starlit  Check-in [99aefdbd9e]

Comment:add basic architecture, rebalance minerals & recipes, fix dumb fab bug
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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SHA3-256: 99aefdbd9eb4e6a143ddfb1fce3710bef21cc7ea90e500a814b4dd445ab1708b
User & Date: lexi on 2024-05-15 15:23:42
Other Links: manifest | tags
add (nonfunctional) floor heater check-in: d6efac25ef user: lexi tags: trunk
add basic architecture, rebalance minerals & recipes, fix dumb fab bug check-in: 99aefdbd9e user: lexi tags: trunk
add beginnings of construction system, add cuprite, fix granite, tweak balance, add sane asset management system check-in: d831add94c user: lexi tags: trunk

Modified asset.list from [a70ff394cb] to [249bbd7770].

     4      4   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-item-hinge.png
     5      5   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-item-insulation.png
     6      6   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-item-pipe.png
     7      7   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-item-panel.png
     8      8   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-item-concrete.png
     9      9   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-concrete.png
    10     10   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png
    11         -mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-floor-panel-side-conduit.png
    12     11   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png
    13     12   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-floor-panel-top-vent.png
    14     13   mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-insulation-top.png
    15         -mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-insulation-cable-top.png
           14  +mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-cable-run.png
           15  +mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-cable-plug.png
           16  +mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-pipe-run.png
           17  +mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-pipe-plug.png
           18  +mods/starlit-building/textures/starlit-node-insulated-panels.png
    16     19   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-berry-bunch.png
    17     20   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-bloom-leaf.png
    18     21   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-bloom-petal.png
    19     22   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-bloom-stalk.png
    20     23   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-fiber.png
    21     24   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-grass-high.png
    22     25   mods/starlit-eco/textures/starlit-eco-plant-grass-sprig.png

Modified makefile from [ebfb2ead99] to [3b17e07d68].

     1      1   all: asset-sync doc-sync
     2      2   
            3  +repo-uri =
            4  +
     3      5   starlit.html: starlit.ct
     4      6   	cortav -y html:fossil-uv "$<" -o "$@"
     5      7   
     6      8   .PHONY: doc-sync
     7      9   doc-sync: starlit.html
     8     10   	fossil uv add "$<"
     9     11   	fossil uv sync
    10     12   
    11         -asset.cpxz: asset.list $(cat asset.list)
           13  +asset.cpxz: asset.list $(shell cat asset.list)
    12     14   	cpio -o <"$<" | xz >"$@"
    13     15   
    14     16   .PHONY: asset-sync
    15     17   asset-sync: asset.cpxz
    16     18   	fossil uv add "$<"
    17     19   	fossil uv sync
           20  +
           21  +.PHONY: unpack
           22  +unpack:
           23  +	fossil uv ex asset.cpxz asset.cpxz || curl $(repo-uri)/uv/asset.cpxz -o asset.cpxz
           24  +	xzcat asset.cpxz | cpio -i

Modified mods/starlit-building/init.lua from [76e0104e11] to [c6afb91b3d].

    88     88   	minetest.register_craftitem(id, {
    89     89   		short_description =;
    90     90   		description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
    91     91   			title =;
    92     92   			desc = e.desc;
    93     93   			props = props;
    94     94   		};
           95  +		stack_max = e.max or (e.mass and math.min(math.max(math.floor(500 / e.mass), 1), 500)) or 10;
    95     96   		inventory_image = e.img;
    96     97   		on_place = function(stack, luser, point)
    97     98   			local node = minetest.get_node(point.under)
    98     99   			local function tryBuild()
    99    100   				local p = B.path[]
   100    101   				if not p then return nil end
   101    102   				if (not p.part) or (not p.part[id]) then return nil end
   176    177   	local grp = e.groups and table.copy(e.groups) or {}
   177    178   	grp.stage = 1
   178    179   	minetest.register_node(id, {
   179    180   		description = 'Construction';
   180    181   		drawtype = (  and 'nodebox')
   181    182   		        or (e.mesh and 'mesh')
   182    183   		        or 'regular';
   183         -		paramtype  = ( or e.mesh or e.light) and 'light' or nil;
   184         -		paramtype2 = e.stateful or 'none';
          184  +		paramtype  = e.paramtype or ( or e.mesh or e.light) and 'light' or nil;
          185  +		paramtype2 = e.paramtype2 or 'none';
   185    186   		tiles = e.tex;
   186    187   		node_box =;
   187    188   		mesh = e.mesh;
   188    189   		groups = grp;
   189    190   		_starlit = {
   190    191   			stage = id;
          192  +			recover = e.recover;
   191    193   		};
   192    194   	})
   193    195   	if e.begin then
   194    196   		for _, kind in ipairs {'part', 'tool'} do
   195    197   			for i, v in ipairs(e.begin[kind] or {}) do
   196    198   				assert(B.begin[kind][v] == nil, 'attempted to overwrite buildpath beginning')
   197    199   				B.begin[kind][v] = id
   205    207   			end
   206    208   		end
   207    209   	end
   208    210   end)
   209    211   
   210    212   
   211    213   starlit.include 'parts'
   212         -starlit.include 'stages'
          214  +starlit.include 'stages/arch'

Modified mods/starlit-building/parts.lua from [d434edb6db] to [6e6ea77d78].

    90     90'starlit_building:concrete', {
    91     91   	name = 'Concrete';
    92     92   	desc = 'A sturdy base for modular construction units.';
    93     93   	img = 'starlit-item-concrete.png';
    94     94   	fab = starlit.type.fab {
    95     95   		element = {
    96     96   			calcium = 1;
    97         -			carbon = 4;
           97  +			carbon = 3;
    98     98   		};
    99     99   		cost = {power = 200};
   100    100   		flag = {print=true};
   101    101   		time = {print=5};
   102    102   	};
   103         -	mass = 5;
          103  +	mass = 4;
   104    104   	rarity = 1;
   105    105   })
   106    106   
   107    107'starlit_building:insulation', {
   108    108   	name = 'Insulation';
   109    109   	desc = 'An aerogel that traps heat very effectively.';
   110    110   	img = 'starlit-item-insulation.png';
   122    122   
   123    123'starlit_building:panel', {
   124    124   	name = 'Panel';
   125    125   	desc = 'A sheet of aluminum suitable for use as a wall or floor panel.';
   126    126   	img = 'starlit-item-panel.png';
   127    127   	fab = starlit.type.fab {
   128    128   		element = {
   129         -			aluminum = 8;
          129  +			aluminum = 4;
   130    130   		};
   131    131   		cost = {power = 300};
   132    132   		flag = {print=true};
   133    133   		time = {print=15};
   134    134   	};
   135         -	mass = 8;
          135  +	mass = 4;
   136    136   	rarity = 1;
   137    137   })
   138    138   
   139    139'starlit_building:pipe', {
   140    140   	name = 'Pipe';
   141    141   	desc = 'A pipe suitable for conveying liquids or gasses.';
   142    142   	img = 'starlit-item-pipe.png';

Modified mods/starlit-building/stages/arch.lua from [3af63c8d88] to [1fcd279ec2].

     1      1   local lib = starlit.mod.lib
     2      2   local B = starlit.mod.building
     3'starlit_building:stage_foundation', {
            3  +
            4  +local function fabFor(x)
            5  +	local def = ItemStack(x):get_definition()
            6  +	assert(def ~= nil, 'invalid item ID ' .. tostring(x))
            7  +	return (def._starlit and def._starlit.recover) or starlit.type.fab {}
            8  +end
            9  +
           10'starlit_building:foundation', {
     4     11   	tex = {
     5     12   		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
     6     13   	};
     7     14   	begin = {
     8     15   		part = {
     9     16   			'starlit_building:concrete';
    10     17   		};
    11     18   	};
    12     19   	build = {
    13     20   		part = {
    14     21   			['starlit_building:insulation'] = 'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation';
           22  +			['starlit_building:concrete'] = 'starlit_building:step_concrete';
    15     23   		};
    16     24   	};
           25  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:concrete';
    17     26   	box = {
    18     27   		type = 'fixed';
    19     28   		fixed = {
    20     29   			-.5, -.5,         -.5;
    21     30   			 .5, -.5 + (2/16), .5;
    22     31   		};
    23     32   	};
    24     33   })
    25     34   
    26'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation', {
           35'starlit_building:step_concrete', {
    27     36   	tex = {
    28         -		'starlit-node-insulation-top.png';
    29     37   		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
    30         -		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png';
    31     38   	};
    32     39   	build = {
    33     40   		part = {
    34         -			['starlit_building:insulation'] = 'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation_x2';
    35         -			['starlit_building:cable_electric'] = 'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation_conduit';
           41  +			['starlit_building:concrete'] = 'starlit_building:pillar_concrete';
    36     42   		};
    37     43   	};
    38         -	box = {
    39         -		type = 'fixed';
    40         -		fixed = {
    41         -			-.5, -.5,         -.5;
    42         -			 .5, -.5 + (6/16), .5;
    43         -		};
    44         -	};
    45         -})
    46         -
    47'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation_x2', {
    48         -	tex = {
    49         -		'starlit-node-insulation-top.png';
    50         -		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
    51         -		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png';
    52         -	};
    53         -	build = {
    54         -		part = {
    55         -			['starlit_building:panel'] = 'starlit_building:floor';
    56         -		};
    57         -	};
    58         -	box = {
    59         -		type = 'fixed';
    60         -		fixed = {
    61         -			-.5, -.5,         -.5;
    62         -			 .5, -.5 + (14/16), .5;
    63         -		};
    64         -	};
    65         -})
    66         -
    67'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation_conduit', {
    68         -	tex = {
    69         -		'starlit-node-insulation-cable-top.png';
    70         -		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
    71         -		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side-conduit.png';
    72         -	};
    73         -	groups = {
    74         -		conduit = 1;
    75         -	};
    76         -	build = {
    77         -		part = {
    78         -			['starlit_building:insulation'] = 'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulated_conduit';
    79         -		};
    80         -	};
           44  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:concrete' * 2;
    81     45   	box = {
    82     46   		type = 'fixed';
    83     47   		fixed = {
    84     48   			-.5, -.5,         -.5;
    85     49   			 .5, -.5 + (8/16), .5;
    86     50   		};
    87     51   	};
    88     52   })
    89     53   
    90'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulated_conduit', {
           54'starlit_building:pillar_concrete', {
           55  +	tex = {
           56  +		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
           57  +	};
           58  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:concrete' * 3;
           59  +})
           60  +
           61'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation', {
    91     62   	tex = {
    92     63   		'starlit-node-insulation-top.png';
    93     64   		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
    94         -		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side-conduit.png';
           65  +		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png';
    95     66   	};
           67  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:concrete'
           68  +	        + fabFor 'starlit_building:insulation';
    96     69   	build = {
    97     70   		part = {
    98         -			['starlit_building:panel'] = 'starlit_building:conduit';
           71  +			['starlit_building:panel'] = 'starlit_building:floor';
    99     72   		};
   100         -	};
   101         -	groups = {
   102         -		conduit = 1;
           73  +		tool = {
           74  +			object = {
           75  +				speed = 2;
           76  +				drop = 'starlit_building:insulation';
           77  +				swap = 'starlit_building:foundation';
           78  +			};
           79  +		};
   103     80   	};
   104     81   	box = {
   105     82   		type = 'fixed';
   106     83   		fixed = {
   107     84   			-.5, -.5,         -.5;
   108         -			 .5, -.5 + (14/16), .5;
           85  +			 .5, -.5 + (12/16), .5;
   109     86   		};
   110     87   	};
   111     88   })
   112     89   
   113'starlit_building:conduit', {
   114         -	tex = {
   115         -		'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
   116         -		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
   117         -		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side-conduit.png';
   118         -	};
   119         -	groups = {
   120         -		conduit = 1;
   121         -	};
   122         -})
           90  +B.panelRun = 'starlit_building:panelRun'
           91  +B.panelRun.foreach('starlit_building:runGen', {}, function(id, run)
           92  +	local F = string.format
           93  +	assert(, 'missing name for panelrun')
           94  +	local name =
           95  +	local buildPart = ItemStack(run.buildPart):get_name()
           96  +	local plugItem = ItemStack(run.plugItem):get_name()
           97  +	local floorStageRaw = id .. '_floor_open'
           98  +	local floorStage = id .. '_floor'
           99  +	local floorStagePlug = id .. '_floor_plug'
          100  +
          101  +	local wallStageRaw = id .. '_wall_open'
          102  +	local wallStage = id .. '_wall'
          103  +	local wallStagePlug = id .. '_wall_plug'
          104  +
          105  +	local texRun  =  or F('starlit-node-%s-run.png',  name)
          106  +	local texPlug = run.plug or F('starlit-node-%s-plug.png', name)
          107  +
          108  +	local imgRun = lib.image(texRun)
          109  +	local imgPlug = lib.image(texPlug)
          110  +
          111  +	local baseMat = fabFor(run.buildPart) + fabFor 'starlit_building:insulation'
          112  +	local floorMat = baseMat + fabFor 'starlit_building:concrete'
          113  +	local wallMat = baseMat + fabFor 'starlit_building:panel'
          114  +
          115  +	------------------
          116  +	-- floor stages --
          117  +	------------------
          118  +, {
          119  +		tex = {
          120  +			imgRun:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-insulation-top.png'):render();
          121  +			'starlit-node-concrete.png';
          122  +			imgPlug:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png'):render();
          123  +		};
          124  +		recover = floorMat;
          125  +		build = {
          126  +			part = {
          127  +				['starlit_building:panel'] = floorStage;
          128  +			};
          129  +			tool = {
          130  +				object = {
          131  +					speed = 1;
          132  +					drop = run.buildPart;
          133  +					swap = floorStageRaw;
          134  +				};
          135  +			};
          136  +		};
          137  +		box = {
          138  +			type = 'fixed';
          139  +			fixed = {
          140  +				-.5, -.5,         -.5;
          141  +				 .5, -.5 + (12/16), .5;
          142  +			};
          143  +		};
          144  +	})
          145  +
          146  +	local floorBasis = run.floorBasis or 'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation'
          147  +	B.pathLink(floorBasis, 'part', buildPart, floorStageRaw)
          148  +
          149  +	mat = floorMat + fabFor 'starlit_building:panel';
          150  +, {
          151  +		tex = {
          152  +			'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          153  +			'starlit-node-concrete.png';
          154  +			imgPlug:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png'):render();
          155  +		};
          156  +		recover = floorMat + fabFor 'starlit_building:panel';
          157  +		build = {
          158  +			part = {
          159  +				[plugItem] = floorStagePlug;
          160  +			};
          161  +			tool = {
          162  +				unscrew = {
          163  +					speed = 1;
          164  +					drop = 'starlit_building:panel';
          165  +					swap = floorBasis;
          166  +				};
          167  +			};
          168  +		};
          169  +		groups = run.groups;
          170  +	})
          171  +
          172  +	if run.plugGroups then
          173  +, {
          174  +			tex = {
          175  +				imgPlug:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png'):render();
          176  +				'starlit-node-concrete.png';
          177  +				imgPlug:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png'):render();
          178  +			};
          179  +			recover = floorMat + fabFor(run.plugItem);
          180  +			build = {
          181  +				tool = {
          182  +					unscrew = {
          183  +						speed = 1;
          184  +						drop = run.plugItem;
          185  +						swap = floorStage;
          186  +					};
          187  +				};
          188  +			};
          189  +			groups = run.plugGroups;
          190  +		})
          191  +	end
          192  +
          193  +	-----------------
          194  +	-- wall stages --
          195  +	-----------------
          196  +	local imgPanel = lib.image 'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png'
          197  +, {
          198  +		tex = {
          199  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel):render();
          200  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel):render();
          201  +
          202  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel:transform 'R270'):render();
          203  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel:transform 'R90'):render();
          204  +
          205  +			imgRun:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-insulation-top.png'):render();
          206  +			'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          207  +		};
          208  +		recover = wallMat;
          209  +		build = {
          210  +			part = {
          211  +				['starlit_building:panel'] = wallStage;
          212  +			};
          213  +		};
          214  +		groups = run.groups;
          215  +		paramtype2 = '4dir';
          216  +		box = {
          217  +			type = 'fixed';
          218  +			fixed = {
          219  +				-.5, -.5, -.5;
          220  +				0.5, 0.5, -.5 + (12/16);
          221  +			};
          222  +		};
          223  +	})
          224  +
          225  +	local wallBasis = run.wallBasis or 'starlit_building:stage_wall_insulation'
          226  +	B.pathLink(wallBasis, 'part', buildPart, wallStageRaw)
          227  +
          228  +, {
          229  +		tex = {
          230  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel):render();
          231  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel):render();
          232  +
          233  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel:transform 'R270'):render();
          234  +			imgPlug:blit(imgPanel:transform 'R90'):render();
          235  +
          236  +			'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          237  +			'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          238  +		};
          239  +		recover = wallMat + fabFor 'starlit_building:panel';
          240  +		build = {
          241  +			part = {
          242  +				[plugItem] = wallStagePlug;
          243  +			};
          244  +		};
          245  +		paramtype2 = '4dir';
          246  +		groups = run.groups;
          247  +	})
          248  +
          249  +	if run.plugGroups then
          250  +, {
          251  +			tex = {
          252  +				imgPlug:blit(imgPanel):render();
          253  +				imgPlug:blit(imgPanel):render();
          254  +
          255  +				imgPlug:blit(imgPanel:transform 'R270'):render();
          256  +				imgPlug:blit(imgPanel:transform 'R90'):render();
          257  +
          258  +				'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          259  +				imgPlug:blit(lib.image 'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png'):render();
          260  +			};
          261  +			recover = wallMat + fabFor(plugItem);
          262  +			build = {
          263  +			};
          264  +			paramtype2 = '4dir';
          265  +			groups = run.plugGroups;
          266  +		})
          267  +	end
          268  +end)
          269  +
   123    270   
   124    271'starlit_building:floor', {
   125    272   	tex = {
   126    273   		'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
   127    274   		'starlit-node-concrete.png';
   128    275   		'starlit-node-floor-panel-side.png';
          276  +	};
          277  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:concrete'
          278  +	        + fabFor 'starlit_building:insulation'
          279  +	        + fabFor 'starlit_building:panel';
          280  +	build = {
          281  +		tool = {
          282  +			unscrew = {
          283  +				speed = 2;
          284  +				drop = 'starlit_building:panel';
          285  +				swap = 'starlit_building:stage_foundation_insulation';
          286  +			};
          287  +		};
          288  +	};
          289  +})
          290  +
          291'starlit_building:stage_wall_panel', {
          292  +	tex = {
          293  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png';
          294  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png';
          295  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png^[transformR270';
          296  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png^[transformR90';
          297  +		'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          298  +	};
          299  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:panel';
          300  +	begin = {
          301  +		part = {'starlit_building:panel'};
          302  +	};
          303  +	build = {
          304  +		part = {
          305  +			['starlit_building:insulation'] = 'starlit_building:stage_wall_insulation';
          306  +		};
          307  +	};
          308  +	paramtype2 = '4dir';
          309  +	box = {
          310  +		type = 'fixed';
          311  +		fixed = {
          312  +			-.5, -.5, -.5;
          313  +			0.5, 0.5, -.5 + (2/16);
          314  +		};
          315  +	};
          316  +})
          317  +
          318'starlit_building:stage_wall_insulation', {
          319  +	tex = {
          320  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png';
          321  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png';
          322  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png^[transformR270';
          323  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png^[transformR90';
          324  +		'starlit-node-insulation-top.png';
          325  +		'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          326  +	};
          327  +	recover = fabFor 'starlit_building:panel'
          328  +	        + fabFor 'starlit_building:insulation';
          329  +	build = {
          330  +		part = {
          331  +			['starlit_building:panel'] = 'starlit_building:wall';
          332  +		};
          333  +	};
          334  +	paramtype2 = '4dir';
          335  +	box = {
          336  +		type = 'fixed';
          337  +		fixed = {
          338  +			-.5, -.5, -.5;
          339  +			0.5, 0.5, -.5 + (12/16);
          340  +		};
          341  +	};
          342  +})
          343  +
          344'starlit_building:wall', {
          345  +	tex = {
          346  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png';
          347  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png';
          348  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png^[transformR270';
          349  +		'starlit-node-insulated-panels.png^[transformR90';
          350  +		'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          351  +		'starlit-node-floor-panel-top.png';
          352  +	};
          353  +	recover = (fabFor 'starlit_building:panel' * 2)
          354  +	        + fabFor 'starlit_building:insulation';
          355  +	build = {
          356  +	};
          357  +	paramtype2 = '4dir';
          358  +})
          359  +
          360  +
          361'starlit_building:conduit_power', {
          362  +	name = 'cable';
          363  +	buildPart = 'starlit_building:cable_electric';
          364  +	plugItem = 'starlit_building:electrode';
          365  +	groups = {
          366  +		conduit_power = 1;
          367  +		conduit_data = 1;
          368  +	};
          369  +	plugGroups = {
          370  +		conduit_power = 2;
          371  +		conduit_data = 2;
          372  +	};
          373  +})
          374  +
          375'starlit_building:conduit_fluid', {
          376  +	name = 'pipe';
          377  +	buildPart = 'starlit_building:pipe';
          378  +	plugItem = 'starlit_building:pipe';
          379  +	groups = {
          380  +		conduit_fluid = 1;
          381  +	};
          382  +	plugGroups = {
          383  +		conduit_fluid = 2;
   129    384   	};
   130    385   })

Modified mods/starlit/fab.lua from [f85992f960] to [06631e46d8].

   391    391   		for cat, vals in pairs(b) do
   392    392   			if not new[cat] then
   393    393   				new[cat] = lib.tbl.copy(vals)
   394    394   			else
   395    395   				local f = fields[cat].op
   396    396   				for k,v in pairs(vals) do
   397    397   					local n = f(new[cat][k], v, 1)
   398         -					new[cat][k] = n > 0 and n or nil
          398  +					if type(n) == 'number' and n < 0 then n = nil end
          399  +					new[cat][k] = n
   399    400   				end
   400    401   			end
   401    402   		end
   402    403   		return new
   403    404   	end;
   404    405   
   405    406   	__mul = function(x,n)
          407  +		if n == 1 then return fab.clone(x) end
   406    408   		local new = fab {}
          409  +		if n == 0 then return new end
   407    410   		for cat, vals in pairs(x) do
   408    411   			new[cat] = {}
   409    412   			local f = fields[cat].op
   410    413   			for k,v in pairs(vals) do
   411    414   				local num = f(v,nil,n)
   412         -				new[cat][k] = num > 0 and num or nil
          415  +				if type(num) == 'number' and n < 0 then n = nil end
          416  +				new[cat][k] = num
   413    417   			end
   414    418   		end
   415    419   		return new
   416    420   	end;
   417    421   
   418    422   	__div = function(x,n)
   419    423   		return x * (1/n)
   420    424   	end;
   421    425   }
   422    426   
   423    427   starlit.type.fab = fab

Modified mods/starlit/terrain.lua from [5c8125f149] to [eeb268d7fe].

   244    244   	recover = starlit.type.fab {
   245    245   		time = { shred = 3; };
   246    246   		cost = { shredPower = 3; };
   247    247   	};
   248    248   	recover_vary = function(rng, ctx)
   249    249   		return starlit.type.fab {
   250    250   			element = {
   251         -				aluminum  = rng:int(0,4);
          251  +				aluminum  = rng:int(0,16);
   252    252   				potassium = rng:int(0,2);
   253    253   				calcium   = rng:int(0,2);
   254    254   			}
   255    255   		};
   256    256   	end;
   257    257   })
   258    258   
   262    262   	dist = {
   263    263   		kind = 'sheet';
   264    264   		among = 'starlit:mineral_feldspar';
   265    265   		height = {-200,30};
   266    266   		sheetCols = {1, 16};
   267    267   	};
   268    268   	recover = starlit.type.fab {
   269         -		time = { shred = 3.5; };
          269  +		time = { shred = 3.3; };
   270    270   		cost = { shredPower = 8; };
   271    271   	};
   272    272   	recover_vary = function(rng, ctx)
   273    273   		return starlit.type.fab {
   274    274   			element = {
   275         -				iron      = rng:int(0,4);
   276         -				magnesium = rng:int(0,2);
   277         -				titanium  = rng:int(0,1);
          275  +				iron      = rng:int(0,16);
          276  +				magnesium = rng:int(0,8);
          277  +				titanium  = rng:int(0,2);
   278    278   			}
   279    279   		};
   280    280   	end;
   281    281   })
   282    282   
   283    283'starlit:mineral_cuprite', {
   284    284   	name = T 'Cuprite';