Comment: | fix colors, add grass |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: |
9d4ddb770122e23390fd1e3064583c98 |
User & Date: | lexi on 2024-05-04 02:18:17 |
Other Links: | manifest | tags |
| ||
22:41 | add beginnings of matter compiler UI, check in missing files check-in: 0e7832a24c user: lexi tags: trunk | |
02:18 | fix colors, add grass check-in: 9d4ddb7701 user: lexi tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:00 | add primitive thermal hazard LEDs; further documentation check-in: 511814aace user: lexi tags: trunk | |
Modified mods/starlit-eco/plants.lua from [798314c789] to [c84dadb0c1].
10 10 a = strdrop(a) 11 11 b = strdrop(b) 12 12 return { 13 13 max_items = a.max_items + b.max_items; 14 14 items = lib.tbl.append(a.items, b.items); 15 15 } 16 16 end 17 + 18 +local function simpleDrop(rarity, what) 19 + return { 20 + max_items = 1; 21 + items = { 22 + {rarity = rarity, items = {what}}; 23 + }; 24 + }; 25 +end 26 + 27 +local function biomeGrass(biomes, seed) 28 + return function(def) 29 + world.ecology.plants.link(def.id, { 30 + stages = {{ 31 + tex = def.tex; 32 + drop = simpleDrop(4, 'starlit_eco:fiber'); 33 + }}; 34 + decoration = { 35 + deco_type = 'simple'; 36 + place_on = 'starlit:greengraze'; 37 + biomes = biomes; 38 + noise_params = { 39 + offset = def.ofs; 40 + spread = vector.new(10,10,10); 41 + seed = seed; 42 + octaves = 3; 43 + }; 44 + } 45 + }) 46 + end 47 +end 48 + 49 +do gg = biomeGrass({'starlit:steppe', 'starlit:forest'}, 0x5e8fa0) 50 + gg { 51 + id = 'starlit_eco:greengraze_low'; 52 + name = 'Low Greengraze'; 53 + tex = 'starlit-eco-plant-grass-sprig.png'; 54 + ofs = -.3; 55 + } 56 + gg { 57 + id = 'starlit_eco:greengraze_high'; 58 + name = 'High Greengraze'; 59 + tex = 'starlit-eco-plant-grass-high.png'; 60 + ofs = -.5; 61 + } 62 + gg { 63 + id = 'starlit_eco:greengraze_tall'; 64 + name = 'Tall Greengraze'; 65 + tex = 'starlit-eco-plant-grass-tall.png'; 66 + ofs = -.7; 67 + } 68 +end 69 + 17 70 local function stalkPlant(def) 18 71 local function stage(s, drops, swap) 19 72 return { 20 - tex = lib.image(string.format('starlit-eco-plant-stalk%s.png',s)):shift(def.color); 73 + tex = lib.image(string.format('starlit-eco-plant-stalk%s.png',s)):colorize(def.color); 21 74 drop = drops; 22 75 swap = swap; 23 76 } 24 77 end 25 78 local function plantMatter(opts) 26 79 local dps = { 27 80 seed = def.seed; ................................................................................ 64 117 name = def.name; 65 118 stages = stages; 66 119 decoration = def.decoration; 67 120 meshOpt = 3; 68 121 }) 69 122 end 70 123 71 -local function simpleDrop(rarity, what) 72 - return { 73 - max_items = 1; 74 - items = { 75 - {rarity = rarity, items = {what}}; 76 - }; 77 - }; 78 -end 79 124 80 125 function stalkPlantAuto(def) 81 126 local id = def.id 82 127 local id_berries = def.id .. '_berry' 83 128 local id_seed = def.id .. '_seed' 84 129 85 130 local p = lib.tbl.proto({}, def) ................................................................................ 121 166 biolum = 5; 122 167 leaf = { 123 168 color = lib.color(.6, .8, .8); 124 169 drop = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:moondrop_petal'); 125 170 }; 126 171 berries = { 127 172 desc = "The fruits of the moondrop are not very nutritious, but their peculiar sweet-sour flavor profile makes them one of Farthest Shadow's great delicacies"; 128 - color = lib.color(1,0,.4); 173 + color = lib.color(.5,0,.1); 129 174 mass = 1; 130 175 impact = starlit.type.impact { 131 176 nutrition = 10; 132 177 hydration = 0.05; 133 178 taste = 1*60; 134 179 }; 135 180 }; ................................................................................ 143 188 } 144 189 145 190 stalkPlantAuto { 146 191 id = 'starlit_eco:dustrose'; 147 192 name = "Dust Rose"; 148 193 fiber = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:fiber'); 149 194 seed = {}; 150 - color = lib.color(.3, .1, .2); 195 + color = lib.color(.9, .8, .3); 151 196 leaf = { 152 197 color = lib.color(.7, .4, .8); 153 198 drop = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:dustrose_petal'); 154 199 }; 155 200 decoration = { 156 201 place_on = 'starlit:greengraze'; 157 202 fill_ratio = 0.03;
Modified mods/starlit-eco/trees.lua from [a9d406a1cb] to [d43bf4970e].
57 57 _starlit = woodProps{}; 58 58 }) 59 59 60 60 61 61 starlit.item.food.link('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_berry', { 62 62 name = 'Lambent Pine Berry'; 63 63 desc = 'Though packed with human-compatible nutrients, these berries are almost painfully sour when eaten raw.'; 64 - tex = lib.image('starlit-eco-plant-berry-bunch.png'):shift{hue=180,sat=-30,lum=30}:render(); 64 + tex = lib.image('starlit-eco-plant-berry-bunch.png'):shift{hue=180,sat=-.3,lum=3}:render(); 65 65 impact = starlit.type.impact { 66 66 nutrition = 150; 67 67 taste = -2 * 60; 68 68 }; 69 69 mass = 2; 70 70 }) 71 71 72 72 starlit.item.seed.link('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_seed', { 73 73 name = 'Lambent Pine Seed'; 74 - tex = lib.image('starlit-eco-plant-seeds.png'):shift{hue=150, sat=-50, lum=80}:render(); 74 + tex = lib.image('starlit-eco-plant-seeds.png'):shift{hue=150, sat=-.5, lum=.8}:render(); 75 75 grow = {kind = 'tree', id = 'starlit_eco:lambent_pine'}; 76 76 }) 77 77 78 78 minetest.register_node('starlit_eco:lambent_pine_bulb', { 79 79 description = 'Lambent Pine Bulb'; 80 80 drawtype = 'nodebox'; 81 81 connects_to = {'starlit_eco:lambent_pine_needles'};
Modified mods/starlit/user.lua from [7074af2318] to [b2784a81d4].
243 243 number = 0xffffff; 244 244 } 245 245 m.destroy = function() 246 246 luser:hud_remove(m.meter) 247 247 luser:hud_remove(m.readout) 248 248 end 249 249 m.update = function() 250 - local v,txt,color,txtcolor = def.measure(luser,def) 250 + local v,txt,color,txtcolor,hl,hlcolor = def.measure(luser,def) 251 251 v = math.max(0, math.min(1, v)) 252 252 local n = math.floor(v*16) + 1 253 - local img = hudAdjustBacklight(lib.image('starlit-ui-meter.png')) 254 - :colorize(color or def.color) 253 + local function adjust(img) 254 + return hudAdjustBacklight(lib.image(img)):shift(color or def.color) 255 + end 256 + local img = adjust 'starlit-ui-meter.png' 255 257 if def.flipX then 256 258 img = img:transform 'FX' 257 259 end 258 260 img = img:render() 259 261 img = img .. '^[verticalframe:17:' .. tostring(17 - n) 262 + if hl then 263 + hl = math.floor(hl*16) + 1 264 + local hi = hudAdjustBacklight(lib.image 'starlit-ui-meter-hl.png') 265 + :shift(hlcolor or def.color) 266 + :render() 267 + hi = hi .. '^[verticalframe:17:' .. tostring(17 - hl) 268 + img = string.format('%s^(%s)', img, hi) 269 + end 270 + img = string.format('%s^(%s)', img, adjust 'starlit-ui-meter-readout.png':render()) 260 271 luser:hud_change(m.meter, 'text', img) 261 272 if txt then 262 273 luser:hud_change(m.readout, 'text', txt) 263 274 end 264 275 if txtcolor then 265 276 luser:hud_change(m.readout, 'number', txtcolor:hex()) 266 277 end ................................................................................ 385 396 self.hud.elt.temp = self:attachMeter { 386 397 name = 'temp'; 387 398 align = {x=1, y=-1}; 388 399 pos = {x=0, y=1}; 389 400 ofs = {x=20, y=-20}; 390 401 measure = function(user) 391 402 local warm = self:effectiveStat 'warmth' 392 - local n, color if warm < 0 then 393 - n = math.min(100, -warm) 394 - color = lib.color(0.1,0.3,1):lerp(lib.color(0.7, 1, 1), math.min(1, n/50)) 395 - else 396 - n = math.min(100, warm) 397 - color = lib.color(0.1,0.3,1):lerp(lib.color(1, 0, 0), math.min(1, n/50)) 403 + local exposure = starlit.world.climate.temp(self.entity:get_pos()) 404 + 405 + local function tempVals(warm, br) 406 + local n if warm < 0 then 407 + n = math.min(100, -warm) 408 +-- color = lib.color(0.1,0.3,1):lerp(lib.color(0.7, 1, 1), math.min(1, n/50)) 409 + else 410 + n = math.min(100, warm) 411 +-- color = lib.color(0.1,0.3,1):lerp(lib.color(1, 0, 0), math.min(1, n/50)) 412 + end 413 + local hue = lib.math.gradient({ 414 + 205, 264, 281, 360 + 17 415 + }, (warm + 50) / 100) % 360 416 + return {hue=hue, sat = 1, lum = br}, n 398 417 end 418 + 419 + local color, n = tempVals(warm,0) 420 + local hlcolor, hl = tempVals(exposure,.5) 399 421 local txt = string.format("%s°", math.floor(warm)) 400 - return (n/50), txt, color 422 + return (n/50), txt, color, nil, (hl/50), hlcolor 401 423 end; 402 424 } 403 425 self.hud.elt.geiger = self:attachMeter { 404 426 name = 'geiger'; 405 427 align = {x=-1, y=-1}; 406 428 pos = {x=1, y=1}; 407 429 ofs = {x=-20, y=-20}; ................................................................................ 512 534 local s = self:getSuit() 513 535 if s:powerState() == 'off' then return false end 514 536 local sd = s:def() 515 537 local w = self:effectiveStat 'warmth' 516 538 local kappa = starlit.constant.heat.thermalConductivity 517 539 local insul = sd.temp.insulation 518 540 local dt = (kappa * (1-insul)) * (t - w) 519 - print('dt', dt, dump(sd.temp)) 520 541 if (dt > 0 and dt > sd.temp.maxCool) 521 542 or (dt < 0 and math.abs(dt) > sd.temp.maxHeat) then return false end 522 543 return true 523 544 end; 524 545 -- will exposure to temperature t cause the player eventual harm 525 546 tempHazard = function(self, t) 526 547 local tr = self:species().tempRange.survivable
Modified mods/starlit/world.lua from [a2ac450e1c] to [5368f81f41].
7 7 local day = days % world.planet.orbit; 8 8 return { 9 9 year = year, day = day; 10 10 season = day / world.planet.orbit + 0.5; -- begin summer 11 11 } 12 12 end 13 13 local lerp = lib.math.lerp 14 - 15 -local function gradient(grad, pos) 16 - local n = #grad 17 - if n == 1 then return grad[1] end 18 - local op = pos*(n-1) 19 - local idx = math.floor(op) 20 - local t = op-idx 21 - return lerp(t, grad[1 + idx], grad[2 + idx]) 22 -end 14 +local gradient = lib.math.gradient 23 15 24 16 local altitudeCooling = 10 / 100 25 -local heatRange = {min = -70, max = 70} -- translate mt temps into real temps 17 +local heatRange = {min = -50, max = 50} -- translate mt temps into real temps 26 18 27 19 -- this function provides the basis for temperature calculation, 28 20 -- which is performed by adding this value to the ambient temperature, 29 21 -- determined by querying nearby group:heatSource items in accordance 30 22 -- with the inverse-square law 31 23 function world.climate.eval(pos, tod, season) 32 24 local data = minetest.get_biome_data(pos) 33 25 local biome = world.ecology.biomes.db[minetest.get_biome_name(data.biome)] 26 +-- print('climate:', dump(data)) 34 27 local heat, humid = data.heat, data.humidity 35 28 heat = lerp(heat/100, heatRange.min, heatRange.max) 36 29 tod = tod or minetest.get_timeofday() 37 30 heat = lerp(math.abs(tod - 0.5)*2, heat, heat + biome.nightTempDelta) 38 31 -- print('base heat', heat) 39 32 40 33 local td = world.date()
Modified mods/vtlib/image.lua from [9575362639] to [33182947e9].
82 82 color = lib.color(color) 83 83 end 84 84 color = color:to_hsl() 85 85 end 86 86 return image.change(self, { 87 87 fx = lib.tbl.append(self.fx, { 88 88 string.format('hsl:%s:%s:%s', 89 - color.hue, color.sat, color.lum) 89 + color.hue, color.sat*100, color.lum*100) 90 90 }) 91 91 }) 92 92 end; 93 93 94 94 rehue = function(self, hue) 95 95 return self.shift{hue=hue, sat=0, lum=0} 96 96 end;
Modified mods/vtlib/math.lua from [54a7601a0f] to [3edc02f291].
69 69 end 70 70 end 71 71 72 72 return string.format("%s%s", val, unit) 73 73 end 74 74 75 75 function fn.lerp(t, a, b) return (1-t)*a + t*b end 76 +function fn.gradient(grad, pos) 77 + local n = #grad 78 + if n == 1 then return grad[1] end 79 + local op = pos*(n-1) 80 + local idx = math.floor(op) 81 + local t = op-idx 82 + return fn.lerp(t, grad[1 + idx], grad[2 + idx]) 83 +end 76 84 77 85 function fn.trim(fl, prec) 78 86 local fac = 10^prec 79 87 return math.floor(fl * fac) / fac 80 88 end 81 89 82 90 function fn.sign(v)