Differences From
Artifact [e9756bfa75]:
120 120 color = lib.color(.5, .7, 1);
121 121 biolum = 5;
122 122 leaf = {
123 123 color = lib.color(.6, .8, .8);
124 124 drop = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:moondrop_petal');
125 125 };
126 126 berries = {
127 - desc = "The fruits of the moondrop are not very nutritious, but their peculiar sweet-sour flavor profile makes them one Thousand Petal's great delicacies";
127 + desc = "The fruits of the moondrop are not very nutritious, but their peculiar sweet-sour flavor profile makes them one of Farthest Shadow's great delicacies";
128 128 color = lib.color(1,0,.4);
129 129 nourish = 10;
130 130 hydrate = 0.05;
131 131 taste = 1 * 60;
132 132 mass = 1;
133 133 };
134 134 decoration = {
150 150 color = lib.color(.7, .4, .8);
151 151 drop = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:dustrose_petal');
152 152 };
153 153 decoration = {
154 154 place_on = 'starlit:greengraze';
155 155 fill_ratio = 0.03;
156 156 biomes = {'starlit:forest'};
157 - y_min = -50;
157 + y_min = 0;
158 158 y_max = 50;
159 159 };
160 160 }
161 161
162 162 stalkPlantAuto {
163 163 id = 'starlit_eco:harrowstalk';
164 164 name = "Harrowstalk";
165 165 fiber = simpleDrop(2, 'starlit_eco:fiber');
166 166 seed = {};
167 167 color = lib.color(.3, .2, .1);
168 168 decoration = {
169 169 place_on = 'starlit:sand';
170 170 fill_ratio = 0.03;
171 - biomes = {'starlit:ocean', 'starlit:desert'};
172 - y_min = -30;
171 + biomes = {'starlit:desert'};
172 + y_min = 0;
173 173 y_max = 400;
174 174 };
175 175 }