Comment: | add basic electrical parts, fix scrollbars to the greatest extent possible, fix error in marshal error msg, tweak inane compute stats |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | trunk |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA3-256: |
5267c0742dc28ca6c50bf7ce78bcfa3d |
User & Date: | lexi on 2024-05-07 00:27:19 |
Other Links: | manifest | tags |
| ||
03:45 | compiler now draws power, better compile job progress bars, stats screen refreshes check-in: 52a4f364ac user: lexi tags: trunk | |
00:27 | add basic electrical parts, fix scrollbars to the greatest extent possible, fix error in marshal error msg, tweak inane compute stats check-in: 5267c0742d user: lexi tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:29 | fix image regression check-in: 108df84ed3 user: lexi tags: trunk | |
Modified mods/starlit-building/init.lua from [7b434e8bee] to [35031ce713].
5 5 B.path = {} 6 6 -- this maps stage IDs to tables of the following form 7 7 --[[ { 8 8 part = { 9 9 ['starlit_building:pipe'] = 'myMod:stage3'; 10 10 }; 11 11 tool = { 12 - ['starlit:scredriver'] = 'myMod:otherThing_stage1'; 12 + ['starlit:screwdriver'] = 'myMod:otherThing_stage1'; 13 13 ['starlit:saw'] = function(node, tool) 14 14 minetest.replace_node(node, {name='myMod:stage1'}) 15 15 minetest.drop_item(node, 'starlit_building:pipe') 16 16 end; 17 17 ['myMod:laserWrench'] = { 18 18 allow = function(node, tool) ... end; 19 19 handle = function(node, tool) ... end; ................................................................................ 59 59 fixed = { ... }; 60 60 }; 61 61 }) 62 62 ]] 63 63 64 64 B.part = lib.registry.mk 'starlit_building:part' 65 65 -- a part is implemented as a special craftitem with the proper callbacks 66 --- to index the registries and place/replace noes by reference to the 66 +-- to index the registries and place/replace nodes by reference to the 67 67 -- build tree. 68 68 --[[ 69 69 starlit.mod.building.part.link(id, { 70 70 name = ''; -- display name 71 71 desc = ''; -- display desc 72 72 img = ''; -- display image 73 + mass = 0; 74 + fab = {}; -- (optional) auto-gen schematic 75 + rarity = 0; 73 76 }) 74 77 ]] 78 +B.part.foreach('starlit:partGen', {}, function(id, e) 79 + local props = {} 80 + if e.mass then 81 + table.insert(props, {title='Mass', desc=lib.math.siUI('g',e.mass), affinity='info'}) 82 + end 83 + local rev, scmID 84 + if e.fab then 85 + scmID = string.format('%s_schematic', id) 86 + rev = { 87 + sw = scmID; 88 + complexity = e.complexity or 1; 89 + } 90 + end 91 + minetest.register_craftitem(id, { 92 + short_description = e.name; 93 + description = starlit.ui.tooltip { 94 + title = e.name; 95 + desc = e.desc; 96 + props = props; 97 + }; 98 + inventory_image = e.img; 99 + _starlit = { 100 + mass = e.mass; 101 + reverseEngineer = rev; 102 + recover = e.recover or e.fab; 103 + }; 104 + }) 105 + if e.fab then 106 + starlit.item.sw.link(scmID, { 107 + kind = 'schematic'; 108 + name = string.format('%s Schematic', e.name); 109 + size = e.size or 32e6; 110 + input = e.fab; 111 + output = id; 112 + cost = e.cost or { 113 + cycles = 4e9; 114 + ram = 1e9; 115 + }; 116 + rarity = e.rarity or 0; 117 + }) 118 + end 119 + 120 +end) 75 121 76 122 B.stage.foreach('starlit:stageGen', {}, function(id, e) 77 123 local box = {type = 'fixed', fixed = {}} 78 124 local tex = {} 79 125 local ofs = vector.new(0,0,0) 80 126 for idx, p in ipairs(e.pieces) do 81 127 local ho, pieceID, pos ................................................................................ 129 175 end 130 176 131 177 function B.pathFind(from, kind, what) 132 178 if not B.path[from] then return nil end 133 179 return B.path[from][kind][what] 134 180 end 135 181 182 +starlit.include 'parts'
Added mods/starlit-building/parts.lua version [01ffc64dd2].
1 +local lib = starlit.mod.lib 2 +local E = starlit.mod.electronics 3 +local B = starlit.mod.building 4 + 5 +B.part.link('starlit_building:battery_box', { 6 + name = 'Battery Box'; 7 + desc = 'A receptacle for a battery.'; 8 + img = 'starlit-item-battery-box.png'; 9 + fab = starlit.type.fab { 10 + element = { 11 + copper = 5; 12 + aluminum = 10; 13 + }; 14 + cost = {power = 300}; 15 + flag = {print=true}; 16 + time = {print=10}; 17 + }; 18 + mass = 15; 19 + rarity = 1; 20 +}) 21 + 22 +B.part.link('starlit_building:electrode', { 23 + name = 'Electrode'; 24 + desc = 'An electrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic circuit component.'; 25 + img = 'starlit-item-electrode.png'; 26 + fab = starlit.type.fab { 27 + element = { 28 + copper = 1; 29 + aluminum = 1; 30 + }; 31 + cost = {power = 150}; 32 + flag = {print=true}; 33 + time = {print=5}; 34 + }; 35 + mass = 2; 36 + rarity = 1; 37 +}) 38 + 39 +B.part.link('starlit_building:heating_element', { 40 + name = 'Heating Element'; 41 + desc = 'An extremely inefficient conductor of electricity.'; 42 + img = 'starlit-item-heating-element.png'; 43 + fab = starlit.type.fab { 44 + element = { 45 + copper = 2; 46 + nickel = 2; 47 + }; 48 + cost = {power = 300}; 49 + flag = {print=true}; 50 + time = {print=10}; 51 + }; 52 + mass = 4; 53 + rarity = 1; 54 +}) 55 + 56 +B.part.link('starlit_building:cable_electric', { 57 + name = 'Electric Cable'; 58 + desc = 'A length of conductive metal in a protective graphene sheathe.'; 59 + img = 'starlit-item-cable-electric.png'; 60 + fab = starlit.type.fab { 61 + element = { 62 + copper = 16; 63 + carbon = 16; 64 + }; 65 + cost = {power = 700}; 66 + flag = {print=true}; 67 + time = {print=20}; 68 + }; 69 + mass = 32; 70 + rarity = 1; 71 +}) 72 + 73 +B.part.link('starlit_building:transformer', { 74 + name = 'Transformer'; 75 + desc = 'An electrical component used to step-up or step-down voltage levels.'; 76 + img = 'starlit-item-transformer.png'; 77 + fab = starlit.type.fab { 78 + element = { 79 + copper = 8; 80 + iron = 16; 81 + }; 82 + cost = {power = 500}; 83 + flag = {print=true}; 84 + time = {print=20}; 85 + }; 86 + mass = 24; 87 + rarity = 1; 88 +})
Modified mods/starlit-electronics/init.lua from [6f6bfb54e1] to [358af6b345].
Modified mods/starlit-electronics/sw.lua from [f5ad2a2c21] to [b2e1bf9d1b].
183 183 end; 184 184 } 185 185 end 186 186 187 187 starlit.item.sw.link('starlit_electronics:compile_commune', matterCompiler { 188 188 name = 'Compile Matter'; 189 189 desc = "A basic suit matter compiler program. It's rather slow, but it's been ruthlessly optimized for size- and memory-efficiency by some of the Commune's most fanatic coders, to the point where every Commune nanosuit can come with the program preinstalled."; 190 - size = 700e3; 190 + size = 700e6; 191 191 cost = { 192 192 cycles = 4e9; 193 193 ram = .3e9; 194 194 }; 195 195 }) 196 196 197 197 starlit.item.sw.link('starlit_electronics:compile_block_commune', { 198 198 name = 'Compile Block'; 199 199 kind = 'suitPower', powerKind = 'active'; 200 200 desc = "An advanced suit matter compiler program, capable of printing complete devices and structure parts directly into the world."; 201 - size = 5e6; 201 + size = 500e6; 202 202 cost = { 203 203 cycles = 8e9; 204 204 ram = 1e9; 205 205 }; 206 206 ui = 'starlit:compile-matter-block'; 207 207 run = function(user, ctx) 208 208 end; 209 209 }) 210 210 211 211 starlit.item.sw.link('starlit_electronics:compile_imperial', matterCompiler { 212 212 name = 'Genesis Deluxe'; 213 213 desc = "House Bascundir has long dominated the matter compiler market in the Crystal Sea. Their firmware is excessively complex due to mountains of specialized edge-case handling, but the end result is certainly speedier than the competitors'."; 214 - size = 2e4; 214 + size = 2e9; 215 215 cost = { 216 - cycles = 100e6; 216 + cycles = 1e9; 217 217 ram = 1.5e9; 218 218 }; 219 219 }) 220 220 221 221 do local J = starlit.store.compilerJob 222 222 starlit.item.sw.link('starlit_electronics:driver_compiler_commune', { 223 223 name = 'Matter Compiler';
Modified mods/starlit-material/elements.lua from [81b3a1522a] to [0b9dddbb90].
76 76 color = lib.color(.7,.7,.7); 77 77 }; 78 78 vanadium = { 79 79 name = 'vanadium', sym = 'V', n = 23; density = 6; 80 80 metal = true; 81 81 color = lib.color(.3,0.5,.3); 82 82 }; 83 + nickel = { 84 + name = 'nickel', sym = 'ni', n = 28, density = 8.908; 85 + metal = true; 86 + color = lib.color(.7,.7,.6); 87 + }; 83 88 xenon = { 84 89 name = 'xenon', sym = 'Xe', n = 54; density = 0.005894; 85 90 gas = true; 86 91 color = lib.color(.5,.1,1); 87 92 }; 88 93 argon = { 89 94 name = 'argon', sym = 'Ar', n = 18; density = 0.001784;
Modified mods/starlit-scenario/init.lua from [739d68f851] to [ad44a3c89f].
34 34 E.chip.write(chip, r) 35 35 return chip 36 36 end 37 37 38 38 local survivalBasics = { 39 39 {'starlit_tech:chem_lamp', 0}; 40 40 {'starlit_tech:crate', 0}; 41 + {'starlit_building:battery_box', 0}; 42 + {'starlit_building:heating_element', 0}; 43 + {'starlit_building:electrode', 0}; 44 + {'starlit_building:cable_electric', 0}; 45 + {'starlit_building:transformer', 0}; 41 46 } 42 47 43 48 local chipLibrary = { 44 49 compendium = makeChip('The Gentleman Adventurer\'s Compleat Wilderness Compendium', lib.tbl.append(survivalBasics, { 45 50 {'starlit_electronics:battery_chemical_imperial_small', 0}; 46 51 }), { 47 52 {'starlit_electronics:shred', 0};
Modified mods/starlit-tech/init.lua from [c5d4cbc341] to [4840721039].
94 94 end 95 95 96 96 97 97 minetest.register_node('starlit_tech:crate', { 98 98 short_description = 'Crate'; 99 99 description = starlit.ui.tooltip { 100 100 title = 'Crate'; 101 - desc = 'A sturdy but lightweight storage crate made from solid carbon polymer.'; 101 + desc = 'A sturdy but lightweight storage crate woven from graphene.'; 102 102 props = { {title='Mass', affinity='info', desc='100g'} }; 103 103 }; 104 104 drawtype = 'nodebox'; 105 105 node_box = { 106 106 type = 'fixed'; 107 107 fixed = { 108 108 .4, .2, .4;
Modified mods/starlit/interfaces.lua from [39c7d68ac6] to [d00e83c8f9].
321 321 if r.sw.cost and r.sw.cost.cycles then 322 322 table.insert(props, {title = "Compute Usage", desc=lib.math.siUI('cycles',r.sw.cost.cycles,true), affinity='info'}) 323 323 end 324 324 if r.powerCost then 325 325 table.insert(props, {title = "Power Draw", desc=lib.math.siUI('W', r.powerCost), affinity='info'}) 326 326 end 327 327 if r.speed then 328 - table.insert(props, {title = "Minimum Runtime", desc=lib.math.timespec(r.speed), affinity='info'}) 328 + table.insert(props, {title = "Base Runtime", desc=lib.math.timespec(r.speed), affinity='info'}) 329 329 end 330 330 table.insert(tbl, { 331 331 color = color, fg = fg; 332 332 label = r.sw.label or r.sw.name; 333 333 id = string.format('suit_pgm_%s_', id); 334 334 desc = starlit.ui.tooltip { 335 335 title = r.sw.name;
Modified mods/starlit/ui.lua from [5149fd5b74] to [60598b98d5].
176 176 maxX = math.max(state.x, maxX) 177 177 end 178 178 totalH = totalH + rowH 179 179 state.h = math.max(state.h, totalH) + state.padding 180 180 state.w = state.x + state.padding/2 181 181 state.x = maxX 182 182 elseif def.kind == 'pane' then 183 + local top = state.y 183 184 widget('scroll_container[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;vertical]', 184 185 state.x, state.y, state.w, state.h, 185 186 def.id) 186 187 local y = 0 188 + local x,w = state.x,state.w 189 +-- state.x = state.x + .75 190 +-- state.w = state.w - .75 191 + local widgs = {} 187 192 for _, w in ipairs(def) do 188 193 local src, st = starlit.ui.build(w, state) 189 - widget('container[%s,%s]%scontainer_end[]', 0, y, src) 194 + table.insert(widgs, { 195 + y=y, src=src 196 + }) 190 197 y=y + state.spacing + st.h 191 198 state.w = math.max(state.w, st.w) 192 199 end 200 + local xo, barred = 0, false 201 + if y-top > state.h then 202 + barred, xo = true, .60 203 + end 204 + for k,v in ipairs(widgs) do 205 + widget('container[%s,%s]%scontainer_end[]', xo, v.y, v.src) 206 + end 193 207 widget('scroll_container_end[]') 194 - if y > state.h then 195 - widget('scrollbar[%s,%s;%s,%s;vertical;%s;]', 196 - state.x, state.y, .5, state.h, 208 + if barred then 209 + widget('scrollbaroptions[max=%s]scrollbar[%s,%s;%s,%s;vertical;%s;]', 210 + (y-top-state.h)*10, x, state.y, .5, state.h, 197 211 def.id) 198 212 end 199 - state.w = state.w + state.padding 213 + state.x = x 214 + state.w = w + state.padding 200 215 state.h = state.h + state.padding/2 216 + state.y = state.y + state.h 201 217 elseif def.kind == 'list' then 202 218 local slotTypes = { 203 219 plain = {hue = 200, sat = -.1, lum = 0}; 204 220 -- element = {hue = 20, sat = -.3, lum = 0}; 205 221 chip = {hue = 0, sat = -1, lum = 0}; 206 222 -- psi = {hue = 300, sat = 0, lum = 0}; 207 223 power = {hue = 50, sat = 0, lum = .2}; ................................................................................ 323 339 if def.mode or def.container then 324 340 if def.mode then 325 341 l = string.format('background9[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;false;64]', 326 342 originX, originY, state.w, state.h, 327 343 E(string.format('starlit-ui-bg-%s.png%s^[resize:128x128', 328 344 (def.mode == 'sw') and 'digital' 329 345 or 'panel', cmod))) .. l 346 +-- l = string.format('style_type[scrollbar;bgcolor=#1155ff]') .. l 330 347 end 331 348 if parent == nil or state.color ~= parent.color then 332 349 l = btnColorDef() .. l 333 350 end 334 351 end 335 352 if not parent then 336 353 return string.format('formspec_version[6]size[%s,%s]%s', state.w, state.h, l), state
Modified mods/vtlib/marshal.lua from [2822b4a0ba] to [979397aff5].
195 195 -- } 196 196 local def, name 197 197 if select('#', ...) >= 2 then 198 198 name, def = ... 199 199 else 200 200 def = ... 201 201 end 202 - name = 'struct' .. (name and ':' .. name or ''); 202 + name = 'struct' .. (name and (':' .. name) or ''); 203 203 report('defining struct name=%q fields=%s', name, dump(def)) 204 204 return { 205 205 name = name; 206 206 enc = function(obj) 207 207 report('encoding struct name=%q vals=%s', name, dump(obj)) 208 208 local enc = m.streamEncoder() 209 209 local n = 0 210 210 for k,ty in pairs(def) do n=n+1 211 - if obj[k] == nil then error('missing key '..dump(k)..' for type '..ty.name) end 211 + if obj[k] == nil then 212 + error(string.format("missing %s field %q for %s", ty.name, k, name)) 213 + end 212 214 local encoded = ty.enc(obj[k]) 213 215 enc.push(T.u8.enc(#k), size.enc(#encoded), k, encoded) 214 216 end 215 217 return size.enc(n) .. enc.peek() 216 218 end; 217 219 dec = debugger.wrap(function(blob) 218 220 if blob == '' then