     10   * **fabulist.scm**: a work-in-progress communal fiction server
    11     11   * **bgrd.c**: it’s… a long story. just read the header.
    12     12   * **mkpw.c** an extremely fast mass random password generator
    13     13   * **kpw**: an extremely simple, lightweight, secure password manager for POSIX OSes written in C. depends on libsodium for crypto primitives. compile with `make kpw`.
    14     14   * **rosshil.ml**: tool to convert between the various calendars of the [Spirals](https://ʞ.cc/fic/spirals/) setting
           15  +* **parvan.lua**: a script for creating and querying dictionaries, intended as a conlanging tool. no dependencies, just run it with `lua`