local lib = starlit.mod.lib
local function mkBurnDown(def) -- chemlamp
local burnTime = def.time
local stages = def.stages or 10
local stageTimeout = burnTime / stages
local function stID(n)
if n == stages then return def.id end
return string.format('%s_%s',def.id,n)
local fab = def.fab
for i = stages, 0, -1 do
local grp = {
object = 1;
attached_node = 1;
if def.group then
for k,v in pairs(def.group((i/stages))) do grp[k]=v end
core.register_node(stID(i), {
short_description = def.name;
description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
title = def.name;
desc = def.desc;
color = def.color;
props = {
{title = 'Burn Remaining', desc=lib.math.timespec(stageTimeout * i), affinity=i > (stages/2) and 'good' or 'bad'};
{title = 'Mass', desc=lib.math.siUI('g', def.mass), affinity='info'};
drawtype = 'nodebox';
groups = grp;
node_box = {
type = 'fixed';
fixed = {
-(7/16), -.5, -(4/16);
(7/16), -.5 + (2/16), (4/16);
tiles = def.tile((i/stages));
paramtype = 'light';
paramtype2 = 'wallmounted';
wallmounted_rotate_vertical = true;
light_source = math.floor(lib.math.lerp(i/stages, 0, def.glow));
on_construct = i ~= 0 and function(pos)
local t = core.get_node_timer(pos)
if def.ctor then def.ctor(pos, (i/stages)) end
end or nil;
on_destruct = def.dtor and function(pos)
def.dtor(pos, (i/stages))
end or nil;
on_timer = i ~= 0 and function(pos)
local me = core.get_node(pos)
core.swap_node(pos, {name=stID(i-1), param2=me.param2})
return i > 1
end or nil;
_starlit = (function()
local meta = {
mass = def.mass;
reverseEngineer = {
complexity = 1;
sw = def.id .. '_schematic';
recover = def.mat
+ (def.fuel / (i/stages))
+ starlit.type.fab {
time = {
shred = .5;
shredPower = 2;
for k,v in pairs(def.meta and def.meta((i/stages)) or {}) do meta[k]=v end
return meta
starlit.item.sw.link(def.id .. '_schematic', {
name = def.name .. ' Schematic';
kind = 'schematic';
input = def.fab + def.mat + def.fuel;
output = stID(stages);
size = 32e6;
cost = {
cycles = 8e9;
ram = 16e6;
rarity = 1;
mkBurnDown {
id = 'starlit_tech:chem_lamp';
name = 'Chem Lamp';
desc = "A simple carbon-frame chemical light source powered by ambient oxygen. Cheap, quick to print, and biodedragable, without any need for an electric grid or complex power storage mechanism. However, the light only lasts a few days, after which the lamp must be recycled or discarded.";
stages = 12;
glow = 12;
time = 60*60;
mass = 10;
color = lib.color(1,.4,.1);
tile = function(f) return {
lib.image 'starlit-tech-lamp-glow.png'
:blit(lib.image 'starlit-tech-lamp.png')
} end;
fab = starlit.type.fab {
cost = { power = 100 };
flag = { print = true };
time = { print = 5 };
mat = starlit.type.fab { element = { carbon = 4 }; };
fuel = starlit.type.fab { element = { magnesium = 1 }; };
mkBurnDown {
id = 'starlit_tech:chem_radiator';
name = 'Chem Radiator';
desc = "A simple carbon-frame chemical heat source powered by ambient oxygen. Cheap, quick to print, and biodedragable, without any need for an electric grid or complex power storage mechanism. However, the heat only lasts a few hours, after which the lamp must be recycled or discarded.";
stages = 12;
glow = 7;
time = 15*60;
mass = 10;
color = lib.color(1,.4,.1);
tile = function(f) return {
lib.image 'starlit-tech-lamp-glow.png'
:blit(lib.image 'starlit-tech-lamp.png')
} end;
fab = starlit.type.fab {
cost = { power = 150 };
flag = { print = true };
time = { print = 10 };
mat = starlit.type.fab { element = { carbon = 4 }; };
fuel = starlit.type.fab { element = { magnesium = 2, iron = 2 }; };
group = function(f)
if f > 0
then return {radiator=1}
else return {}
ctor = function(pos, f) starlit.region.radiator.scan(pos) end;
dtor = function(pos, f) starlit.region.radiator.unload(pos) end;
meta = function(f) return {
radiator = {
radius = function(pos)
return 2;
radiate = function(rp, pos)
return 15 * f
} end;
core.register_node('starlit_tech:crate', {
short_description = 'Crate';
description = starlit.ui.tooltip {
title = 'Crate';
desc = 'A sturdy but lightweight aluminum storage crate.';
props = { {title='Mass', affinity='info', desc='100g'} };
drawtype = 'nodebox';
node_box = {
type = 'fixed';
fixed = {
.4, .2, .4;
-.4, -.5, -.2;
groups = {
object = 3;
attached_node = 3;
paramtype2 = 'facedir';
tiles = {
_starlit = {
mass = 100;
reverseEngineer = {
complexity = 1;
sw = 'starlit_tech:schematic_crate';
recover = starlit.type.fab {
element = { aluminum = 100; };
time = {
shred = 1;
shredPower = 3;
on_construct = function(pos)
local m = core.get_meta(pos)
local inv = m:get_inventory()
inv:set_size('starlit:contents', 12)
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, luser)
if not luser then return end
local user = starlit.activeUsers[luser:get_player_name()]
user:openUI('starlit:box', 'index', {
{id = 'starlit:contents', pos=pos};
starlit.item.sw.link('starlit_tech:schematic_crate', {
name = 'Crate Schematic';
kind = 'schematic';
input = starlit.type.fab {
element = { carbon = 100; };
flag = {print = true};
time = {print = 25};
cost = {power = 250};
output = 'starlit_tech:crate';
size = 48e6;
cost = {
cycles = 12e9;
ram = 16e6;
rarity = 1;