Artifact 3454f586c94ffc6c72e285e19949be3410a4d9dd7f572f00077b338680e0c28f:
- File mods/starlit-material/metals.lua — part of check-in [0e7832a24c] at 2024-05-04 22:41:29 on branch trunk — add beginnings of matter compiler UI, check in missing files (user: lexi, size: 319) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
local lib = starlit.mod.lib local M = starlit.mod.material { steel = { name = 'steel'; composition = starlit.type.fab { element = {iron = 2.0, carbon = 1.0}; }; density = 1.0; desc = "steel is a widely used alloy of iron and carbon"; color = lib.color(.4,.4,.4); }; }