starlit  Check-in [4732f8d454]

Comment:we have always been at war with east minecraft
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SHA3-256: 4732f8d454ad0b335f1bea1bc365f82ef4121188f11df10e4562ed5a077ad111
User & Date: lexi on 2025-01-19 19:18:55
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we have always been at war with east minecraft Leaf check-in: 4732f8d454 user: lexi tags: trunk
add to lore, add weather data, etc check-in: caec179da9 user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified mods/starlit-building/init.lua from [cc61bb3736] to [33f1e7300a].

     7      7   --[[ {
     8      8   	part = {
     9      9   		['starlit_building:pipe'] = 'myMod:stage3';
    10     10   	};
    11     11   	tool = {
    12     12   		['starlit:screwdriver'] = 'myMod:otherThing_stage1';
    13     13   		['starlit:saw'] = function(node, tool)
    14         -			minetest.replace_node(node, {name='myMod:stage1'})
    15         -			minetest.drop_item(node, 'starlit_building:pipe')
           14  +			core.replace_node(node, {name='myMod:stage1'})
           15  +			core.drop_item(node, 'starlit_building:pipe')
    16     16   		end;
    17     17   		['myMod:laserWrench'] = {
    18     18   			allow = function(node, tool) ... end;
    19     19   			handle = function(node, tool) ... end;
    20     20   		};
    21     21   	};
    22     22   } ]]
    81     81   	if e.fab then
    82     82   		scmID = string.format('%s_schematic', id)
    83     83   		rev = {
    84     84   			sw = scmID;
    85     85   			complexity = e.complexity or 1;
    86     86   		}
    87     87   	end
    88         -	minetest.register_craftitem(id, {
           88  +	core.register_craftitem(id, {
    89     89   		short_description =;
    90     90   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    91     91   			title =;
    92     92   			desc = e.desc;
    93     93   			props = props;
    94     94   		};
    95     95   		stack_max = e.max or (e.mass and math.min(math.max(math.floor(500 / e.mass), 1), 500)) or 10;
    96     96   		inventory_image = e.img;
    97     97   		on_place = function(stack, luser, point)
    98         -			local node = minetest.get_node(point.under)
           98  +			local node = core.get_node(point.under)
    99     99   			local function tryBuild()
   100    100   				local p = B.path[]
   101    101   				if not p then return nil end
   102    102   				if (not p.part) or (not p.part[id]) then return nil end
   103    103   				local n = p.part[id]
   104    104   				local obj
   105    105   				if type(n) == 'function' then
   108    108   				else
   109    109   					obj = ItemStack(n)
   110    110   					stack:take_item(1)
   111    111   				end
   112    112   				local pname = obj:get_name()
   113    113   				local stg = B.stage.db[pname]
   114    114 = pname
   115         -				minetest.swap_node(point.under, node)
          115  +				core.swap_node(point.under, node)
   116    116   				-- TODO make a noise
   117    117   				if stg.onBuild then
   118    118   					stg.onBuild(point.under, luser, stack)
   119    119   				end
   120    120   				return stack
   121    121   			end
   122    122   
   125    125   				if not p then return nil end
   126    126   				if type(p) == 'function' then
   127    127   					p = p(stack, node, point)
   128    128   					if p == nil then return nil end
   129    129   				else
   130    130   					stack:take_item(1)
   131    131   				end
   132         -				minetest.rotate_and_place(ItemStack(p), luser, point, true)
          132  +				core.rotate_and_place(ItemStack(p), luser, point, true)
   133    133   				-- TODO make a noise
   134    134   				return stack
   135    135   			end
   136    136   
   137    137   			return tryBuild() or tryBegin() or stack
   138    138   		end;
   139    139   		_starlit = {
   177    177   	local grp = e.groups and table.copy(e.groups) or {}
   178    178   	grp.stage = 1
   179    179   	local meta = {
   180    180   		stage = id;
   181    181   		recover = e.recover;
   182    182   	}
   183    183   	for k,v in pairs(e.meta or {}) do meta[k] = v end
   184         -	minetest.register_node(id, {
          184  +	core.register_node(id, {
   185    185   		description = 'Construction';
   186    186   		drawtype = (  and 'nodebox')
   187    187   		        or (e.mesh and 'mesh')
   188    188   		        or 'regular';
   189    189   		paramtype  = e.paramtype or ( or e.mesh or e.light) and 'light' or nil;
   190    190   		paramtype2 = e.paramtype2 or 'none';
   191    191   		tiles = e.tex;

Modified mods/starlit-eco/init.lua from [f0d21c2132] to [c892dab0f5].

   163    163   		{-0.100, 'starlit:clear'};
   164    164   		{ 0.300, 'starlit:cloudy'};
   165    165   		{ 0.600, 'starlit:precip'};
   166    166   		{ 0.850, 'starlit:storm'};
   167    167   		{ 0.900, 'starlit:tstorm'};
   168    168   	};
   169    169   })
   170         -minetest.register_craftitem('starlit_eco:fiber', {
          170  +core.register_craftitem('starlit_eco:fiber', {
   171    171   	description = "Plant Fiber";
   172    172   	groups = {fiber = 1};
   173    173   	inventory_image = lib.image('starlit-eco-plant-fiber.png'):shift(lib.color(0,1,0)):render();
   174    174   	_starlit = {
   175    175   		recover_vary = function(rng, ctx)
   176    176   			return starlit.type.fab {
   177    177   				element = { carbon   = rng:int(0,1) };

Modified mods/starlit-eco/trees.lua from [d43bf4970e] to [6da5b86eb1].

    39     39   	base.groups.wood = 1
    40     40   	base.groups.log = 1
    41     41   	base.groups.falling_node = 1
    42     42   
    43     43   	local live = table.copy(base)
    44     44   	live.drop = id
    45     45   	live.groups.alive = 1
    46         -	minetest.register_node(id, base)
    47         -	minetest.register_node(id..'_live', live)
           46  +	core.register_node(id, base)
           47  +	core.register_node(id..'_live', live)
    48     48   end
    49     49   
    50     50   regLog('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_log', {
    51     51   	description = 'Lambent Pine Log';
    52     52   	drawtype = 'normal';
    53     53   	tiles = {
    54     54   		'starlit-eco-tree-lambent-pine-trunk-top.png';
    71     71   
    72     72'starlit_eco:lambent_pine_seed', {
    73     73   	name = 'Lambent Pine Seed';
    74     74   	tex = lib.image('starlit-eco-plant-seeds.png'):shift{hue=150, sat=-.5, lum=.8}:render();
    75     75   	grow = {kind = 'tree', id = 'starlit_eco:lambent_pine'};
    76     76   })
    77     77   
    78         -minetest.register_node('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_bulb', {
           78  +core.register_node('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_bulb', {
    79     79   	description = 'Lambent Pine Bulb';
    80     80   	drawtype = 'nodebox';
    81     81   	connects_to = {'starlit_eco:lambent_pine_needles'};
    82     82   	node_box = {
    83     83   		type = 'connected';
    84     84   		connect_top = {
    85     85   			{-.1,  .5, -.1,
   103    103   	groups = {plant=1, attached_node = 4};
   104    104   	tiles = {
   105    105   		'starlit-eco-tree-lambent-pine-bulb.png';
   106    106   	};
   107    107   	_starlit = woodProps{};
   108    108   })
   109    109   
   110         -minetest.register_node('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_needles', {
          110  +core.register_node('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_needles', {
   111    111   	description = 'Lambent Pine Needles';
   112    112   	groups = {plant = 1;};
   113    113   	drop = '';
   114    114   	tiles = {
   115    115   		'starlit-eco-tree-lambent-pine-needles.png';
   116    116   		'starlit-eco-tree-lambent-pine-needles.png';
   117    117   	};
   124    124   	tiles = {
   125    125   		'starlit-eco-tree-starblossom-trunk-top.png';
   126    126   		'starlit-eco-tree-starblossom-trunk.png';
   127    127   	};
   128    128   	_starlit = woodProps{};
   129    129   })
   130    130   
   131         -minetest.register_node('starlit_eco:starblossom_leaves', {
          131  +core.register_node('starlit_eco:starblossom_leaves', {
   132    132   	description = 'Starblossom Leaves';
   133    133   	groups = {plant = 1;};
   134    134   	drop = '';
   135    135   	tiles = {
   136    136   		'starlit-eco-tree-starblossom-leaves.png';
   137    137   		'starlit-eco-tree-starblossom-leaves.png';
   138    138   	};
   139    139   	_starlit = leafProps{};
   140    140   });
   141         -minetest.register_node('starlit_eco:starblossom_leaves_shine', {
          141  +core.register_node('starlit_eco:starblossom_leaves_shine', {
   142    142   	description = 'Shining Starblossom Leaves';
   143    143   	groups = {plant = 1;};
   144    144   	drop = '';
   145    145   	paramtype = 'light';
   146    146   	light_source = 4;
   147    147   	tiles = {
   148    148   		'starlit-eco-tree-starblossom-leaves.png';
   213    213   				fill_ratio = 0.001;
   214    214   				y_min = 0, y_max = 512;
   215    215   			};
   216    216   		};
   217    217   	};
   218    218   }
   219    219   
   220         -minetest.register_abm {
          220  +core.register_abm {
   221    221   	label = "lambent pine fruiting";
   222    222   	nodenames = {'starlit_eco:lambent_pine_needles'};
   223    223   	neighbors = {'starlit_eco:lambent_pine_log_live'};
   224    224   	chance = 40;
   225    225   	interval = 80;
   226    226   	catch_up = true;
   227    227   	action = function(pos, node)
   228    228   		local po = pos:offset(0,-1,0)
   229         -		if minetest.get_node(po).name == "air" then
   230         -			minetest.add_node(po, {name='starlit_eco:lambent_pine_bulb'})
          229  +		if core.get_node(po).name == "air" then
          230  +			core.add_node(po, {name='starlit_eco:lambent_pine_bulb'})
   231    231   		end
   232    232   	end;
   233    233   }

Modified mods/starlit-electronics/init.lua from [668ccf7fa8] to [e24965a858].

   118    118   	return function(stack, ...)
   119    119   		local function fail()
   120    120   			error(string.format('object %q is not a %s', stack:get_name(), ty))
   121    121   		end
   122    122   
   123    123   		if not stack or stack:is_empty() then fail() end
   124    124   
   125         -		if minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), ty) == 0 then fail() end
          125  +		if core.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), ty) == 0 then fail() end
   126    126   
   127    127   		return fn(stack,
   128    128   		          stack:get_definition()._starlit[ty],
   129    129   		          stack:get_meta(), ...)
   130    130   	end
   131    131   end
   132    132   
   235    235   	totalPower = E.battery.charge;
   236    236   	initialPower = E.battery.capacity;
   237    237   	dischargeRate = E.battery.dischargeRate;
   238    238   	wasteHeat = function() return 0 end;
   239    239   };
   240    240   
   241    241   starlit.item.battery.foreach('starlit_electronics:battery-gen', {}, function(id, def)
   242         -	minetest.register_tool(id, {
          242  +	core.register_tool(id, {
   243    243   		short_description =;
   244    244   		groups = { battery = 1; dynamo = 1; electronic = 1; };
   245    245   		inventory_image = def.img or 'starlit-item-battery.png';
   246    246   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
   247    247   			title =;
   248    248   			desc = def.desc;
   249    249   			color = lib.color(0,.2,1);
   576    576   -----------
   577    577   -- chips --
   578    578   -----------
   579    579   
   580    580   E.sw = {}
   581    581   function E.sw.findSchematicFor(item)
   582    582   	local id = ItemStack(item):get_name()
   583         -	local fm = minetest.registered_items[id]._starlit
          583  +	local fm = core.registered_items[id]._starlit
   584    584   	if not (fm and fm.reverseEngineer) then return nil end
   585    585   	local id = fm.reverseEngineer.sw
   586    586   	return id, starlit.item.sw.db[id]
   587    587   end
   588    588   
   589    589   E.chip = { file = {} }
   590    590   do local T,G = lib.marshal.t, lib.marshal.g
   649    649   		elseif file.kind == 'note' then
   650    650   			local sz = 0x10 +
   651    651   			for _, e in pairs(file.body.entries) do
   652    652   				sz = sz + #e.title + #e.body + 0x10 -- header overhead
   653    653   			end
   654    654   			return sz
   655    655   		elseif file.kind == 'research' then
   656         -			local re = assert(minetest.registered_items[file.body.itemId]._starlit.reverseEngineer)
          656  +			local re = assert(core.registered_items[file.body.itemId]._starlit.reverseEngineer)
   657    657   			return starlit.item.sw.db[re.sw].size * file.body.progress
   658    658   		elseif file.kind == 'sw' then
   659    659   			return starlit.item.sw.db[file.body.pgmId].size
   660    660   		elseif file.kind == 'genome' then
   661    661   			return 0 -- TODO
   662    662   		end
   663    663   	end
   805    805   end
   806    806   
   807    807   function E.chip.update(chip)
   808    808   	chip:get_meta():set_string('description', E.chip.describe(chip))
   809    809   end
   810    810   
   811    811   starlit.item.chip.foreach('starlit_electronics:chip-gen', {}, function(id, def)
   812         -	minetest.register_craftitem(id, {
          812  +	core.register_craftitem(id, {
   813    813   		short_description =;
   814    814   		description = E.chip.describe(def, true);
   815    815   		inventory_image = def.img or 'starlit-item-chip.png';
   816    816   		groups = {chip = 1};
   817    817   		_starlit = {
   818    818   			fab = def.fab;
   819    819   			chip = def;
   833    833   	compute = {name = 'Compute Chip', clockRate = 4e9, flash = 24e6, ram = 64e9, powerEfficiency = 1e9, size = 4};
   834    834   	data    = {name = 'Data Chip', clockRate = 128e3, flash = 2e12, ram = 32e3, powerEfficiency = 1e6, size = 4};
   835    835   	lp      = {name = 'Low-Power Chip', clockRate = 128e6, flash = 64e6, ram = 1e9, powerEfficiency = 1e11, size = 4};
   836    836   	carbon  = {name = 'Carbon Chip', clockRate = 64e6, flash = 32e6, ram = 2e6, powerEfficiency = 2e10, size = 2, circ='carbon'};
   837    837   }
   838    838   
   839    839   E.chip.tiers.foreach('starlit_electronics:genChips', {}, function(id, t)
   840         -	id = or string.format('%s:chip_%s', minetest.get_current_modname(), id)
          840  +	id = or string.format('%s:chip_%s', core.get_current_modname(), id)
   841    841   	local circMat = t.circ or 'silicon';
   842    842, {
   843    843   		name =;
   844    844   		clockRate = t.clockRate;
   845    845   		flash = t.flash;
   846    846   		ram = t.ram;
   847    847   		powerEfficiency = t.powerEfficiency; -- cycles per joule
   938    938   			pgm = {starlit.item.sw.db[pgm]}
   939    939   		end
   940    940   		sw = pgm
   941    941   	else
   942    942   		sw = {}
   943    943   		for i, e in ipairs(chips) do
   944    944   			if (not e:is_empty())
   945         -			   and minetest.get_item_group(e:get_name(), 'chip') ~= 0
          945  +			   and core.get_item_group(e:get_name(), 'chip') ~= 0
   946    946   			then
   947    947   				for fl, inode in E.chip.files(e) do
   948    948   					if fl.kind == 'sw' then
   949    949   						local s = starlit.item.sw.db[fl.body.pgmId]
   950    950   						table.insert(sw, {
   951    951   							sw = s, chip = e, chipSlot = i;
   952    952   							file = fl, inode = inode;

Modified mods/starlit-electronics/sw.lua from [1c1e9dd876] to [922972e287].

    32     32   		return items, charges
    33     33   	end
    34     34   
    35     35   	return function(user, ctx)
    36     36   		local function cleanup()
    37     37   			user.action.prog.shred = nil
    38     38   			if user.action.sfx.shred then
    39         -				minetest.sound_fade(user.action.sfx.shred, 1, 0)
           39  +				core.sound_fade(user.action.sfx.shred, 1, 0)
    40     40   				user.action.sfx.shred = nil
    41     41   			end
    42     42   			if user.action.fx.shred then
    43     43   				user.action.fx.shred.abort()
    44     44   			end
    45     45   		end
    46     46   
    50     50   			cleanup()
    51     51   			return false
    52     52   		end
    53     53   		local shredTime = 1.0
    54     54   		local soundPitch = 1.0 -- TODO
    55     55   		local pdraw = prop.powerDraw or 0
    56     56   
    57         -		if minetest.is_protected(what, user.entity:get_player_name()) then return end
    58         -		local node = minetest.get_node(what)
    59         -		local nd = minetest.registered_nodes[]
           57  +		if core.is_protected(what, user.entity:get_player_name()) then return end
           58  +		local node = core.get_node(what)
           59  +		local nd = core.registered_nodes[]
    60     60   		local elt, fab, vary
    61     61   		if nd._starlit then
    62     62   			fab = nd._starlit.recover or nd._starlit.fab
    63     63   			vary = nd._starlit.recover_vary
    64     64   		end
    65     65   		if fab then
    66     66   			if fab.flag then
    86     86   			if p < pdx then
    87     87   				cleanup()
    88     88   				return false
    89     89   			elseif not user.action.prog.shred then
    90     90   				cleanup() -- kill danglers
    91     91   				-- begin
    92     92   				user.action.prog.shred = 0
    93         -				user.action.sfx.shred = minetest.sound_play('starlit-nano-shred', {
           93  +				user.action.sfx.shred = core.sound_play('starlit-nano-shred', {
    94     94   					object = user.entity;
    95     95   					max_hear_distance = prop.range*2;
    96     96   					loop = true;
    97     97   					pitch = soundPitch;
    98     98   				})
    99     99   				user.action.fx.shred = starlit.fx.nano.shred(user, what, prop, shredTime, node)
   100    100   			else
   101    101   				user.action.prog.shred = user.action.prog.shred + or 0
   102    102   			end
   103    103   			--print('shred progress: ', user.action.prog.shred)
   104    104   			if user.action.prog.shred >= shredTime then
   105         -				minetest.remove_node(what)
   106         -				minetest.check_for_falling(what)
          105  +				core.remove_node(what)
          106  +				core.check_for_falling(what)
   107    107   				--print('shred complete')
   108    108   				user:suitSound 'starlit-success'
   109    109   				if fab then
   110    110   					local vf = fab
   111    111   					if vary then
   112         -						local rng = ([minetest.hash_node_position(what)]
          112  +						local rng = ([core.hash_node_position(what)]
   113    113   						vf = vf + vary(rng, {})
   114    114   					end
   115    115   					local items, charges = fabToItemsAndCharges(vf)
   116    116   					for i, it in ipairs(items) do user:give(it) end
   117    117   					-- TODO give gasses, liquids
   118    118   				end
   119    119   				cleanup()
   253    253   		run = function(user, ctx)
   254    254   		end;
   255    255   		--[[
   256    256   		bgProc = function(user, ctx, interval, runState)
   257    257   			if runState.flags.compiled == true then return false end
   258    258   			-- only so many nanides to go around
   259    259   			runState.flags.compiled = true
   260         -			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
          260  +			local time = core.get_gametime()
   261    261   			local cyclesLeft = ctx.comp.cycles * interval
   262    262   
   263    263   			for id, e in ipairs(ctx.file.body.conf) do
   264    264   				if e.key == 'job' then
   265    265   					local t = J.dec(e.value)
   266    266   					local remove = false
   267    267   					local r = starlit.item.sw.db[t.schematic]

Modified mods/starlit-material/init.lua from [158d4b1720] to [3f132c9f77].

     1      1   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
     2      2   local M = {
     3      3   	canisterSizes = 'starlit_material:canister-size';
     4      4   }
     5      5   M.canisterSizes.foreach('starlit_material:canister_link', {}, function(id, sz)
     6         - .. ':canister_' .. id, {
            6  + .. ':canister_' .. id, {
     7      7   		name =;
     8      8   		slots = sz.slots;
     9      9   		vol = sz.vol; -- too big for suit?
    10     10   		desc = sz.desc;
    11     11   	})
    12     12   end)
    13     13   M.canisterSizes.meld {

Modified mods/starlit-tech/init.lua from [91056054d4] to [9e988e1fe2].

    14     14   		local grp = {
    15     15   			object = 1;
    16     16   			attached_node = 1;
    17     17   		}
    18     18   		if then
    19     19   			for k,v in pairs( do grp[k]=v end
    20     20   		end
    21         -		minetest.register_node(stID(i), {
           21  +		core.register_node(stID(i), {
    22     22   			short_description =;
    23     23   			description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    24     24   				title =;
    25     25   				desc = def.desc;
    26     26   				color = def.color;
    27     27   				props = {
    28     28   					{title = 'Burn Remaining', desc=lib.math.timespec(stageTimeout * i), affinity=i > (stages/2) and 'good' or 'bad'};
    40     40   			};
    41     41   			tiles = def.tile((i/stages));
    42     42   			paramtype = 'light';
    43     43   			paramtype2 = 'wallmounted';
    44     44   			wallmounted_rotate_vertical = true;
    45     45   			light_source = math.floor(lib.math.lerp(i/stages, 0, def.glow));
    46     46   			on_construct = i ~= 0 and function(pos)
    47         -				local t = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
           47  +				local t = core.get_node_timer(pos)
    48     48   				t:start(stageTimeout)
    49     49   				if def.ctor then def.ctor(pos, (i/stages)) end
    50     50   			end or nil;
    51     51   			on_destruct = def.dtor and function(pos)
    52     52   				def.dtor(pos, (i/stages))
    53     53   			end or nil;
    54     54   			on_timer = i ~= 0 and function(pos)
    55         -				local me = minetest.get_node(pos)
    56         -				minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=stID(i-1), param2=me.param2})
           55  +				local me = core.get_node(pos)
           56  +				core.swap_node(pos, {name=stID(i-1), param2=me.param2})
    57     57   				return i > 1
    58     58   			end or nil;
    59     59   			_starlit = (function()
    60     60   				local meta = {
    61     61   					mass = def.mass;
    62     62   					reverseEngineer = {
    63     63   						complexity = 1;
   154    154   			radiate = function(rp, pos)
   155    155   				return 15 * f
   156    156   			end;
   157    157   		};
   158    158   	} end;
   159    159   }
   160    160   
   161         -minetest.register_node('starlit_tech:crate', {
          161  +core.register_node('starlit_tech:crate', {
   162    162   	short_description = 'Crate';
   163    163   	description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
   164    164   		title = 'Crate';
   165    165   		desc = 'A sturdy but lightweight aluminum storage crate.';
   166    166   		props = { {title='Mass', affinity='info', desc='100g'} };
   167    167   	};
   168    168   	drawtype = 'nodebox';
   199    199   			time = {
   200    200   				shred = 1;
   201    201   				shredPower = 3;
   202    202   			};
   203    203   		};
   204    204   	};
   205    205   	on_construct = function(pos)
   206         -		local m = minetest.get_meta(pos)
          206  +		local m = core.get_meta(pos)
   207    207   		local inv = m:get_inventory()
   208    208   		inv:set_size('starlit:contents', 12)
   209    209   	end;
   210    210   	on_rightclick = function(pos, node, luser)
   211    211   		if not luser then return end
   212    212   		local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
   213    213   		user:openUI('starlit:box', 'index', {

Modified mods/starlit/effect.lua from [9a580a99bf] to [ee92b6e11c].

   103    103   	elseif d.pos then -- find effects anchored here and people in range
   104    104   		for id,effect in pairs( do
   105    105   			if not effect.anchor then goto skip end -- this intentionally excludes attached effects
   106    106   			if ineffectrange(effect,d.pos,d.range) then
   107    107   				effects[#effects+1] = {v=effect,i=id}
   108    108   			end
   109    109   		::skip::end
   110         -		local ppl = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(d.pos,d.range)
          110  +		local ppl = core.get_objects_inside_radius(d.pos,d.range)
   111    111   		if #targets == 0 then targets = ppl else
   112    112   			for _,p in pairs(ppl) do targets[#targets+1] = p end
   113    113   		end
   114    114   	end
   115    115   
   116    116   	-- iterate over targets to remove from any effect's influence
   117    117   	for _,t in pairs(targets) do
   137    137   				if v == effect then[k] = nil break end
   138    138   			end
   139    139   		end
   140    140   	end
   141    141   end
   142    142   
   143    143   starlit.effect.ensorcelled = function(player,effect)
   144         -	if type(player) == 'string' then player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) end
          144  +	if type(player) == 'string' then player = core.get_player_by_name(player) end
   145    145   	for _,s in pairs( do
   146    146   		if effect and ( ~= effect) then goto skip end
   147    147   		for _,sub in pairs(s.subjects) do
   148    148   			if sub.player == player then return s end
   149    149   		end
   150    150   	::skip::end
   151    151   	return false
   163    163   				end
   164    164   			end
   165    165   		until idx >=
   166    166   	end
   167    167   end
   168    168   
   169    169   -- when a new effect is created, we analyze it and make the appropriate calls
   170         --- to minetest.after to queue up the events. each job returned needs to be
          170  +-- to core.after to queue up the events. each job returned needs to be
   171    171   -- saved in 'jobs' so they can be canceled if the effect is disjoined. no polling
   172    172   -- necessary :D
   173    173   
   174    174   starlit.effect.cast = function(proto)
   175    175   	local s = table.copy(proto)
   176    176 = or {} s.vfx = s.vfx or {} s.sfx = s.sfx or {}
   177    177   	s.impacts = s.impacts or {} s.subjects = s.subjects or {}
   178    178   	s.delay = s.delay or 0
   179    179   	s.visual = function(subj, def)
   180    180   		s.vfx[#s.vfx + 1] = {
   181         -			handle = minetest.add_particlespawner(def);
          181  +			handle = core.add_particlespawner(def);
   182    182   			subject = subj;
   183    183   		}
   184    184   	end
   185    185   	s.visual_caster = function(def) -- convenience function
   186    186   		local d = table.copy(def)
   187    187   		d.attached = s.caster
   188    188   		s.visual(nil, d)
   206    206   			s.impacts[#s.impacts+1] = rec
   207    207   			etbl[#etbl+1] = rec
   208    208   		end
   209    209   		return etbl
   210    210   	end
   211    211   	s.abort = function()
   212    212   		for _,j in ipairs( do j:cancel() end
   213         -		for _,v in ipairs(s.vfx) do minetest.delete_particlespawner(v.handle) end
          213  +		for _,v in ipairs(s.vfx) do core.delete_particlespawner(v.handle) end
   214    214   		for _,i in ipairs(s.sfx) do s.silence(i) end
   215    215   		for _,i in ipairs(s.impacts) do i.effect:stop() end
   216    216   	end
   217    217   	s.release_subject = function(si)
   218    218   		local t = s.subjects[si]
   219    219   		for _,f in pairs(s.sfx)     do if f.subject == t then s.silence(f) end end
   220    220   		for _,f in pairs(s.impacts) do if f.subject == t then f.effect:stop() end end
   221    221   		for _,f in pairs(s.vfx) do
   222         -			if f.subject == t then minetest.delete_particlespawner(f.handle) end
          222  +			if f.subject == t then core.delete_particlespawner(f.handle) end
   223    223   		end
   224    224   		s.subjects[si] = nil
   225    225   	end
   226    226   	local interpret_timespec = function(when)
   227    227   		if when == nil then return 0 end
   228    228   		local t if type(when) == 'number' then
   229    229   			t = s.duration * when
   232    232   		end
   233    233   		if t then return math.min(s.duration,math.max(0,t)) end
   234    234   
   235    235   		log.err('invalid timespec ' .. dump(when))
   236    236   		return 0
   237    237   	end
   238    238   	s.queue = function(when,fn)
   239         -		local elapsed = s.starttime and minetest.get_server_uptime() - s.starttime or 0
          239  +		local elapsed = s.starttime and core.get_server_uptime() - s.starttime or 0
   240    240   		local timepast = interpret_timespec(when)
   241    241   		if not timepast then timepast = 0 end
   242    242   		local timeleft = s.duration - timepast
   243    243   		local howlong = (s.delay + timepast) - elapsed
   244    244   		if howlong < 0 then
   245    245   			log.err('cannot time-travel! queue() called with `when` specifying timepoint that has already passed')
   246    246   			howlong = 0
   247    247   		end
   248         -[] = minetest.after(howlong, function()
          248  +[] = core.after(howlong, function()
   249    249   			-- this is somewhat awkward. since we're using a non-polling approach, we
   250    250   			-- need to find a way to account for a caster or subject walking into an
   251    251   			-- existing antimagic field, or someone with an existing antimagic aura
   252    252   			-- walking into range of the anchor. so every time a effect effect would
   253    253   			-- take place, we first check to see if it's in range of something nasty
   254    254   			if not s.disjunction and -- avoid self-disjunction
   255    255   				((s.caster and starlit.effect.probe(s.caster:get_pos()).disjunction) or
   286    286   			for _,sub in pairs(s.subjects) do addobj(sub.player,sub) end
   287    287   		elseif spec.where == 'pos' then specs[#specs+1] = { spec = {pos = s.anchor} }
   288    288   		else specs[#specs+1] = { spec = {pos = spec.where} } end
   289    289   
   290    290   		for _,sp in pairs(specs) do
   291    291   			sp.spec.gain = sp.spec.gain or spec.gain
   292    292   			local so = {
   293         -				handle = minetest.sound_play(spec.sound, sp.spec, spec.ephemeral);
          293  +				handle = core.sound_play(spec.sound, sp.spec, spec.ephemeral);
   294    294   				ctl = spec;
   295    295   				-- object = sp.obj;
   296    296   				subject = sp.subject;
   297    297   			}
   298    298   			stbl[#stbl+1] = so
   299    299   			s.sfx[#s.sfx+1] = so
   300    300   		end
   308    308   					for _,snd in pairs(snds) do s.silence(snd) end
   309    309   				end)
   310    310   			end
   311    311   		end)
   312    312   	end
   313    313   	s.silence = function(sound)
   314    314   		if not sound.handle then return end
   315         -		if sound.ctl.fade == 0 then minetest.sound_stop(sound.handle)
   316         -		else minetest.sound_fade(sound.handle,sound.ctl.fade or 1,0) end
          315  +		if sound.ctl.fade == 0 then core.sound_stop(sound.handle)
          316  +		else core.sound_fade(sound.handle,sound.ctl.fade or 1,0) end
   317    317   	end
   318    318   	local startqueued, termqueued = false, false
   319    319   	local myid =
   320    320   	s.cancel = function()
   321    321   		s.abort()
   322    322[myid] = nil
   323    323   	end
   365    365   					iteration = iteration;
   366    366   					iterationcount = itercount;
   367    367   					timeleft = timeleft;
   368    368   					timeelapsed = s.duration - timeleft;
   369    369   					lastreturn = lastreturn;
   370    370   				}
   371    371   				if nr ~= false and iteration < itercount then
   372         -[] = minetest.after(int.period,
          372  +[] = core.after(int.period,
   373    373   						function() iterate(nr) end)
   374    374   				end
   375    375   			end
   376    376   			if int.after
   377    377   				then s.queue(int.after, iterate)
   378    378   				else s.queue({whence=0, secs=s.period}, iterate)
   379    379   			end
   385    385   		end
   386    386   	end
   387    387   	if s.sounds then
   388    388   		for when,what in pairs(s.sounds) do,what) end
   389    389   	end
   390    390[myid] = s
   391    391   	if not termqueued then
   392         -[] = minetest.after(s.delay + s.duration, function()
          392  +[] = core.after(s.delay + s.duration, function()
   393    393   			if s.terminate then s:terminate() end
   394    394[myid] = nil
   395    395   		end)
   396    396   	end
   397         -	s.starttime = minetest.get_server_uptime()
          397  +	s.starttime = core.get_server_uptime()
   398    398   	return s
   399    399   end
   400    400   
   401         -minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
          401  +core.register_on_dieplayer(function(player)
   402    402   	starlit.effect.disjoin{target=player}
   403    403   end)

Modified mods/starlit/element.lua from [f0333e36f4] to [79d7647b1a].

    54     54   			indsz, indsz,
    55     55   			indsz, indsz,
    56     56   			indicator);
    57     57   	end
    58     58   end
    59     59   
    60     60   M.element.foreach('starlit:gen-forms', {}, function(id, m)
    61         -	local eltID = F('%s:element_%s', minetest.get_current_modname(), id)
           61  +	local eltID = F('%s:element_%s', core.get_current_modname(), id)
    62     62   -- 	local eltName = F('Elemental %s', lib.str.capitalize(
    63     63   	local tt = function(t, d, g)
    64     64   		return starlit.ui.tooltip {
    65     65   			title = t, desc = d;
    66     66   			color = lib.color(0.1,0.2,0.1);
    67     67   			props = {
    68     68   				{title = 'Mass', desc ='g', g), affinity='info'}
    78     78   	m.form = m.form or {}
    79     79   
    80     80   
    81     81   	if not (m.gas or m.liquid) then
    82     82   		local brickID = eltID .. '_brick'
    83     83   		local brickName = F('%s Brick', lib.str.capitalize(
    84     84   		m.form.brick = brickID
    85         -		minetest.register_craftitem(brickID, {
           85  +		core.register_craftitem(brickID, {
    86     86   			short_description = brickName;
    87     87   			description = tt(brickName, F('A small brick of %s, ready to be worked by a matter compiler',, 1);
    88     88   			inventory_image = img(lib.image 'starlit-item-brick.png');
    89     89   			wield_image = lib.image 'starlit-item-brick.png':colorize(m.color):render();
    90     90   			stack_max = 500;
    91     91   			groups = {element=1, brick=1};
    92     92   			_starlit = {
   101    101   				};
   102    102   			};
   103    103   		});
   104    104   	end
   105    105   
   106    106   	--[[
   107    107   	local chunk = F('starlit-element-%s-powder.png', id);
   108         -	minetest.register_craftitem(eltID, {
          108  +	core.register_craftitem(eltID, {
   109    109   		short_description = eltName;
   110    110   		description = tt(eltName, F('A 1g chunk of elemental %s, ready to be worked by a cold matter compiler',, 1);
   111    111   		inventory_image = iblit(chunk);
   112    112   		wield_image = powder;
   113    113   		stack_max = 1000; -- 1kg
   114    114   		groups = {element = 1, chunk = 1};
   115    115   		_starlit = {
   127    127   end)
   128    128   
   129    129   
   130    130   M.metal.foreach('starlit:gen-forms', {}, function(id, m)
   131    131   	if m.elemental then -- avoid multiple forms for same material
   132    132   		m.form = M.element.db[m.elemental].form;
   133    133   	else
   134         -		local baseID = F('%s:metal_%s_', minetest.get_current_modname(), id)
          134  +		local baseID = F('%s:metal_%s_', core.get_current_modname(), id)
   135    135   		local brickID = baseID .. 'brick'
   136    136   		local brickName = F('%s Brick', lib.str.capitalize(
   137    137   		m.form = m.form or {}
   138    138   		m.form.brick = brickID
   139    139   		local tt = function(t, d, g)
   140    140   			return starlit.ui.tooltip {
   141    141   				title = t, desc = d;
   155    155   		end
   156    156   		local iblit = mkEltIndicator(mcomp)
   157    157   		local function img(s)
   158    158   			return iblit(s:colorize(m.color):render())
   159    159   		end
   160    160   
   161    161   		local mass = 1
   162         -		minetest.register_craftitem(brickID, {
          162  +		core.register_craftitem(brickID, {
   163    163   			short_description = brickName;
   164    164   			description = tt(brickName, F('A small brick of %s, ready to be worked by a matter compiler',, mass);
   165    165   			inventory_image = img(lib.image('starlit-item-brick.png'));
   166    166   			wield_image = lib.image 'starlit-item-brick.png':colorize(m.color):render();
   167    167   			groups = {metal = 1, brick = 1};
   168    168   			stack_max = 500;
   169    169   			_starlit = {
   226    226   		color = lib.color(0.2,0.1,0.1);
   227    227   		props = props;
   228    228   	};	
   229    229   end
   230    230   
   231    231   starlit.item.canister = 'starlit:canister';
   232    232   starlit.item.canister.foreach('starlit:item-gen', {}, function(id, c)
   233         -	minetest.register_craftitem(id, {
          233  +	core.register_craftitem(id, {
   234    234   		short_description =;
   235    235   		description = canisterDesc(nil, c);
   236    236   		inventory_image = c.image or 'starlit-item-element-canister.png';
   237    237   		groups = {canister = 1};
   238    238   		stack_max = 1;
   239    239   		_starlit = {
   240    240   			canister = c;

Modified mods/starlit/fab.lua from [06631e46d8] to [7c2e295411].

   139    139   	};
   140    140   -- 	crystal = {
   141    141   -- 		op = fQuant;
   142    142   -- 	};
   143    143   	item = {
   144    144   		name = {"item", "items"};
   145    145   		string = function(x, n)
   146         -			local i = minetest.registered_items[x]
          146  +			local i = core.registered_items[x]
   147    147   			return tostring(n) .. 'x ' .. i.short_description
   148    148   		end;
   149    149   		image = function(x, n)
   150    150   			return ItemStack(x):get_definition().inventory_image
   151    151   		end;
   152    152   		inventory = function(x, n, stack)
   153    153   			x = ItemStack(x)

Modified mods/starlit/food.lua from [c58f501acb] to [09c96accb0].

    33     33   		desc = f.desc;
    34     34   		props = props;
    35     35   		color = f.color;
    36     36   	};
    37     37   end
    38     38   
    39     39   F.foreach('starlit:gen-food', {}, function(id, f)
    40         -	minetest.register_item(id, {
           40  +	core.register_item(id, {
    41     41   		type = f.itemType or 'none';
    42     42   		inventory_image = f.tex;
    43     43   		short_description =;
    44     44   		description = foodTip(nil, f);
    45     45   		on_use = function(st, luser)
    46     46   			local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
    47     47   			st:take_item(1)
    55     55   			recover = f.recover;
    56     56   			mass = f.mass;
    57     57   		};
    58     58   	})
    59     59   end)
    60     60   
    61     61   starlit.item.seed.foreach('starlit:gen-seed', {}, function(id, s)
    62         -	minetest.register_item(id, {
           62  +	core.register_item(id, {
    63     63   		type = 'none';
    64     64   		inventory_image = s.tex;
    65     65   		short_description =;
    66     66   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    67     67   			title =;
    68     68   			color = s.color;
    69     69   			desc = s.desc;

Modified mods/starlit/init.lua from [277b90dbc5] to [ae90c8058c].

     1      1   -- [Êž] starlit/init.lua
     2      2   --  ~ lexi hale <>
     3      3   --  ? basic setup, game rules, terrain
     4      4   --  © EUPL v1.2
     5      5   
     6         -local T = minetest.get_translator 'starlit'
            6  +local T = core.get_translator 'starlit'
     7      7   
     8      8   -- TODO enforce latest engine version
     9      9   
    10     10   local mod = {
    11     11   	-- subordinate mods register here
    12     12   	lib = vtlib;
    13     13   		-- vtlib should be accessed as starlit.mod.lib by starlit modules for the sake of proper encapsulation. vtlib should simply be a provider, not a hardcoded dependency
    14     14   }
    15     15   local lib = mod.lib
    16     16   
    17     17   
    18     18   starlit = {
    19         -	ident = minetest.get_current_modname();
           19  +	ident = core.get_current_modname();
    20     20   	mod = mod;
    21     21   	translator = T;
    22     22   
    23     23   	constant = {
    24         -		light = { --minetest units
           24  +		light = { --luanti units
    25     25   			dim = 3;
    26     26   			lamp = 7;
    27     27   			bright = 10;
    28     28   			brightest = 14; -- only sun and growlights
    29     29   		};
    30     30   		heat = { -- celsius
    31     31   			freezing = 0;
    35     35   			thermalConductivity = 0.05; -- κ
    36     36   		};
    37     37   		rad = {
    38     38   		};
    39     39   
    40     40   		phys = {
    41     41   			--- HACK HACK HAAAAAAAAAAACK
    42         -			engineGravity = minetest.settings:get('movement_gravity') or 9.81
           42  +			engineGravity = core.settings:get('movement_gravity') or 9.81
    43     43   		};
    44     44   	};
    45     45   
    46     46   	activeUsers = {
    47     47   		-- map of username -> user object
    48     48   	};
    49     49   	activeUI = {
    71     71   
    72     72   	-- standardized effects
    73     73   	fx = {};
    74     74   
    75     75   	type = {};
    76     76   	world = {
    77     77   		defaultScenario = 'starlit_scenario:imperialExpat';
    78         -		seedbank = lib.math.seedbank(minetest.get_mapgen_setting 'seed');
           78  +		seedbank = lib.math.seedbank(core.get_mapgen_setting 'seed');
    79     79   		mineral = 'starlit:mineral';
    80     80   		material = { -- raw materials
    81     81   			element = 'starlit:element';
    82     82   			-- elements are automatically sorted into the following categories
    83     83   			-- if they match. however, it's possible to have a metal/gas/liquid
    84     84   			-- that *isn't* a pure element, so these need separate registries
    85     85   			-- for alloys and mixtures like steel and water
   177    177   	};
   178    178   
   179    179   	jobs = {};
   180    180   }
   181    181   
   182    182   -- TODO deal with core.DEFAULT_PHYSICS once it hits master
   183    183   
   184         -starlit.cfgDir = minetest.get_worldpath() .. '/' .. starlit.ident
          184  +starlit.cfgDir = core.get_worldpath() .. '/' .. starlit.ident
   185    185   
   186    186   local logger = function(module)
   187    187   	local function argjoin(arg, nxt, ...)
   188    188   		if arg and not nxt then return tostring(arg) end
   189    189   		if not arg then return "(nil)" end
   190    190   		return tostring(arg) .. ' ' .. argjoin(nxt, ...)
   191    191   	end
   192    192   	local lg = {}
   193    193   	local setup = function(fn, lvl)
   194    194   		lvl = lvl or fn
   195    195   		local function emit(...)
   196    196   			local call = (fn == 'fatal') and error
   197         -				or function(str) minetest.log(lvl, str) end
          197  +				or function(str) core.log(lvl, str) end
   198    198   			if module
   199    199   				then call(string.format('[%s :: %s] %s',starlit.ident,module,argjoin(...)))
   200    200   				else call(string.format('[%s] %s',starlit.ident,argjoin(...)))
   201    201   			end
   202    202   		end
   203    203   		lg[fn       ] = function(...) emit(...)                end
   204    204   		lg[fn .. 'f'] = function(...) emit(string.format(...)) end -- convenience fn
   212    212   end
   213    213   
   214    214   starlit.logger = logger
   215    215   
   216    216   local log = logger()
   217    217   
   218    218   function starlit.evaluate(name, ...)
   219         -	local path = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname())
          219  +	local path = core.get_modpath(core.get_current_modname())
   220    220   	local filename = string.format('%s/%s', path, name)
   221    221'loading', filename)
   222    222   	local chunk, err = loadfile(filename, filename)
   223    223   	if not chunk then error(err) end
   224    224   	return chunk(...)
   225    225   end
   226    226   
   227    227   function starlit.include(name, ...) -- semantic variant used for loading modules
   228    228   	return starlit.evaluate(name..'.lua', ...)
   229    229   end
   230    230   
   231    231   function starlit.region.radiator.scan(pos,node)
   232    232   	local R = starlit.region
   233         -	local phash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
          233  +	local phash = core.hash_node_position(pos)
   234    234   	if R.radiator.sources[phash] then return end -- already loaded
   235         -	node = node or minetest.get_node(pos)
          235  +	node = node or core.get_node(pos)
   236    236   
   237         -	local def = minetest.registered_nodes[]
          237  +	local def = core.registered_nodes[]
   238    238   	local cl = def._starlit and def._starlit.radiator
   239    239   	if not cl then return nil end
   240    240   	local min,max = cl.maxEffectArea and cl.maxEffectArea(pos) or nil
   241    241   	if not min then
   242    242   		assert(cl.radius, 'no radius callback for radiator')
   243    243   		local r = cl.radius(pos)
   244    244   		local vr =,r,r)
   245    245   		min,max = pos-vr, pos+vr
   246    246   	end
   247         -	local id =,max, minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
          247  +	local id =,max, core.pos_to_string(pos))
   248    248   	R.radiator.sources[phash] = id
   249    249   end
   250    250   
   251    251   function starlit.region.radiator.unload(pos)
   252    252   	local R = starlit.region
   253         -	local phash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos)
          253  +	local phash = core.hash_node_position(pos)
   254    254   	local id = R.radiator.sources[phash]
   255    255
   256    256   	R.radiator.sources[phash] = nil
   257    257   end
   258    258   
   259         -minetest.register_lbm {
          259  +core.register_lbm {
   260    260   	label = 'build radiator index';
   261    261   	name = 'starlit:loadradiatorboxes';
   262    262   	nodenames = {'group:radiator'};
   263    263   	run_at_every_load = true;
   264    264   	action = function(pos, node, dt)
   265    265   		starlit.region.radiator.scan(pos, node)
   266    266   	end;
   267    267   	-- NOTE: temp emitter nodes are responsible for decaching themselves in their on_destruct cb
   268    268   }
   269    269   
   270    270   
   271    271   function starlit.startJob(id, interval, job)
   272    272   	local lastRun
   273    273   	local function start()
   274         -[id] = minetest.after(interval, function()
   275         -			local t = minetest.get_gametime()
          274  +[id] = core.after(interval, function()
          275  +			local t = core.get_gametime()
   276    276   			local d = lastRun and t - lastRun or nil
   277    277   			lastRun = t
   278    278   			local continue = job(d, interval)
   279    279   			if continue == true or continue == nil then
   280    280   				start()
   281    281   			elseif continue ~= false then
   282    282   				interval = continue
   307    307   starlit.include 'element'
   308    308   
   309    309   starlit.include 'terrain'
   310    310   starlit.include 'interfaces'
   311    311   starlit.include 'compile'
   312    312   starlit.include 'suit'
   313    313   
   314         --- minetest.settings:set('movement_gravity', -- ??? seriously???
          314  +-- core.settings:set('movement_gravity', -- ??? seriously???
   316    316   
   317    317   ---------------
   318    318   -- callbacks --
   319    319   ---------------
   320         --- here we connect our types up to the minetest API
          320  +-- here we connect our types up to the luanti API
   321    321   
   322    322   local function userCB(fn)
   323    323   	return function(luser, ...)
   324    324   		local name = luser:get_player_name()
   325    325   		local user = starlit.activeUsers[name]
   326    326   		return fn(user, ...)
   327    327   	end
   328    328   end
   329    329   
   330         -minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(luser, lastLogin)
          330  +core.register_on_joinplayer(function(luser, lastLogin)
   331    331   	-- TODO check that necessary CSMs are installed
   332    332   	local user = starlit.type.user(luser)
   333    333   
   334    334   	if lastLogin == nil then
   335    335   		user:onSignup()
   336    336   	end
   337    337   	user:onJoin()
   338    338   
   339    339   	starlit.activeUsers[] = user
   340    340   end)
   341    341   
   342         -minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(luser)
          342  +core.register_on_leaveplayer(function(luser)
   343    343   	starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]:onPart()
   344    344   end)
   345    345   
   346         -minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(luser, formid, fields)
          346  +core.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(luser, formid, fields)
   347    347   	local name = luser:get_player_name()
   348    348   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[name]
   349    349   	if not user then return false end
   350    350   	if formid == '' then -- main menu
   351    351   		return starlit.ui.userMenuDispatch(user,fields)
   352    352   	end
   353    353   	local ui = starlit.interface.db[formid]
   362    362   	user:onRespond(ui, state, fields)
   363    363   	if fields.quit then
   364    364   		starlit.activeUI[name] = nil
   365    365   	end
   366    366   	return true
   367    367   end)
   368    368   
   369         -minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(userCB(function(user)
          369  +core.register_on_respawnplayer(userCB(function(user)
   370    370   	return user:onRespawn()
   371    371   end))
   372    372   
   373         -minetest.register_on_dieplayer(userCB(function(user, reason)
          373  +core.register_on_dieplayer(userCB(function(user, reason)
   374    374   	return user:onDie(reason)
   375    375   end))
   376    376   
   377         -minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos,node,puncher,point)
          377  +core.register_on_punchnode(function(pos,node,puncher,point)
   378    378   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[puncher:get_player_name()]
   379    379   	local oldTgt = user.action.tgt
   380    380   	user.action.tgt = point
   381    381   	if, 0x80)==0 then
   382    382   		user.action.bits = bit.bor(user.action.bits, 0x80)
   383    383   		--user:trigger('primary', {state = 'init'})
   384    384   	else
   403    403   		user:trigger('retarget', {oldTgt = oldTgt})
   404    404   	end
   405    405   end
   406    406   -- sigh
   407    407   --[[
   408    408   core.noneitemdef_default.on_place = function(...)
   409    409   	if not triggerPower(...) then
   410         -		minetest.item_place(...)
          410  +		core.item_place(...)
   411    411   	end
   412    412   end
   413    413   core.noneitemdef_default.on_use           = function(...) triggerPower(...) end
   414    414   core.noneitemdef_default.on_secondary_use = function(...) triggerPower(...) end
   415    415   ]]
   416         -minetest.register_item(":", {
          416  +core.register_item(":", {
   417    417   	type = "none",
   418    418   	wield_image = "wieldhand.png",
   419    419   	wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5},
   420    420   	on_secondary_use = function(...) triggerPower(...) end;
   421    421   -- 	on_use = function(...) print'base' end;
   422    422   	after_use = function(i,u,n,p)
   423    423   		if (u:is_player()) then triggerPower(i,u,p) end
   424    424   	end;
   425    425   })
   426         -minetest.register_item("starlit:_hand_dig", {
          426  +core.register_item("starlit:_hand_dig", {
   427    427   	type = "none",
   428    428   	wield_image = "wieldhand.png",
   429    429   	wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5},
   430    430   	tool_capabilities = {
   431    431   		groupcaps = {
   432    432   			object = {maxlevel=1, times = {.10,.20,.40}};
   433    433   			plant = {maxlevel=1, times = {.50}};
   434    434   
   435    435   			-- sand, dirt, gravel
   436    436   			looseClump = {maxlevel=1, times = {1.5, 2.5}};
   437    437   		};
   438    438   	}
   439    439   })
   440    440   
   441         -minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
          441  +core.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
   442    442   	local name = luser:get_player_name()
   443    443   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[name]
   444    444   	-- allow UIs to update on UI changes
   445    445   	local state = starlit.activeUI[name]
   446    446   	if state then
   447    447   		local ui = starlit.interface.db[state.form]
   448    448   		ui:cb('onMoveItem', user, act, inv, p)
   449    449   	end
   450    450   end)
   451    451   
   452         -minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(luser, delta, cause)
          452  +core.register_on_player_hpchange(function(luser, delta, cause)
   453    453   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
   454    454   	if cause.type == 'fall' then
   455    455   		delta = user:damageModifier('bluntForceTrauma', (delta * 50))
   456    456   		-- justification: a short fall can do around
   457    457   		-- five points of damage, which is nearly 50%
   458    458   		-- of the default hp_max. since we crank up
   459    459   		-- hp by a factor of 50~40, damage should be
   460    460   		-- cranked by similarly
   461    461   	end
   462    462   	return delta
   463    463   end, true)
   464    464   
   465         -function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
          465  +function core.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger)
   466    466   	local function jitter(pos)
   467    467   		local function r(x) return x+math.random(-0.01, 0.01) end
   468    468   		return
   469    469   			r(pos.x),
   470    470   			r(pos.y),
   471    471   			r(pos.z)
   472    472   		)
   473    473   	end
   474    474   	for i, it in ipairs(drops) do
   475    475   		if type(it) == 'string' then it = ItemStack(it) end
   476    476   		if not it:is_empty() then
   477         -			local ent = minetest.add_item(jitter(pos), it)
          477  +			local ent = core.add_item(jitter(pos), it)
   478    478   			if ent ~= nil then -- avoid crash when dropping unknown item
   479    479   				local dp =,0,0)
   480    480   				if digger then dp = digger:get_pos() end
   481    481   				local delta = dp - ent:get_pos()
   482    482   				ent:add_velocity(,0,delta.z));
   483    483   			end
   484    484   		end
   485    485   	end
   486    486   end
   487    487   
   488    488   
   489    489   -- TODO timer iterates live UI
   490    490   

Modified mods/starlit/interfaces.lua from [42263b381c] to [7199aa7738].

   565    565   				if q.quit then
   566    566   					user:suitSound 'starlit-quit' -- TODO better sound
   567    567   				end
   568    568   			end;
   569    569   			render = function(state, user)
   570    570   				local body = {kind='vert', w=6; mode='hw', spacing=.5, padding=1 }
   571    571   				for i, l in ipairs(state.ctx.inv) do
   572         -					local inv = minetest.get_meta(l.pos):get_inventory()
          572  +					local inv = core.get_meta(l.pos):get_inventory()
   573    573   					local w = l.w or 6
   574    574   					if l.label then
   575    575   						table.insert(body, {kind = 'hbar'; text = l.label, w=w+.5, h = .5})
   576    576   					end
   577    577   					table.insert(body, {kind = 'list';
   578    578   						w = w, h = inv:get_size(;
   579    579   						node = l.pos, inv =;

Modified mods/starlit/species.lua from [e0959a01e2] to [236ca7459a].

    44     44   				end
    45     45   			elseif == 'prog' then
    46     46   				local d =
    47     47   				local p = user.action.prog.sprint
    48     48   				-- is the player currently holding any of WASD
    49     49   				local isMoving =, user.entity:get_player_control_bits()) ~= 0
    50     50   				if p and isMoving then
    51         -					user.cooldownTimes.stamina = minetest.get_gametime()
           51  +					user.cooldownTimes.stamina = core.get_gametime()
    52     52   					p.cb = p.cb + cost*d
    53     53   					if p.cb >= 5 then
    54     54   						user:statDelta('stamina', -p.cb)
    55     55   						p.cb = 0
    56     56   						if user:effectiveStat 'stamina' < cost then halt() end
    57     57   					end
    58     58   				end

Modified mods/starlit/suit.lua from [963193f502] to [d40c92ebbb].

   195    195   				end
   196    196   
   197    197   				a.suit[name] = img
   198    198   			end
   199    199   		end
   200    200   	end
   201    201   
   202         -	minetest.register_tool(id, {
          202  +	core.register_tool(id, {
   203    203   		short_description =;
   204    204   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
   205    205   			title =;
   206    206   			desc = def.desc;
   207    207   			color = lib.color(.1, .7, 1);
   208    208   		};
   209    209   		groups = {
   313    313   	};
   314    314   	starlit_suit_canisters = {
   315    315   		suitSlot = true;
   316    316   		itemClass = 'canister';
   317    317   	};
   318    318   }
   319    319   
   320         -minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
          320  +core.register_allow_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
   321    321   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
   322    322   	local function grp(i,g)
   323         -		return minetest.get_item_group(i:get_name(), g) ~= 0
          323  +		return core.get_item_group(i:get_name(), g) ~= 0
   324    324   	end
   325    325   	local function checkBaseRestrictions(list)
   326    326   		local restrictions = slotProps[list]
   327    327   		if not restrictions then return nil, true end
   328    328   		if restrictions.suitSlot then
   329    329   			if user:naked() then return restrictions, false end
   330    330   		end
   350    350   		return true
   351    351   	end
   352    352   	local function itemCanLeave(item, list)
   353    353   		local rst, ok = checkBaseRestrictions(list)
   354    354   		if not ok then return false end
   355    355   		if rst == nil then return true end
   356    356   
   357         -		if minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), 'specialInventory') then
          357  +		if core.get_item_group(item:get_name(), 'specialInventory') then
   358    358   
   359    359   		end
   360    360   
   361    361   		if rst.maintenanceNode then return false end
   362    362   		return true
   363    363   	end
   364    364   
   371    371   		if not itemFits(p.stack, p.listname) then return 0 end
   372    372   	elseif act == 'take' then
   373    373   		if not itemCanLeave(p.stack, p.listname) then return 0 end
   374    374   	end
   375    375   	return true
   376    376   end)
   377    377   
   378         -minetest.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
          378  +core.register_on_player_inventory_action(function(luser, act, inv, p)
   379    379   	local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
   380    380   	local function slotChange(slot,a,item)
   381    381   		local s = slotProps[slot]
   382    382   		if slot == 'starlit_suit' then
   383    383   			user:updateSuit()
   384    384   			if user:naked() then
   385    385   				starlit.type.suit.purgeInventories(user.entity)

Modified mods/starlit/terrain.lua from [eeb268d7fe] to [6e0c0d7cf5].

    30     30   	max_items = 3;
    31     31   	items = {
    32     32   		{rarity = 2, items = {'starlit:soil_clump'}};
    33     33   		{rarity = 3, items = {'starlit:soil_clump'}};
    34     34   		{rarity = 4, items = {'starlit:soil_clump'}};
    35     35   	};
    36     36   }
    37         -minetest.register_node('starlit:soil', {
           37  +core.register_node('starlit:soil', {
    38     38   	description = T 'Soil';
    39     39   	tiles = {'starlit-terrain-soil.png'};
    40     40   	groups = {looseClump = 2, soil = 1};
    41     41   	drop = soilDrop;
    42     42   	sounds = soilSounds;
    43     43   	_starlit = {
    44     44   		kind = 'block';
    45     45   		elements = {};
    46     46   		recover = soilRec;
    47     47   	};
    48     48   })
    49     49   
    50     50   
    51         -minetest.register_node('starlit:sand', {
           51  +core.register_node('starlit:sand', {
    52     52   	description = T 'Sand';
    53     53   	tiles = {'starlit-terrain-sand.png'};
    54     54   	groups = {looseClump = 1, sand = 1, falling_node = 1};
    55     55   	drop = '';
    56     56   	sounds = sandSounds;
    57     57   	_starlit = {
    58     58   		kind = 'block';
    59     59   		fab = starlit.type.fab { element = { silicon = 25 } };
    60     60   	};
    61     61   })
    62     62   
    63         -minetest.register_node('starlit:lifesilt', {
           63  +core.register_node('starlit:lifesilt', {
    64     64   	description = T 'Lifesilt';
    65     65   	tiles = {'starlit-terrain-lifesilt.png'};
    66     66   	groups = {looseClump = 1, lifesilt = 1, falling_node = 1};
    67     67   	drop = '';
    68     68   	sounds = sandSounds;
    69     69   	_starlit = {
    70     70   		kind = 'block';
    71     71   		recover = starlit.type.fab { element = { carbon = 16, silicon = 16, rubidium = 4 } };
    72     72   	};
    73     73   })
    74     74   
    75         -minetest.register_craftitem('starlit:soil_clump', {
           75  +core.register_craftitem('starlit:soil_clump', {
    76     76   	short_description = T 'Soil';
    77     77   	description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    78     78   		title = T 'Soil';
    79     79   		desc = 'A handful of nutrient-packed soil, suitable for growing plants';
    80     80   		color = lib.color(0.3,0.2,0.1);
    81     81   	};
    82     82   	inventory_image = 'starlit-item-soil.png';
    83     83   	groups = {looseClump = 2, soil = 1};
    84     84   	on_place = function(me, luser, point)
    85     85   		if me:get_count() < 3 then return end
    86         -		if minetest.place_node(point.above, {name = 'starlit:soil'}, luser) then
           86  +		if core.place_node(point.above, {name = 'starlit:soil'}, luser) then
    87     87   			me:take_item(3)
    88     88   		end
    89     89   		return me
    90     90   	end;
    91     91   	_starlit = {
    92     92   		recover = starlit.type.fab { element = { carbon = 25 / 4 } };
    93     93   	};
    99     99   		items = {
   100    100   			{
   101    101   				items = {'starlit:soil'}, rarity = 2;
   102    102   				tool_groups = { 'shovel', 'trowel' };
   103    103   			};
   104    104   		};
   105    105   	}
   106         -	minetest.register_node(, {
          106  +	core.register_node(, {
   107    107   		description = T 'Greengraze';
   108    108   		tiles = {
   109    109   			def.img .. '.png';
   110    110   			'starlit-terrain-soil.png';
   111    111   			{
   112    112   				name = 'starlit-terrain-soil.png^' .. def.img ..'-overlay.png';
   113    113   				tileable_vertical = false;
   136    136   	desc = T 'Undergloam';
   137    137   	-- fungal carpet
   138    138   	img = 'starlit-terrain-undergloam';
   139    139   	recover = soilRec;
   140    140   }
   141    141   
   142    142   for _, w in pairs {false,true} do
   143         -	minetest.register_node('starlit:liquid_water' .. (w and '_flowing' or ''), {
          143  +	core.register_node('starlit:liquid_water' .. (w and '_flowing' or ''), {
   144    144   		description = T 'Water';
   145    145   		drawtype = 'liquid';
   146    146   		waving = 3;
   147    147   		tiles = {
   148    148   			{
   149    149   -- 				name = "default_water_source_animated.png";
   150    150   				name = "starlit-water.png";
   185    185   		groups = {water = 3, liquid = 3};
   186    186   	});
   187    187   end
   188    188   
   189    189   
   190    190'starlit:mineral-generate', {}, function(node,m)
   191    191   	local grp = {mineral = 1}
   192         -	minetest.register_node(node, {
          192  +	core.register_node(node, {
   193    193   		short_description =;
   194    194   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
   195    195   			title =;
   196    196   			desc = m.desc;
   197    197   			color = m.tone;
   198    198   		};
   199    199   		tiles = m.tiles or 
   213    213   	})
   214    214   	if not m.excludeOre then
   215    215   		local seed = 0
   216    216   -- 		grp.ore = 1
   217    217   		for i = 1, do
   218    218   			seed = seed*50 + string.byte(, i)
   219    219   		end
   220         -		minetest.register_ore {
          220  +		core.register_ore {
   221    221   			ore = node;
   222    222   			ore_type = m.dist.kind;
   223    223   			wherein = m.dist.among;
   224    224   			clust_scarcity = m.dist.rare;
   225    225   			clust_num_ores = m.dist.ores;
   226    226   			clust_size = m.dist.clust;
   227    227   			y_min = m.dist.height[1], y_max = m.dist.height[2];
   303    303   		time = { shred = 3; };
   304    304   		cost = { shredPower = 3; };
   305    305   	};
   306    306   })
   307    307   
   308    308   -- map generation
   309    309   
   310         -minetest.register_alias('mapgen_stone', 'starlit:mineral_feldspar')
   311         -minetest.register_alias('mapgen_water_source', 'starlit:liquid_water')
   312         -minetest.register_alias('mapgen_river_water_source', 'starlit:liquid_water')
          310  +core.register_alias('mapgen_stone', 'starlit:mineral_feldspar')
          311  +core.register_alias('mapgen_water_source', 'starlit:liquid_water')
          312  +core.register_alias('mapgen_river_water_source', 'starlit:liquid_water')
   313    313   

Modified mods/starlit/ui.lua from [01dfc2a3de] to [3ce8488360].

    46     46   			return state, created
    47     47   		end;
    48     48   		render = function(self, state, user)
    49     49   			return self.pages[].render(state, user)
    50     50   		end;
    51     51   		show = function(self, user)
    52     52   			local state = self:begin(user)
    53         -			minetest.show_formspec(,,self:render(state, user))
           53  +			core.show_formspec(,,self:render(state, user))
    54     54   		end;
    55     55   		open = function(self, user, page, ...)
    56     56   			user:suitSound 'starlit-nav'
    57     57   			self:begin(user, page, ...)
    58     58   			self:show(user)
    59     59   		end;
    60     60   		close = function(self, user)
    61     61   			local state = starlit.activeUI[]
    62     62   			if state and state.form == then
    63     63   				self:cb('onClose', user)
    64     64   				starlit.activeUI[] = nil
    65         -				minetest.close_formspec(,
           65  +				core.close_formspec(,
    66     66   			end
    67     67   		end;
    68     68   	};
    69     69   	construct = function(p)
    70     70   		if not then error('UI missing id') end
    71     71   		p.pages = p.pages or {}
    72     72   		return p
    98     98   			hue = 260, sat = 0, lum = 0
    99     99   		};
   100    100   	}
   101    101   	local lines = state.lines
   102    102   	local cmod = string.format('^[hsl:%s:%s:%s',
   103    103   		state.color.hue, state.color.sat*0xff, state.color.lum*0xff)
   104    104   
   105         -	local E = minetest.formspec_escape
          105  +	local E = core.formspec_escape
   106    106   	if state.padding/2 > state.x then state.x = state.padding/2 end
   107    107   	if state.padding/2 > state.y then state.y = state.padding/2 end
   108    108   
   109    109   	local function btnColorDef(sel)
   110    110   		local function climg(state,img)
   111    111   			local selstr
   112    112   			if sel == nil then

Modified mods/starlit/user.lua from [9accce5f34] to [1a0e392600].

     6      6   --    client. it provides for initial signup and join,
     7      7   --    managing the HUD, skinning the player model,
     8      8   --    effecting weather changes, etc.
     9      9   
    10     10   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
    11     11   
    12     12   local function hudAdjustBacklight(img)
    13         -	local night = math.abs(minetest.get_timeofday() - .5) * 2
           13  +	local night = math.abs(core.get_timeofday() - .5) * 2
    14     14   	local opacity = night*0.8
    15     15   	return img:fade(opacity)
    16     16   end
    17     17   
    18     18   local userStore = lib.marshal.metaStore {
    19     19   	persona = {
    20     20   		key  = 'starlit:persona';
    66     66   starlit.type.user = lib.class {
    67     67   	name = 'starlit:user';
    68     68   	leds = leds;
    69     69   	construct = function(ident)
    70     70   		local name, luser
    71     71   		if type(ident) == 'string' then
    72     72   			name = ident
    73         -			luser = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
           73  +			luser = core.get_player_by_name(name)
    74     74   		else
    75     75   			luser = ident
    76     76   			name = luser:get_player_name()
    77     77   		end
    78     78   		return {
    79     79   			entity = luser;
    80     80   			name = name;
   113    113   		}
   114    114   	end;
   115    115   	__index = {
   116    116   		--------------
   117    117   		-- overlays --
   118    118   		--------------
   119    119   		updateOverlays = function(self)
   120         -			-- minetest: because fuck you, that's why
          120  +			-- luanti: because fuck you, that's why
   121    121   			local engineGravity = starlit.constant.phys.engineGravity
   122    122   			local targetGravity =
   123    123   			local phys = {
   124    124   				speed = self.pheno:trait('speed',1);
   125    125   				jump = self.pheno:trait('jump',1);
   126    126   				gravity = targetGravity / engineGravity;
   127    127   				speed_climb = 1;
   433    433   			self.hud.elt.time = self:attachTextBox {
   434    434   				name = 'time';
   435    435   				align = {x=0, y=1};
   436    436   				pos = {x=0.5, y=1};
   437    437   				ofs = {x=0,y=-95};
   438    438   				text = function(user)
   439    439   					local cal =[user.pref.calendar]
   440         -					return cal.time(minetest.get_timeofday())
          440  +					return cal.time(core.get_timeofday())
   441    441   				end;
   442    442   			}
   443    443   			self.hud.elt.temp = self:attachMeter {
   444    444   				name = 'temp';
   445    445   				align = {x=1, y=-1};
   446    446   				pos = {x=0, y=1};
   447    447   				ofs = {x=20, y=-20};
   527    527   		updateHUD = function(self)
   528    528   			for name, e in pairs(self.hud.elt) do
   529    529   				if e.update then e.update() end
   530    530   			end
   531    531   			self:updateLEDs()
   532    532   		end;
   533    533   		updateLEDs = function(self)
   534         -			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
          534  +			local time = core.get_gametime()
   535    535   			local function updateSide(name, ofs, tx)
   536    536   				local del = {}
   537    537   				local idx = 0
   538    538   				for i, l in ipairs(self.hud.led[name]) do
   539    539   					if time - l.origin > 3 then
   540    540   						if l.elt then self.entity:hud_remove( end
   541    541[l.kind] = nil
   605    605   			inv:set_stack('hand', 1, hnd)
   606    606   		end;
   607    607   
   608    608   		---------------------
   609    609   		-- intel-gathering --
   610    610   		---------------------
   611    611   		clientInfo = function(self)
   612         -			return minetest.get_player_information(
          612  +			return core.get_player_information(
   613    613   		end;
   614    614   		species = function(self)
   615    615   			return[self.persona.species]
   616    616   		end;
   617    617   		-- can the suit heater sustain its current internal temperature in an area of t°C
   618    618   		tempCanSustain = function(self, t)
   619    619   			if self:naked() then return false end
   687    687   
   688    688   			-- i feel like there has to be a better way
   689    689   			local posrng =[0x13f19] -- TODO player-specific seed
   690    690   			local cx = posrng:int(-500,500) --math.random(-500,500)
   691    691   			local iter, startPoint = 1
   692    692   			repeat local temp = -100
   693    693   				local cz = posrng:int(-500,500)
   694         -				local cy = minetest.get_spawn_level(cx, cz)
          694  +				local cy = core.get_spawn_level(cx, cz)
   695    695   				if cy then
   696    696   					startPoint =,cy,cz)
   697    697   					temp =,.5,.5).surfaceTemp
   698    698   				end
   699    699   				iter = iter + 1
   700    700   				if iter > 100 then break end -- avoid infiniloop in pathological conditions
   701    701   			until temp > -2
   705    705   		onDie = function(self, reason)
   706    706   			local inv = self.entity:get_inventory()
   707    707   			local where = self.entity:get_pos()
   708    708   			local function dropInv(lst)
   709    709   				local l = inv:get_list(lst)
   710    710   				for i, o in ipairs(l) do
   711    711   					if o and not o:is_empty() then
   712         -						minetest.item_drop(o, self.entity, where)
          712  +						core.item_drop(o, self.entity, where)
   713    713   					end
   714    714   				end
   715    715   				inv:set_list(lst, {})
   716    716   			end
   717    717   			dropInv 'main'
   718    718   			dropInv 'starlit_suit'
   719    719   			self:updateSuit()
   825    825   		-- environment suit & body --
   826    826   		-----------------------------
   827    827   		suitStack = function(self)
   828    828   			return self.entity:get_inventory():get_stack('starlit_suit', 1)
   829    829   		end;
   830    830   		suitSound = function(self, sfx)
   831    831   			-- trigger a sound effect from the player's suit computer
   832         -			minetest.sound_play(sfx, {object=self.entity, max_hear_distance=4}, true)
          832  +			core.sound_play(sfx, {object=self.entity, max_hear_distance=4}, true)
   833    833   		end;
   834    834   		suitPowerStateSet = function(self, state, silent)
   835    835   			-- necessary to enable reacting to power state changes
   836    836   			-- e.g. to play sound effects, display warnings
   837    837   			local os
   838    838   			self:forSuit(function(s)
   839    839   				os=s:powerState()
  1008   1008   				return true
  1009   1009   			end
  1010   1010   			return false
  1011   1011   		end;
  1012   1012   
  1013   1013   		alarm = function(self, urgency, kind, minFreq)
  1014   1014   			minFreq = minFreq or 1.5
  1015         -			local time = minetest.get_gametime()
         1015  +			local time = core.get_gametime()
  1016   1016   			local led = leds[kind]
  1017   1017   
  1018   1018   			local ul =[kind]
  1019   1019   			if ul then
  1020   1020   				if time - ul.origin > minFreq then
  1021   1021   					ul.origin = time
  1022   1022   				else return end
  1048   1048   
  1049   1049   		--[[
  1050   1050   			freq = freq or 3
  1051   1051   			local urgencies = {
  1052   1052   				[1] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm'};
  1053   1053   				[2] = {sound = 'starlit-alarm-urgent'};
  1054   1054   			}
  1055         -		   local gt = minetest.get_gametime()
         1055  +		   local gt = core.get_gametime()
  1056   1056   		   local urg = urgencies[urgency] or urgencies[#urgencies]
  1057   1057   
  1058   1058   		   if gt - self.cooldownTimes.alarm < freq then return end
  1059   1059   
  1060   1060   		   self.cooldownTimes.alarm = gt
  1061   1061   		   self:suitSound(urg.sound)
  1062   1062   
  1070   1070   			   }
  1071   1071   			   elt.ofs.x = elt.ofs.x + where.ofs.x
  1072   1072   			   elt.ofs.y = elt.ofs.y + where.ofs.y
  1073   1073   			   local attached = self:attachImage(elt)
  1074   1074   				table.insert(self.hud.alarm, attached)
  1075   1075   
  1076   1076   			   -- HATE. HATE. HAAAAAAAAAAATE
  1077         -			   minetest.after(freq/2, function()
         1077  +			   core.after(freq/2, function()
  1078   1078   				   for k,v in pairs(self.hud.alarm) do
  1079   1079   					   self.entity:hud_remove(
  1080   1080   				   end
  1081   1081   				   self.hud.alarm={}
  1082   1082   			   end)
  1083   1083   		   end]]
  1084   1084   	   end;
  1096   1096   		---------------
  1097   1097   		-- inventory --
  1098   1098   		---------------
  1099   1099   		give = function(self, item)
  1100   1100   			item = ItemStack(item)
  1101   1101   			local inv = self.entity:get_inventory()
  1102   1102   			local function is(grp)
  1103         -				return minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), grp) ~= 0
         1103  +				return core.get_item_group(item:get_name(), grp) ~= 0
  1104   1104   			end
  1105   1105   			-- TODO notif popups
  1106   1106   			if is 'specialInventory' then
  1107   1107   			--[[
  1108   1108   				if is 'powder' then
  1109   1109   					if self:naked() then return item end
  1110   1110   					local cans = inv:get_list 'starlit_suit_canisters'
  1120   1120   			else
  1121   1121   				return inv:add_item('main', item)
  1122   1122   			end
  1123   1123   		end;
  1124   1124   		thrustUpon = function(self, item)
  1125   1125   			local r = self:give(st)
  1126   1126   			if not r:is_empty() then
  1127         -				return minetest.add_item(self.entity:get_pos(), r)
         1127  +				return core.add_item(self.entity:get_pos(), r)
  1128   1128   			end
  1129   1129   		end;
  1130   1130   		consume = function(self, stack, n)
  1131   1131   			n = n or 1
  1132   1132   			if n == 0 then n = stack:get_count() end
  1133   1133   			local fd = stack:take_item(n)
  1134   1134   			local stats =
  1215   1215   				u:statDelta('health', -5*biointerval)
  1216   1216   			end
  1217   1217   
  1218   1218   			if water == 0 then -- dying of thirst
  1219   1219   				u:statDelta('health', -20*biointerval)
  1220   1220   			end
  1221   1221   
  1222         -			if sp < 1.0 and minetest.get_gametime() - u.cooldownTimes.stamina > 5.0 then
         1222  +			if sp < 1.0 and core.get_gametime() - u.cooldownTimes.stamina > 5.0 then
  1223   1223   				u:statDelta('stamina', (u:phenoTrait('staminaRegen',1) * penaltyFromFatigue) / heatPenalty)
  1224   1224   -- 				print('stam', u:effectiveStat 'stamina', u:phenoTrait('staminaRegen',1) / heatPenalty, heatPenalty)
  1225   1225   			end
  1226   1226   
  1227   1227   			local morale, mp = u:effectiveStat 'morale'
  1228   1228   			local pr = u:phenoTrait 'numinaRegen'
  1229   1229   			u:statDelta('numina', pr * penaltyFromFatigue * mp)
  1240   1240   	manv = 0x020;
  1241   1241   	snk  = 0x040;
  1242   1242   	dig  = 0x080;
  1243   1243   	put  = 0x100;
  1244   1244   	zoom = 0x200;
  1245   1245   }
  1246   1246   -- this is the painful part
  1247         -minetest.register_globalstep(function(delta)
         1247  +core.register_globalstep(function(delta)
  1248   1248   	local doNothing,mustInit,mustHalt = 0,1,2
  1249   1249   	for id, user in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
  1250   1250   		local ent = user.entity
  1251   1251   		local bits = ent:get_player_control_bits()
  1252   1252   
  1253   1253   		local function what(b)
  1254   1254   			if, b) ~= 0 and, b) == 0 then

Modified mods/starlit/world.lua from [de51a702a5] to [e94ad91b55].

     1      1   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
     2      2   local world =
     3      3   
     4      4   function
     5         -	local days = minetest.get_day_count()
            5  +	local days = core.get_day_count()
     6      6   	local year = math.floor(days / world.planet.orbit);
     7      7   	local day = days % world.planet.orbit;
     8      8   	return {
     9      9   		year = year, day = day;
    10     10   		season = day / world.planet.orbit + 0.5; -- begin summer
    11     11   	}
    12     12   end
    17     17   local heatRange = {min = -50, max = 50} -- translate mt temps into real temps
    18     18   
    19     19   -- this function provides the basis for temperature calculation,
    20     20   -- which is performed by adding this value to the ambient temperature,
    21     21   -- determined by querying nearby group:heatSource items in accordance
    22     22   -- with the inverse-square law
    23     23   function world.climate.eval(pos, tod, season)
    24         -	local data = minetest.get_biome_data(pos)
    25         -	local biome = world.ecology.biomes.db[minetest.get_biome_name(data.biome)]
           24  +	local data = core.get_biome_data(pos)
           25  +	local biome = world.ecology.biomes.db[core.get_biome_name(data.biome)]
    26     26   -- 	print('climate:', dump(data))
    27     27   	local heat, humid = data.heat, data.humidity
    28     28   	heat = lerp(heat/100, heatRange.min, heatRange.max)
    29         -	tod = tod or minetest.get_timeofday()
           29  +	tod = tod or core.get_timeofday()
    30     30   	heat = lerp(math.abs(tod - 0.5)*2, heat, heat + biome.nightTempDelta)
    31     31   -- 	print('base heat', heat)
    32     32   
    33     33   	local td =
    34     34   	heat = heat + gradient(biome.seasonalTemp, season or td.season)
    35     35   -- 	print('seasonal heat', heat)
    36     36   	if pos.y > 0 then
    47     47   
    48     48   local vdsq = lib.math.vdsq
    49     49   function world.climate.temp(pos, timeshift) --> irradiance at pos in W
    50     50   	local cl = world.climate.eval(pos)
    51     51   	local radCenters =, false, true)
    52     52   	local irradiance = 0
    53     53   	for _,e in pairs(radCenters) do
    54         -		local rpos = minetest.string_to_pos(
    55         -		local rdef = assert(minetest.registered_nodes[assert(minetest.get_node(rpos)).name])
           54  +		local rpos = core.string_to_pos(
           55  +		local rdef = assert(core.registered_nodes[assert(core.get_node(rpos)).name])
    56     56   		local rc = rdef._starlit.radiator
    57     57   		local r_max = rc.radius(rpos)
    58     58   
    59     59   		local dist_sq = vdsq(rpos,pos)
    60     60   		if dist_sq <= r_max^2 then
    61     61   			-- cheap bad way
    62         -			-- if minetest.line_of_sight(rpos,pos) then
           62  +			-- if core.line_of_sight(rpos,pos) then
    63     63   			--
    64     64   			-- expensive way
    65     65   			local obstruct = 0
    66     66   			local ray = Raycast(rpos, pos, true, true)
    67     67   			for p in ray do
    68     68   				if p.type == 'node' then obstruct = obstruct + 1 end
    69     69   			end
    85     85   	end
    86     86   	local w = world.climate.weatherAt(pos, timeshift)
    87     87   
    88     88   	return irradiance + cl.surfaceTemp
    89     89   end
    90     90   
    91     91   function world.ecology.biomeAt(pos)
    92         -	return world.ecology.biomes.db[minetest.get_biome_name(minetest.get_biome_data(pos).biome)]
           92  +	return world.ecology.biomes.db[core.get_biome_name(core.get_biome_data(pos).biome)]
    93     93   end
    94     94   
    95     95   
    96         -minetest.after(0, function()
    97         -	world.climate.weatherMap.kind = minetest.get_perlin {
           96  +core.after(0, function()
           97  +	world.climate.weatherMap.kind = core.get_perlin {
    98     98   		seed = 0x925afe;
    99     99   		octaves = 2;
   100    100   		spread =,256,120);
   101    101   	};
   102         -	world.climate.weatherMap.severity = minetest.get_perlin {
          102  +	world.climate.weatherMap.severity = core.get_perlin {
   103    103   		seed = 0x39de1d;
   104    104   		octaves = 1;
   105    105   		spread =,256,60);
   106    106   	};
   107    107   end)
   108    108   
   109    109   function world.climate.weatherAt(pos, timeshift)
   110    110   	timeshift = timeshift or 0
   111         -	local wv  = world.climate.weatherMap.kind:get_3d(, pos.z, minetest.get_gametime() + timeshift))
   112         -	local sev = world.climate.weatherMap.severity:get_3d(, pos.z, minetest.get_gametime() + timeshift))
          111  +	local wv  = world.climate.weatherMap.kind:get_3d(, pos.z, core.get_gametime() + timeshift))
          112  +	local sev = world.climate.weatherMap.severity:get_3d(, pos.z, core.get_gametime() + timeshift))
   113    113   	local b = world.ecology.biomeAt(pos)
   114    114   	local w = 'starlit:clear'
   115    115   	for i,v in ipairs( do
   116    116   		if wv < v[1] then
   117    117   			w = v[2]
   118    118   			break
   119    119   		end
   194    194'starlit:meteorShower', {
   195    195   	name = 'Meteor Shower';
   196    196   	danger = 2;
   197    197   })
   198    198   
   199    199   world.ecology.biomes.foreach('starlit:biome-gen', {}, function(id, b)
   200    200 = id
   201         -	minetest.register_biome(b.def)
          201  +	core.register_biome(b.def)
   202    202   end)
   203    203   
   204    204   world.ecology.plants.foreach('starlit:plant-gen', {}, function(id, b)
   205    205   	local stageCt = #b.stages
   206    206   	local function stageID(n)
   207    207   		if n == stageCt then return id end
   208    208   		return id .. string.format('_stage_%s', n)
   244    244   				end;
   245    245   			};
   246    246   		}
   247    247   		if st.swap then
   248    248   			base.node_dig_prediction = ""
   249    249   			function base.after_dig_node(pos, node, digger)
   250    250 = stageID(st.swap)
   251         -				minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
          251  +				core.swap_node(pos, node)
   252    252   				return true
   253    253   			end
   254    254   		end
   255    255   		if st.biolum then base.light_source = st.biolum; end
   256    256   		return base
   257    257   	end
   258    258   	for i, v in ipairs(b.stages) do
   259    259   		local n = regStage(i, v)
   260         -		minetest.register_node(stageID(i), n)
          260  +		core.register_node(stageID(i), n)
   261    261   		b.stageNodes[i] = stageID(i)
   262    262   	end
   263    263   	b.fullyGrown = stageID(stageCt)
   264    264   
   265    265   	local dec = {
   266    266   		deco_type = 'simple';
   267    267   		decoration = b.stageNodes;
   268    268   		height = 1;
   269    269   		param2 = b.meshOpt or 0;
   270    270   	}
   271    271   	for k,v in pairs(b.decoration) do dec[k] = v end
   272         -	b.decoration = minetest.register_decoration(dec)
          272  +	b.decoration = core.register_decoration(dec)
   273    273   end)
   274    274   
   275    275   local toward = lib.math.toward
   276    276   local hfinterval = 1.5
   277    277   starlit.startJob('starlit:temps', hfinterval, function(delta)
   278    278   
   279    279   	-- our base thermal conductivity (κ) is measured in °C/°C/s. say the
   285    285   	--   d  = Tₑ − Tₚ = -40°C
   286    286   	--   ΔT = κ×d = -.4°C/s
   287    287   	-- too cold:
   288    288   	--		x = beginning of danger zone
   289    289   	--    κ × (x - Tₚ) = y where y < Tₚ
   290    290   	-- our final change in temperature is computed as tΔC where t is time
   291    291   	local kappa = starlit.constant.heat.thermalConductivity
   292         -	local now = minetest.get_gametime()
          292  +	local now = core.get_gametime()
   293    293   	for name,user in pairs(starlit.activeUsers) do
   294    294   		local tr = user:species().tempRange
   295    295   		local t =
   296    296   
   297    297   		local weather,wsev =
   298    298   		local wfac
   299    299   		if == nil
   379    379   world.ecology.trees.foreach('starlit:tree-gen', {}, function(id, t)
   380    380   	for i,td in ipairs(t.decorate) do
   381    381   		local dec = {
   382    382   			deco_type = 'lsystem';
   383    383   			treedef = t.def;
   384    384   		}
   385    385   		for k,v in pairs(td) do dec[k]=v end
   386         -		minetest.register_decoration(dec)
          386  +		core.register_decoration(dec)
   387    387   	end
   388    388   end)
   389    389   
   390         -minetest.register_abm {
          390  +core.register_abm {
   391    391   	label = "plant growth";
   392    392   	nodenames = {'group:plant_grow'};
   393    393   	chance = 15;
   394    394   	interval = 20;
   395    395   	catch_up = true;
   396    396   	action = function(pos, node)
   397         -		local def = minetest.registered_nodes[]._starlit.plant
          397  +		local def = core.registered_nodes[]._starlit.plant
   398    398   		-- 5 W: maximum power for UV lamps
   399    399   		-- 7 W: maximum solar power
   400         -		local uv = (minetest.get_natural_light(pos) / 15) * 7
          400  +		local uv = (core.get_natural_light(pos) / 15) * 7
   401    401   		-- TODO compute artificial contribution
   402    402   		local req = lib.tbl.defaults({
   403    403   			uv = 3;
   404    404   			soil = 'soil';
   405    405   			temp = -10;
   406    406   			humid = nil;
   407    407   		}, def.growReq);
   408    408   
   409    409   		-- TODO check other reqs
   410    410   
   411    411   		if uv > req.uv then
   412    412   			local plant =[]
   413    413   			local nextStage = plant.stageNodes[def.stage + 1]
   414         -			minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=nextStage})
          414  +			core.swap_node(pos, {name=nextStage})
   415    415   		end
   416    416   	end;
   417    417   }

Modified mods/vtlib/color.lua from [d9e5a5527c] to [f14f6eaefb].

   125    125   		end;
   126    126   
   127    127   		int = function(self)
   128    128   			return bit.bor(bit.lshift(self:int24(), 8), math.floor(0xff*(self.alpha or 1.0)))
   129    129   		end;
   130    130   
   131    131   		fmt = function(self, text) return
   132         -			minetest.colorize(self:hex(), text)
          132  +			core.colorize(self:hex(), text)
   133    133   		end;
   134    134   
   135    135   		bg = function(self, text) return
   136         -			text .. minetest.get_background_escape_sequence(self:hex())
          136  +			text .. core.get_background_escape_sequence(self:hex())
   137    137   		end;
   138    138   
   139    139   		lum = function(self) return
   140    140   			( + + / 3
   141    141   		end;
   142    142   
   143    143   		pair = function(self) --> bg, fg

Modified mods/vtlib/dbg.lua from [3d3bef9b5d] to [8f550c074a].

     6      6   local lastmod, lastarea
     7      7   
     8      8   function dbg.debugger(area)
     9      9   	local depth = 0
    10     10   	local d = {}
    11     11   	function d.enter() depth = depth+1 end
    12     12   	function d.exit() depth = depth-1 end
    13         -	local mod = minetest.get_current_modname()
           13  +	local mod = core.get_current_modname()
    14     14   	if dbg.aloud then
    15     15   		function, ...)
    16     16   			local where = debug.getinfo(2)
    17     17   			local caller = debug.getinfo(3)
    18     18   			if mod and (lastmod ~= mod or lastarea ~= area) then
    19     19   				local ms = mod or ''
    20     20   				if area then ms = ms .. '.' .. area end

Modified mods/vtlib/init.lua from [d021d078eb] to [d81d22bdc5].

     1         -local ident = minetest.get_current_modname()
     2         -local path = minetest.get_modpath(ident)
            1  +local ident = core.get_current_modname()
            2  +local path = core.get_modpath(ident)
     3      3   
     4      4   local lib = {}
     5      5   _G[ident] = lib
     6      6   
     7      7   local function
     8      8   component(name)
     9      9   	local p = string.format('%s/%s.lua', path, name)

Modified mods/vtlib/item.lua from [29827ac7a0] to [3c399f0296].

    12     12   				count = b:get_count() - a:get_count();
    13     13   			}
    14     14   		end
    15     15   	end
    16     16   end
    17     17   
    18     18   -- it is extremely unfortunate this function needs to exist.
    19         --- minetest needs to export its matching capabilities already
           19  +-- luanti needs to export its matching capabilities already
    20     20   fn.groupmatch = function(identity,item,exact)
    21     21   	if exact == nil then exact = true end
    22     22   	local count
    23     23   	if type(identity) == 'table' then
    24     24   		count = identity.count
    25     25   		identity =
    26     26   	else
    37     37   	end
    38     38   
    39     39   	if lib.str.beginswith(identity, 'group:') then
    40     40   		local stack = ItemStack(item)
    41     41   		local groups = lib.str.explode(string.sub(identity,7), ',')
    42     42   		for _,g in pairs(groups) do
    43     43   			local rn,rv = lib.tbl.split(g,'=')
    44         -			local gv = minetest.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), rn)
           44  +			local gv = core.get_item_group(stack:get_name(), rn)
    45     45   			if rv then
    46     46   				if gv ~= tonumber(rv) then return false, stack end
    47     47   			else
    48     48   				if (not gv) or gv == 0 then return false, stack end
    49     49   			end
    50     50   		end
    51     51   

Modified mods/vtlib/marshal.lua from [979397aff5] to [63566b8bdf].

    91     91   	end
    92     92   
    93     93   	return encoder
    94     94   end
    95     95   
    96     96   function m.metaStore(map, prefix)
    97     97   	report('generating metaStore for %s', dump(map))
    98         -	if prefix == true then prefix = minetest.get_current_modname() end
           98  +	if prefix == true then prefix = core.get_current_modname() end
    99     99   	local function keyFor(k)
   100    100   		k = map[k].key
   101    101   		if prefix then return prefix .. ':' .. k end
   102    102   		return k
   103    103   	end
   104    104   
   105    105   	return function(obj)

Modified mods/vtlib/math.lua from [65dcc21fc6] to [3b6ca155c9].

     1      1   local lib = ...
     2      2   local fn = {}
     3      3   
     4      4   fn.vsep = function(vec) -- separate a vector into a direction + magnitude
     5      5   	return vec:normalize(), vec:length()
     6      6   end
     7      7   
     8         --- minetest now only provides the version of this function that sqrts the result
            8  +-- luanti now only provides the version of this function that sqrts the result
     9      9   -- which is pointlessly wasteful much of the time
    10     10   fn.vdsq = function(a,b)
    11     11   	local d = vector.subtract(a,b)
    12     12   	return (d.x ^ 2) + (d.y ^ 2) + (d.z ^ 2)
    13     13   end
    14     14   
    15     15   fn.vdcomp = function(dist,v1,v2) -- compare the distance between two points

Modified mods/vtlib/node.lua from [75e0d781d2] to [aa93f93a5c].

    64     64   			z = pos.z + r(0 - range, range);
    65     65   		}
    66     66   	end
    67     67   	for name, inv in pairs(meta.inventory) do
    68     68   		if only and not lib.tbl.has(only,name) then goto skip end
    69     69   		for _, item in pairs(inv) do
    70     70   			if not item:is_empty() then
    71         -				minetest.add_item(offset(pos,0.4), item)
           71  +				core.add_item(offset(pos,0.4), item)
    72     72   			end
    73     73   		end
    74     74   	::skip::end
    75     75   end;
    76     76   
    77     77   local force = function(pos,preload_for)
    78         -	local n = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
           78  +	local n = core.get_node_or_nil(pos)
    79     79   	if preload_for then lib.node.preload(pos,preload_for) end
    80     80   	if n then return n end
    81     81   
    82         -	minetest.load_area(pos)
    83         -	return minetest.get_node(pos)
           82  +	core.load_area(pos)
           83  +	return core.get_node(pos)
    84     84   end;
    85     85   
    86     86   local amass = function(startpoint,names,directions)
    87     87   	if not directions then directions = ofs.neighbors end
    88     88   	local check = function(n)
    89     89   		return lib.tbl.has(names,, function(check,against)
    90     90   			return lib.item.groupmatch(against,check)
   123    123   	until i > #stack
   124    124   	return nodes, positions
   125    125   end;
   126    126   
   127    127   local is_air = function(pos)
   128    128   	local n = force(pos)
   129    129   	if == 'air' then return true end
   130         -	local d = minetest.registered_nodes[]
          130  +	local d = core.registered_nodes[]
   131    131   	if not d then return false end
   132    132   	return (d.walkable == false) and (d.drawtype == 'airlike' or d.buildable_to == true)
   133    133   end;
   134    134   
   135    135   local is_clear = function(pos)
   136    136   	if not lib.node.is_air(pos) then return false end
   137         -	local ents = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos,0.5)
          137  +	local ents = core.get_objects_inside_radius(pos,0.5)
   138    138   	if #ents > 0 then return false end
   139    139   	return true
   140    140   end;
   141    141   
   142    142   local function boxwarp(nb, mogrifier, par)
   143    143   	if nb == nil then
   144    144   		return
   184    184   		end
   185    185   	end; 
   186    186   
   187    187   	is_air = is_air;
   188    188   	is_clear = is_clear;
   189    189   
   190    190   	insert = function(item, slot, npos, user, inv)
   191         -		inv = inv or minetest.get_meta(npos):get_inventory()
          191  +		inv = inv or core.get_meta(npos):get_inventory()
   192    192   		if inv:room_for_item(slot,item) then
   193    193   			inv:add_item(slot,item)
   194    194   		else repeat
   195    195   			if user then
   196    196   				local ui = user:get_inventory()
   197    197   				if ui:room_for_item('main', item) then
   198    198   					ui:add_item('main', item)
   199    199   					break
   200    200   				end
   201    201   			end
   202         -			minetest.add_item(npos, item)
          202  +			core.add_item(npos, item)
   203    203   		until true end
   204    204   	end;
   205    205   
   206    206   	install_bed = function(bed, where, dir)
   207    207   		local bottom = bed .. '_bottom'
   208    208   		local top = bed .. '_top'
   209    209   		local d
   210    210   		if type(dir) == 'number' then
   211    211   			d = dir
   212         -			dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(d)
          212  +			dir = core.facedir_to_dir(d)
   213    213   		else
   214         -			d = minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir)
          214  +			d = core.dir_to_facedir(dir)
   215    215   		end
   216    216   		if not is_clear(where) and is_clear(where - dir) then return false end
   217         -		minetest.set_node(where,       {name = top, param2 = d})
   218         -		minetest.set_node(where - dir, {name = bottom, param2 = d})
          217  +		core.set_node(where,       {name = top, param2 = d})
          218  +		core.set_node(where - dir, {name = bottom, param2 = d})
   219    219   		return true
   220    220   	end;
   221    221   
   222    222   	get_arrival_point = function(pos)
   223    223   		local try = function(p)
   224    224   			local air = lib.node.is_clear
   225    225   			if air(p) then
   236    236   		end
   237    237   	end;
   238    238   
   239    239   
   240    240   	forneighbor = function(pos, n, fn)
   241    241   		for _,p in pairs(n) do
   242    242   			local sum = vector.add(pos, p)
   243         -			local n = minetest.get_node(sum)
          243  +			local n = core.get_node(sum)
   244    244   			if == 'ignore' then
   245         -				minetest.load_area(sum)
   246         -				n = minetest.get_node(sum)
          245  +				core.load_area(sum)
          246  +				n = core.get_node(sum)
   247    247   			end
   248    248   			if fn(sum, n) == false then break end
   249    249   		end
   250    250   	end;
   251    251   
   252    252   	amass = amass;
   253    253   	
   258    258   			x = math.floor(pos.x / 16);
   259    259   			y = math.floor(pos.y / 16);
   260    260   			z = math.floor(pos.z / 16);
   261    261   		}
   262    262   	end;
   263    263   
   264    264   	preload = function(pos, user)
   265         -		minetest.load_area(pos)
          265  +		core.load_area(pos)
   266    266   		user:send_mapblock(lib.node.blockpos(pos))
   267    267   	end;
   268    268   
   269    269   	discharger = function(pos)
   270    270   		local below = force(vector.subtract(pos,{x=0,y=1,z=0}))
   271    271   		if == 'hopper:hopper'
   272    272   		or == 'hopper:hopper_side' then
   273         -			local hopper = minetest.get_meta(below):get_inventory()
          273  +			local hopper = core.get_meta(below):get_inventory()
   274    274   			return function(i)
   275    275   				if hopper:room_for_item('main',i) then
   276    276   					return hopper:add_item('main',i), true
   277    277   				end
   278    278   				return i, false
   279    279   			end
   280    280   		else
   287    287   			max_items = 1;
   288    288   			items = {
   289    289   				{ items = {id} };
   290    290   			};
   291    291   		}
   292    292   		local next_apn = tbl.after_place_node
   293    293   		tbl.after_place_node = function(...) local pos, who, stack = ...
   294         -			minetest.get_meta(pos):from_table(stack:get_meta():to_table())
          294  +			core.get_meta(pos):from_table(stack:get_meta():to_table())
   295    295   			if next_apn then return next_apn(...) end
   296    296   		end
   297    297   		local next_pm = tbl.preserve_metadata
   298    298   		tbl.preserve_metadata = function(...) local pos, node, meta, drops = ...
   299    299   			drops[1]:get_meta():from_table({fields = meta})
   300    300   			if next_pm then return next_pm(...) end
   301    301   		end
   302    302   		return tbl
   303    303   	end;
   304    304   	reg_autopreserve = function(id, tbl)
   305         -		minetest.register_node(id, lib.node.autopreserve(id, tbl))
          305  +		core.register_node(id, lib.node.autopreserve(id, tbl))
   306    306   	end;
   307    307   
   308    308   	boxwarp = boxwarp;
   309    309   	boxwarped = boxwarped;
   310    310   }

Modified mods/vtlib/obj.lua from [7fd77150af] to [42f785b164].

     2      2   -- from the game API
     3      3   
     4      4   local fn = {}
     5      5   local lib = ...
     6      6   
     8      8   fn.identify = function(objref) --> objectid
     9         -	for _, o in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
            9  +	for _, o in pairs(core.get_connected_players()) do
    10     10   		if objref == o then return o:get_player_name(), 'player' end
    11     11   	end
    12         -	for id, le in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
           12  +	for id, le in pairs(core.luaentities) do
    13     13   		if le.object == objref then return id, 'entity' end
    14     14   	end
    15     15   end
    16     16   
    17     17   fn.handle = lib.class {
    18     18   	__newindex = function(self,key,newval)
    19     19   		local hnd if self.player
    20         -			then hnd = minetest.get_player_by_name(self._id)
    21         -			else hnd = minetest.luaentities[self._id]
           20  +			then hnd = core.get_player_by_name(self._id)
           21  +			else hnd = core.luaentities[self._id]
    22     22   		end
    23     23   		if key == 'id' then
    24     24   			if type(newval) == 'string' then
    25         -				local p = minetest.get_player_by_name(newval)
           25  +				local p = core.get_player_by_name(newval)
    26     26   				if p then
    27     27   					self._id = newval
    28     28   					self.player = true
    29     29   					return
    30     30   				end
    31     31   			end
    32         -			if minetest.luaentities[newval] then
           32  +			if core.luaentities[newval] then
    33     33   				self._id = newval
    34     34   				self.player = false
    35     35   			else error('attempted to assign invalid ID to entity handle') end
    36     36   		elseif key == 'obj' then
    37     37   			local no, kind = fn.identify(newval)
    38     38   			if no then
    39     39   				self._id = no
    44     44   			else error('attempted to assign invalid ObjectRef to entity handle') end
    45     45   		elseif key == 'stack' and self.kind == 'item' then
    46     46   			hnd:set_item(newval)
    47     47   		end
    48     48   	end;
    49     49   	__index = function(self,key)
    50     50   		local hnd if self.player then
    51         -			hnd = minetest.get_player_by_name(self._id)
           51  +			hnd = core.get_player_by_name(self._id)
    52     52   		else
    53         -			hnd = minetest.luaentities[self._id]
           53  +			hnd = core.luaentities[self._id]
    54     54   		end
    55     55   		if key == 'online' then
    56     56   			return hnd ~= nil
    57     57   		elseif key == 'id' then
    58     58   			if self.player then return nil
    59     59   			else return self._id end
    60     60   		elseif key == 'obj' then
    85     85   					return maxy-miny, miny
    86     86   				else return 0 end
    87     87   			end
    88     88   		end
    89     89   	end;
    90     90   	construct = function(h)
    91     91   		local kind, id
    92         -		if type(h) == 'string' and minetest.get_player_by_name(h) ~= nil then
           92  +		if type(h) == 'string' and core.get_player_by_name(h) ~= nil then
    93     93   			kind = 'player';
    94     94   			id = h
    95         -		elseif minetest.luaentities[h] then
           95  +		elseif core.luaentities[h] then
    96     96   			kind = 'entity';
    97     97   			id = h
    98     98   		else id, kind = fn.identify(h) end
    99     99   
   100    100   		if not id then
   101    101   			error('attempted to construct object handle from invalid value')
   102    102   		end

Modified mods/vtlib/str.lua from [ded7121fc6] to [b2f5363bf4].

    14     14   		['\xf2'] = '\2';
    15     15   		['\xf3'] = '\3';
    16     16   		['\xf4'] = '\0';
    17     17   	};
    18     18   }
    19     19   
    20     20   local utf8
    21         -if _G.minetest then
    22         -	if minetest.global_exists 'utf8' then
           21  +if _G.core then
           22  +	if core.global_exists 'utf8' then
    23     23   		utf8 = _G.utf8
    24     24   	end
    25     25   else
    26     26   	utf8 = _G.utf8
    27     27   end
    28     28   if not utf8 then -- sigh
    29     29   	utf8 = {}
   202    202   		end
   203    203   		return str
   204    204   	end;
   205    205   
   206    206   	meta_armor = function(str,mark_struct)
   207    207   		-- binary values stored in metadata need to be sanitized so
   208    208   		-- they don't contain values that will disrupt parsing of the
   209         -		-- KV store, as minetest (stupidly) uses in-band signalling
          209  +		-- KV store, as luanti (stupidly) uses in-band signalling
   210    210   		local sanitized = string.gsub(str, '.', function(char)
   211    211   			if sanitable.from[char] then
   212    212   				return '\xfe' .. sanitable.from[char]
   213    213   			else return char end
   214    214   		end)
   215    215   		if sanitized ~= str and mark_struct then
   216    216   			-- use different type code to mark struct headers for

Modified mods/vtlib/ui.lua from [765cced2b5] to [77b0e87fc7].

    10     10   				self.curs.y = math.max(h, self.curs.y + self.curs.maxh)
    11     11   				self.curs.maxh = 0
    12     12   			end;
    13     13   			attach = function(self, elt, x, y, w, h, ...)
    14     14   				local content = ''
    15     15   				if self.width - self.curs.x < w then self:nl() end
    16     16   				for _, v in pairs{...} do
    17         -					content = content .. ';' .. minetest.formspec_escape(tostring(v))
           17  +					content = content .. ';' .. core.formspec_escape(tostring(v))
    18     18   				end
    19     19   				self.src = self.src .. string.format('%s[%f,%f;%f,%f%s]', elt, x,y, w,h, content)
    20     20   				if h > self.curs.maxh then self.curs.maxh = h end
    21     21   			end;
    22     22   			add = function(self, elt, w, h, ...)
    23     23   				local ax, ay = self.curs.x, self.curs.y
    24     24   				self:attach(elt, ax,ay, w,h, ...)
    45     45   		-- takes a configuration table mapping affinities to colors.
    46     46   		-- 'neutral' is the only required affinity
    47     47   		return function(a)
    48     48   			local color = a.color and a.color:readable(0.65, 1.0)
    49     49   			if color == nil then color = l.color(.5,.5,.5) end
    50     50   			local str = a.title
    51     51   			if a.desc then
    52         -				str = str .. '\n' .. color:fmt(minetest.wrap_text(a.desc,60))
           52  +				str = str .. '\n' .. color:fmt(core.wrap_text(a.desc,60))
    53     53   			end
    54     54   			if a.props then
    55     55   				-- str = str .. '\n'
    56     56   				for _,prop in pairs(a.props) do
    57     57   					local c
    58     58   					if prop.color and then
    59     59   						c = prop.color:readable(0.6, 1.0)
    65     65   
    66     66   					str = str .. '\n ' .. c:fmt('* ')
    67     67   
    68     68   					if prop.title then
    69     69   						str = str .. c:brighten(1.2):fmt(prop.title) .. ': '
    70     70   					end
    71     71   
    72         -					local lines = minetest.wrap_text(prop.desc, 55, true)
           72  +					local lines = core.wrap_text(prop.desc, 55, true)
    73     73   					str = str .. c:fmt(lines[1])
    74     74   					for i=2,#lines do
    75     75   						str = str .. '\n' .. string.rep(' ',5) .. c:fmt(lines[i])
    76     76   					end
    77     77   				end
    78     78   			end
    79     79   			return color:darken(0.8):bg(str)
    80     80   		end;
    81     81   	end;
    82     82   }

Modified starlit.ct from [ee106030ea] to [f4a136801c].

    42     42   ~~~
    43     43   $ curl | tar x
    44     44   $ curl | xzcat | cpio -i
    45     45   ~~~
    46     46   eventually i might make proper release tarballs available that bundle the game and assets together, but the game isn't stable enough to do that yet.
    47     47   
    48     48   ## engine
    49         -starlit is developed against a bleeding-edge version of minetest. it definitely won't work with anything older than v5.7, and ideally you should build directly from master.
           49  +starlit is developed against a bleeding-edge version of Luanti. it definitely won't work with anything older than v5.7, and ideally you should build directly from master.
    50     50   
    51         -starlit is best used with a patched version of minetest, though it is compatible with vanilla. the recommended patches are:
           51  +starlit is best used with a patched version of Luanti, though it is compatible with vanilla. the recommended patches are:
    52     52   
    53     53   * [>p11143 11143] - fix third-person view orientation
    54     54   
    55     55   	p11143:
    56     56   
    57     57   ### shadows
    58         -i was delighted to see dynamic shadows land in minetest, and i hope the implementation will eventually mature. however, as it stands, there are severe issues with shadows that make them essentially incompatible with complex meshes like the Starlit player character meshes. for the sake of those who don't mind these glitches, Starlit does enable shadows, but i unfortunately have to recommend that you disable them until the minetest devs get their act together on this feature.
           58  +i was delighted to see dynamic shadows land in Luanti, and i hope the implementation will eventually mature. however, as it stands, there are severe issues with shadows that make them essentially incompatible with complex meshes like the Starlit player character meshes. for the sake of those who don't mind these glitches, Starlit does enable shadows, but i unfortunately have to recommend that you disable them until the Luanti devs get their act together on this feature.
    59     59   
    60     60   ## gameplay
    61         -starlit is somewhat unusual in how it uses the minetest engine. it's a voxel game but not of the minecraft variety. you do have some control over your environment, but it's limited and exerting it is much more expensive than you might be used to -- the focus of the game is figuring out how to work with nature, not against it. Farthest Shadow has little patience for those who do not show her the respect a living world is due, and she is unconcerned with human virtues like "mercy" or "fairness" or "proportionate retribution".
           61  +starlit is somewhat unusual in how it uses the Luanti engine. it's a voxel game but not of the minecraft variety. you do have some control over your environment, but it's limited and exerting it is much more expensive than you might be used to -- the focus of the game is figuring out how to work with nature, not against it. Farthest Shadow has little patience for those who do not show her the respect a living world is due, and she is unconcerned with human virtues like "mercy" or "fairness" or "proportionate retribution".
    62     62   
    63     63   this is to say, starlit is [*mean], by design.
    64     64   
    65     65   * chance plays an important role. your escape pod might land in the midst of a lush, temperate forest with plenty of nearby shipwrecks to scavenge. or it might land in the exact geographic center of a vast, harsh desert that your suit's cooling systems can't protect you from, ten klicks from anything of value. "unfair", you say? tough. Farthest Shadow doesn't care about your feelings.
    66     66   * death is much worse than a slap on the wrist. when you die, you drop your possessions and your suit, and respawn naked at your spawn point. this is a serious danger, as you might be kilometers away from your spawn point -- and there's no guarantee someone else won't take your suit before you can find your way back to it. good luck crossing long distances without climate control! if you haven't carefully prepared for this eventuality by keeping a spare suit by your spawn point, death can be devastating, to the point of making the game unsurvivable without another player's help. 
    67     67   
    68     68   ### scenarios
    69         -your starting character configuration depends on the scenario you select. (right now this is configured in minetest settings, which is intensely awkward, but i don't have a better solution). the scenario controls your species, sex, and starting inventory. [*neither species nor sex is cosmetic]; e.g. human females are physically weaker but psionically stronger than males. the current playable scenarios are:
           69  +your starting character configuration depends on the scenario you select. (right now this is configured in Luanti settings, which is intensely awkward, but i don't have a better solution). the scenario controls your species, sex, and starting inventory. [*neither species nor sex is cosmetic]; e.g. human females are physically weaker but psionically stronger than males. the current playable scenarios are:
    70     70   
    71     71   #### Imperial Expat
    72     72   [*phenotype]: human female
    73     73   [*starting gear]: Commune survival kit
    74     74   > Hoping to escape a miserable life deep in the grinding gears of the capitalist machine for the bracing freedom of the frontier, you sought entry as a colonist to the new Commune world of Thousand Petal. Fate -- which is to say, terrorists -- intervened, and you wound up stranded on Farthest Shadow with little more than the nanosuit on your back, ship blown to tatters and your soul thoroughly mauled by the explosion of a twisted alien artifact -- which SOMEONE neglected to inform you your ride would be carrying.
    75     75   > At least you got some handy psionic powers out of this whole clusterfuck. Hopefully they're safe to use.
    76     76   
   159    159   a Ritual is triggered directly from the psionics menu. as the name implies, these are complex, powerful abilities that require large amounts of Psi and time to meditate before they trigger, and any interruption will cancel the ability (though it will not restore any lost psi). the most famous Ritual is of course Conjoin Metric, which Starlit astropaths use in conjunction with powerful amplifiers to perform long-distance FTL jumps -- but without centuries of dedication to the art, the best you can hope for if you manage to learn this storied power is to move yourself a few kilometers.
   160    160   
   161    161   a Contextual ability is triggered in a specific situation, usually by interacting with a certain kind of object. Contextual abilities often require specialized equipment, to the point that many Starlit practitioners maintain their own Psionics Lab.
   162    162   
   163    163   ## legal
   164    164   starlit source code (*.lua, *.conf, *.txt, *.csd files) is released under the GNU AGPLv3.
   165    165   assets (images, sounds, models, and anything else in the repo that doesn't qualify as source code) are released under the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
   166         -sound files with the prefix `default-` are taken from Minetest Game, whose assets are available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.
          166  +sound files with the prefix `default-` are taken from Luanti Game, whose assets are available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.