starlit  store.lua

File mods/starlit/store.lua from the latest check-in

-- [ʞ] store.lua
--  ~ lexi hale <>
--  © EUPLv1.2
--  ? defines serialization datatypes that don't belong to
--    any individual class

local lib = starlit.mod.lib
local T,G = lib.marshal.t, lib.marshal.g = {} -- the serialization equivalent of .type

-- persona --
------------- -----------------------------------------------
-- a Persona is a structure that defines the nature of     --
-- an (N)PC and how it interacts with the Starlit-managed  --
-- portion of the game world -- things like name, species, --
-- stat values, physical characteristics, and so forth     --

local statStructFields = {}
for k,v in pairs( do
	statStructFields[k] = v.srzType or (
		(v.base == true or v.base > 0) and T.s16 or T.u16
end = G.struct {
	schematic  = T.str;
	cyclesLeft = T.u64;
	timeLeft   = T.decimal;
	powerLeft  = T.decimal;
	numinaLeft  = T.decimal;
} = G.struct {
	name = T.str;
	species = T.str;
	speciesVariant = T.str;
	background = T.str;
	bodyParams = G.array(8, G.struct {id = T.str, value = T.str}); --variant

	statDeltas = G.struct(statStructFields);

	facts = G.array(32, G.array(8, T.str));
	-- facts stores information the player has discovered and narrative choices
	-- she has made.
	-- parametric facts are encoded as horn clauses
	-- non-parametric facts are encoded as {'fact-mod:fact-id'}
} = lib.marshal.metaStore {
	batteries = {key = 'starlit:suit_slots_bat', type = T.inventoryList};
	chips = {key = 'starlit:suit_slots_chips', type = T.inventoryList};
	elements = {key = 'starlit:suit_slots_elem', type = T.inventoryList};
	guns = {key = 'starlit:suit_slots_gun', type = T.inventoryList};
	ammo = {key = 'starlit:suit_slots_ammo', type = T.inventoryList};
} = G.struct {
	kind = T.str;
	id = T.str;
	mass = T.decimal;