starlit  Diff

Differences From Artifact [db0300e682]:

To Artifact [6c49562563]:

    86     86   	flush()
    87     87   
    88     88   	for _, i in ipairs(l) do
    89     89   		local bw = w/max
    90     90   		if i.cfg then w = w - rh end
    91     91   
    92     92   		table.insert(bar, {
    93         -			kind = 'button', close = i.close;
           93  +			kind = i.img and 'contact' or 'button', close = i.close;
    94     94   			color = i.color;
    95     95   			fg = i.fg;
    96     96   			label = i.label;
    97         -			icon = i.img;
           97  +			img = i.img;
    98     98   			id =;
    99     99   			w = bw, h = rh;
   100    100   		})
   101    101   		if i.cfg then 
   102    102   			table.insert(bar, {
   103    103   				kind = 'button';
   104    104   				color = i.color;
   105    105   				fg = i.fg;
   106    106   				label = "CFG";
   107         -				icon = i.img;
          107  +				img = i.img;
   108    108   				id = .. '_cfg';
   109    109   				w = rh, h = rh;
   110    110   			})
   111    111   		end
   112    112   
   113    113   		if bar[max] then flush() end
   114    114   	end
   353    353   				local statBars = {'nutrition', 'hydration', 'fatigue', 'morale', 'irradiation', 'illness'}
   354    354   				for idx, id in ipairs(statBars) do
   355    355   					local s =[id]
   356    356   					local amt, sv = user:effectiveStat(id)
   357    357   					local min, max =, user.persona.speciesVariant, id)
   358    358   					local st = string.format('%s / %s', s.desc(amt, true), s.desc(max))
   359    359   					table.insert(tb, {kind = 'hztl', padding = 0.25;
   360         -						{kind = 'label', w=2, h=barh, text =};
          360  +						{kind = 'label', w=2, h=barh, text = lib.str.capitalize(};
   361    361   						{kind = 'hbar',  w=4, h=barh, fac = sv, text = st, color=s.color};
   362    362   					})
   363    363   				end
   364    364   				local abilities = {
   365    365   					maneuver = {};
   366    366   					direct = {};
   367    367   					passive = {};
   370    370   				for i, a in pairs(user:species().abilities) do
   371    371   					local id = 'abl_';
   372    372   					state.abilityMap[id] = a;
   373    373   					table.insert(abilities[a.powerKind], {
   374    374   						id = id;
   375    375   						label =;
   376    376   						desc = a.desc;
   377         -						img = a.img;
          377  +-- 						img = a.img;
   378    378   
   379    379   						-- HACK
   380    380   						color = pptrMatch(user.power.maneuver, {ref=a}) and
   381    381   							{hue = 150, sat = 0, lum = .3} or nil;
   382    382   					});
   383    383   				end
   384    384   				for i, n in ipairs {'maneuver', 'direct', 'passive'} do