starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [5320fb7a47]:

To Artifact [3827ce4fcb]:


you can assign two Manual abilities at any given time and access them with the mouse buttons in Psionics mode.

you can select a Psi Maneuver in the Psionics panel and activate it by holding [*Aux1].

a Ritual is triggered directly from the psionics menu. as the name implies, these are complex, powerful abilities that require large amounts of Psi and time to meditate before they trigger, and any interruption will cancel the ability (though it will not restore any lost psi). the most famous Ritual is of course Conjoin Metric, which Starlit astropaths use in conjunction with powerful amplifiers to perform long-distance FTL jumps -- but without centuries of dedication to the art, the best you can hope for if you manage to learn this storied power is to move yourself a few kilometers.

a Contextual ability is triggered in a specific situation, usually by interacting with a certain kind of object. Contextual abilities often require specialized equipment, to the point that many Starlit practitioners maintain their own Psionics Lab.

you can assign two Manual abilities at any given time and access them with the mouse buttons in Psionics mode.

you can select a Psi Maneuver in the Psionics panel and activate it by holding [*Aux1].

a Ritual is triggered directly from the psionics menu. as the name implies, these are complex, powerful abilities that require large amounts of Psi and time to meditate before they trigger, and any interruption will cancel the ability (though it will not restore any lost psi). the most famous Ritual is of course Conjoin Metric, which Starlit astropaths use in conjunction with powerful amplifiers to perform long-distance FTL jumps -- but without centuries of dedication to the art, the best you can hope for if you manage to learn this storied power is to move yourself a few kilometers.

a Contextual ability is triggered in a specific situation, usually by interacting with a certain kind of object. Contextual abilities often require specialized equipment, to the point that many Starlit practitioners maintain their own Psionics Lab.

## legal
starlit source code (*.lua, *.conf, *.txt, *.csd files) is released under the GNU AGPLv3.
assets (images, sounds, models, and anything else in the repo that doesn't qualify as source code) are released under the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
sound files with the prefix `default-` are taken from Minetest Game, whose assets are available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.